

单词 纺锤形

See also:

fine woven silk fabric
spin (cotton or hemp etc)

hammer into shape
weight (e.g. of a steelyard or balance)

External sources (not reviewed)

全新一代GS350 F SPORT搭载LEXUS雷克萨斯全纺锤形格栅 家族设计,与L型LED日间行车灯共同勾勒出张力十足的车头布局。
The new generation GS350 F SPORT is equipped with the Lexus signature spindle grille, and it forms a highly dynamic [...]
front layout along with
its L-shaped LED daytime running lights.
新款LX570采用LEXUS雷克萨纺锤形前格 栅,该设计是LEXUS雷克萨斯全新家族式脸谱,日后将应用于全系车型。
The spindle grille design used on the front grid of the LX570 represents the new face of the Lexus family, and will be extended to the entire Lexus product line in the future.
肉质,白色,粉红色,红色的根,黑色, 线 形 , 纺锤形 的 或 ,长圆形,或球状, 1-100 * 0.5-45 [...]
Roots fleshy, white, pink, red,
[...] or black, linear, fusiform, oblong, or globose, [...]
1-100 × 0.5-45 cm, sometimes slender and not fleshy.
花冠裂片长圆形或长圆状披针形,5-10毫米; 柱头头状花序长具喙的纺锤形。
Corolla lobes oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 5-10 mm; stigma
[...] head long beaked or fusiform.
划时代设计纺锤形前进 气格栅,镌刻出LEXUS雷克萨斯家族的鲜明印记。
The epoch-making design of Spindle Grille engraves the distinctive mark of the LEXUS family.
贯穿首尾的流畅线条张力十足,肩线从车头标志 纺锤形 格 栅的边缘向后延伸,宛如离弦之箭在空气中留下一道痕迹,充满蓄势待发的力量感。
The shoulder line, starting from the edge of the
[...] symbolic spindle-shaped grille, extends [...]
backwards, just like a trace left by a flying
arrow in the air that is full of simmering power.
全新一代GS450h采用了LEXUS雷克萨斯全新标志性设计元素— 纺锤形 格 栅,尽显LEXUS雷克萨斯豪华轿车的王者风范。
The new generation GS450h adopts Lexus' all-new signature design spindle grilles, which gives the GS450h the powerful presence appropriate to a Lexus performance sedan.
新款 LX570采用LEXUS雷克萨斯全纺锤形前格 栅,进一步突出了其家族特征。与此同时,最新添置的越野转向辅助功能、全方位多地形路况监视器以及多地形选择系统等诸多智能科技配置,大幅提升了LX570的越野性能。
Not only does the new LX570 further
[...] accentuate the signature family front design with [...]
its spindle grille, but it also provides
a full range of new intelligent features such as Off-road Turn Assist, Multi-Terrain Monitor and Multi-Terrain Select that significantly boost its cross-country capabilities.
[...] ES是LEXUS雷克萨斯秉承创新造车理念研发出的一款全新中级豪华轿车,配备全新家族前 纺锤形 格 栅 ,并应用先进的空气动力学设计出优雅动感的外观。
Mr. Toshio Asahi, Chief Engineer of the new generation ES, said, “The upgraded ES is a brand new C-Class luxury sedan shaped by Lexus’ creative approach to car making. The
new generation ES is
[...] equipped with the distinctive Lexus signature front face spindle grille, and [...]
an elegant and dynamic
exterior design featuring advanced aerody
纺锤形的或 披针形,有时卵球形的或圆筒状; 无籽的瓣裂的裂片1-3.5毫米; [...]
忍受种子的上部裂片 ( 1-)3-15(-25) * (0.5-)0.7-1.3(-1.5) 厘米,木栓质,圆形的在基部,圆锥状的在先端,在种子,不具肋之间的平滑的或很少稍缢缩;
花柱1-4厘米; 柱头全缘。
Fruit fusiform or lanceolate, [...]
sometimes ovoid or cylindric; seedless valvular segment 1-3.5 mm; seed-bearing distal segment
(1-)3-15(-25) × (0.5-)0.7-1.3(-1.5) cm, corky, rounded at base, conical at apex, smooth or rarely slightly constricted between seeds, not ribbed; style 1-4 cm; stigma entire.
雄花 花梗1.2-1.8(-3.1)厘米;
花被片4,橙红,无毛,外部2卵形, 1.1-1.8 * 1.1-1.4 厘米,内部2椭圆形或狭倒卵形, 1.1-1.8 * 0.9-1.1 厘米; 雄蕊约100或更多;
[...] 花丝2.5-3.5毫米,愈合至一半; 花纺锤形的到 倒卵球形,1.5-4.5毫米,先端渐尖。
