

单词 纸包不住火

See also:

包住 v

wrap v



External sources (not reviewed)

不要用纸板或不导电的材料住地板 ,否则会中断接地的连 续性。
Do not cover the floor with cardboard or any non-conductive material [...]
which would interrupt grounding continuity.
這些事情是天下的人都會知道的,“紙 包不 住火的”
The public will know
[...] why. For paper cannot hold fire out.
这些措包括特派团营地服务商店小 卖部和自助餐不再使 用塑料袋;将空调设在摄氏 26 度的经济温度和下班后强 制关闭空调;双面打印节约纸张;一个非政府组织为回收瓶子和马口铁罐,并收 集切碎纸张做成烧火做饭 的煤球;采购再生纸用于打印,发放少于要求 15%的 供应物,将其作为“绿动溢价”;特派团还参加了海滩清理和世界环境日活动。
The measures included the withdrawal of plastic bags from the Mission’s Post-Exchange commissary facility and cafeteria; the use of air conditioners at the economical temperature level of 26 degrees Celsius and their compulsory shut-down after working hours; paper saving, resulting from double-sided printing; [...]
the collection,
by a non-governmental organization, of bottles and tin cans for recycling, and shredded paper for the fabrication of cooking briquettes; the procurement of recycled paper for printing and the issuance of 15 per cent less than requested stock as a “greening premium”; as well as the Mission’s participation in beach cleaning and World Environment Day activities.
目前,学习咨询人在代表本组织出差时,领取同工作人员一样的每日生活津贴。 在新政策下,他们将领取一笔包干费用以支付其差旅和住宿费用,而适用于工作 人员的其他差旅政策包括关于出 住 宿 标准的规则,都 不 再 适 用。
Under the new policy, they would be provided with a lump sum to cover their travel and accommodation costs, and the other travel
policies applicable to
[...] staff members, including the rules on the standard of accommodation for travel, would [...]
no longer apply.
传统的“ 摔炮” 类装置是纸包裹的 装置,并采用极少量 火 剂 , 投掷到 地面后,会发出轻微的音效。
The traditional “snapper” type
fireworks devices are
[...] manufactured using a small paper wrapped device with minimal pyrotechnic [...]
composition that produces a small
audible effect when thrown on the ground.
不過, 我想對局長說,他現時想要用遮醜布亦已遮不住了,因為金融海嘯已把 問題完全吹散,所有醜態及醜聞均已全部暴露,因此,要遮也遮不住, 所謂紙包不住火的。
The Secretary should positively encourage the banking sector to be frank and give the public an account of the whole incident in an open and aboveboard manner in order to make matters clear to the victims and the general public.
尼泊尔代表团要求秘书处帮助最不发达国家和内陆国家:开展关 于主要出口和进口产品的分析;采用单一窗口和开展 纸 化 贸 易,并 推动关于执行贸易和过境便利化措施的公私营部门的对话;提供一个 讨论共同关切问题的平台,尤其将重点放在 不 发 达和内陆国家;促 进农业和林业产品的价值链包括诸 如“一个村庄一个产品”方案那 样的举措,以及就有机食品认证和动植物卫生检疫标准领域,传播相 关信息和提供能力建设援助;加入《亚太贸易协定》;以及在总体上 援助制订适当的贸易和投资政策的努力。
The delegation of Nepal requested that the secretariat help least developed and landlocked countries to conduct analyses on key export and import
products; introduce single
[...] windows and paperless trade and the promotion of public-private sector dialogue on the implementation of trade and transit facilitation measures; provide a platform to discuss issues of common concern, paying particular attention to least developed and landlocked countries; promote value chains for agricultural and forestry products, including under initiatives [...]
such as “one village
one product” programmes; and disseminate information and provide capacity-building assistance on the certification of organic foods and sanitary and phytosanitary standards, accession to APTA and overall assistance in the formulation of appropriate trade and investment policies.
安理会还在关于“恐怖主义行为对国际和平与安全造成的威胁”的第 1373/2001 号决议(安理会“关切地注意到国际恐怖主义与跨国有组织犯罪、非法 药物、洗钱、非法贩运火、非法运送核、化学、生物和其他潜在致命材料之间 的密切联系”和关于“非洲和平与安全”的主席声明(S/PRST/2009/32)(“安理 会关切地注意到,贩毒和相关的跨国有组织犯罪在一些情况下 包 括 非 洲在内的 世不同区 域的国际安全构成严重威胁”)中,从较广泛的角度审议了该问题)。
