

单词 纯粹

纯粹 adverb ()

solely adv



pure mathematics

纯粹的 adj

sheer adj

See also:


simple adj



External sources (not reviewed)

遗憾的是,那些建议强调一些与真正的人权无关的问题 纯粹 是 出 于对朝鲜 的敌视。
Regrettably, those recommendations focused on
issues that were extraneous to genuine human rights
[...] issues and were purely put forward out [...]
of hostility towards the country.
[...] 包括在哈萨克总检察长的信件中的,因 纯粹 是 形 式上的,对缔约国关于申诉人 的引渡决定没有任何影响。
Furthermore, the text of the assurances sought were included in the letter
by the Kazakh Prosecutor General and
[...] therefore constituted pure formality, without [...]
having any impact on the State party‟s
decision with regard to extradition of the complainants.
[...] 割性的命题,根据这一命题,无效保留的提出者受条约的约束而没有得到提出保 留的好处,第二个命题是纯粹共同 同意”的命题,根据这个命题,保留的无效 [...]
性将保留者排除到缔约国的圈子以外,保留是保留方同意受条约约束的一个先决 条件。
The consequences of the nullity of an invalid reservation gave rise to two conflicting theses, the first being the thesis of severability, according to which the author of an invalid reservation was bound by the treaty without the
benefit of its reservation, and the second
[...] being the thesis of “pure consensualism”, according [...]
to which the invalidity of the
reservation excluded the author from the circle of States parties, the reservation being a sine qua non for the author’s consent to be bound by the treaty.
关于普遍定期审议, 阿联酋 注意到 , 必须建 立
[...] 一 个可信的、建设性的程序,而 不 是 将 人权纯粹政治 性的事务混在一起。
With regard to the UPR, the UAE noted
that it is essential to build a credible and constructive process without merging
[...] human rights with pure political matters.
这里不妨回顾指出,委员 会第四十八届会议通过该决定时,委员会秘书处曾非正式地向委员会通报其决定
[...] 所涉经费问题,但是没有提供文件说明需要这些概算费用,也没有任何正式说明 记录在案,纯粹是由于时间局促。
It may be recalled that at the time of adoption of the decision by the Committee at its forty-eighth session, the Committee was informally advised by its Secretariat of the financial implications of its decision, but documentation to
support the estimated costs, was not provided nor was there an official
[...] statement recorded, due purely to time constraints.
虽然其中有许多不纯粹为了养护生物多样性,但它们在保护森林景 观方面依然可以发挥十分重要的作用。
Although many of these would not be exclusively for biodiversity conservation, they still have a very important role to play in the protection of the forest landscape.
并非所有 自愿协议都纯粹的“ 自愿”,其中一些自愿协 议包括参与协议或达到遵守的承诺相关的奖惩。
Not all are truly “voluntary” – some include rewards and/or penalties associated with joining or with achieving commitments.
这项培训不仅具纯粹的学 习价值,它还为总 部和总部外办事处的同事们提供了一个相互交流经验和进行团队建设的良好机会,从而加强 [...]
Beyond the purely learning value, [...]
this training provided an excellent opportunity for experience sharing and team-building
among colleagues from both Headquarters and field offices, thus strengthening human networking and improving communication between Headquarters and the field.
提议的修订分四类:(a) 已得到委员会核可的对 2001 年《示
范公约》的实质性修改;(b) 委员会尚未核可的实质性修改;(c) 反映《经合组 织示范公约》参考部分更新内容的修改,从本质上来说这些修改是实质性的,因
[...] 为这种修改会对按《联合国示范公约》订立的条约的解释和适用产生影响; ( d) 纯 粹文字上的修改。
There were four types of revisions proposed: (a) substantive changes to the 2001 Model Convention that had already been approved by the Committee; (b) substantive changes not yet approved by the Committee; (c) changes reflecting updates of referenced parts of the OECD Model Convention, which were substantive in nature as they could have an impact on the
interpretation and application of treaties that would follow the United Nations Model
[...] Convention; and (d) purely editorial changes.
[...] 一个出于良心拒服兵役的例子;不过,那些被要求 服兵役的人往往可以选纯粹的社 区服务。
He reiterated the fact that to date there had not been a single case of
conscientious objection; however, those individuals required to do service
[...] could always opt for purely community service.
在早期的哲学家阿那克萨哥拉有助于一 纯粹 的 精神灵魂的概念,但更直接的贡献是由宗教的Eleusinian和奥尔弗斯奥秘,在道德说教的亮化和未来生活的希望,我们有并发见证到了影响哲学家,诗人,历史学家。
Among early philosophers Anaxagoras contributes
[...] to the notion of a purely spiritual soul; but [...]
a more directly religious contribution
