单词 | 线程 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 线程 noun —thread n (almost always used)less common: threading n 线程 verb —threads vExamples:多线程 adj—multi-threaded adj 线性方程—linear equation (math.) 短程线—a shortest curve • a geodesic (curve)
(2) 解析结果被表示成一个线程安全 (不变类级)的指令树,单个实例可以在 多 线程 中 任 意重复使用,避免使用重复解析或克隆等性能损耗。 javakaiyuan.com | (2) analytical results are [...] expressed as a thread-safe ( the same class level) of the command tree , a single instance can be repeated in multiple threads , to avoid [...]duplication analysis or [...]cloning using performance loss. javakaiyuan.com |
即使有些终结点可能会被配置成多 线程 的 , 但是这并不意味着某个特定的终结点不会由于接收过量消息而导致性能下降。 infoq.com | Even though endpoints may be [...] configured to be multi-threaded, this does not [...]mean that a particular endpoint cannot fall [...]behind due to an excessive number of messages being received. infoq.com |
无状态会话 Bean 不必担心多线程访问。 huihoo.org | A Stateless Session Bean does not [...] have to worry about multi-threaded access. huihoo.org |
如果创建命令中 包含调试斜线 (/),程序将打印相应的错误消息。 printronix.cn | If the debug slash (/) is included in the [...] Create command, the program prints with any [...]corresponding error messages. printronix.cn |
根据访问 Port 的不同业务逻辑,客户机处理程序可能需要支持 多 线程 执 行。 huihoo.org | Client handlers may need to [...] support multi-threaded execution depending [...]on the business logic which is accessing the Port. huihoo.org |
而MVP的处理器,不同的任务都由不同 的 线程 处 理 ,而不同 的 线程 都 独占享有处理资源(各种缓存)。 icubecorp.com | On MVP, each task has its thread running simultaneously with the threads belonging to the other tasks. icubecorp.com |
它为从用代码打开的窗口上获得句柄提供了支持;为在一个部件层次定位部件提供支持;为在部件中发起事件(例如按一个按钮)以及 以 线程 安 全 方式处理部件测试提供支持。 javakaiyuan.com | It is from the open window with the code you get the handle on providing support; to locate components in a component -level support ; initiating [...] event in the parts (such as pressing a [...] button ) as well as thread-safe approach to [...]component testing to provide support. javakaiyuan.com |
姜显郁的作品通过新媒体艺术的科学艺术手段, 多 线程 地 激 发个人及集体的心理反应。 shanghaibiennale.org | KANG Hyun-wook is an artist who deals [...] with the various agendas to stimulate personal [...]and collective psychology through New Media Art of Science Art. shanghaibiennale.org |
由于减少所有的重要资源(CPU、内存、 线程 、 计 时器、处理器等)的使用,自动处理所有与通信有关的对象,灵活的远程函数(接收任何结构的参数和返回任何其他结构的结果),自动的会话处理(在会话时间内的超时处理)等等这些使得使用RealThinClient组件编写的服务器和客户端更加稳定。 evget.com | Combined with reduced need for all important resources [...] (CPU, Memory, Threads, Timers, Handles, [...]etc), automatic handling of all communication-related [...]objects, flexible remote functions (accept any structure for parameters and return any other structure as a result), automatic session handling (integrated time-out with variable life time) and a lot more, makes writing stable and performant Servers and Clients very easy with RealThinClient components. evget.com |
每个终结点都要有将消息分发给其他终结点的内置能力,一旦任何其他终结点通知分配器(distributor)它有可执行工作的空 闲 线程 , 就 可以运用此能力分发消息。 infoq.com | Each and every endpoint has the built-in ability to distribute [...] messages to another endpoint if any other endpoint notifies the [...] distributor that it has threads available to [...]perform work. infoq.com |
