

单词 纵剖面

See also:


longitudinal adj
vertical adj

剖面 n

section n

cut open

External sources (not reviewed)

承传传统工法所制的弯木是取薄薄的秋田杉木 纵剖面 加 以 煮沸、使之变软,再将其弯曲成圈,再以樱树皮束紧。
Magewappa" is a traditional craft in which thinly cut pieces of cedar are boiled until then soften and then bent, before being finally secured with birch.
这个基本选项,在 1996
[...] 年确定,曾经参照新近得到 的地质和岩土数据加以修订,并在项目全面评价的框架内进行评价,这项评价可 能引纵剖面和功能设计方面的改变。
This basic option, identified in 1996, has been revised in the light of newly acquired geological and geotechnical data and evaluated within the framework of
an overall evaluation of the project, which could give
[...] rise to changes in the longitudinal profile and functional design.
存在差异说明管制不够和(或)没有遵守非消耗性财产管理政策和程序,这可 能使近东救济工程处在库存和供应 面 出 现 操 纵 库 存 、错误或欺诈情况。
The existence of discrepancies was an indication of inadequate controls and/or non-adherence to policies and procedures in relation to
non-expendable property
[...] management, which exposed the Agency to possible manipulation of [...]
inventories, error or fraud in inventory and supplies.
經 建議修 訂後,各
[...] 項設施的估計總樓面面積/可容 納人數 ,以及中心剖 面 圖 , 分別載 於附件 2(b)和 [...]
附 件 2(c)。
The estimated gross floor area/capacity of facilities [...]
and a building section based on the proposed revision are at Enclosure
2(b) and Enclosure 2(c) respectively.
将被标定的数字水平仪放置在小角度检查仪工作台的平工 面 上 ,使 其 纵 向 与 数字水平仪的 纵向一致,然后将控制盒的插头插入水平仪的手把上。
Put the digital level meter being
scaled on the level working table of the small angle inspection
[...] instrument, make its vertical direction to be same [...]
as that of the
digital level meter, then insert the plug of the control box into the handgrip of the level meter.
關於第 (c)項 ( 土方及斜坡工程) ,總費用增加 560 萬元,是由於擋
[...] 土牆的設計需予更改,以配合實際地 剖面 , 並 應付較預計惡劣的土 質狀況。
As regards Items (c) (earthworks and slopeworks), the total increase of $5.6 million is due to changes in
the design of the retaining walls to suit
[...] the actual ground profile and overcome [...]
the unexpectedly poor sub-soil conditions.
海洋法专家咨询机构与海洋 事务和海洋法司密切合作,已举行 10
[...] 次会议,并完成了关于如下三份文件的工 作:海委会海洋技术转让标准和准则、海委会适用《联合国海洋法公约》第二四 七条的程序以及执行海委会大会关于在阿尔戈方案框架内布放公 剖面 浮 标的 第 XX-6 号决议的导则。
The Advisory Body of Experts, working in close cooperation with the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea has held 10 meetings and concluded work on three documents: IOC Criteria and Guidelines on Transfer of Marine Technology; Procedure for the Application of article 247 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea by the IOC; and Guidelines for the implementation of
resolution XX-6 of the IOC
[...] Assembly regarding the deployment of profiling floats in the high seas within the framework [...]
of the Argo programme.
请注意,安全螺母 (28)有一个稍大的六角形和一个比调节螺母 (30) 薄剖面。
Note that the jam nut (28) has a slightly larger hex and a thinner profile than the adjustment nut (30).
(b) 对有关酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚的所有指控, 以及凡是有合理的理由认为已发生此种行为的,均采取一贯、果断和切实有效的 措施,将其交由独立的国内主管部门做出迅速、有效、公正的调查;追 纵 容、 下令、容忍或实行此种行为的人员的责任,包括那些业已查明发生这种被禁行为 的拘留场所的管理人员的责任,并将其绳之以法、按罪行的严重程度相应惩处; 并在这面注意 《有效调查和记录酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处 罚的原则》以及经过更新的通过打击有罪不罚行动保护人权的成套原则是防止和 打击酷刑的有效手段
(b) To take persistent, determined and effective measures to have all allegations of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment investigated promptly, effectively and impartially by an independent, competent domestic authority, as well as whenever there is reasonable ground to believe that such an act has been committed; to hold persons who encourage, order, tolerate or perpetrate such acts responsible, to have them brought to justice and punished in a manner commensurate with the gravity of the offence, including the officials in charge of the place of detention where the prohibited act is found to have been committed; and to take note, in this respect, of the Principles on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the updated set of principles for the protection of human rights through action to combat impunity as a useful tool in efforts to prevent and combat torture