It also considered the issue from a more general point of view in resolution 1373 (2001) on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts (the Council “[noted] with concern the close connection between international terrorism and transnational organized crime, illicit drugs, money-laundering, illegal arms-trafficking, and illegal movement of nuclear, chemical, biological and other potentially deadly materials”) and in the presidential statement (S/PRST/2009/32) on peace and security in Africa (“the Security Council notes with concern the serious threats posed in some cases by drug trafficking and related transnational organized crime to international security in different regions of the world, including in Africa”).
(c) 以色列有关黎巴嫩南部人口稠密地区正在囤积 火 并 建 立军事设施的 指控是完全不住脚的,其目的是便于以色列把无辜的黎巴嫩平民作为攻击目 标,并为其屠杀和恐怖行动进行辩解,而不顾禁止把平民作为目标并将此行为定 [...]
(c) Israel’s claim that weapons
[...] are being stockpiled and military installations established in densely populated [...]
civilian areas in South
Lebanon bears no relation to the truth, and is designed to facilitate the targeting by Israel of innocent Lebanese civilians and justify their slaughter and terrorization, regardless of the fact that all international instruments and, in particular, those of international humanitarian law, outlaw and criminalize the targeting of civilians.
经社会通过了关于推进纸化贸易和跨境确认电子数据和单据以实包容的 和可持续的区域内贸易便利化的第 68/3 号决议。
The Commission adopted resolution 68/3
[...] on enabling paperless trade and the cross-border recognition of electronic data and documents for inclusive and sustainable [...]
intraregional trade facilitation.
用双手住分纸模块并找出两个旁侧弹片,该弹片从分纸模块的后部 稍微突出。
Hold the separation module in both [...]
hands and locate the two side tabs which protrude slightly from the back of the separation module.
重大计划 I 的设计围绕两项双年度部门优先事项:a)
[...] 依照全球行动计划(GAP),领导全民 教育工作,确保全球工作的协调,支持会员国实现全民教育(EFA)目标及与教育相关的千年发展 目标(MDG);b) 在各级教育中,通过正规和非正规终身学习的方式,促进扫盲和有质量的全民教 育,尤其要侧重非洲、性别平等、 不 发 达 国家、小岛屿发展中国家 包 括 原 住 民 在 内的最脆弱社 会群体以及可持续发展教育。
Major Programme I is articulated around two biennial sectoral priorities: (a) leading education for all (EFA) by ensuring global coordination and providing assistance to Member States to achieve the EFA goals and education-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) based on the Global Action Plan (GAP); and (b) fostering literacy and quality education for all at all levels and through both formal
and non-formal lifelong
[...] learning, with particular emphasis on Africa, gender equality, youth, LDCs and SIDS, as well as the most vulnerable segments of society, including indigenous peoples, and [...]
education for sustainable development.
主席,雖然不同意梁振英指局長 住 在 火 星 上,但我認為局長確不像我 們般能瞭解民間疾苦和市民的感受。
President, although
[...] I disagree with LEUNG Chun-ying's remark that the Secretary lives on Mars, I really think the Secretary does not understand [...]
the plight of the people
and their feelings like we do.
(b) 并包括(a)款(1)或(2)项内所提到的任何武器的任何部件,此 种武器经过设计或改造以减低武器发射时所造成的噪音火 光的任何配件,以及任何利用炸药操作的电动工具、冲头、杆 柄或利用空气压力操作的任何扣钉枪;(c) 但不包括仅为发射 鱼叉而设计或改造的器具。
(b) and includes any component part of any weapon mentioned in paragraph (a) (i) or (ii), any accessory to any such weapon designed or
adapted to diminish the
[...] noise or flash caused by firing the weapon and any explosive-operated power tool, ramset, hilt or fire nail fastener operated by pneumatic pressure; (c) but does not include an article designed [...]
or adapted solely
to discharge a spear for spearing fish.
包不住火,假民主不能欺騙人,只有真普選才可以 長治久安。
Only genuine democracy can bring about long-lasting prosperity and peace.
這很簡單,因為曾蔭權的老闆和曾蔭權兩位, 他們均是你的老闆,一定要托樓市,一定要令公屋居 住 得 不 安 心 ,像火 宅之人”般,即猶如家中有火警般。
This is simple. For Donald TSANG's boss and Donald TSANG ― actually the two are your bosses too ― are bent on propping up the property
market and they must make
[...] PRH tenants live exactly like the meaning of the title of the Japanese movie "House on Fire", overwhelmed [...]
by anxiety and fear.
