

单词 纪要

纪要 noun

sheet n

See also:


record n
age n
discipline n
era n

External sources (not reviewed)

会议讨纪要已分 发给所有缔约国,并可 在《公约》网站上查阅。
A summary of the discussions of the meeting was distributed to all States Parties and made available on the Convention’s website.
向会议提出之论文 可以发表,附以或不附以讨纪要。 此类会议不同于第IV类会 议,即国际大会,主要在于其规模较小,范围较窄和性质较非 正式。
Meetings in this category differ from those in category IV, international congresses, mainly by their smaller size, more limited scope and less formal character.
叙利亚代表团要求将这一观点写 入会纪要中。
Her delegation wished to have that point included in the summary record of the meeting.
4 月的会议据称“取得了重要进展”,但仅有的 成果只是双方最终签署了在前两次会议中争论未决 的会纪要。
The April meeting was said to have achieved “significant progress” just because the parties signed the disputed minutes from the two previous sessions.
中国代表团要求将其发言记录在会 纪要 中。
Her delegation requested that its statement be reflected in the summary record.
[...] [...] 委员会和/或机构的数据库,出版和传播生物伦理学方面的著作(主要有《生物伦理学和妇 女权利》,《科学部长生物伦理学问题圆桌会 纪要 》 及《政府间生物伦理学委员会会纪 要》) ,更新因特网网站,落实中欧和东欧国家生物伦理学国际会议(立陶宛维尔纽斯, [...]
2002 年 11 月 11 - 12 日)及科学部长生物伦理学问题圆桌会议(巴黎,2003
年 10 月 22 - 23 日)精神等这些活动都旨在加强国际合作,提高各国在生物伦理学方面的能力以及倡导生物 伦理学。
The establishment of this inter-institutional committee on bioethics, the creation of a Latin American bioethics network, the updating of the database on existing bioethics committees and institutions, the publication and circulation of works on bioethics (in particular, Women’s Rights and Bioethics and the Proceedings of the Round
Table of Ministers of Science on Bioethics, together
[...] with the proceedings of the IBC sessions), the updating of the Internet site, follow-up to [...]
the International Conference on Bioethics in the Central and Eastern European Countries (Vilnius, Lithuania, 11-12 November 2002) and to the Round Table of Ministers of Science on Bioethics (Paris, 22-23 October 2001) are all activities undertaken that make for international cooperation, national capacity-building in bioethics, and the promotion of bioethics.
3.5.3 在联合政治和安全机制会议后 7 天内起草会纪要,供两位主 席签字批准。
3.5.3 Draft minutes of JPSM meetings for ratification by signature of both chairs within 7 days following a JPSM meeting.
对国家报告、区域审查和会前专题活 纪要 的 分 析显示,最不发达国家在经 济增长、资本形成增加、利率下降和财政赤字缩小等许多领域以及在推动实现部 分千年发展目标方面,都已取得重大进展。
An analysis of national reports, regional reviews and proceedings of the pre-conference thematic events showed that the least developed countries had made significant progress in many areas, particularly in economic growth, increases in capital formation, reduction of interest rates and narrowing fiscal deficits, and progress in the realization of some Millennium Development Goals.
审计委员会审查了咨询委员会在本两年期期间举行的三次会议的会纪 要,注意到会纪要并没 有说明是否已对财务报表进行审查,以落实《内部监督 咨询委员会章程》第 24 号组织指令的规定。
The Board reviewed the excerpts of minutes of the three meetings that the Advisory Committee had during the biennium, and noted that the minutes did not indicate whether the financial statements had been reviewed, to give effect to the provisions of Organizational Directive No. 24 — Charter of the Advisory Committee on Internal Oversight.
42.在2011年2月25 日星期五的闭幕全体会议上,多年期专家会议商定由主 席编写讨纪要。
At its closing plenary meeting on Friday, 25 February 2011, the multi-year expert meeting agreed that the Chair should summarize the discussions.
报告载有会纪要和附件,包 括工作组对德班审查会议作出的贡献。
The report includes a narrative of meetings and annexes, including the contribution of the Working Group to the Durban Review Conference.
81 84. 在要对初步例外做出意见的问题上,法院可能认为(在这一诉讼阶段)不必对 援引的公共秩序概念的组成内容做评判,甚至不必指出驱逐令中援引“扎伊尔公 共秩序”和驱逐出纪要中“ 非法逗留”之间的矛盾,更不必冒险确定公共秩序 的概念。
