单词 | 纾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 纾 —relieveless common: free from • abundant • at ease • relaxed Examples:纾缓 v—relieve v • alleviate v • relax v 纾缓 n—relief n • ease n 纾解 adj—ease adj
在发生灾难时,企业数据中心将作为危 机 纾 缓 站 点,快速恢复持续性实 质业务。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the event of a catastrophe, the enterprise data centre will act as the crisis mitigation site and provide quick recovery to ongoing substantive operations. daccess-ods.un.org |
人们认识到,在金融危机期间需要纾 缓 资金压力的大部分流动性是通过主要 中央银行的一系列专门安排提供的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is recognized that the bulk of liquidity needed to ease funding pressures during the financial crisis was provided through a series of ad hoc arrangements among key central banks. daccess-ods.un.org |
玛泽建议财政司司长采取一系列的措施,协助香港企业渡过来年的经济难关、加强香港竞争力 及 纾 缓 香 港市民在面对物价上涨的经济压力。 chi.mazars.cn | Mazars proposes the Financial Secretary to implement measures to alleviate the burden of the general public and help businesses tide over the challenging time. mazars.cn |
不 幸的是,自 2008 年以来,一场严重的金融危机暴露 出了国际经济和金融的严重失衡,银行系统近乎崩 溃,亟需采取纾困措施,许多国家的累积主权债务随 之空前增多。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unfortunately, since 2008, a severe financial crisis has exposed the dramatic imbalances of the international economy and finance and, following the near collapse of the banking system and the sheer necessity of a bail-out, has led to an unprecedented accumulation of sovereign debt in many countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
尼日利亚正在扩展其受援自愿遣返者方案, 建立国家移民数据库,制订危机纾解 机 制以减少境 内流离失所,加强有组织劳工制度的管理,从而减 少非正常移徙。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was expanding its Assisted Voluntary Returnees programme, establishing a national migration database, developing risk reduction mechanisms to reduce internal displacement, and strengthening regulation of its organized labour system in order to reduce irregular migration. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,预算案亦提出一些纾缓措 施,响应逼切要求,惟预算案仍需提出更多具体行动方案以支持相关措施。 deloitte.com | While it provides some easing measures to address immediate concerns, the budget needs more concrete action plans to support its measures. deloitte.com |
质地清新的乳液——含有净化肌肤的阿尔卑斯山柳兰 与 纾 缓 肌肤的菩提树,能瞬间镇定受刺激的肌肤、收缩毛孔并改善T字部位的油光,带来清新粉嫩的肤质。 clarinsusa.com | Refreshing lotion — with purifying Alpine Willow Herb and soothing Linden — instantly calms irritations, tightens pores and takes-down shine at the T-zone — ensuring a fresh matte complexion. clarinsusa.com |
美国和欧洲宽松 的货币政策导致过剩的流动资金充斥市场,为正在努 力 纾解 通 货膨胀压力的亚洲金融市场政策制定者带来额外的挑战。 aia.com.sg | The excess liquidity resulting from loose monetary policy in the US and Europe poses an additional challenge for policy makers and financial markets in Asia, which is facing inflationary pressures. aia.com.sg |
认捐会议确认需要 解决目前的人道主义紧急状况,以纾 缓 非洲之角数百万人的痛苦,同时认捐会议 还呼吁国际社会重申其承诺、支持中长期粮食安全战略以及减轻气候变化对非洲 大陆的负面影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | While recognizing the need to address the current humanitarian emergency in order to alleviate the suffering of millions of people in the Horn of Africa, the Pledging Conference also called on the international community to renew its commitments and support medium- and long term strategies for food security, as well as mitigate the negative impact of climate change on the continent. daccess-ods.un.org |
在痛楚部位进行冰敷可纾缓痛楚。 hsbc.com.hk | Applying ice to the painful area may relieve acute pain. hsbc.com.hk |
虽然中国的劳工成本和生产支出持续上升,但由于原材料价格压力有 所 纾 缓 , 令集团的毛利率稳定下来。 vtech.com.cn | Although labour cost and manufacturing overhead in China have continued to rise, the Group’s gross margin has stabilised as raw material price pressure has eased off. vtech.com.cn |