它采用了先进的多线程扫描设计能有效地检测哪个作业准备就绪并迅速调度它们运行。 evget.com | It employs an advanced multi-thread scanning design [...] to efficiently detect what Jobs are ready to run and quickly prepare them for running. evget.com |
公司的软件通过自适应多线程加密专利技术,在服务器层级保护机密数据,使企业能对外围设备以及通过邮件或社交网络发送的信息实施良好的控制。 tipschina.gov.cn | Its software secures and protects [...] confidential data at the server level with patented [...] "adaptive multithreaded encryption" [...]technology, and provides companies with unparalleled [...]control over peripheral devices, as well as information sent via email or social networks. tipschina.gov.cn |
多线程检查 技术,邮件传送占用时间极小。 st.drweb.com | Minimal message delivery time is achieved [...] through multi-thread scanning. st.drweb.com |
多核心处理器可以并行执行多个线程 , 而 分布式缓存和 NoSQL 解决方案通常不会利用这种并行性。 sandisk.cn | Multi-core processors allow [...] parallel execution of multiple threads, yet Memcached [...]and NoSQL solutions typically don't exploit this parallelism. sandisk.fr |
此外,在结合使用 PostScript 中生成多线程问题已得到解决。 tec-it.com | Moreover, a multi threading problem in conjunction [...] with PostScript generation was fixed. tec-it.com |
SoundBridge启动时会运行VDK,后者可以设置操作系统任务并打 开 线程 来 执 行各种操作,比如实时音频转换(音量、音调控制、均衡化)、通知(遥控的中断处理程序)、显示和网络服务等,所有这些都在Blackfin处理器上运行。 analog.com | When SoundBridge boots, it runs [...] the VDK, which sets up operating system [...] tasks and spawns threads to perform various [...]operations, such as real-time audio transformations [...](volume, pitch-shaping, equalization), notify (interrupt handler for remote control), display, and network services, all running on the Blackfin processor. analog.com |
因为多任务操作系统和某些应用软件的设计方法的原因,例如,用于处理用户界面 等异步事件的事件驱动型代码,某些并行处理功能是原生的,但是,这些原生并 行 线程 的 均衡 性通常很差,通常相互关联,只有少 数 线程 可 并 行使用现有多核处理器,然而最终只能发挥双 核以下处理器的能力。 stericsson.com | However these natural concurrent threads are typically very unbalanced - most often they are dependent on each other, and only a few of them make significant parallel use of the available processors, ending up in benefitting from no more than two processors. stericsson.com |
异步 API 方法调用完后会立即返回,而不会阻塞调 用 线程。 developer.mozilla.org | The asynchronous API methods return without [...] blocking the calling thread. developer.mozilla.org |
因为QObject不是线程安全的,我们必须在对象所驻足 的 线程 中 使用此函数;也就是说,你只能将对象从它所驻足 的 线程 中 推 送到其 他 线程 中 , 而不能从其 他 线程 中 拉 回来。 qt-project.org | Since QObject is not thread-safe, we must use it from the thread the object is living in; that is, you can only push objects from the thread they’re living in to other threads, and not pull them or move them around from other threads. qt-project.org |
如果指定的异步下载文件存在,浏览器就会生成新的 Worker 线程。 html5rocks.com | If the specified file exists, the browser will [...] spawn a new worker thread, which is downloaded [...]asynchronously. html5rocks.com |
但由于每个人的目的各有不同,对于一些想直接下载资料的朋友来说,IE的这种“霸权主义”毕竟还是平添了不少麻烦,而且,由于每个文件的大小各有不同,服务器的带宽也不一样,在线浏览的速度一般也不如那些用 多 线程 下 载工具下载完后再浏览的速度快。 oapdf.com | However, the purpose of each person are different, some would like to download data directly to a friend who, IE this "hegemony", after all, added to a lot of trouble, and, because the size of each file are different, the server not [...] the same bandwidth, [...] the speed of online browsing, such as those who are generally not multi-threaded downloading [...]tool with a downloaded after browsing speed. oapdf.com |