同样,还举行了关于更新全国化 剖面 图 和升级布隆迪化学产品管理数据库 [...]
Working sessions were also held on the updating of the
[...] national chemical profile and the development [...]
of a database for chemical management in Burundi.
换句话说:只剩下30%的功率用来航行、 纵 和 面 对 风浪时的动态定位。
In other words: Only 30 percent is left for sailing, maneuvering and dynamic positioning
[...] of the vessel against wind and waves.
在这方面,我们还敦促联合国会员国再次承诺实现关于普遍获得生殖健康的 千年发展目标具体目标,其中包括:根据知情选择理念,提供可获得、廉价、适 当、优质的生殖健康服务,尤其在初级保健 面 ; 提 供关于性健康和生殖健康(包 括计划生育)的教育和资料;提供有重点的切实产前护理;提供孕产妇营养方案; 控制传染性疾病;提供充足的分娩协助,以避免过度采 剖 腹 产 、外阴切开手术、 使用催产素及其他医疗程序,提供妇科紧急护理;为怀孕、生产和堕胎并发症提 供转诊服务;产后护理和计划生育。
In this connection, we also urge UN Member States to reaffirm their commitment to achieving the MDG target on universal access to reproductive health, which includes, based on the concept of informed choice, the availability of accessible, affordable, appropriate and high-quality reproductive
health services,
[...] particularly in the context of primary health care; appropriate education and information on sexual and reproductive health, including family planning; focused and effective prenatal care; maternal nutrition programs; control of infectious diseases; adequate delivery assistance that avoids excessive recourse to Caesarean sections, episiotomy, [...]
administration of
oxytocin, and other medical procedures, and provides for obstetric emergencies; referral services for pregnancy, childbirth and abortion complications; and post-natal care and family planning.
在这面,区域内那纵容对索马里的入侵和统治及其给索马里人民带来的 痛苦的各国政府,或那些因狭隘的自身利益或不了解情况而选择保持沉默的各国 [...]
In this connection,
[...] Governments in the region that are either condoning the invasion [...]
and domination of Somalia and the sufferings
meted out to its people or that have chosen to keep silent, for reasons of narrow self-interest or due to lack of information cannot, ultimately, shrug their responsibilities.
或尚未充分开展基于权利的宣传;和对公共和私 营领域结构性的不平等和各权力 面纵 横 交 错的复杂关系置若罔闻,始终是性和 性别歧视的根源。
Challenges include: a lack of overall societal transformation; inadequate provision of access to justice; the absence and/or insufficiency of the rights-based discourse when addressing the killings of women; and the blindness to structural inequalities and the complex intersecting relations of power in the public and private spheres, which remain the root causes of sex and gender discrimination.
剖面浮标 和卫星观测 资料一道,这些资料对于更好地评估地区尺度和全球尺度的海洋-大气气体 通量、浮游植物生产力和海底作用过程(地球物理学和生物学过程)至关重 要。
Calibration of satellite data with in situ data is very important in the highly variable coastal zone.
最先进的模式是全三维模式,它可计算沉积物向岸/离岸运移 剖面 变 化 及沿岸沉积 物沿岸运移速度。
This schematic reflects the context of limited-area numerical models used to predict changes in properties and processes.
如果想要剖面不在數據庫中剖面 計 算 不適合,你可以輸入自己 剖面 屬 性
If the desired profile is not included in the database and calculated profiles also do not fit, your own static values of the profile can be entered.
监测系统与数据记录 仪连接,显示土剖面不同 部位在整个灌溉季节的水分状况。
The system can be linked to data loggers to show the water moisture in different
[...] parts of the soil profile for the whole [...]
irrigation season.
蒸汽加工,最初是作为种花替代品广泛提供的,现在使用不广泛,主要是因为燃 料费用和锅炉在整个土剖面中达到充分加热而需要的运行时间很长。
Steaming, initially offered widely as an alternative for flowers, is not in widespread use, mainly due to fuel
costs and the length of time the boilers need to run in order to achieve sufficient
