

单词 约等於

See also:




be tantamount to

External sources (not reviewed)

紧随收购完成後,五矿有色间接拥有约 22 亿股普通股约等於司经扩大普通股基础之 75%)及约 16 亿股永久次级可换股证券。
Immediately following the completion of the acquisition, CMN indirectly owned approximately 2.2
billion ordinary shares
[...] (approximately equal to75%of the Company’s expanded ordinary share base) and approximately [...]
1.6 billion PSCS.
[...] 应付款项、应计费用及浮动息率借贷之面值减减值拨备 (如适用) 被假约等於平值。
The nominal values less impairment provision (if applicable) of trade and other receivables, prepayments,
accruals, trade and other payables and borrowings with floating interest rates
[...] are assumed to approximate theirfair values.
Chung observed, "Concurrent tests
showed that a support rating of 55 marks was
[...] more orlessequivalent to a "vote share" [...]
of 45%, 50 marks could be converted
to round about 30%, 45 marks to 20%, and 40 marks to 10% to 15%.
截至二零一零年十 二月三十一日止年度,华北铝业建设协议项下支付的实际金额约为人民币 5.5 百万元(等於约0.8 百万美元)。
The actual amount paid under the NCA Construction Agreement was approximately RMB5.5 million(equivalent to approximately US$0.8 million) for the yearended 31December 2010.
本 集 团 金 融 资 产 及 财 务 担 保 合 同 的 信 用 风 险 源 自 交 易 对 方大 风 险 敞等 於工 具 的 账 面 金 额。
The Group’s credit risk of financial assets and
[...] financial guarantee contractarises from default of the counterparty, with a maximum exposureequal to the carrying [...]
amounts of these instruments.
长达一年的创作和工序,先後到访法国南部、康城、约等最後回归巴Karl Lagerfeld的工作室完成整个拍摄工作。
The year-long creation process were taken in
places like the southern part
[...] of France, Cannes,NewYork etc.,back toParis at last and [...]
finish the whole photo shoot in Karl Lagerfeld’s studio.
倘要约获全面接纳(按全面摊薄基准),根据要约,要约 人的应付款项总额将为1,330百万加元(等於约10,044百万港元)。
In the event that the Offer is accepted in full (on a Fully-Diluted Basis), the
aggregate amount
[...] payable bythe Offeror pursuant to the Offer will be C$1,330 million (equivalent to approximately HK$10,044 [...]
在 厘 定 代 价 时,买 方 已 计 入Kingsrich缴 足 资 本1,000美 元(等 於 约7,816港 元)及 二 零 零 七 年 五 月 三 十 一 日 贷 款 金 额295,528美 元(按 协 定 滙 率 折 算,等 於 约2,309,965港 元),亦 计 入(i)估 值 师 告 知 本 公 司 该 土 地 於 二 零 零 七 年 三 月 三 十 一 日 之 巿 值 约 为 人 民 币65,000,000元(等 於 约66,740,000港 元),较 江 苏 远 通 纸 业 根 据 土 地 使 用 权 出 让 合 同 应 付 的 土 地 出 让 金 为 高;及(ii) 卖 方 在 成 立 江 苏 远 通 纸 业 时 所 花 的 时 间 及 所 付 出 的 努 力,包 括 但 不 限 於 就 江 苏 远 通 纸 业 合 资 合 同 及 合 资 章 程 以 及 土 地 [...]
使 用 权 出 让 合 同 的 条 款 而 进 行 的 磋 商。
In the determination of the Consideration, the Purchaser has considered the paid
up capital of Kingsrich
[...] of US$1,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$7,816) and the amount of the Loan as at 31 May 2007 of US$295,528 (equivalenttoapproximately HK$2,309,965 at the Agreed Exchange Rate) and has also considered (i) the market value of the Land as at 31 March 2007 of approximately RMB65 million (equivalent toapproximatelyHK$66.74 million) as indicated to the Company by the Valuer which is higher thanthe amount [...]
of land premium
payable by JYTP under the Land Use Right Grant Contract; and (ii) the time and effort spent by the Vendor in the setting up of JYTP including, but not limited to, the negotiation of the terms of the joint venture contract and the joint venture articles of JYTP and the Land Use Right Grant Contract.