空气的神,因陀罗,像火星,同时,战争的全能的神,谁设置从云蛇安比(或Vritra),加快雨免费;楼陀罗,后来被称为湿婆众所周知,世尊,神破坏性的雷暴,恐惧对象的恶人,而是一个好的朋友,烈火,火之神,朋友和人,在他们 住 的 恩 人 火 炉 , 同时向神祈祷和祭祀;索玛,那个神秘的植物,其inebriating汁是如此亲爱的神和人的神,抵挡疾病,传授实力和确 不 死。
the god of the air, Indra, like Mars, also, the mighty god of war, who set free from the cloud-serpent Ahi (or Vritra), the quickening rain; Rudra, later known as Siva, the blessed one, the god of the destructive thunderstorm, an object of dread to evil-doers,
but a friend to the
[...] good; Agni, the fire-god, the friend and benefactor of man, dwelling on their hearths, and bearing to the gods their prayers and sacrificial offerings; Soma, the god of that mysterious plant whose inebriating juice was so dear to the gods and to man, warding off disease, imparting strength and securing immortality.
(三 ) 當局會否考慮更不符合現行火規 格 的公 住 宅 大 廈防煙 門;若會,何時更換;若不會,原因是甚麼?
(c) whether the authorities will consider replacing
[...] the public housing blocks smoke doors which do not conform to the current fire resistance specifications; [...]
if so, when
they will be replaced; if not, the reasons for that?
[...] Weinmann向我阐释他这个项目时我并没能感同身受他的兴奋劲--不就是一款纯粹的设计钛腕表,一件奢侈品却用一份 纸包 装 而 不 是 用 木盒子,只在博物馆或者Embassy店内售卖而不是全球售卖--“你感觉还好吗?
I honestly confess, that I didn’t share the excitement of Beat Weinmann from Embassy initially, when he explained his project to me back in 2005 – a purist
design watch in titanium for a museum,
[...] a luxury product wrapped in a newspaper instead [...]
of a wooden box, sold only in the
museum and at Embassy instead of global distribution – “Well, are you feeling ok?
如果您以垂直角度送进数张照片,传输 不 会 启 动,可能需要铺开底部照 片,使纸滚筒可以住第一 张照片然后开始进纸处理,或使用倾斜按钮 将扫描仪旋转至向下位置。
If you are feeding several photos in the upright
position, and the
[...] transport will not start, it may be necessary to fan the bottom photos so the feed rollers can grasp the first photo [...]
and start the feeding
process, or use the tilt button to rotate the scanner in the downward position.
不是纸包的砂炮或含有雷酸银之外其它 化学成份的装置要求按照 49CFR173.56B 取得 EX 号。
NOTE: Snappers that are wrapped in other than paper wrapping or [...]
devices containing chemical composition other than silver
fulminate require an EX approval under 49CFR 173.56B.
安全理事会在第 1973(2011)号决议第 4 段中授权已通知秘书长的,以本国名 义或通过区域组织或安排,与秘书长合作采取行动的会员国在第
1970(2011)号决 议关于武器禁运的第 9
[...] 段的基础上,采取一切必要措施,保护阿拉伯利比亚民众 国境内可能遭受袭击的平民和平民 住 区 , 包 括 班 加西,同 不 在 利 比亚领土的 任何地方派驻任何形式的外国占领军,并请有关会员国立即向秘书长通报根据本 [...]
By paragraph 4 of resolution 1973 (2011), the Security Council authorized Member States that had notified the Secretary-General, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, and acting in cooperation with the Secretary-General, to take all necessary measures, notwithstanding paragraph 9 of resolution 1970 (2011) concerning the arms embargo, to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of
attack in the Libyan Arab
[...] Jamahiriya, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of [...]
any form on any part
of Libyan territory, and requested the Member States concerned to inform the Secretary-General immediately of the measures they took pursuant to the authorization conferred by that resolution which would be immediately reported to the Security Council.
可在会议举行的当天仅根据实际需要印 纸 页 文 件, 不 是在 文件分发台予以分发。
Hard copies of documents could be made available on the day of the meeting only by print-on-demand rather than being distributed at the documents desk.
[...] 能执行本协议下规定的任何义务,双方均无需承担任何责任,此处所指 的情包括但不限于火灾、洪水、爆炸、事故、不可抗力、已宣布或未 宣布的战争或暴乱、罢工、停工或工人的其他集体行为、政府行为、原 [...]
Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement if and to the extent such delay or failure is due to circumstances
beyond the reasonable control
[...] of such party, including but not limited to, fires, floods, explosions, [...]
accidents, acts of God,