[...] heating throughout the soil profile.
行预咨委会注意到,模块化的下一阶段将于 2011
[...] 年第三季度开始,其重 点是伙食供应;港口业务和调度控制; 面 和 空 中运输 纵 深 外地和短期部署支 助;战略沟通(见 A/65/643,第 29 段)。
The Advisory Committee notes that the next phase of modularization will begin in the third quarter of 2011, focusing on
catering, port operations and
[...] movement control, ground and air transportation, support to deep field [...]
and short deployments, and
strategic communications (see A/65/643, para. 29).
即使还没有创建正确的印刷方向,也比创建一个新的页面设置快得 多,但您需要检查是否已经使图像(横向时)按 面 高 度居中或(旋转 纵 向 时) 按面长度 居中(请参见页面设置一节)。
Even if you do not have the correct Press orientation already created, it will still be much quicker than creating a New Page Setup, however you will need to check you have centered the image appropriately (see section on creating Page Setups).
普遍同意纵向一体化面的成 功故事表明,如果有适当的政策支持,初级商品能够为整个价值链上广 泛的利害关系方带来持续利润和象样的收入,从原始生产到最后消费。
It was generally agreed that
[...] the success stories in vertical integration had demonstrated [...]
that commodities could generate
sustained profits and decent incomes for a wide range of stakeholders along the value chain, from primary production to final consumption, if supported by appropriate policies.
在张家界澧水特大桥建设过程中,路桥集团第八合同段大胆开拓创新,在国内大跨径悬索桥施工中首创“高塔大横梁无支架施工法”;在锚碇后浇段施工中,首次在湖南高速公路施工中采用一次性“免拆模板快易收口网”代替进口的VISA模板,从先导索抛送到猫道施工完成,全部用时仅33天,创下单日完成6根猫道承重绳架设的施工纪录,再次刷新了国内猫道施工最快速度;在 纵 梁 和 桥 面 板 的 铺设中,建设者也仅用了短短54天,就全部完成了9 94 根 纵 梁 及 960片 面 板 的 铺设施工。
In the Zhangjiajie river bridge construction process, Luqiao group eighth contract section of bold innovation, in the domestic large span suspension bridge in construction " big beam first tower non-plank construction method"; in the anchorage after pouring construction, for the first time in Hunan in the construction of expressway using a " a detaching-free template fast easy setback grid " instead of imported VISA template, from the pilot cable thrown to the catwalk construction completion, all with only 33 days, a record one-day complete 6 bearing rope of catwalk erection construction record, again refresh the
domestic cat construction
[...] fast; in steel stringers and deck paving, builders also use only the short 54 days, complete the 994 longitudinal beams and 960 pieces of bridge deck paving construction.
屋 宇 署 擬 委 託 顧 問 進 行 研 究 , 就 有 關 風 速 /風剖 面 、 風 向 、 地 勢 類 型 、 風 動 力 效 應 、 樓 宇 風 荷 載 過 度 反 應 的 峰 值 加 速 度 ( 包 括 人 體 舒 適 度 )、 外 壓 力 系 數 等 事 項 , 檢 視 海 外 一 些 風 力 守 則 和 已 發 表 文 獻 所 載 的 現 行 做 法 ,並 提 供 建 議 ,使「 2004 年 守 則 」 更 切 合 時 代 需 要 和 與 現 代 的 國 際 設 計 方 法 接 軋 , 同 時 配 合 風 力 工 程 和 科 技 的 最 新 發 展 。
The BD intends to commission a consultancy study to review the current practices in overseas wind codes and published papers in respect of the wind speed/pressure profiles, wind directionality, terrain types, dynamic effects of wind, peak acceleration for excessive response of building including human comfort, external pressure coefficients, etc., and to make recommendations on modernising the 2004 Code so as to bring it in line with contemporary international design approaches and meet the latest development in wind engineering and technologies.
3.12 為方便比較,圖1顯示「淺水」構思中(見圖 3 所示的典剖面 圖) ,在灣仔海濱形成的內灣及死水區域中,三條現有暗渠或排 [...]
3.12 For comparison purposes, there are three existing culverts or drains, at the locations shown in Figure 1 and with
details as described below, which would
[...] discharge into the embayed area and pond of [...]
stagnant water that would be created at
the Wan Chai waterfront under the “shallow water” idea as highlighted in the typical section given in Figure 3.
2012年6月20日,青岛:近期,FT中文网和罗兰贝格管理咨询公司对全国城市商业银行和农村商业银行进行了联合调研,共同发布《中国区域性银行可持续发展白皮书》,《白皮书》 面剖 析 中 国区域性银行的经营现状,遴选出八家中国最具成长潜力区域商业银行,并结合中国经济发展态势和银行业监管政策变化的研究,对进一步提升这些金融机构的发展质量和市场竞争力提出从战略定位到支撑体系的一系列配套建议。