is made by the Eleusinian and Orphic mysteries, to the influence of which in brightening and moralizing the hope of a future life we have the concurrent witness of philosophers, poets, and historians.
一位答复者把现在结构说成是纯粹 的 空谈”,要评估这些优先事项的实用性还需要更 多的有关优先事项活动的绩效数据,特别是人们不清楚不同的优先程度对实际取得的成效产 [...]
One respondent characterized the current
[...] structure as “a purely rhetorical exercise”, [...]
which would require additional performance
data on the activities labelled “priorities” in order to assess their relevance, especially as it was not clear how the separation in different levels of prioritization had affected the results actually obtained.
简短回顾集体驱逐外国人的问题 纯粹 是 为 消除委员会一些成员对第 7 条草 [...]
案第 3 款仍存在的关切,即在武装冲突情况下,如某人群的武装活动对与其国籍 国发生冲突的居留国的安全造成损害,可予以驱逐。
The question of the collective expulsion [...]
of aliens is briefly reverted to in order simply to dispel a persistent concern
on the part of certain Commission members with regard to paragraph 3 of this draft article 7, which deals with the possibility of expelling a group of persons acting as a group, in the event of armed conflict, for armed activities endangering the security of the State of residence engaged in conflict with their State of nationality.
如果手表拉尔夫技术,仍然只被启动,当然,满足了著名的国际标准化组织 纯粹 主 义 者将获得防水手表,500特别为贝尔和罗斯BRO2,或1000米,设计为保时捷米“ [...]
If watches Ralf Tech, still known only to initiates, of course, to meet
[...] the famous ISO, purists will receive [...]
special watches water-resistant to 500 meters
as the Bell & Ross BRO2, or 1000 meters as the Porsche Design " P'6780 Diver "which, like Eterna" Kontiki Diver "has a specific case with a sealed housing forming part of a middle protection.
[...] 了在最不发达国家基金下共同供资的含义,解释说,国家适应行动方案项目必纯粹与适 应有关,才能免于共同供资的要求。
The GEF further elaborated on what co-financing means
under the LDCF, and that NAPA projects
[...] would need to be purely concerned with adaptation [...]
for them be exempt from the need for cofinancing.
近年来,在实践中,北京已逐步偏离纯 粹的不干涉政策。
In recent years, Beijing
[...] has deviated from a pure non-interference [...]
policy in practice.
[...] 公设律师不具备必要的物质条件和独立性,那么这项权利及其在防范酷刑和虐待 的价值纯粹是理论上的或概念上的。
If persons deprived of their liberty cannot afford to hire a lawyer and if the public defender assigned to their case does not have the necessary material
conditions and independence, that right and its value in preventing torture and
[...] mistreatment are purely theoretical or notional.
纯粹的分 析以及风险等级的确定,还包括确定所设计的安全措施的 可接受性、应对措施的说明、实施和确定,以及市场观察。
Beside the pure analysis and determination [...]
of risk classes, it contains decisions about the acceptability of the planned
safety measurements, as well as the definition, implementation and verification of countermeasures and market observation.
最好是最糟糕的敌人纯粹主义 者将依靠成熟的模型仍然非常深入,包括质量,满足特定的ISO标准了,已经由专业人士验证。
The best is the enemy of
[...] the worst, the purists will rely on [...]
proven models still in very great depth, including quality,
meet again at a specific ISO standard, has been validated by professionals.
但对于美国和特别报告员提议的条款所规定的效 果,究竟以何为基础,委员会成员却意见分歧:沃尔多克的提议,重点放在虽有反对但仍能 建立条约关系的共识基础,美国提议的条款则似乎认为,规定的效 纯粹 出 于 反对国单方面 的行为――亦即反对,使保留国没有任何真正的选择。
However, members had different opinions as to the basis of the paragraph proposed by the United States and the Special Rapporteur: whereas Waldock’s proposal emphasized the consensual basis of the treaty relationship established despite the objection, the paragraph proposed by the United States seemed to suggest that the intended effect originated only from the unilateral act of the objecting State, that is, from the objection, without the reserving State having a real choice.
除了上述以色列的军事海盗行为之外,没有关于黎巴嫩沿海 纯粹 海 盗 罪行 的记录,也没有因索马里沿海的海盗罪行而逮捕任何黎巴嫩人或其他国民的事件 登记。
No criminal act of pure maritime piracy off the Lebanese coast has been recorded, with the exception of the above-mentioned Israeli military piracy, nor has the arrest of any Lebanese or other national been registered in connection with crimes of maritime piracy off the Somali coast.
上诉法院事实上认为,关于“工商业就业协会”传 票的实质无效,“如果J.O. 能够在深知底细的情况下准备其辩护,这不只是一纯粹的事实上错误,而且是刑事定性的实质部分”。