根据租赁协议,杨先生同意珠海泽涛之租赁期限为三年,自二零一三年三月一日起至二 零一六年二月二十九日止,首十二个月之月租为人民币97,000元(等於约120,318港 元),随後两年每年增加5%,即截至二零一四年二月二十八日止年度、截至二零一五年 二月二十八日止年度及截至二零一六年二月二十九日止年度之年度代价将分别为人民币 1,164,000元(等於约1,443,810港元)、人民币1,222,200元(等於约1,516,001港元)及 人民币1,283,310元(等於约1,591,801港元)。
Pursuant to the Lease Agreement, Mr. Ieong has agreed to grant the Lease to Zhuhai Centresin for a term of three years commencing from 1 March 2013 to 29 February
2016 at a monthly rent of
[...] RMB97,000 (equivalent toapproximately HK$120,318) for the first twelve months and annual increment of 5% for the subsequent two years, i.e. the annual consideration for the year ending 28 February 2014 will be RMB1,164,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$1,443,810), for the year ending 28 February 2015 will be RMB1,222,200 (equivalentto approximately HK$1,516,001) and for the year ending29 February 2016 will be RMB1,283,310(equivalentto approximately HK$1,591,801).
[...] 年十月三十日的资本化後资产净值约1,630,300,000澳门元(等於约1,581,400,000 港元)增加至二零一一年三月三十一日的约1,838,900,000港元,增加约16.3%。
We note that the NAV of the Associate increases from the PostCapitalisation NAV
of approximately
[...] MOP1,630.3million (equivalenttoapproximatelyHK$1,581.4 [...]
million) as at 30 October 2010 to approximately HK$1,838.9 million
as at 31 March 2011 as shown in the management accounts of the Associate, representing a growth of approximately 16.3%.
要约须待支持协议所载的初步要约条件及要约条件达成後方可作实,并以每股普 通股8.00加元(等於约60.40港元)的现金代价提出收购。
The Offer will be conditional on the Preliminary Offer Conditions and the Offer Conditions as set out in the Support
Agreement, and be made for a cash consideration
[...] of C$8.00(equivalent to approximately HK$60.40) for each Common Share.
[...] 十二月三十一日止期间,根据山西关铝销售框架协议支付实际金额约为人民币 103.9 百万元(等 於约15.3百万美元)。
During the period from 12 November 2010 to 31 December 2010, the actual amount paid under the
Shanxi Guanlv Sale Framework Agreement was approximately
[...] RMB103.9 million (equivalent to approximately US$15.3 million).
发行证券之所得款项净额(扣除佣金及开支後)估计约为二亿九千五百四十万美元 (等於约二十二亿九千一百万元),并将由受信人用作购买股份认购协议项下 之认购股份及订立掉期协议。
The net proceeds from the issue of the Securities, after deduction of commission
and expenses are
[...] estimated to be approximately US$295.4 million(equivalent to approximatelyHK$2,291 [...]
million) and will be
used by the Fiduciary to acquire the Subscription Shares under the Share Subscription Agreement and enter into the Swap Agreement.
订立该发射服务合约乃为支持 Sea
Launch 重组,悉数结付该申索,据此,Sea Launch
[...] 将向亚洲卫星提供一(1)笔为数 16,150,000 美元(等於约125,970,000 港 元)的偿还金额,以抵销亚洲卫星就 [...]
Sea Launch 根据发射服务合约提供发射服务而应 付予其的款项。
The Launch Services Contract is entered into in support of the Sea Launch Reorganisation as full settlement of the Claim and pursuant to which Sea Launch will provide AsiaSat with one
(1) credit in the amount of
[...] US$16.15 million (equivalentto approximatelyHK$125.97 million) [...]
for offsetting the amount payable
by AsiaSat to Sea Launch for the launch service under the Launch Services Contract.
截 至 二 零 零 七 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 止 年 度 因 摊 薄 一 间 附 属 公 司 权 益 而 获 得 之 收 益 约 为40,130,000港 元, 包 括(i) 认 购 方 於 二 零 零 七 年 一 月 按 代 价6,500,000美 元( 或等 於 约50,570,000港 元 )完 成 认 购GDC Technology之 52,383,580股 股 份 後, 本 集 团 於GDC Technology所 占 权 益 由GDC Technology已 发 行 股 本 约83.3%摊 薄 至 56.3%所产生之收益约40,295,000港元,以及(ii)於年内行使GDC Technology购股权而进一步摊薄本集团於GDC Technology之权益所产生之亏损净额约165,000港元。
