

单词 约翰一书

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book contract

External sources (not reviewed)

这个版本的新约圣经有雅各书、彼得 书 、 约翰一书 , 但没有其他的一般使徒卷或启示录。
This edition
[...] of the New Testament has James, 1 Peter, and 1 John, but not the other General Epistles or Revelation.
他们开始在他的信中说,无辜的受害者耶稣是上帝的羔羊,上帝-之父所发送在受害人… 自己 — 救赎人类的罪… 《由于法律,削弱了肉体,是无能为力的,上帝就差遣自己的儿子在相似的罪孽深重的肉体和罪恶…》(罗马书8:3),《… 耶稣的血,他的儿子,洗净我们一切的罪》 约翰一书 1 : 7 ),《… 他是为我们的罪作了劝解(上帝-之父),不只是为我们,也为整个世界的罪》 约翰一书 2 : 2 ), 《… 他出现,是为了带走我们的罪…》 约翰一书 3 : 5 ) … 其结果是,我们只需要相信耶稣真的是基督,— 并没有其他事情可做:我们的罪被赦免了,天堂是保证
They stated in their Epistles that innocently killed Jesus was a Lamb of God allegedly sent by God-the-Father as a sacrifice… to Himself — as atonement for the sins of people… “Since the law was weak as it acted through the flesh, God sent His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh as a sacrifice for sin…” (Rom 8:3), “… The blood of Jesus
Christ, His Son,
[...] cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7), “… He is the propitiation (for God-the-Father) concerning our sins, and not concerning ours only, but also concerning the sins of all the world” (1 John 2:2), “… He was revealed that He might take away our sins…” (1 John 3:5)… As a result, it turns [...]
out that it is enough
just to come to believe that Jesus was indeed a Christ — this is all we need to do: then our sins are remitted and paradise is guaranteed for us
教会是爱弟兄,彼此亲热;恭敬人,彼此推让的一群人(罗马书 12:10),彼此接纳(罗马 书 15:7),彼此相顾(哥林多前书 12:25),彼此担当重担(加拉太书 6:2),彼此饶恕
[...] 4:32),彼此鼓励,互相建造(提摩太前书 5:11),激发爱心,勉励行善(希伯 来书 10:24),彼此认罪(雅各书 5:16),互相代求(雅各书 5:16),彼此服事(彼得前书 4:10),彼此相爱约翰一书 4:11)。
A church is a group of people who are devoted and give preference to one another (Ro 12:10), accept one another (Ro 15:7), care for one another (1Co 12:25), carry each others burdens (Gal 6:2), forgive one another (Eph 4:32), encourage and build up one another (1Th 5:11) spur each another on to love and good deeds (Heb 10:24), confess their sins to
one another (Jas 5:16),
[...] pray for one another (Jas 5:16), serve one another (1Pe 4:10), and love one another (1Jn 4:11).
在加入麻省理工学院前,登先生是美国国会 书 馆 约翰 克 鲁 格中 一 位 杰出的访问学者。
Before joining MIT, Mr. Deng was a Distinguished
[...] Visiting Scholar at the John Kluge Center of the Library of Congress.
该书与Schedel图书馆的其余书一起 ,成 了 约翰 · 雅 各 布·富格尔图书馆的一部分,而该图书馆在1571年成为巴伐利亚公爵阿尔布雷希特五世的私人财产。
Along with the rest of Schedel's library, the book became part of the library of Johann Jacob Fugger, which in 1571 came into the possession of Duke Albrecht V of Bavaria.
标题页既没有说明出版的地方,也没有出版商,但学者 一 致 认 为,这 书 是 在 约翰 · 查 伍德 (John Charlewood) 的伦敦印刷厂印制的。
The title page indicates neither the
place of publication nor the publisher, but scholars
[...] agree that the book was printed at the London shop of John Charlewood.
一位好奇的章节给出了丢失的摩洛序幕,或马拉的,主教阿弥陀(1叙利亚作家的作品似乎已经),而他的版本四福音中的希腊,以该作家的好奇心作为追加的pericope通奸的女子采取 约翰 8 ) , 其中有佳能摩洛插在第89,“这不是建立在其他手稿 书 第 八 ,三,赋予- Arsham也门烈士的信拜特哈西缅,或许是杜撰的文件。
A curious chapter gives the Prologue of Moro, or Mara, Bishop of Amida (a Syriac writer whose works appear to have been lost),
[...] to his edition of the four Gospels in Greek, to which the writers appends as a curiosity the pericope of the woman taken in adultery (John 8) which Moro had inserted in the 89th canon; "it is not founded in other manuscripts" Book VIII, iii, gives the letter of Simeon of Beit-Arsham on the martyrs of Yemen, perhaps an apocryphal document.
