

单词 线上查询

See also:


put sth online
go online


consult (a document etc)

查询 n

inquiry n

External sources (not reviewed)

提供线上医典查询、线上考试 、中医书讯、奇文共赏及旧书市场。
Provides on-line medical standard inquires, on-line taking [...]
test, center medical book news, remarkable work to be shared
in appreciation and old book market.
Can be built
[...] to achieve some form online , query management.
已经数字化的所有会议文 件,包括 1946 年至 1993
[...] 年的安全理事会文件的所有六种正式语文文本,现在均 可在联合国正式文件系上在线查阅。
All digitized parliamentary documents, including Security Council documents from
1946 to 1993, in all six official
[...] languages, are accessible online on the Official [...]
Document System (ODS) of the United Nations.
您可以可利用网站管理设备,在样品寄送 上 网 注册样品信息, 线查询 所 有 样品信息及分析结果等。
Register your samples online before sending them then check the consultation [...]
and analysis results on our global technical website.
将提供和改进诸如 WIPO DAS(优先权文件数查询服务)和 WIPO CASE(集查询检索 和审查结果)的共建平台,使其成为全球业务解决方案,这样知识产权局和利益攸关者 就能够在更大程上参与全球网络。
Common platforms such as WIPO DAS
[...] (Digital Access Service for Priority Documents) and WIPO CASE (Centralized Access to Search and Examination results) will be provided and upgraded as global business solutions that can enable IP Offices and stakeholders to participate to a greater extent in global networks.
[...] 各类犯罪包括常规犯罪形式的更加核心的组成部分,针对执法和刑事司法人员 的培训方案需要越来越多地反映一些具体内容,如收集和处理电子证据以预 防、查和打击线上和“线下”犯罪。
Similarly, as electronic evidence becomes an ever more central component of investigations into all types of crime, including conventional forms of crime, there is a need for training programmes for law enforcement and criminal justice personnel to increasingly reflect specific elements such
as the collection and handling of electronic
[...] evidence to prevent, detect and combat both online and “offline” [...]
(e) 上述咨询必须 遵守以下原则:诚意、正当程序,合法性和代表性,文化 间交流和双语性,充分和适当资讯,事先进行,自由参与,法律多元性, 线, 和谐,公布,民族多元性。
(e) Those actions shall be carried out in accordance with the principles of good faith, due process, legitimacy and representativity, intercultural communication and bilingualism, sufficient and adequate information, timely preparation, free participation, legal pluralism, the twin-track approach, coherence, transparency and ethnic pluralism.
[...] 点是运用几种宣传载体来协调开展活动,并可在互联 上查询 所 有 资料:公告、新闻包、新闻公 报、采访录、新版《信使》、图片画廊、展览、录像资料、网络实况,应要求还可提供录像资料。
BPI’s contribution to the implementation of the communication plan is focused on organizing coordinated action through a variety
of communication tools, all available on
[...] the web: press advisories and press kits, [...]
press releases, interviews, the new Courier,
photo galleries, exhibitions, videos, webcasts and videos on demand.
这些讲稿均可在会议的网上查询, 并 将予以出版。
They may be accessed at the Conference’s website and will be the subject of a publication.
[...] 讨论小组开始讨论之前,播放在国际教育局的青年专业人员项目(BRIDGE)范围内制作 的“成功作法”录像资料;在当地“兰色莱芒湖”电视台的协助下,录制了一期(部长 圆桌会议)电视节目;在国际教育大会因特网址上介绍了百项“成功作法”;次日即可 在因特上查询前一 天的会议讨论概要等。
Among the innovations marking this session of the Conference was the substantial use of audiovisual and information and communication technology: an introductory video at the opening and closing meetings; videos on good practices produced under IBE’s BRIDGE project (young professionals) to introduce each of the six workshops; the recording of a television programme (round table of ministers) with the assistance of the local television station “Léman
bleu”; the presentation
[...] of some 100 good practices on the Conference’s website; summaries of the proceedings accessible on the Internet the following [...]
day, and so on.
工作人员用索引卡和打印出的报 告核对参加者的资格,而不是象人们现在可能期望的那样“ 线 ” 查询 电 子 记录。
Staff uses index cards and print-out reports to check the
eligibility of participants instead of having access “on-line” to electronic
[...] records as you would normally expect today.
第四十七届国际教育大会同上届会议一样,大量使用了音像和信息传播技术: 在开幕
[...] 式和闭幕式上播放介绍情况的录像资料;分别在每个专题讨论小组开始讨论之前,播放“良 策”录像资料;每天可在因特 上查询 会 议 讨论概况等。