Qingdao, June 20th 2012: After conducting research on Chinese urban and rural commercial banks, FTChinese and Roland Berger Strategy Consultants present their Whitepaper on Regional Banks’ Sustainable Development. The Whitepaper analyzes the current operating situation of Chinese regional banks and singles out eight regional commercial banks with the most growth potential.
助方案;闭路电视的最有效利用;评估法院分流方案;预防网络犯罪和身份犯 罪;犯罪置换的风险和预防犯罪举措促成犯罪的影响;预防金融犯罪;欺诈和 洗钱;预防恐怖主义活动和资助恐怖主义行为;禁毒执法对策;减少与酗酒有
[...] 关的暴力;亲密伴侣实施的暴力或凶杀;人口贩运;以及关于重罪和有组织犯 罪以及预防山纵火的会议。
Specific areas of research and dissemination of findings related to crime prevention include: planning for a national programme of technical assistance; the most effective use of closed-circuit television; evaluations of court diversion programmes; the prevention of cybercrime and identity crime; the risks of crime displacement and criminogenic effects of crime prevention initiatives; the prevention of financial crime; fraud and money-laundering; the prevention of terrorist activities and the financing of terrorism; law enforcement responses to drugs; the reduction of alcohol-related violence; intimate partner
violence and homicide; human trafficking; and conferences on serious and organized crime
[...] and on bushfire arson prevention.
土耳其代表强调如下几点:(a) 该组织“欧洲——第 三世界中心”不尊重土耳其的领土完整和政治统一,一直在违背《联合国宪章》 的基本原则和理事会第
1996/31 号决议的基本要求;(b) 该组织一直在对土耳其
[...] 进行无事实根据并有政治动机的指控;(c) 该组织一直在煽动纵容针 对联合国 会员国的恐怖主义行动,而这是被国际法所禁止的;(d) [...]
该组织已经成为恐怖主 义组织库尔德工人党/库尔德国民大会的宣传工具;(e)
该组织未能考虑到土耳 其之前关于需要捍卫《联合国宪章》和理事会第 1996/31 号决议所规定的该国的 义务与责任的发言。
The representative of Turkey underlined the following points: (a) the organization, Centre Europe-tiers monde had been failing to adhere to the basic principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the basic requirements set out in Council resolution 1996/31 by disrespecting the territorial integrity and political unity of Turkey; (b) the organization had been undertaking unsubstantiated and politically motivated allegations
against Turkey; (c) the organization had been
[...] inciting and condoning acts of terrorism [...]
against States Members of the United
Nations, which is prohibited under international law; (d) the organization had become a propaganda vehicle of the terrorist organization PKK/Kongra-Gel; and (e) the organization had not taken into consideration earlier statements of Turkey regarding the need to uphold its obligations and responsibilities under the Charter and Council resolution 1996/31.
[...] 病毒/艾滋病、疟疾和其他疾病等与卫生相关的千年发展目标非常相关,因此《宣 言》在加强横向纵向协调方面向前迈出了重要一步。
Owing to the relevance of this agreement, particularly for the health-related Millennium Development Goals of reducing child mortality, improving maternal mortality and combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other
diseases, the Paris Declaration is a major step forward towards better
[...] coordinated horizontal and vertical cooperation.
核果带绿色白色,有时,很少金黄色具带红色色彩,扁球状,很少近球形, 3.5-6 * 4.4-7
厘米,短柔毛,很少无毛,偶有有点有白霜; 中果皮多汁,酸甜,芳香,从内果皮分开,成熟时不劈开;
[...] 内果皮使球状,很少近球形的到宽椭圆形变平,压缩两面, 1.7-3.5 * 1.3-3 厘米,具洼点的面纵沟和 疏生的,基部近截形,先端长渐尖。
Drupe greenish white, rarely golden yellow, sometimes with a reddish tinge, compressed globose, rarely subglobose, 3.5–6 × 4.4–7 cm, pubescent, very rarely glabrous, occasionally slightly glaucous; mesocarp succulent, sour-sweet, fragrant, separating from endocarp, not splitting when ripe; endocarp flattened globose, rarely subglobose to broadly ellipsoid,
compressed on both sides, 1.7–3.5
[...] × 1.3–3 cm, surface longitudinally furrowed and very sparsely [...]
pitted, base subtruncate, apex long acuminate.




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