2010 年,各国议会联盟借第三个国际民主日之机,在各种媒体进行宣传活 动,包括其主席西奥-本·古里拉布 一 篇 文 章和对 书 长 安 斯 · 约翰 松 的采 访。
IPU used the day in 2010 as an opportunity to be present in a
variety of media,
[...] including with an article by its President, Theo-Ben Gurirab, and interviews with its Secretary General, Anders B. Johnsson.
卡塔尔国一夫人 谢哈·莫扎·宾特·纳赛尔·阿尔-米斯那德,各国议会 联盟书长安斯·约翰松, 可口可乐公司董事会主席兼首席执行官穆泰康,会 议知名人士小组共同主席詹姆斯·沃尔芬森和会议民间社会指导委员会全球协调 人阿尔琼·卡尔基也作了发言。
Statements were also made by Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, First Lady of the State of Qatar; Anders Johnsson, Secretary-General of the InterParliamentary [...]
Muhtar Kent, Chair of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of The Coca-Cola Company; James Wolfensohn, Co-Chair of the Group of Eminent Persons for the Conference; and Arjun Karki, Global Coordinator of the Civil Society Steering Committee for the Conference.
一些代 表团指出, 各种文书反映了海洋科学研究能力建设的必要性,这些 书 包 括 《 约翰 内 斯 堡执 行计划》、联合国环境与发展会议的《21 世纪议程》、千年发展目标、大会决议以 及协商进程第二次会议的成果文件。
Several delegations observed that the need for capacity-building
for marine
[...] scientific research had been reflected in various instruments, including the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, Agenda 21 of the United [...]
Conference on Environment and Development, the Millennium Development Goals, General Assembly resolutions and the outcome of the second meeting of the Consultative Process.
该项目着重为亚洲和非洲地区 的发展中国家建设国际等离子研究与教育中心,并在发展中国家建立基准科学教育实验室网 络,以与世界上等离子物理学最著名的中心开展合作,如俄罗斯联邦的 MITP 和 IHED、美 国的麻省理工学院和斯坦福大学、英国的剑桥大学、南非 约翰 内 斯 堡大学、意大利的比萨 大学、和其一些国 际研究中心,如瑞士日内瓦的 CERN 和俄罗斯联邦杜布纳的联合核研究 所(JINR)。
The project is focused on the development of an international plasma research and education centre for developing countries in the Asian and African regions, and of a network of benchmark scientific-educational laboratories in developing countries for cooperation with world centres of excellence in plasma physics such as MITP and IHED in the Russian Federation, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and
Stanford University in
[...] the United States of America, Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, Johannesburg University in South Africa, Pisa University in Italy, and international research centres, such as CERN in Geneva [...]
(Switzerland) and the
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna (Russian Federation).
我还要感谢书长、约翰·霍姆 斯先生和 皮莱女士在武装冲突中保护平民一 问 题 上发挥强 有力的领导作用。
I would also like to thank the Secretary General, Mr. John Holmes and Ms. Pillay for their dynamic leadership on [...]
the issue of the protection
of civilians in armed conflict.
注意到 环境与发展委员会第二届会议的报告,1 进一步回 顾 载于《环境与发展里约宣言》中的各项原则,2 《21 世纪议程》3 ,包括共同但有区别的责任的原则,以及为贯彻执 行《21 世纪议程》而通过的各项指导书, 特 别是 约翰 内 斯 堡执 行计划》,4 1.
Development on its second session,1 Recalling further the principles contained in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development,2 Agenda 21,3 including the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, as well as the instruments further adopted for the implementation of Agenda 21, in particular the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation,4 1.
请允许我首先感约翰·霍姆斯副书长所作的发言以及他在人道主义事务协调厅(人 道协调厅)开展的工作,并祝愿他今 一 切 顺 利。
Let me at the outset thank Under-Secretary-General John Holmes for his statement and for his work at the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and [...]
wish him all the best for the future.
委员会书处根据《约翰内斯堡执行计划》规定的任务、委员会第 一 届 会 议有 关伙伴关系的决定以及委员会的进一步指导来开展各项活动。
It bases its activities on the mandate of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation and the decision on partnerships taken at the eleventh session of the Commission, as well as on further guidance from the Commission.