在 2009 [...] 年会议方案中,委员会准备讨论以下问题 : 纾 解 人 道主义和社会经 济困难的必要性,包括巴勒斯坦妇女和儿童的困境,特别是重视亟需支助加沙地 [...] 带的恢复、再建和重建工作;国际社会对保护巴勒斯坦人民承担的集体责任和维 护国际人道主义法的必要性;以色列政治和军事决策者对其在包括东耶路撒冷在 [...] 内的巴勒斯坦被占领土的行动承担的责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its programme of meetings for 2009, the Committee intends to [...] address such issues as the need to alleviate [...]humanitarian and socio-economic hardships, [...]including the plight of Palestinian women and children, with particular focus on the urgent need to support the process of recovery, rebuilding and reconstruction in the Gaza Strip; the collective international responsibility to protect the Palestinian people and the need to uphold international humanitarian law; and the responsibilities of Israeli political and military decision makers for their actions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. daccess-ods.un.org |
为纾缓吉 隆坡众所周知的突发性洪灾问题,马来西亚政府推出了 SMART(暴雨管理和道路隧道)项目。 impeller.xyleminc.com | To counteract Kuala Lumpur’s notorious flash flooding problem, the Malaysian government introduced the SMART (Storm Water Management and Road Tunnel) project. impeller.xyleminc.com |
对于纾缓难 受的肩膀酸痛及肌肉疼痛有明显效果。 cosme-de.com | Outstanding effect against shoulder stiffness and muscular ache! cosme-de.com |
短期内,我们必须采取纾解巴 勒斯坦人民痛苦的 步骤。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the short term, we must take steps to relieve the suffering of the Palestinian people. daccess-ods.un.org |
各国实行财政扩张政策,以实现发展预期,而货 币当局不得不收紧货币政策,以纾缓 通 胀压力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fiscal expansions were sought in order to achieve the development aspirations, while monetary authorities had to tighten their monetary stance to alleviate inflationary pressures. daccess-ods.un.org |
传统上,积雪草因为具有促进伤口愈合 和 纾 缓 的作用而为人们所用。在美容方面,研究人员从积雪草中分离出了某种被称作积雪苷的成分,具有缓解炎症及促进胶原合成的作用。 clarinsusa.com | In cosmetics, research carried out on centella has led to the isolation of certain components called asiaticosides, which have the capacity to soothe irritation and stimulate collagen synthesis. clarinsusa.com |
加强这些支援服务的目的,是 协助残疾人士在轮候住宿照顾服务期间可继续留在家中居住, 并 纾 缓 家 庭照顾者 的压力。 daccess-ods.un.org | These enhanced support services seek to facilitate home living of these persons with disabilities while waiting for residential care services, and help relieve the stress of their family carers. daccess-ods.un.org |
这条铁路线可大大增加过海及沙田至九龙铁路的载客量,而且可疏导铁路乘客 , 纾 缓 港 岛及九龙都会区其他铁路线的压力。 gb.hyd.gov.hk | The line will significantly increase the cross-harbour and Shatin-Kowloon rail capacities and also help to redistribute the flows and relieve the other railway lines in Hong Kong and Metro Kowloon. hyd.gov.hk |
我们爱Drupal主题的设计师,这是一个WordPress主题,作者,因为它使用这方面的经验,以获得最佳Drupal的,尤其是在处理一般的主题, 以 纾 缓。 pro-themes-plugins.com | We love that the designer of this Drupal theme is a WordPress theme author, because it uses this experience to get the best for Drupal, especially with regard to ease of handling general theme. pro-themes-plugins.com |
将各类免税额提高5%,及扩阔税阶由现时的$40,000调至$50,000以协助市 民 纾 缓 通 胀的压力。 chi.mazars.cn | Increase personal and other allowances by 5% for salaries tax and personal assessment; and widen the tax band to HK$ 50,000 from HK$ 40,000 mazars.cn |
司长修订2011-12年度政府的综合盈余为667亿元。在巨额的盈余下,司长提出了一篮子的一次性和经常性的措施来稳定经济和保障民生 , 纾 缓 市 民面对的经济压力。 chi.mazars.cn | With an estimated consolidated surplus of HK$66.7 billion for 2011-12, Mr. Tsang proposed a basket of one-off and recurring measures to stabilise the economy and safeguard people’s livelihood, aiming to help the community facing economic difficulties. mazars.cn |
必须为预防性外交建立 一个总体框架,这是必不可少的,以 纾 缓 政 府间气候 变化专门委员会报告中所述的后果,尤其是为最脆弱 的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | An overall framework for preventive diplomacy is indispensable to alleviate the consequences outlined in the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, especially for the most vulnerable countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
)也为中小型企业提供咨询服务,协助中小型企业提高生产力,提高创新能力,鼓励他们使用政府资金, 以 纾 缓 部分的咨询、培训、品牌和创新措施的实施成本。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | The centre also encourages SMEs to tap Government funding to alleviate part of their cost in consultancy, training, branding and in the implementation of innovative measures. english.sccci.org.sg |