

单词 纸制品

See also:

classifier for documents, letter etc


paper products

制品 n

goods n

External sources (not reviewed)

最近,他已经制定并施行Pira纸张前景研究项目,评估一系列因素对于诸 纸制品 未 来 需求的影响。
More recently, he has developed
Pira's Paper Perspectives research program to assess the impact of a range of issues and trends
[...] on future demand for paper products.
我们成立了两家利奧公司—利奧纸品有限公司是利奧的第二家公司,集中经营图书 纸制品。
We established two new Leo companies
[...] ~ Leo Paper Products, our second company, focused on books and paper products.
要使用新纸制品,请运行 Livescribe™ Desktop,接入 Livescribe [...]
smartpen,然后接受更新 smartpen 固件和软件的选项。
To use the new paper product, run Livescribe™ [...]
Desktop, dock your Livescribe smartpen, and accept the option to update your
smartpen firmware and software.
因为 Livescribe™ 点纸制品对 L ivescribe smartpen 的使用很重要,因此您应该对它们的管理和存档 [...]
Because Livescribe™ dot paper Products are important to working [...]
with your Livescribe smartpen, you should learn to manage and archive them.
它还阐述采购或“绿色采购”的环保问题以及产品寿命周期或“可持续性原 则”。58 《准则》援引联合国每年更新的《产品综合清单》,也具体指导如何
[...] 避免使用有害于环境的产品,比如石棉和有毒物质,并且指明商品和服务供应的 规格,包括家具和制品、纸和 纸制品 、 办 公设备、以及地毯和纺织品。
It also addresses the environmental aspects of procurement or “green procurement” and product life cycles or the “sustainability principle”.58 Referring to the “Consolidated List of Products” updated yearly by the United Nations, the Guidelines also provide specific guidance on how to avoid the use of products harmful to the environment, such as asbestos and toxic substances, and give specifications on the supply of
goods and services, including
[...] furniture and wood products, paper and paper products, office equipment, [...]
and carpets and textiles.
通过这项计划,Big C购物中心回收到的牛奶饮料纸包装通过彩乐板 等工艺,加工成屋顶棚和其纸制品。
Under the Green
[...] Roof project, used cartons dropped at Big C stores are transformed into roof sheeting (polylaminate) and paper products.
[...] 避免使用有害于环境的产品,比如石棉和有毒物质,并且指明商品和服务供应的 规格,包括家具和制品、纸和 纸制品 、 办 公设备、以及地毯和纺织品。
It also addresses the environmental aspects of procurement or “green procurement” and product life cycles or the “sustainability principle”.58 Referring to the “Consolidated List of Products” updated yearly by the United Nations, the Guidelines also provide specific guidance on how to avoid the use of products harmful to the environment, such as asbestos and toxic substances, and give specifications on the supply of
goods and services, including
[...] furniture and wood products, paper and paper products, office equipment, [...]
and carpets and textiles.
然 后将 Livescribe™ 点纸制品的一页或多页用作输入板。
You then use one or more pages from a
[...] Livescribe™ dot paper product as the tablet.
由于法院在如何处理“应有的注意责任” 以遵守新植物条款方面还缺乏确定性,林 品 和 纸制 品公司 因该持有谨慎态度,利用可获得的多种工具、技术和资源进行评估,并从通常较长并且复杂的供应链中清 [...]
Given the lack of certainty around how the court might view due care with respect to the new plant provisions, it would be
prudent for companies dealing in
[...] forest and paper products to avail themselves of the wide [...]
array of tools, technologies and
resources available for assessing and eliminating illegal wood from often long and complicated supply chains.
塔州对华主要出口商品包括矿石与精矿、金属与金属制品、海鲜、木材 纸制品 , 以 及纺织品、纺纱与纤维。
Tasmania’s main exports to China
include ores and concentrates, metals
[...] and metal products, seafood, wood and paper products, and textiles, [...]
yarn and fabric.
经过30年的发展,温州的包装工业已经从一个分散的辅助性行业,发展成为包括包装机械、包装材料、包装印刷、塑料包装 纸制品 包 装 等细分领域在内的、门类齐全的现代包装工业体系。
Following 30 years of development, the city’s packaging industry has grown from an auxiliary trade to a modern industry that encompasses various fields, including packaging machinery, materials, printing, plastic packaging and paper packaging.
制品和纸制品用户 保证他们促进了森林的可持续管理。
Assurance to purchasers of