书长与委员会协商后,于 2011 年 2 月 22 日任命大韩民国的 Duk Ho Moon(大规模毁灭性武器扩散),取代 2010 年 12 月 20 日起辞职的大不列颠及北 爱尔兰联合王国的大卫·伯奇;于 2011 年 3 月 21 日任命联合王国约翰·埃维 拉德(地区问题);以及于 2011 年 8 月 22 日任命美利坚合众国的威廉·纽科姆先 生(金融)和日本的古川克久先生(核问题)。
The Secretary-General, in consultation with the Committee, appointed Duk Ho Moon, Republic of Korea (proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, to replace David J. Birch, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, who had resigned effective 20 December 2010) on 22 February 2011; John Everard, United [...]
Kingdom (regional issues),
on 21 March 2011; and William Newcomb, United States of America (finance) and Katsuhisa Furukawa, Japan (nuclear issues), on 22 August 2011.
在 4 月 12 日第 4 次会议上约翰霍普 金斯大学布隆伯格公共健康学院教授 兼比尔和梅林达盖茨人口和生殖健康研究所主任 Amy Tsui 女士作为主旨发言人, 就“改善计划生育服务以实现人人生殖健康” 一 主 题 在委员会发了言,并回答 了印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、肯尼亚、马来西亚、美利坚合众国和荷兰代 表以及挪威、丹麦和冈比亚观察员提出的问题。
At the 4th meeting, on 12 April, the keynote speaker, Amy Tsui, Professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, addressed the Commission on the theme [...]
“Improving family planning services to achieve universal
reproductive health” and responded to questions raised by the representatives of Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kenya, Malaysia, the United States of America and the Netherlands and by the observers for Norway, Denmark and the Gambia.
国际民航组织同蒙特利尔的康卡迪亚大 约翰 摩 森 商学 一 道 , 提供专业 管理课程,主要是在网上授课。
In conjunction with the John Molson School of Business [...]
of Concordia University in Montreal, ICAO offered a professional
management course, a predominantly web-based programme.
针对《2005 年世界首脑会议成果文 件》、《可持续发展问题世界首脑会议执行计划》 ( 《 约翰 内 斯 堡执行计划》)和新伙伴关系框架 中列明的非洲可持续发展的各项挑战,本次级方案的战略将继续强调在区域合作 一 体 化 范畴 内促进农业结构改造和粮食安全的政策和战略,尤其注重土地、水、森林、城乡联系、人类住 区和气候变化。
In response to the sustainable development challenges in Africa identified in the 2005 World Summit Outcome, the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (“Johannesburg Plan of Implementation”) and the NEPAD framework, the strategy of the subprogramme will continue to emphasize policies and strategies for structural agricultural transformation and food security within a perspective of regional cooperation and integration, with a particular focus on land, water, forests, urban-rural linkages and human settlements and climate change.
我还要感谢你促成召开这次公开 辩论会,并表示秘鲁代表团感谢主管人道主义事务副书长约翰·霍姆 斯先生和人权事务高级专员皮莱女 士就各国参加安理会今天这次公开辩论会所要讨论 [...]
I should also like to thank you for having promoted the convening of this open debate, and to express
the Peruvian delegation’s
[...] appreciation to Mr. John Holmes, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian [...]
Affairs, and Ms. Pillay,
High Commissioner for Human Rights, for their comprehensive briefings on the topic that brings us together today for this open debate in the Council.
书记官长约 翰·霍金继续履行其法庭职责。
The Registrar, John Hocking, continued [...]
to fulfil his duties at the Tribunal.
(b) 关于争议法庭及其书记官处,鉴于上文第 42 至 44
[...] 段所述原因,秘 书 长 建议大会为该法庭再任命三名专职法官(日内瓦、内罗毕和纽约 一 名 ),约 书记官处的一个 P-2法律干事员额改叙为 P-3,并设立六个新员额(3 个 P-3、2 个一般事务和 [...]
1 个一般事务(当地雇员))来协助新增专职法官的工作,自 2012 年 1月1日起生效。
(b) With respect to the Dispute Tribunal and its Registries, for the reasons set out in paragraphs 42-44 above, the Secretary-General recommends that the Assembly appoint
three additional
[...] full-time judges (one each in Geneva, Nairobi and New York) to the Tribunal, reclassify one P-2 Legal [...]