As during the previous session, the 47th session of the ICE was marked by the substantial use of audiovisual devices and information and communication technologies: an introductory video document at the opening and closing meetings; video documents on good
practices to introduce each of the workshops; summaries of the proceedings accessible
[...] daily on the Internet, and so forth.
通过组线上及线下的 活动,CIC市场营销团队不仅引领着中国网络口碑行业的发展,还帮助CIC巩固在行业内作为研究和 询 公 司 的领先地位。
Through a
[...] combination of both online and offline promotional activities, CIC's marketing team has not only pioneered the growth of China's Internet Word of Mouth (IWOM) industry, but has also helped CIC to retain its position as a leading strategy and research consulting firm.
有意见认为,除了可在万维上查询 的 双 线 要 素 数据集,一个在自愿基础 上建立并维护的空间物体问题国际平台将在确保人类空间飞行和国家飞行任务 的安全方面保持透明度和鼓励建立伙伴关系。
The view was expressed that in addition to two-line element data sets, available on the World Wide Web, an international platform on space objects created and maintained on a voluntary basis would preserve transparency and encourage partnerships for ensuring the safety of human space flights and national missions.
采购了 10 个专业工 具包(软硬件),并随后安装和使用于各就业机构内的求职者自助间。在国家就业局的 网站 www.anofm.md 上,用 户可了解到所提供的服务、按地区分列的空缺职位、现 行就业法律、劳动市场新闻以及线 咨 询 等 信 息。
On the webpage of the National Agency, www.anofm.md, users have the possibility to access
information on
[...] provided services, employment vacancies disaggregated into regions, in force legislation on employment, news on the labour market, as well as on-line consultations etc.
The reports are accessible on the Committee’s web page.
有助于成功举办这届会议的筹备活动包括:出版、在这届国际教育大会期间展示并可 在网上查询各国 部长寄来的 125 篇文稿;依靠教科文组织联系学校网征集到并展出了有关 青年论述会议主题的 1000 多份文稿;124 个会员国寄来的有关教育发展情况的国家报告。
The preparatory activities contributing to the success of the session included: the 125 messages received from ministers, published in printed form, exhibited during the ICE and available on the website; the more than 1,000 messages from young people on the themes of the conference, collected through the UNESCO Associated Schools Network and presented in an exhibition; national reports on the development of education, submitted by 124 Member States.
国际工作人员的工资表、总部及国家 办事处的出差费可在内联上查询, 数 据按月更新。
The salary scale for international staff and travel cost scales for Headquarters and country offices are available on the Intranet and are updated monthly.
公约与建议〉的文本,第 13 号总意见的文本以及一些由执行局作出的与指
[...] 导思想相关的决定的文本(决定 165 EX/6.2 和 167 EX/5.8)可以在教科文组织教育权利网上查询。
The text of the Convention and the Recommendation, of the General Comment No. 13, as well as of the decisions (165 EX/Decision 6.2 and 167 EX/Decision 5.8) taken by
the Executive Board having relevance to the
[...] Guidelines, can be consulted on the UNESCO website [...]
on the Right to Education.
委员会注意到三方委员会 和小组委员会对婚姻登记工作予以监督和 查 , 以 防止童婚登记并对经办人予以 惩处,还注意到开设了家庭询热线 服 务 ,但仍然关注的是,这些措施不够充 分,没有明确地、全面地将临时婚姻现象列为工作重点。
While noting the
[...] monitoring and review by the tri-partite committee and subcommittees of marriage clerks with a view to prevent and punish those registering child marriage and the family counselling help line, it [...]
is concerned that these
measures are insufficient and do not specifically and comprehensively target the phenomenon of temporary marriages.
请注意:通过我们线表格咨询以上 提 及 的任何事宜我们将不予回答。
Please note that we
[...] will NOT respond to inquiries about any of the above-mentioned [...]
matters via the web form.
面对以色列继续违抗法律的行为,各位部 长呼吁国际社会,特别是安全理事会采取紧急行动和实际措施,迫使占领国完 全停止其在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领 上 的 定居活动,并遵守其 在国际法下的所有义务,包括《日内瓦第四公约》、联合国决议、 询 意 见线图在这方面规定的义务。
urgent action and practical measures by the international community, including in particular by the Security Council, to compel the occupying Power to cease completely its settlement campaign in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including
East Jerusalem, and to abide by all of