[...] wood and paper products that they are [...]
promoting the sustainable management of forests
[...] “纸张税”,通过提供可回收制作可燃砖的破碎办公纸向当地一个非政府组织提 供支持,与军卖部承包人合作, 纸制品 或 可重复使用的购物袋取代塑料袋和泡 沫食品盒。
These include a “paper tax” on photocopier paper distribution, the provision of support to a local non-governmental organization (NGO) by supplying shredded office paper to be recycled into burnable briquettes, and work with the post
exchange contractor in replacing plastic bags and styrofoam food
[...] containers with paper alternatives or reusable [...]
shopping bags.
三、将六氟铝酸钠等化工制品、香水等香化洗涤、聚氯乙烯等塑料、部分橡胶及其制品、毛皮衣服等皮革 品 、 信封 等 纸制品 、 日 用陶瓷、显像管玻壳等玻璃制品、精密焊钢管等钢材、单晶硅片、直径大于等于30cm的单晶硅棒、铝型材等有色金属材、部分凿岩工具、金属家具等商品的出口退税率提高到13%。
Third, the hexafluoro sodium aluminate and other chemical products, fragrances such as incense and washing,
PVC plastic, some
[...] rubber and its products, leather products, such as fur clothing, envelopes and other paper products, daily-use ceramics, glass, etc. Picture Tubes products, [...]
precision welded
steel pipes, such as steel, silicon, greater than or equal to 30cm in diameter rod of single crystal silicon, aluminum and other non-ferrous materials, some of rock tools, metal furniture, such as commodities, the export tax rebate rate to 13%.
本公司展览厅SAKURA TERRACE还被评为墨田区3M运动的“名片 纸制品 博 物 馆”。
Our showroom, called Sakura Terrace, was recognized as the
[...] “Business Card and Paper Product Museum” as part [...]
of the Sumida 3M Movement.
烟台天麟包装机械有限公司座落于拥有坚实工业基础的海滨城市-中国烟台。   烟台天麟包装机械有限公司是专业的瓦楞纸箱 纸制品 包 装机械制造商,主营全套瓦楞纸板生产线、单瓦纸板生产线和裱纸机等的设计、研发、生产和销售。
Tianlin Pack is specialized in the designation, development, manufacturing and sales on the corrugated machinery including the complete set corrugator line, single faced production line and laminating machine.
用于防止所有者在将 Livescribe 纸制品拆开之前开封的椭圆纸制封条。
An elliptical paper seal that prevents a
[...] Livescribe paper product from being opened [...]
until detached by the owner.
由此, Livescribe
[...] smartpen 与 已存档的实体 Livescribe™ 点纸制品不再保持互动性。
Because of this, the Livescribe smartpen will no longer interact with the physical
[...] Livescribe™ dot paper product that you archived.
未来,京山轻机将始终结合变化的市场需求,不断呈现专业 纸制品 包 装系统解决方案,通过提供值得信赖、技术领先 纸制品 包 装机械设备以及专业化服务,帮助客户取得成功。
In the future, Jingshan
[...] Light Industry Machinery will always keep pace with changes in market demand and present efficient, cost-effective paper product packaging system [...]
[...] 产品的“状态” (纸张类型和序列号),因此您可了解与使用中的同一状态 纸制 产 品 的 潜 在冲突。
This label defines the product’s status (paper type and
series number), so you can be aware of potential
[...] conflict with paper products of the same status [...]
that are already in use.
烟台天麟包装机械有限公司是专业的瓦楞纸箱 纸制品 包 装机械制造商,主营全套瓦楞纸板生产线、单瓦纸板生产线和裱纸机等的设计、研发、生产和销售。
Tianlin Pack is specialized in the
[...] designation, development, manufacturing and sales on the [...]
corrugated machinery including the complete
set corrugator line, single faced production line and laminating...Tianlin Pack is specialized in the designation, development, manufacturing and sales on the corrugated machinery including the complete set corrugator line, single faced production line and laminating machine.
虽 然 只 有 锯 木 厂 的 木 屑 被 用 于 制 浆 , 但 在 生 产 纯 的 或 混 合 的 硫 酸 盐 浆 制 造 特纸 制 品 时 , 其 优 异 的纤 维 结 构 仍 是 人 们 所 追 求 的 。
Although only sawmill
[...] residues are used in pulping, its excellent fiber morphology is sought after in the production of pure or mixed kraft pulps for the manufacture of specialty paper products.
目前,全市共有各类包装企业5000多家,规模以上包装企业1300多家,其中包装机械制造企业148家,食品饮料包装制造企业151家,制药包装企业276家, 纸 、 纸制品 生 产企业145家,塑料包装企业429家,包装印刷企业185家。
Of these, 148 are packaging machinery producers, 151 are food and beverage packaging manufacturers and 276 produce pharmaceutical packaging.