Staminate flowers: pedicel 1.2-1.8(-3.1) cm; tepals 4, orange-red, glabrous, outer 2 ovate, 1.1-1.8 × 1.1-1.4 cm, inner 2 elliptic or narrowly obovate, 1.1-1.8 × 0.9-1.1 cm;
stamens ca. 100 or more; filaments 2.5-3.5 mm, fused to
[...] halfway; anthers fusiform to obovoid, 1.5-4.5 [...]
mm, apex acuminate.
全球顶级豪华汽车品牌LEXUS雷克萨斯携旗下配备全 纺锤形 格 栅设计的9大系列11款车型璀璨亮相2012北京国际车展,其中包括全球首发的全新一代豪华轿车ES250,首次在中国展出的全新一代ES350和ES系列中的全新成员ES300h混合动力车型。
Lexus made a dazzling appearance at the 2012 Beijing International Automotive Exhibition with 11 models from 9 series, featuring Lexus' new spindle grille design.
卵子激活后纺锤体的 长轴开始旋转,旋转 纺锤 体 长 轴与质膜垂直时, 纺锤 丝 牵引着染色体向两极移动,外侧的染色体由质膜包 形 成 第 一极体。
After the egg was activated, the meiotic apparatus rotated and positioned perpendicularly to the egg surface.
中国对虾卵子排放时处于第一次成熟分裂的中期,卵子入海水时 纺锤 体 的长轴与质膜平行。
The eggs of the prawn at spawning were in meiotic metaphase Ⅰ stage, and the meiotic apparatus was positioned parallel to the egg surface.
因为在试用期的力量是伟大的的售货员,降低价格足够 锤形 成。
The hammer is formed because the evaluation [...]
period the force is great saleswoman, lowering prices enough.
正如克里希纳一般是在以儿童为图像形式的崇拜,他的导流很大程度上在于他 形 象 , 纺 上 衣 ,和其他游戏摆动亲爱的孩子的心。
As Krishna is generally worshipped in the form of a child-image, his
diversion consists largely in the swinging
[...] of his image, the spinning of tops, and other [...]
games dear to the heart of the child.
细胞在分裂时,由于被称为纺锤体 ” 的胞内细胞器的作用,作为遗传信息主体的染色体被平均分配到子细胞中。
During cell division, chromosomes that carry genetic information are segregated equally to each daughter cell by an intracellular machinery called "mitotic spindle".
此次,东北大学大学院生命科学研究科的杉本亚砂子教授与理化学研究所发生・再生科学综合研究中心的户谷美夏研究员等在以线虫胚为模型的分子成像解析中,发现了称为Aurora A的蛋白质使纺锤体的主要构成成分微小管安定这一现象对 纺锤 体 的 形 成 极 其重要。
A research group led by Professor Asako Sugimoto at Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University and Research Fellow Mika Toya at RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology have revealed through molecular imaging analysis of embryos of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as model systems that it is important for the assembly of mitotic spindle that a protein called Aurora A stabilizes microtubules, which are primary components of mitotic spindle.
本校生命科学研究科的水野健作教授和千叶秀平(博士后期课程研究生)等组成的小组,新发现了人体细胞的体细胞分裂中,作为调节染色体 纺锤 体 赤 道面上的排列和均等性分配的蛋白质NDR1、Furry、MST2。
This time, a group of Syuhei Chiba from Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University (a graduate on Doctoral course) and Professor Kensaku Mizuno found proteins, such as NDR1, Furry, and MST2, to arrange chromosome alignment on the equator of the spindle, and ensure equal segregation during human cell division.
卸下罩 时,入口止回阀组件 (R)应滑落到填料活塞柱
[...] (24)上;如果滑动困难,用橡锤 重 敲罩 (19) 的顶部以松开。
Intake check valve assembly (R) should slide down priming piston rod
(24) as you remove housing; if it does not slide easily, firmly tap on top of housing (19)
[...] with a rubber mallet to loosen.
纺锤真鲨目前没有生境被破坏的威胁,因为它不像其他鲨鱼鱼种那样,在 近岸生活或利用沿海环礁湖作为幼鱼区或哺育区。
The silky shark is at present relatively free of threats in the form of habitat destruction because it does not live inshore nor does it utilize coastal lagoons as pupping or nursery areas like other shark species.
