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长於 A4 的页面大小永远会式扫瞄。
Page sizes longer than A4 are always scanned in portrait mode.
(ii) 倘若房委会发现*本人/我们/本号曾设法,则房委会得照「投标 普通章程」第10条规定收取算定损害赔偿。
(ii) if *I am/we are discovered to have manipulated HA’s tender system, as stated in Clause 10 of the General Conditions of Tender.
五座位的全新A 系列使座予人独立两座位设计的感觉,但事实上可供三人同座。
The rears seats provide room for three passengers, despite looking like two individual seats with their sporty design.
The other aliens discover ShankerXCHARXs true intentions when he tries to
destroy Baab with the laser ray, it is revealed
[...] that Gary rigged the blutonium to [...]
malfunction and destroy the laser ray, thereby
releasing the captured aliens.
发 展 中 国 家 重 点 市 场 的2G网 络 建 设 和 扩 容,发 达 国 家 对 带 宽 升 级 和 创 新 业 务 的 需 求,是 本 集 团 国 际 市 场 保 持 稳 定 的 基 础,公 司 与 全 球 主 流 运 营 商 的 合 作 不 断 深 入,为 未 来 市 场展 拓 展 了 空 间。
Second-generation(2G) network construction and capacity expansion in key markets in developing countries coupled withthedemandforbandwidthupgradesandinnovativeser vicesindevelopedcountries,formed the cornerstone that underpinned the stable development of the Group’s international market.
使结 果 对 公 司 不 利,董 事 认 [...]
为 其 所 带 来 之 未 来 和 解 金 额 对 本 集 团 整 体 而 言 亦 不 会 构 成 任 何 重 大 的 财 务 影 响, 并 已 计 提 适 当 的 拨 备 金 额(如 有)。
Even if the outcome turns [...]
out to be unfavourable, the directors consider that its future settlement may not have any material
financial impact on the Group as a whole and that an appropriate amount of provision has been made, if any.
The job of a car suspension is to maximize the friction between the tires and the road surface, to provide steering stability with good handling and to ensure the comfort of the passengers.
(3) 本公司可在董事会推荐下透过普通决议案决议,就本公司任何特定的股息 而言本细则第(1)段条文的规定,该股息可以配发全部入账列作缴足股份的方式 支付,同时不会向股东提供任何可选择以现金代替收取配发股份的权利。
(3) The Company may upon the recommendation of the Board by ordinary resolution resolve in respect of any one particular dividend of the Company that notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article a dividend may be satisfied wholly in the form of an allotment of shares credited as fully paid up without offering any right to shareholders to elect to receive such dividend in cash in lieu of such allotment.
延伸部分的内织,并非 以学习范畴來画分其内容。
As the contents of theExtended Part [...]
are interwoven, they are not categorised into strands.
(2) 触 犯 一 罪 行 的身 不 知 道 触 犯 该 罪 行 所 需 要 的 任 何 特 别 事 实 或 情 况,也 可 能 要 承 受 该 罪 行 的 咎 责,不 过,尽 管 有 上 文 第 ( 1 ) 款 的 规 定, 那 人 还 是 不 算 犯 了 串 谋 触 犯 该 罪 行 , 除 非 他 及 最 少 协 议 的 其 他 任 何 一 方 计 划 或 知 道 於 构 成 该 罪 行 的 行 径 发 生 时 , 该 事 实 或 情 况 当 会 或 将 会 存 在 。
(2) Where liability for any offence may be incurred without knowledge on the part of the person committing it of any particular fact or circumstance necessary for the commission of the offence, a person shall nevertheless not be guilty of conspiracy to commit that offence by virtue of subsection (1) above unless he and at least one other party to the agreement intend or know that that fact or circumstance shall or will exist at the time when the conduct constituting the offence is to take place.
It must be stated that, the tracking polls commonly reported by the media are different from thelongitudinal tracking panel studies in social research.