该技术可供分选例如家庭废物、工业聚合物 纸制品 、 铝 等金属废物、玻璃和废弃汽车的多种混合电子垃圾。
This technology enables sorting of many different input streams such as household waste, polymers, paper, aluminum and other metals, glass and complex material mix from electronic waste or scrapped cars.
功能性印刷的实现需要与多方技术跨范畴结合应用,并了解各种技术结构性能,当然也配合我们的核心业务相关的应用,直接整合到我们 纸制品 、 礼 品及赠品、智能标签、智能包装等。
business, those printing techniques and effects
will be directly applied to and integrated
[...] with our paper products, gifts and premiums, [...]
smart labeling, functional packaging and so forth.
两个升降机作水平安 装,另两个竖直安装,移动切纸器,以此来 制成 品纸的厚度。
Two jacks are mounted horizontally and two vertically, to move the slice
[...] body, which controls the thickness of the finished paper product.
其中包括对复印纸销售实行纸 张税”;向当地一个非政府组织提供支持,提供切碎的办公用纸,供回收制造可 燃煤球用;执行秘书长将办公室空调设定在摄氏 24
[...] 度的倡议;与军人服务社承 包商合作,纸制替代品或可 重复使用的购物袋替代塑料袋和发泡胶饭盒。
These include a paper tax on photocopier paper distribution, support to a local non-governmental organization by providing shredded office paper to be recycled into burnable briquettes, following the Secretary-General’s initiative in setting office air conditioners at 24 degrees Celsius, and working with the post
exchange contractor in replacing plastic bags and styrofoam
[...] food containers with paper alternatives or reusable [...]
shopping bags.
尼泊尔代表团要求秘书处帮助最不发达国家和内陆国家:开展关 于主要出口和进口品的分析;采用单一窗口和开展 纸 化 贸易,并 推动关于执行贸易和过境便利化措施的公私营部门的对话;提供一个 讨论共同关切问题的平台,尤其将重点放在最不发达和内陆国家;促 进农业和林业产品的价值链,包括诸如“一个村庄一个产品”方案那 样的举措,以及就有机品认证 和动植物卫生检疫标准领域,传播相 关信息和提供能力建设援助;加入《亚太贸易协定》;以及在总体上 援制订适 当的贸易和投资政策的努力。
The delegation of Nepal requested that the secretariat help least developed and landlocked countries to
conduct analyses on key
[...] export and import products; introduce single windows and paperless trade and the promotion of public-private sector dialogue on the implementation of trade and transit facilitation measures; provide a platform to discuss issues of common concern, paying particular attention to least developed and landlocked countries; promote value chains for agricultural and forestry products, including under initiatives such as “one village one product” programmes; and disseminate information and provide capacity-building assistance on the certification of organic foods and sanitary and phytosanitary standards, accession to APTA and overall assistance in the formulation of appropriate [...]
trade and investment policies.
不论是纺织品、洗涤和清洁卫生品 、 纸 浆 、 石油、乳液或药品、农业化学、食品、生物技术、还是发酵或废水处理——SILFOAM®、SILFAR®和PULPSIL®能为各个应用领域提供理想的 制 发 泡系统:可用于液体和固体介质,有粉末、混合物、自分散系统或乳液等多种形式。
and PULPSIL®provide the ideal foam-control system for any application: in liquid and solid media or in powder, compound, self-dispersing and emulsion form.
面对全世界日益严重的气候环境与能源问题,悠果深刻意识到自己身上所肩负的义不容辞的社会责任,并一直积极坚持在产品设计生产的每一个环节传达健康环保的绿色理念,在现有的产品中,我们将环保材料应用在可能的方方面面,包括绿色无污染的无纺布袋,涂鸦、纤雅等系列 品 使 用的PPE环保材料,及各种环 纸制 材 料 包装,用于皮革收纳包的Fenice环保边油涂料等,并且还在积极不断深入研究更多更有效的环保产品与科学环保的生产方式。
In the face of the growing world of climatic environment and energy problem, Yogo deeply aware of the bounden duty of social responsibility, and has been actively adhere to convey the environmental concept in every step of production, in existing products, we're going environmentally friendly materials where possible all aspects, including non-polluting nonwoven bags, Graffiti, Delicate series using of
PPE environmental
[...] protection packaging materials, and a variety of environmentally-friendly paper packaging, processing leather case by using the [...]
Fenice environmental finishing
oils, etc. and is still actively continue to delve into the more environmentally friendly products more effectively and scientific environment-friendly mode of production.




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