此类架构通常是围绕线程或所 谓的非阻塞 IO 而设计的。 html5rocks.com | Such architectures are usually designed [...] around either threading or so called [...]non-blocking IO. html5rocks.com |
如果四线程MVP处理器核心要运算4个任务,整体的输出是与四倍运行时钟频率的单核、 单 线程 处 理 器是相同的。 icubecorp.com | A:Yes and no. If the quad-threaded core has 4 tasks running, then the overall throughput for the 4 tasks is the same as on the single core [...] with four times the clock frequency. icubecorp.com |
答:安装支持超线程技术 的中央处理器之后,BIOS里的 超 线程 技 术选项将会显现。 asrock.cn | Answer:The Hyper-Threading technology option in BIOS will appear only when a Hyper-Threading technology CPU is installed. asrock.cn |
尽管在网络处理时不使用线程是一个很好的主意,它也有一个很大的缺点:如果你没有从socket中尽快地读取数据,内核的缓存将会被填满,数据包可能开始丢失而且传输速率也将迅速下降。 qt-project.org | While not using threads for networking is [...] a very good idea, it has also a major drawback: if you don’t read data from the [...]socket as soon as possible, the kernel buffers will fill up, packets will begin to be dropped, and the transfer speed will decrease considerably. qt-project.org |
这两个3D功能,设计供游戏系统提供新的,第二代英特尔四核心的英特尔Turbo处理器升压2.0和 超 线程 技 术 ,提供英特尔顶级的线性能,速度比前一代的CPU。 technologeeko.com | Both 3D-capable, designed-for-gaming systems feature new, second-generation Intel [...] quad-core processors with Intel Turbo Boost [...] 2.0 and hyper-threading technology that [...]deliver Intel’s top-of-the-line performance [...]that is faster than the previous generation CPUs. technologeeko.com |
高可用性框架含有一个高可用性管理器应用程序接口库,它提供了一种简单 的 线程 安 全机制以确保与高可用性管理器进行通信;还有一个客户机恢复库,能为许多标准 libc 输入/输出运行提供增强型解决方案。 qnx.com | The High Availability Framework includes a HAM API library, which offers a simple, thread-safe mechanism for communicating with the HAM, and a client recovery library, which provides a drop-in enhancement solution for many standard libc I/O operations. qnx.com |
威盛 QuadCore E 系列处理器采用高性能、低功耗的多核架构,可提供出色的 多 线程 性 能 ,支持低功耗的多任务执行、多媒体回放、高运算能力及互联网浏览。 viaembedded.com.cn | Featuring a highly optimized, energy-efficient multi-core architecture, the VIA QuadCore E-Series processor delivers awesome performance across the board for multi-tasking, multimedia playback, productivity and internet browsing in a low power envelope. viaembedded.com |
我们可能假定英特尔的这一决定旨在保护销售其微处理器核心至强 E3-1230 V2 酷睿 i7 [...] 的台式计算机,作为第四代,因为在当前一代,微处理器已变得非常受欢迎的作为英特尔 CPU 能够运行八个线程更经 济的英特尔,其低价格 cannibalizes 到加工的第二和第三代的 [...]CPU 核心 i7。 cn.500gadgets.com | We might suppose that this decision of Intel seeks to protect sales of its microprocessors Core fourth generation as Xeon E3-1230 V2 core i7 for desktop computers, as in the current generation, microprocessors have become very popular [...] by as the Intel CPU capable of [...] running eight threads more economical processing of Intel, whose [...]low price cannibalizes to [...]the of the CPU Core i7 of second and third generation. 500gadgets.com |
例如,某个解决方案通过专属方式使用大小 集群器, 即不是并行处理,而是根据系统总体负荷从一个集群器切换至另一个集群器,以避免智能映射 每个独立软件线程变得 更加复杂,这种方法的缺点是没有并行使用集群器,所以没有发挥多核 处理器的全部潜能。 stericsson.com | For example, one solution is to use the big and LITTLE clusters in an exclusive fashion, i.e. not concurrently, switching from one cluster to the other depending on the overall system load, avoiding the complexities of mapping intelligently each separate software thread. stericsson.com |