Gain on dilution of interest in a subsidiary of approximately HK$40,130,000 for the year ended 31 December 2007 included (i) approximately HK$40,295,000 from the gain on dilution of the Group’s interest in GDC technology from approximately 83.3% to 56.3% of the issued capital of GDC technology upon the completion of the subscription of 52,383,580 shares of GDC technology by a subscriber at a consideration of Us$6.5 million (or equivalent to approximately HK$50,570,000) in January 2007, and (ii) approximately HK$165,000 from the net loss on further dilution of the Group’s interest in GDC technology upon exercise of share options of GDC technology during the year.
(ii) 倘实际资产净额超过119,389,000新西兰元(等於约775,312,166元),买 方将向卖方支付於调整日期之有关差额,作为增加股份代价,惟所支付之调整 金额上限为20,000,000新西兰元(等於约129,880,000元)。
(ii) in the event that the Actual Net Asset
Amount is more than
[...] NZ$119,389,000 (equivalent to approximatelyHK$775,312,166), the Purchaser shall pay to the Vendors, as an increase in the Share Consideration, such difference on the Adjustment Date, provided that the adjustment payment amount shall be capped at NZ$20,000,000 (equivalent toapproximately HK$129,880,000).
根据集团管理层的讨论,并考虑到3D专利权的 许可使用费收费率预期为每块显示屏不超过1.5欧元(相於约2.1元),以及飞利 浦品牌范围内产品(就显示屏或组件方面具有3D专利权)於知识产权协议的期限内 第一年、第二年及第三年在许可地区的预计产量分别为不超过250,000台、500,000 台及1,000,000台,相比於合营集团的估计营业额而言,预期飞利浦所分成的3D专 [...][...]
Based on our discussion with
[...] the management of the Group andafter considering the anticipated 3D Patent royalty rate of not exceeding EUR1.5 (equivalent to approximately US$2.1) per panel and the projected [...]
volume of the Philips-branded Scope Products (with 3D Patents in respect of display panels or components) in the Territory of not more than 250,000 units, 500,000 units and 1 million units for the first, second and third year of the term of the IntellectualPropertyAgreement,thetotalamount of the 3D Patent royalty rebate shared by Philips is anticipated to be insignificant as compared to the projected turnover of the JV Group.
倘本公司认定,有必要或适宜以其他形式进行交易(如安排或合并计划),据此,本公司或本公 司附属公司可於同期,按经济条款及其他条款及条件(包括(但不限於)税务处理及形 式以及每股普通股的代价金额)及结果对Anvil及Anvil股东而言属等於利於拟进行交易的情 况下有效收购全部普通股(「替代交易」),则Anvil同意支持以与要约相同的方式完成替代交易, 并将以其他方式就该替代交易履行其於支持协议的契诺,惟任何替代交易将不会受到融资条件的 规限。
If the Company concludes that it is necessary or desirable to proceed with another form of transaction (such as a plan of arrangement or amalgamation) whereby the Company or a Company Subsidiary would
effectively acquire all of
[...] the Common Shares withinapproximately the same time periods and on economic terms and other terms and conditions (including, without limitation, tax treatment and form and amount of consideration per Common Share) and having consequences to Anvil and the Anvil Shareholders thatareequivalent to or better than [...]
those contemplated by
the Support Agreement (an “Alternative Transaction”), Anvil agrees to support the completion of such Alternative Transaction in the same manner as the Offer and will otherwise fulfil its covenants contained in the Support Agreement in respect of such Alternative Transaction, provided any such Alternative Transaction will not be subject to a financing condition.




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