因此使洲卫星之业务需求有所上升及我们更集中力量把握任何商机,这对二零零六年首六个月之业绩只 能带来轻微之正面影响。
As a result, despite an increase in demand in our business and a concerted effort to capitalise on opportunities, little positive impact has come through in the results for the first six months of 2006.
因此,我们已战略性地建立一体化的优质 肉类供应系统,更好地从上游至下游整个供应链控制食品质量及食品安全。
Therefore, we have strategically built a vertically integrated high quality meat supply system to better control both food quality and food safety from upstream to downstream segments of the supply chain.
Eyes warned distinguish the oscillations of the balance as the full convolutions of the escapewheel.
在确定线时, 已考虑到有关主要基础设施,例如在地面以下有限空间横 越主干道隧道结构的隧道通风管道。
The determination of this vertical profile takes into account essential related infrastructure such as tunnel ventilation adits that pass over the Trunk Road tunnel structure, below ground level in the limited available space.
在危急关头,透过後轮的制动传动装置,扭力导航煞车器(Torque Vectoring Brakes)能於数秒间引转,减少内侧後轮於入弯时的旋转速度。
In critical conditions the Torque Vectoring Brakes produce a defined rotational movement of the vehicle about the vertical axis in fractions of seconds through selective brake actuation at the rear wheel on the inside of the bend.
另一方面,虽然大部分成立新公司的创业者(已被包括在 GEM 定义之中)能以其新创企业来 为社会创造价值,部分创业者却只会将财富转移给自己,令创业活动单纯变成一个零和游戏;其余 的甚至因为破坏环境,或为了规避对社会有益且的法律限制、进行对监管制度的套戥、削减拥有权 或从事没有净社会收益的机活动,而摧毁了财富3 。
On the other hand, although most entrepreneurs setting up new companies (which are captured in the GEM definition) are creating value for society with their start-ups, some may simply transfer wealth to themselves in a zero sum game, while others might actually destroy wealth by degrading the environment, avoiding socially beneficial legal constraints, engaging in regulatory arbitrage, degrading ownership rights or engaging in manipulative speculation with no net social benefit3 .
鉴於多年来 GEM 都采用同一研究方法,GEM 研究已建构起一套跨年据系统。
And because GEM keeps the methodologies consistent from year to year, GEM builds up a time series panel data set.
本公司对可於固定时间收回或应付全部股款的每股股份(悉數缴足股款 的股份除外)拥有首要留置权,无論现时是否须予支付股款。对以成员名义登记 (无論是单一或与任何其他人士聯名持有)的所有股份(悉數缴足股款的股份除 外),本公司亦就该成员或其遗产结欠本公司的所有债务及负债拥有首要留置权及 押记权,无論该等款项於向本公司发出有关该成员以外任何人士的任何衡平或其 他权益的通知之前或之後产生,及无論付款或履行付款责任的期间是否已实质到 來使等款项为该成员或其遗产及任何其他人士(无論是否本公司成员)的 共同债务或负债亦然。
The Company shall have a first and paramount lien on every share (not being a fully paid up share) for all moneys, whether presently payable or not, called or payable at a fixed time in respect of such share; and the Company shall also have a first and paramount lien and charge on all shares (other than fully paid up shares) standing registered in the name of a member, whether singly or jointly with any other person or persons, for all the debts and liabilities of such member or his estate to the Company and whether the same shall have been incurred before or after notice to the Company of any equitable or other interest of any person other than such member, and whether the period for the payment or discharge of the same shall have actually arrived or not, andnotwithstanding that the same are joint debts or liabilities of such member or his estate and any other person, whether a member of the Company or not.
如果将 「页面大小」设定为 US Letter、将方向设定并以横向模式将 A4 或 Letter 大小的纸张送 入扫瞄机,即使启用了影像旋转或自动旋转,也会在顶部或底部剪切影 像。
If Page Size is set to US Letter and Orientation is set to Portrait and A4 or lettersize pages are fed into the scanner in landscape mode, the images will be cut off on the top and bottom even if image rotation or auto rotation is enabled.