The Court of Appeal had indeed held that, with regard to the substantive nullity of the ASSEDIC summons, it was “not just a purely factual error, but a matter which went to the very heart of the definition of the offence, insofar as J. O. should have been given the opportunity to prepare his defence on an informed basis”.
纯粹的人 均方 法中,不以当前排放水平为基准,而只是将全球预 [...]
In a pure per capita approach, [...]
there is no reference to current emissions levels, but simply a global budget allocated equally
to countries based on population.
已经houvi通话杀死,甚至她的母亲 纯粹 的 毒 药,它杀死一个孩子或如果你喜欢“胎儿”听说过,但也有点运气,沿奥钢联的母亲,以及,那些谁杀的,得较多的应该不使一个差异,这一切,如果你是怀孕的需要,不可能是一个懦夫,不担心别人,你的生活负责任地承担起自己的行为,我敢肯定,这孩子将是一个祝福,他的母亲感到非常自豪,无论情况中,它是生成的,事实是,它是一个新的生命,不论父亲或母亲将有它自己的生命,采取借此机会以来融入世界,就像你有机会,最后,我有一个肯定,上帝保佑所有没有区别,并祝福你和你儿子。
Already houvi talk that kills
[...] even her mother is pure poison, which kills [...]
a child or if you like "fetus"'ve heard, but also
with a bit of luck along vai mother, well, for those who kill, morer should not make a difference, all this, if you are pregnant take, not be a coward, do not worry about others, live your life responsibly assume their acts, I'm sure this baby will be a blessing, a great pride to his mother, no matter circumstances in which it was generated, the fact is that it is a new life, regardless of the father or mother will have its own life, take this opportunity to come into the world, just like you had the chance, finally, I have a certainty, that GOD BLESS ALL WITHOUT A DIFFERENCE, and bless YOU AND YOUR SON.
这不是基督应该由该monophysites否认天主教神学家谁最好攻击的理论,对已行使人类活动,将人类行为,人类的认知行为,显然是错误的确认为男子倒卧在没有区分人类或混合(theandric的)活动基督, 纯粹 是 神圣的活动,将知识,而儿子已在共同与父亲和圣灵,并其实神性。
It was not supposed by the best Catholic theologians who attacked the doctrine that the Monophysites denied Christ to have exercised human activities, human acts of the will, human acts of cognition; the error was clearly recognized as lying in the failure to distinguish between the human or
the mixed (theandric) activity of
[...] Christ as Man, and the purely Divine activity, [...]
will, knowledge, which the Son has in common
with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and which are in fact the Divine Nature.
任何第三方都不会根据这种磋商会议作出决 定,磋商的本纯粹是为了加强沟通。
No third party would reach a decision based on those
[...] meetings, they are purely meant to foster [...]
通过区域组织、次区域组织和民间社会的干预, 或纯粹由于 善意而在世界不同地区取得的重大成 功,是令人欣慰的。我们应从中得到鼓励,寻求在我 们争取和平的所有努力中最大程度地使这些战略发 挥效用。
The resounding successes achieved in different areas through the interventions of regional and subregional organizations and civil society, or simply through good will, are also grounds for satisfaction, from which we should take encouragement and seek to optimize such strategies in all of our efforts towards peace.
整体和局部的分隔都是属于表现的,局部在整体中的风格也不同(如:从右到左,第一张,有一个女人从大楼里探头出来收衣服的一段画面和后面的画面的风格全然不同,而它却是漫画样式的,后面的第二画幅确 纯粹 表 现 主义的)。
There are some local variations in style (e.g. the first image reading from the right, the picture of a woman sticking her head out of the window
to fetch the washing in is completely different, in a cartoon style, while the
[...] next two images are pure expressionist).
在这种情况下,负责领土国家关系的国家可 纯粹 将条 约推广适用于该领土,但它亦可以只局部地推广;在后一情况,它在向保存 [...]
条约机构提出扩大条约领土适用范围的通知时,附带提出专对该领土的新的保 留。
In such cases, the State responsible for the territory’s
[...] international relations may purely and simply extend [...]
the treaty to that territory, but it may
also choose to do so only partially; in the latter case, upon notifying the depositary of the extension of the territorial application of the treaty, the State also includes in the notification any new reservations specific to that territory.
让我感到作为视觉艺术家的骄傲,也感到作为视觉艺术家的危险:简单到如:插画 纯粹 的 艺术作品的界限在哪里这样的问题,让自己不断地考虑,到底谁在利用形式,可能都是自己的主观态度而已,但是,审美的一种魅惑的东西,它恰好跨越了行业。
It makes me proud to be a visual artist, and also aware of the dangers of visual art: something as simple as the distinction between illustration and pure artwork can push me into endless questioning: who exactly is making use of form?




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