declared and undeclared wars or riots, strikes, lockouts or other concerted acts of workmen, acts of government, shortages of materials, inability to obtain export or import licenses, or any provision or requirement of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations or any government act, omission, regulation, license, order or rule.
此外,艾默生过程管理的调压系统技术和艾默生 住 解 决方案的储物架, 分别被采用于“鸟巢”主要仪器及设施 内 , 包 括 主 火 炬 和 国家体育场接待中心。
Emerson Process Management pressure
regulating systems and
[...] Emerson Commercial & Residential Solutions shelving systems were adopted in the major devices and facilities, including the Olympic flame and the reception [...]
center of the National Stadium.
目前,部分持續進行的工包括: 檢討小販發牌政策;檢討公眾街巿設施的供應;監察魚類統 營處在屯門興建新的魚類批發巿場的工作;推展增加政府墳場、靈灰 安置所火葬場 的計劃;尋求和推廣處理骨灰的其他方法( 例如闢設新 的紀念花園) ;統籌各部門的控蚊工作,以防止登革熱和日本腦炎的爆 發;將所有鄉村旱廁改為沖水式廁所;以及修訂《除害劑條例》以加 強對除害劑進出口和使用的管制。
Some of the current initiatives which require
[...] on-going efforts include: review of the hawker licensing policy, review of the provision of public markets, monitoring the construction of a new wholesale fish market at Tuen Mun by the Fish Marketing Organisation, taking forward plans to provide more government cemeteries, columbaria and crematoria, identifying [...]
and promoting the use
of alternative options for human ash disposal (e.g. provision of new Gardens of Remembrance), co-ordinating the anti-mosquito efforts of various departments to prevent the outbreak of dengue fever and Japanese Encephalitis, converting all aqua privies into flushing toilets, and amending the Pesticides Ordinance to strengthen control on the import and export as well as the use of pesticides.
特别是在某些极端分子开始使用暴力并且拿起武器 对抗维护法律和秩序的部队和危害无辜叙利亚公民,
[...] 包括和平示威者之后,对我们和世界各地的许多观察 人士都已经清楚的一点是,一些方面 包 括 就 在这个 安全理事会中的一些方面,正企图以 不住 脚 的借口 和理由为由让安理会介入与安理会的作用、职责或授 权毫不相关的国内事态发展。
Ever since the start of the recent internal events and developments in Syria, and especially after certain extremists started using violence and bearing arms against the forces of law and order and innocent Syrian citizens, including peaceful demonstrators, it has become clear
to us and to many
[...] observers throughout the world that some parties, including in this very Security Council, are attempting to [...]
involve the Council,
on the pretext of weak excuses and justifications, in internal developments that have nothing to do with its role, responsibilities or mandate.
经核算,按每天收发各1,000页为基数,分别按耗材成本(打印纸、传 纸 , 不包 括 墨盒等消耗)、通信成本(平均一页传真收发所耗的通信时间、长途费)及人工成本三方面计算,传真机一天的成本是1,310元,一年的成本则是478,150元,传真服务器一天的成本是250元,一年的成本则是91,250元。
If the daily fax volume is 1,000 pages, according to the consumables costs (printing paper, fax paper, excluding ink cartridges [...]
and other consumption),
communication costs (the average time spent to send or receive one-page fax, long distance cost) and labor costs, the daily cost of a business fax machine is HK$1,572, and subsequently the annual cost of a business fax machine is HK$573,780.
针对这一要求,秘书长在 2004
年关于大会和会议管理部改革问题的 报告中提出了 5
[...] 种替代交付方法,即用数字录音来取代简要纪录;减少有权获得 简要记录的机构数目;只制作英文简要记录;限制简要记录的长度;只提供原始 记录电子副本(而不提供纸质副 本)(A/59/172,第 53-63 段;另见 A/60/93)。
In response to that request, the Secretary-General, in his report in 2004 on the reform of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, suggested five alternative methods of delivery, namely, replacing summary records with digital recordings; reducing the number of bodies entitled to summary records; producing summary records
in English only;
[...] restricting their length; and providing only electronic (rather than paper) copies of the original records [...]
(A/59/172, paras. 53-63; see also A/60/93).




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