

单词 纷至沓来

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一个在球场上和人生路途上都奋勇不懈的战士,FC 巴塞罗那队的前锋梅西,胜利与荣耀 纷至沓来。
A fighter on the football field and in life, the FC Barcelona striker’s list of victories
[...] and honors is growing longer by the day.
Circles Event Café开放式厨房的设置,吸引着众多美食爱好 纷至沓来 , 是婚礼承办、休闲餐饮的理想之选。
When it comes to engaging, casual dining, Circles Event Café captivates food lovers with its fascinating open-theatre kitchens.
随着大量跨国企纷至沓来,将 使当地市场充满巨大的商业潜力。
The market here offers a huge potential with the entrance of numerous foreign multinationals.
中国市场一直保持着惊人的发展速度,尤其是在过去四年间,各种新的参与者和供应商从世界各个角 纷至沓来。
The market in China has been growing extremely fast especially during the
[...] past four years, with new players and new suppliers coming from every corner.
自 1 月 12 日以来,世 界各地向海地人民提供的援 纷至沓来。
Since 12 January, offers of
[...] assistance to the Haitian people have come from all [...]
首批1,000台具有全新突破设计的沃尔沃V60插电式混合动力车被预售一空,该车甚至还未进入销售商的展厅,下一年度的订单就 纷至沓来。
The projects, supported by the Swedish Energy Agency and the EU, encompass three potential technology combinations.
澳大利亚志愿组织与澳大利亚国 家银行结成伙伴,管理因 2011 年昆士兰洪灾纷至沓来的帮助。
Volunteering Australia partnered with the National Australia Bank to manage the outpouring of offers of assistance in connection with the flood disaster in Queensland in 2011.
之后,来自俄罗斯上流社会的订 纷至沓来 , 如 Alexander Dolgourouky王子、Wladimir皇族大公爵、Chouvalov女伯爵、Wassiltchikoff公主和Bariatinsky公主等,都曾向品牌订制钟表。
The first step was to be followed by numerous models ordered by the Russian elite: Prince Alexander Dolgourouky, His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Wladimir, Countess Chouvalov, Princess Wassiltchikoff, Pricess Bariatinsky and many other customers right through to the present day.
随着胜诉的消息全球范围内广泛铺开,“信任”所引导的消费意愿明显增强,原先流失的客户、经销商纷纷主动与宏源接洽商谈合作事宜,销售量迎来了爆发式的增长,国内与国际150多个国家的订 纷至沓来。
What’s more, it won the credit of clients towards the enterprise brand and products quality. “Trust” strengthens the consumption willingness, so regular clients and dealers of over 150 countries began to actively negotiate with Hongyuan for business.
過去 10 年 間 , 我們亦 看 到 跨 國公司至 沓 來 。
And in the past decade we have also seen an influx of international companies into Hong Kong.
但在尝试解决该问题的过 程中,东盟在印尼领导下已经为处理 来 类 似 纠纷 设置了一套方案。
But in trying to resolve it, ASEAN, under Indonesia’s leadership, has laid out a methodology for dealing with future disputes.
事實上,條例自 2005年 6月 29日通至今才生效,是沓太久 而太遲實施。
In fact, that the Ordinance is about to come into operation after its passage on 29 June 2005 means the delay is far too long and its commencement has come far too late.
相关荣誉纷沓而至:2010年,华为名列财富500 强第397 位,在FastCompany 的世界“最具创新公司”排名中名列第5 位。
And the accolades continued to roll in – during 2010, Huawei was ranked at number 397 in the Fortune 500, as well as being ranked number 5 in the Fast Company list of the world’s ‘Most Innovative Companies’.
利用LP97的玻璃自转图案、三面棱镜、五面棱镜或TECHNOBEAM的三维立体艺术造型在舞台上投射出超乎寻常的大面积光斑,光斑中不时的变换自由飘动的美丽图形,通过镜片扫描,图形由内而外,由 至 高 的 扫动,与背立面投出的光束层叠分合,在空中构造出色彩 纷 、 扑面 而 来 各 式 造型。
Glass using LP97 rotation pattern, three prisms, five-sided prism or TECHNOBEAM three-dimensional artistic design on the stage projected extraordinary large spot, the spot from time to time of transformation free flowing beautiful graphics, scanning through the lens, graphics
from the inside,
[...] the sweep from low to high, and the back facade cast beam stacked division, constructed in the air, colorful, blowing all kinds of shapes.