Nevertheless, the findings released today could have very important meaning, especially when people's trust in the central government has surpassed that of the local government - first time ever according to POP's record.
3.3.8 附件 G 已载列深层隧道走线,即主干道在连接中环填海计 划第一期的中环交汇处以可容许上限的斜度下降,从底下 横越地铁荃湾线隧道横过,说明了这走线限制。
3.3.8 To illustrate this vertical alignment constraint, a deep tunnel alignment where the Trunk Road drops down from the tie-in with the Central Interchange at Central Reclamation Phase I at the maximum permissible tunnel gradient to pass beneath the MTR Tsuen Wan Line is shown in Annex G.
任何股份遵照本章程细则被没收,须随即向该股份的持有人或因股份转移而对股份享有权利的人 士(视乎情况而定)发出没收通知,并随即在股东登记册内就该股份作出登录,注明已发出该项 通知及已作出没收,并注明没收日期;但本项章程细则的条文仅属指引性质使漏或疏忽於 按上文所述发出通知或作出登录,也不会在任何方面使没收失效。
When any share has been forfeited in accordance with these Articles notice of the forfeiture shall forthwith be given to the holder of the share or the person entitled to the share by transmission as the case may be and an entry of such notice having been given and of the forfeiture with the date thereof shall forthwith be made in the Register opposite to the share; but the provisions of this Article are directory only and no forfeiture shall be in any manner invalidated by any omission or neglect to give such notice or to make such entry as aforesaid.
社会舆论普遍认为,立法会功能组别选举制度存在三大缺点:缺乏代表 性、大部份界别受公司票鼓励狭隘的界别利益。
There is a general view that the existing Functional Constituencies (hereafter FCs) election in the Legislative Council suffers from three defects: being under-representative; domination of corporate votes in the majority of the FCs, and encouraging narrow interests under the present election arrangement.
罪 - 明知损害或明知会造成损害, 但却帮助,建议,鼓励,雇用,诱导,或促 [...]
使他人用火灾或爆炸之方法,损害楼房,车 辆,铁路车箱,船舶,飞机或其他任何结构 的建筑物:(a)有被投保,但未经保险人或 保险公司同意;或者(b)可以合理的有理由
预见,这种情况将可能危及到他人的生命安 全。
Commitfirstdegree arson - Knowingly [...]
damage or knowingly cause, aid, advise, encourage, hire, counsel, or procure another
to damage, by means of fire or explosive, any building, vehicle, railroad car, watercraft, aircraft, or other structure: (a) that is insured without the consent of the insurer and the insured; or (b) under such circumstances that it is reasonably foreseeable that human life might be endangered.
R1.3.1 大学正继续每年向所有一年级和毕业班本科生进行港大学生学习经歷问卷调 查,从而就课程发展和鉴定个别学科和课程的强项与弱项提供资料,以及提供关 於改善教与学据。
R1.3.1 The HKUSLEQ continues to be conducted annually on all undergraduates in the first and final years of study and continues to inform curriculum development, the identification of strengths and weaknesses in individual curricula and programmes, and provides longitudinal evidence of improvement in teaching and learning.
期 性 但 越 来 越 不 设 实 际 的 运 动 , 尝 试 恢 复 道 德 价 值 观 及 旧 有 的 经 济 与 社 会 状 况 , 但 这 只 是 一 些 点 缀 而 已 ; 国 家 政 治 的 运 作 仍 是 稳 定 和 有 规 律 的 。
Political administration remained stable and largely routine, highlighted only by periodic but increasingly unrealistic efforts to return to the ethical values and economic and social conditions.
横向的沟通,向内部和外部透过一个健全 和先进的顾客服务知識管理多媒体(CSKM)沟通平台由近及远,清晰的传递出去。
Clear vertical and horizontal communications internal and external are centralized and disseminated through a robust and up-to-date customer service knowledge management (CSKM) multimedia communication portal.




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