Officer post in the Registry
in New York as a P-3 post and establish six new posts (3 P-3, 2 General Service (Other level) and 1 General Service (Local level)) to support the additional full-time judges, effective 1 January 2012.
首先,我们 愿同前面的发言一道感谢秘书长的 通报,赞约 翰·霍姆 斯副秘书长坚持不懈的崇高努力,以及他对 安理会有系统地讨论这一重要问题的特殊贡献。
At the outset, we would like to join previous speakers in thanking the Secretary-General for his briefing and in commending Under-Secretary-General John Holmes for his tireless [...]
and noble efforts
and his exceptional contribution in systematically addressing this important issue in this Chamber.
在 2009 年 3 月 17 日第 26 次会议上,土著人民权利专家机制主约 翰·本哈尔·亨里克森介绍了 2008 年 10 月 1 日至 3 日举行的土著人民权利专家机 制一届会议的报告(A/HRC/10/56)。
At the 26th meeting, on 17 March 2009, the
[...] Chairperson of the expert mechanism on the rights of indigenous peoples, John Bernhard Henriksen, introduced the report on the first session of the [...]
mechanism on the rights of indigenous peoples held on 1-3 October 2008 (A/HRC/10/56).
由于依照第 7 条报告的数据仅用来确定年度履约状况,而且目前的分析使用就不同约期国 家方案执行情况向基金秘书处报告的混合数据并假定执行中项目的淘汰将会落实, 因此本文件不对约本身 作出判断,而是评估第 5 条国家在遵守《蒙特利尔议书》一项 或多项控制措施方面的潜在前景。
Since data reported pursuant to Article 7 are used exclusively to determine status of compliance on an annual basis, and the current analysis uses a mixture of data reported to the Fund Secretariat on country programme implementation for
various compliance periods and assumes
[...] that the phase-out from ongoing projects would be implemented, this document does not determine compliance per se, but rather assesses the potential prospects of an Article 5 country achieving compliance with one or more of the Montreal Protocol control measures.
许多组织无法确定其应否和如何适 用多边环境协定、政府间书(比如, 《 约翰 内 斯 堡执行计划》和《千年发展目 标》)以及联合国系统内外制定的其它国际环境规范和标准,包括国际标准组织 [...]
Many organizations are not sure whether and
how they should apply MEAs,
[...] intergovernmental instruments (e.g. the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation [...]
(JPOI) and the Millennium
Development Goals) and other international environmental norms or standards formulated within and outside the United Nations system, including International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards.
以下小组成员作了发言:国际货币 和金融委员会副主席和埃及财政部副部长哈尼·迪米安;剑桥大学教 约翰 ·伊 特维尔;24 国集团主席和叙利亚中央银行理事阿迪卜·马亚莱赫;欧洲发展和人 道主义援助专员路易·米歇尔;瑞典外交部国际发展合作国务 书 若 阿 基姆·斯 蒂姆内;本次会议书长特 使和德国联邦经济合作和发展部长海德马里·维乔雷 克-措伊尔。
Presentations were made by the following panellists: Hany Dimian, Deputy Chairman of the International Monetary and Financial Committee
and Deputy
[...] Finance Minister of Egypt; John Eatwell, Professor, University of Cambridge; Adib Mayaleh, Chair of the Group of 24, Governor of the Central Bank of Syria; Louis Michel, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid; Joakim Stymne, State Secretary, International Development [...]
Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden; and Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Conference.
我们还要表 示,我们感谢一工作组和第二工作组 2010 年主席 意大利的保罗·库库利先生和南非 约翰 · 帕 斯 卡利 斯先生努力完成他们的工作。
We would also like to express our gratitude to the 2010 Chairs of Working Groups I and II, namely, Mr. Paolo Cuculi of Italy and Mr. Johann Paschalis of South Africa, for their efforts to conclude their work.
可持续发展问题世界首脑会议执行计划》 ( 《 约翰 内 斯 堡执行计划》)1和 可持续发展委员会第十一届会议的有关决定(见E/2003/29),吁请各主要群体加 强参加和深入参与委员会的活动以及《21 世纪议程》、《一步执行 21 世纪议程 的方案》和约翰内斯 堡执行计划》的执行工作。
The Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (“Johannesburg Plan of Implementation”)1 and the decisions of the eleventh session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (see E/2003/29) called for strengthened involvement and enhanced participation of major groups in the activities of the Commission as well as in the implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.




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