[...] its obligations under international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, UN resolutions, the Advisory Opinion and its obligations under the Road Map in this regard.
只需通过我们全球的任一销售处联系我们,填写 线 问 询 表 ,或者使用我们的 上 商 店 (仅耗材和备件)。
Simply fill out the form below to reach our regional sales offices, a representative will make contact with you.
他还解释说, 新报告中载有建议的行动计划及以往报告中建议的最新情况,这些材料均可在教科文组织因 特网上查询。
He further explained that the action plans for recommendations contained in the new reports, as well as a status update of recommendations of previous reports, were available on the UNESCO Internet site.
但是,委员会感到遗憾的是,年度报告主要是陈述性的,而在国家、地区和 地方层上,数据的提供、切实性 查询 机 会和交流情况仍然是尚未解决的障 碍,尤其是在保护儿童领域里更是如此。
The Committee regrets, however, that the annual reports are mainly
descriptive and that the
[...] availability, relevance, access and sharing of data at the national, regional and [...]
local levels remains an
ongoing challenge, particularly in the area of child protection.
本组织在目标 3 方面也取得了显著成果,借着 2 月 21 日国际母语日之际,在国际文化 和睦年的框架下在教科文组织总部举办了关于翻译与文化媒介的国际研讨会,该研讨会的具 体内容可在上查询。
Significant progress was made in regard to Objective 3, under which the international symposium “Translation and Cultural Mediation”, was held at UNESCO Headquarters to mark International Mother Language Day (21 February), in the context of the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.
我们根据美国在包括水和食物有关权利在内的经济、社会和文化权利方面的 立场,以及在发展权议上的立 场,解读联合国可持续发展大会的成果文件,美 国的立场见美国国际法惯例摘要第 6 章,查询:www.state.gov/s/l/ c8183.htm。
We interpret the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in the light of United States positions on economic, social and cultural rights, including those related
to water and food, and on the topic of
[...] the right to development, which are stated in chapter 6 of the annual Digest of United States Practice in International Law, available at www.state.gov/s/l/c8183.htm.
联合国驻利比里亚特派团部队将合并地点和基地,转为更机动的态势,并在 特派团军事部门减员的情况下开展工作,以便为该国各地提供安全防护,支持国 家安全部队,与新组建的军队举行联合演习,按照联合国军火禁运豁免规定查 政府 获得的武器和弹药库存,供国家警察使用,开展警戒和 查 行 动 以收回非法 武器,保护联合国和政府所在地点和设施,并定期进行空中和地面巡逻,特别是 对边界沿线和其 他高风险地区进行巡逻。
The forces of the United Nations Mission in Liberia will consolidate their locations and bases, shifting to a more mobile posture and working within the reduced strength of the military component of the Mission, in order to provide a security umbrella throughout the country, support the national security forces, conduct
joint exercises with
[...] the new army, undertake inspections of inventories of weapons and ammunition obtained by the Government in accordance with the exemptions to the United Nations arms embargo for use by the national police, undertake cordon and search operations to retrieve illegal [...]
weapons, protect
key United Nations and Government locations and installations and conduct regular air and ground patrols, in particular along the borders and in other high-risk areas.
公司目前拥有国内先进的过程仪表制造生产线,巨资引进SIEMENS全自动电脑接插件机(SMT)、回流焊机和波峰焊机、美国PVA全自动涂覆线、格林隧道烘干炉、焊接 查线 、 电脑自动测试仪、高精度信号检测仪等加工设备和检测设备,严格按照ISO9000的要求建立质量管理体系,通过基于SPS的柔性生产模式、严格的产品测试手段、高效的ERP生产管理系统,精确控制产品质量,保证产品的出厂合格率在99.8 5% 以 上 , 为 用户及时的提供高品质、高可靠性的产品。
The company now has advanced process instrumentation
manufacturing production
[...] line heavily in the introduction of SIEMENS automatic computer connectors machine (SMT) reflow soldering machines and wave soldering machine, fully automatic PVA coating line, Green tunnel drying furnace, welding inspection line processing equipment and testing equipment, computer automated tester, high-precision signal detector, in strict accordance [...]
with the requirements
of ISO9000 quality management system, through a flexible production model based on the SPS, strict product testing methods, efficient ERP production management system, accurate control of product quality to ensure that the products manufactured pass rate of 99.85% for the user in a timely manner to provide high-quality, high-reliability products.




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