In ruling on the preliminary objections, the Court probably did not believe that it had to assess — at that stage of the proceedings — the components of the concept of public order that had been invoked, nor even to point out the contradiction between the invocation of “public order in Zaire” in the expulsion order and the reference to “illegal residence” in the notice of refusal of entry, still less to venture a definition of the concept of public order.
5)单击"确定"回到您正编辑的Excel文档,此时再单击B6单元格就可立即打开用Word编辑的会 纪要 文 档
(5) Click "OK" to return to the Excel you are editing a document, at this time and then click cell B6 can be used to immediately open the Word document to edit the minutes of the meeting.
[...] 署外国人事务司司长组成,委员会按照以会 纪要 为 依据的一致意见,命令将该 外国人驱逐出境;根据驱逐的理由,可通过法院指令或作为行政上违反《外国人 [...]
This Commission consists of the General Director for Consular Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the General Director for Migration and Naturalization of the Ministry of the Interior, and the Chief of the Aliens Division of the Peruvian National
Police, who, by means of an agreement
[...] supported by meeting minutes, order the expulsion [...]
of the alien; depending on the grounds,
this may be done by court order or as a result of an administrative violation of the Aliens Act.
与此同时,还可进一步讨论如何更 有效地将辅助会议融入预防犯罪大会方案,并促进广泛传播其会 纪要 , 证 明 其在预防犯罪大会期间有效的相互作用,并证明非政府组织和科学组织在制定 综合性跨学科的办法应对犯罪挑战方面可发挥的关键作用。
In doing so, it may further discuss ways and means to more effectively
integrate the ancillary
[...] meetings within the congress programme and promote the widespread dissemination of their proceedings as a demonstration [...]
of their useful interaction
during the congresses and of the crucial role that non-governmental and scientific organizations could play in designing comprehensive and interdisciplinary approaches to crime challenges.
理事会成员认为此次会议 对本区域而言至关重要,并请减贫中心将会议议 纪要 广 为 分发。
They regarded the conference as being of critical importance to the region and requested that the proceedings be given wide distribution.
3.5.8 分会的运作程序:包括组建分会的方法、分会的职能范围、工作人员的委任及其期限,以及报告或会 纪要 的 提 交程 序等。
3.5.8 Procedures for the operation of subcommittees to include a method of establishing the subcommittee, the subcommittee's scope, the appointment of officers and their tenure of office, and for submitting reports or minutes.
如 果计划的会纪要不能在开会之前可供查阅,则应在批准后可供查阅。
The minutes of the preceding meeting should be approved before the start of the following meeting.
除非有人要求投票表决而该要求又没有撤回,否则主席的声明,谓已根据举手方 式一致或以特定大比数通过或否决,并在载有本公司的会 纪要 的 簿册内作此记 载,应为该项事实的概括证明,无需证明投票赞成或反对决议的人数或比例。
Unless a poll be so demanded and the demand is not withdrawn, a declaration by the chairman that a resolution has on a show of hands been carried or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, or lost and an entry to that effect in the book containing the minutes of the proceedings of the Company shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against such resolution.
协议摘 要》,柬埔寨、印度尼西亚和泰国外长会 纪要 , 20 11 年 5 月 9 日。
Agreed Summary”, record of meeting of Cambodian, Indonesian, and Thai foreign ministers, 9 May 2011.
1996 年 9 月 20 日:(欧委会)第一 O 三届全会会纪要,附件 VII (Doc.III/5693/96)。
Opinion expressed on 20 September 1996: Minutes of 103rd SCF Plenary Meeting (European Commission), Annex VII (Doc.III/5693/96).
本文件介绍了于 2010 年 3 月 2 至 4 日在曼谷举行的亚太经社会新设东亚 和东北亚、北亚和中亚、以及南亚和西南亚诸次区域办事处问题政府间特别会 议所提出的各项建议;该次会议的会 纪要 也 一 并在此附上。
The present document presents the recommendations resulting from the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Meeting on the New ESCAP Subregional Offices for East and North-East Asia, North and Central Asia, and South and South-West Asia, which was held in Bangkok from 2 to 4 March 2010.