2009 年 6 月,美国国际贸易委员会发表了一份关于向古巴出售农产品的报 告,承认限制两国之间贸易的因素包括:古巴进口商支付条件困难;由于 Alimport 公司的官僚增加了储存或滞港费用;需要前往古巴的出口商获得许可证的程序复 杂沓;对 古巴商人的旅行限制;美国法律对停靠古巴港口的外国船只的惩罚; 古巴政府从某些国家的采购是出于地缘政治考虑。
In June 2009, the United States International Trade Commission published a report on sales of agricultural products to Cuba in which it was recognized that the constraints on trade between the two countries included: difficult payment terms for Cuban importers; additional costs incurred by Alimport for storage or demurrage owing to bureaucratic obstacles; the complex and drawn-out licensing process for exporters who need to travel to Cuba; travel restrictions affecting Cuban negotiators; and penalties under United States law for foreign ships that have docked in Cuban ports and for the Cuban Government’s purchases from certain countries for geopolitical considerations.
75 对真相与和解委员来说, 要从相关各方获得信息 阻力重重。实情调查小组委员会主席宋差·洪拉厄承 认一方面一些红衫军追随者认为委员会不过是政府 的工具,而另一方面政府的配合也常常 沓 迟 缓
Somchai Homla-or, head of its subcommittee on fact-finding, admitted that some Red Shirt supporters view the commission as a government tool, while
应对工作越是沓,其有效性越打折 扣。
The more drawnout the response the less likely it is that it will be effective.
TiVo Inc.公司开发与战略高级副总裁Naveen Chopra表示:“随着TiVo继续拓展全球市场,我们 来 越 专 注于同康纳斯这样的领先服务商合作,让它们能够更加容易和快速地使用我们的产品,同时避免采用 沓 耗 时 的解决方案而影响我们推广目标的实现。
As TiVo continues to expand its global distribution, we are increasingly focused on teaming with leading players like Conax that make it easier and faster to implement our products while avoiding cumbersome, time consuming approaches that slow our deployment objectives," said Naveen Chopra, Senior Vice President, Corporate Development & Strategy, TiVo Inc"Conax's strategy complements ours in that we share a commitment to reduce time to market and are passionate about the strategic importance of a superior consumer experience.
傳單接下來又這樣寫:“1999年,董建華‘殺局’,把財政獨立、行 政自主的市政局廢掉,弄得今天衞生,民康體等與市民息息相關之事 務,區議會既無置喙1 餘地,又缺乏市政局付諸實行,沉淪於官僚體 制,沓播弄
Next, the leaflet continues like this, "In 1999, TUNG Chee-hwa has "slain" the municipal councils and abolished the Urban Council, which was financially and administratively independent, and this resulted in the inability of the District Councils to have any say1 in such matters as hygiene, recreation and sports, which are closely related to the public, and there was no Urban Council to implement such matters.
我们相 信,在各个层次上消除贫困和饥饿,打击不平等现象,对于为所有人创造更加繁 荣和可持续的来至关重要。
We believe that eradication of poverty and hunger, as well as combating inequality at all levels, is essential to create a more prosperous and sustainable future for all.
虽然科特迪瓦难民大都已返回科特迪瓦,剩下难民中有相当 一部分人,尤其是民兵成员和前巴博政权在政治上的积极支持者,不愿返回家园, 应该从他们认为他们在科特迪瓦西部的安全受到的威胁和实际受到的威胁以及 有土地保有权纷的角度来看待 这一问题。
While recognizing that the majority of Ivorian refugees have returned to Côte d’Ivoire, the resistance of significant portions of the remaining refugees to return home, and especially militia members and politically active supporters of the former Gbagbo regime, should be seen in the light of perceived and real threats to their security in western Côte d’Ivoire, as well as land tenure disputes.