使用橡锤轻击 活塞柱,直至活塞不高于 主圆筒的表面。
Gently tap displacement rod with a rubber mallet until piston is flush or below the surface of the main cylinder.
同时,他们 还喜欢按心中的简单想法把东西穿起来。他们喜欢把有大孔的立方体或木板用绳穿起来, 喜欢粗钝纺锤针、木或塑料用品和编织绳或塑料绳。
They continue to enjoy the same materials as before, but they also enjoy lacing objects with simple purposes in mind, lacing cubes or boards with large holes, thick blunt spindles, wood or plastic materials, and braided or plastic string, and stringing large beads (see also Media Play: Arts & Crafts).
同时工程实践的真实环境让学生接触社会,了解社会, 思想上得锤炼, 技能得以提高,增强社会责任感。
At the same time, the real-life engineering practice makes students understand the society better, substantiate their thoughts, improve their skills and strengthen their social responsibilities.
传统模态分析包括从用冲击锤进行 的简单测试,到用数百个响应加速度传感器和多个激振器对大型复杂结构进行的测试。
Classical Modal Analysis ranges from simple mobility
[...] tests with impact hammers to multi-shaker [...]
testing of large and complex structures
with hundreds of response accelerometers.
PPS纤维通常为形,但东洋纺的三叶 形 P P S 纤 维制成的纱和基布的强度较高,还可有效增加表面积,提高过滤效率及空气透过率,减少压力,达到减少能源消耗,延长清洗滤袋的时间间隔;此外也有中空和带状形式的PPS纤维。
PPS fibers are usually round, but Toyobo trefoil PPS fiber yarn and [...]
fabric have high strength, can effectively increase
the surface area, improved filtration efficiency and air permeability, reduce stress, can reduce energy consumption to extend the interval cleaning time for filter bag; There are also hollow and ribbon PPS fiber.
随着科学技术的不断发展和现代化建设对高新技术产品需求的不断扩大,特别是在我国加入WTO,织机技术市场竞争日趋激烈的 形 势 下 ,志 纺 机 既 面临着难得的发展机遇,也面临着严峻的市场挑战,我们将以市场为导向,严格按照ISO9001质量管理体系的要求,进一步提高产品研发、生产的质量,建立健全多层次、全方位的产品销售和售后服务体系,使公司逐步发展成为在国内知名,在国际织机技术方面有一定影响的高新技术企业。
With the constant development of science and technology and constant enlargement of the demand of the new high-tech product
of modernization construction,
[...] Especially under the new situation that our country joins [...]
WTO, the technological market competition
of the loom is fierce day by day, Zhicheng faces the rare development opportunity , faces the severe market challenge too, We will regard market as the direction , will rigorously enforce it according to the request for ISO 9001 quality management system, Improve the quality of the research and development of products, production further, set up and amplify the multi-level, omni-directional sale of goods and service system after sale, Make the company develop into at home progressively well-knownly , there are news high-tech enterprise of certain influence in international loom technology.
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
另外, 为了避免通过锤定音的的终结性评价去评估教师和学校所带来的负 面影响, [...]
这里特别强调衡量学校优劣的标准不能单纯地依赖于从学生终结性评价 中得到的数据,考察学生成绩的标准应该来自方方面面所收集的证据而不是每个学 生的考试结果。
Further, to avoid the negative
[...] consequences of using high stakes summative [...]
assessment to evaluate teachers and schools it
is argued that systems of school accountability should not rely solely on the data derived from summative assessment of pupils and that the monitoring of standards of pupils’ achievement should be derived from a wider base of evidence than test results from individual pupils.




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