[...] 强调应将能力建设视作通过项目而启动并在项目实施期之后加以保持的一个过 程。这次讲习班的详细安排纪要可 在 外层空间事务厅网站(www.unoosa.org) [...]
At the same time, it was highlighted that capacity-building should be seen as a process initiated through projects and sustained beyond the project implementation period. A detailed
programme of the workshop and its
[...] proceedings are available on the website of [...]
the Office for Outer Space Affairs (www.unoosa.org).
阿根廷 委员会第八届会议决定,停止将国别报告审议情 纪要 收 入 委员会年度报 告的做法。
At its eighth session, the Committee had decided to discontinue its practice of including in its annual report summaries of the consideration of country reports.
根据《2002-2005 年人权单位战略计划》(最高法院全体会议第 31/2002 号 会纪要),人权办公室另外增设了技术顾问、培训联络和推广等任务。
The Unit’s mandate was broadened under Act No. 31/2002 (plenary session of the Supreme Court of Justice at which the UDH Strategic Plan 2002–2005 was approved) to include technical advice, coordination and training promotion.
Artprice: André Malraux, an important figure in French culture, apparently said (although the exact term used is the subject of controversy) “The twenty-first century will be spiritual (or metaphysical) or will not be at all”.
除个人信息与薪资政策之外,雇员详情还有一个页面可以浏览发 纪要 和 一个页面用来更新其 他必要的法定信息。
ConTEnTS In addition to personal information and payroll policy, Employee Particulars also provides a page to view the payroll summary and a page to update other necessary information for statutory purpose.
注意到 注意到 注意到 注意到人权理事会不限成员名额政府间工作组第一届会议的会 纪要, 该 工作组的任务是审议是否有可能拟订一项关于监管、监测和监督私营军事和安 保公司活动的国际管制框架;10 表示满意地注意到各方专家包括以雇佣军为手段 问题工作组成员作为顾问人员参加了此届会议;请以雇佣军为手段问题工作组和 其他专家继续参与
of the summary of the first session of the open-ended intergovernmental Working Group of the Human Rights Council to consider the possibility of elaborating an international regulatory framework on the regulation, monitoring and oversight of the activities of private military and security companies,10 expresses satisfaction regarding the participation of experts, including the members of the Working Group on the use of mercenaries, as resource persons at that session, and requests the Working Group on the use of mercenaries and other experts to continue to participate
宣称为本公司或董事会或任何董事委员会的决议或 会纪要摘录 副本并按上述方式认证的文件,对于所有因为本公司的信誉 而与本公司进行交易的人而言,应为最终凭证,证明该决议已经正式通过, 或(视情况而定)纪要或摘 录是正式组成的会议的进行过程的真确记录。
A document purporting to be a copy of a resolution, or an extract
from the minutes of a
[...] meeting, of the Company or of the Board or any committee of the Board which is certified as aforesaid shall be conclusive evidence in favour of all persons dealing with the Company upon the faith thereof that such resolution has been duly passed or, as the case may be, that such minutes or extract [...]
is a true and accurate
record of proceedings at a duly constituted meeting.
作为残疾事务主管机构(全国支助残疾人理事会)负责开展有效干预的例证, 可以参看 2009 年纪要6 的电子版本纪要中提 到了取得的主要成就,其 中包括撤销了在一家公立大学中设立的残疾程度审议委员会,该委员会主要 负责对有资格获得为残疾人保留的空缺的受益学生进行审查;向共和国国会 提交议案,提议司法机构保护残疾人的经济收入,并对地方政府工作中阻碍 聋哑男女双方登记结婚的情况予以干预。
It recounts some of the Council’s principal achievements, which include: the dissolution of the committee that had been established in a public university to assess the degree of disability of students applying for places reserved for the disabled; representations to Congress in support of the employment of a person with disabilities in the judiciary; and intercession with a local government that was blocking the registration of a marriage between two deaf persons.




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