通过展现对保护世界非物质文化遗产的共同愿望和普遍关注,全球各 纷纷 动员 起来,不 断加强对各自文化表现形式、知识与技巧的实践与传播。
Demonstrating the universal will and common concern to safeguard the world’s intangible heritage, communities all around the world have been mobilized to continue and reinforce the practice and transmission of their cultural expressions, knowledge and skills.
中国移动利用其行业影响力说服工信部介 来 调 解 这一 纷 , 工 信部反 来 也 把另两家电信公司中国电信(HKEx: 728; NYSE: CHA)和中国联通(HKEx: 762; NYSE: CHU)拉进来讨论,似乎在这件事上支持中国移动。
China Mobile used its industry clout to convince the MIIT to step in to mediate the dispute, and the regulator in turn also dragged the nation’s other 2 telcos, China Telecom (HKEx: 728; NYSE: CHA) and China Unicom (HKEx: 762; NYSE: CHU), into the discussions.
在为联合国工作 人员建立了强化的、结构上分散的和综合统一的非正 式司法系统,并将重点放在预防、处理和解决 纷后 三来,已经取得的很大成就,也汲取了很多教训, 尽管在一些方面仍需要作出调整。
Much had been achieved and many lessons learned in the three years since the establishment of a strengthened, decentralized and integrated informal justice system for United Nations staff, with an emphasis on conflict prevention, intervention and resolution, though in some areas adjustments were still needed.
这将导致来 2 至 3 年在所有的多国办 事处所在国家里具有国家存在(通过 [...]
CTAs 的主要项目)、加强与这些国家的其他联 合国机构的合作,并在此领域里产生更加显而易见和切实的影响。
This should lead, over the
[...] coming two to three years, to country presence [...]
in all cluster countries (via CTAs leading sizeable
projects), strengthened cooperation with other United Nations agencies in these countries, and more visible and tangible impact in the field.
来至关重 要的是各国应达成协议,同意按照《国际卫生条例》(2005 年), 共享病毒样本和突发疫情的其他资料和数据;建立协调的长期筹资机制以援助穷 国;确保世卫组织和联合国合作伙伴及时获得所需资源,以便履行该条例规定的 义务。
Essential for the future are States reaching agreement on sharing samples of viral and other materials and data on outbreaks, in line with the International Health Regulations (2005); establishing coordinated long-term financing mechanisms for supporting poorer countries; and ensuring that WHO and United Nations partners have the resources they need, on a timely basis, to fulfil their obligations under the Regulations.
大会为满足秘书处来 3 至 5 年 的信息和通信技术需要而通过的总体 战略,将借助对本组织的运营至关重要的 3 个全组织范围的战略方案来实 施,即:(a) 资源管理,满足各行政小组管理财务、人力、物力和其他资 源等方面的需要;(b) 知识管理,满足实务和其他部门管理其非结构化 信息的需求;(c) 基础设施管理,由信息和通信技术专家提供数据中 心、通信和服务台服务。
The overall strategy adopted by the General Assembly for meeting the Secretariat’s information and communications technology needs over the next three to five years is to be implemented through three strategic Organization-wide programmes critical to the operation of the Organization, namely: (a ) resource management for the needs of administrative groups in managing financial, human, physical and other resources; (b ) knowledge management for addressing the needs of substantive and other departments in managing their unstructured information; and (c ) infrastructure management for information and communications technology specialists in providing data centres, communications and help desks.
事实上,鉴于即将到来的挑战,在来 5 至 10 年 ,高级监测和评价干事应 继续在帮助多边基金更高效、有效地开展工作方面发挥极为重要的作用,具体方法是,通 [...]
过为多边基金战略规划、优先事项确定以及预算分配工作提供反馈意见;以及帮助多边基 金进行学习并逐步进入变革时期,确保对氟氯烃淘汰活动管理可能带来的新挑战做出有效 的体制和组织应对。
In fact,
[...] in view of the coming challenges the [...]
role of the Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer should continue to be
of great importance over the next 5-10 years to help the Multilateral Fund work more efficiently and effectively, by providing feedback for Multilateral Fund strategic planning, priority setting and budget allocation; and helping the Multilateral Fund to learn and evolve in a period of change, ensuring effective institutional and organizational responsiveness to the new challenges that the HCFC phase-out management may present.




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