

单词 约定的

See also:

约定 v

promise v
arrange v


make an agreement
contract (at bridge)
conclude a treaty

External sources (not reviewed)

有遵循 Java 方法名约定的唯一 名称(在它所属的端口类型上下文中)。
Have a unique name (in the context of the portType it belongs to) that
[...] follows the Java conventions for method names.
将应执行委员会的具体要求,由一个独立的当地公司或牵头执行机 约定的 独立 地方顾问对计划规定的执行指标的实现情况进行核查。
Verification of the achievement of the
[...] performance targets, specified in the Plan, [...]
will be undertaken, upon specific request
of the Executive Committee, by an independent local company or independent local consultants contracted by the Lead IA.
工艺鉴定是指对已经转让的工艺与在工艺转让合同约定的各指标进行确定, 检查的活动。
Technology appraisal means the inspection and determination of the criteria of a transferred technology against the criteria indicated in the technology transfer contract.
[...] 即表明其认为通货膨胀和法定增长以及安全和大楼翻新方面的必要开支不应当影响中期战略 (C/4)约定的计划活动的按时完成。
In supporting this option, Member States would indicate that inflation/statutory increases and obligatory expenditures on security and building renovation
should not detract from the timely completion of
[...] programme activities as agreed upon in the Medium-Term [...]
Strategy (C/4).
通过对宗教的诽谤和否定、刻板地描绘宗教或 种族是最坏的种族主义形式之一,其实践者可以在
[...] 表达和言论自由的掩护下,无视国 约定的 标 准 , 损害不同宗教信奉者的人权却不受惩罚,巴基斯坦 [...]
Pakistan regretted that practitioners of one of the worst forms of racism, the incitement to racial and religious
hatred through the denigration of religions
[...] and negative stereotypes of religions [...]
or races, could take refuge behind freedom
of expression and opinion to attack with impunity the rights of persons professing a different religion, disregarding accepted international standards.
所有限 制的计算均针对每人每保险年度,《保单利益表》中另有特约 定的除外
All limits are per member, per insurance year, unless otherwise stated in your Table [...]
of Benefits.
第四十三条 接受交货的义务 当货物到达目的地时,要求交付货物的收货人应在运输合 约定的 时 间 或期 限内,在运输合约定的地点 接受交货,无此 约定的 , 应在考虑到合同条款和 行业习惯、惯例或做法以及运输情形,能够合理预期的交货时间和地点接受交货。
When the goods have arrived at their destination, the consignee that demands delivery of the goods under the contract of carriage shall accept delivery of the goods at the time or within the time period and at the location agreed in the contract of carriage or, failing such agreement, at the time and location at which, having regard to the terms of the contract, the customs, usages or practices of the trade and the circumstances of the carriage, delivery could reasonably be expected.
伙伴关系定,约定的减排 目标必须超 过沃尔沃已经规划的目标,而且沃尔沃将在本行业减少温 室气体排放的活动中起带头作用。
The partnership stipulates that the agreed goal must go beyond what Volvo has already planned and that Volvo will lead its industry in the reduction of greenhouse gasses.
在他们的科学、临床、科研及业务能力的支持下,该团队可以为其客户提供常 约定的 业 务 决策支持,并使客户可以利用多客户数据库和资源,包括肿瘤学在美国的市场准入、肿瘤学在欧盟的市场准入、OMT、CancerNFluence及CancerMPact。
Supported by their scientific, clinical, research and business competencies, the team provides their clients with business decision support on a custom engagement basis and makes available multiclient databases and resources including Oncology Market Access U.S., Oncology Market Access EU, OMT, CancerNFluence and CancerMPact.
达尔富尔冲突各方受《日内瓦四约 》 规 定的约 束 , 其中规范 非国际武装冲突情况下的手段和方法,特别是《日内瓦四公约》共同第 3 条。
All parties to the conflict in Darfur are bound by the provisions of the Geneva Conventions that regulate [...]
the means and methods
of warfare in situations of non-international armed conflict, specifically article 3 common to the four Geneva Conventions.
3.2 交货期从订单确认开始计算,但这以买方履行 约定的义 务 为前提,如实现约定买方应提供某些文件,技术数据,技术 认可和放行通知,约定的预付款等。
3.2 The period of delivery starts with the order confirmation, however, not before the customer
has submitted the
[...] documents and information relating to technical details, approvals, and releases to be provided by the customer and has made the down payments possibly agreed upon.
(c) 如果在该政府的会员国资格被终止六个月内,或公司与该政 约定的 时 间 内双方未达成 此种协议,则应根据公司账目上所记该政府的会员国资格终止之日该政府所持股本的价 值来确定这些股本的回购价格。
(c) If such agreement shall not have been made within six months after the government ceases to be a member or such other time as the Corporation and such government may agree, the repurchase price of the government's capital stock shall be the value thereof shown by the books of the Corporation on the day when the government ceases to be a member.
赔付金 额以保险双方在签订保险条款 约定的 赔 偿 限额为标准,同批产品造成多人的人身伤害或财产损失的被视为一次事故造成的损 失,并且只适用于每次事故的赔偿限额。
The same products  causing multiple injuries or damages is seen as o ne occurrence triggering payment and is subject t o the payment limit set for sin‐ gle event.
三、符合本条第一款所列条件的,对于受海运履约方委托履行运输合 约定 的承运 人义务的人违反本公约对海运履约方 定的 义 务 的作为或不作为,海运履 约方负赔偿责任。
3. A maritime performing party is liable
[...] for the breach of its obligations under this Convention caused by the acts or omissions of any person [...]
to which it has entrusted
the performance of any of the carrier’s obligations under the contract of carriage under the conditions set out in paragraph 1 of this article.
如果有效保留意在更改条约某些定 的 法律效力,当缔约国或缔约组织反对 该保留但不反对条约在它与保留方之间生效时,提出反对的缔约国或缔约组织与 保留方在其条约关系中不受保留意在更改的 约 规 定的约 束。
To the extent that a valid reservation purports to
modify the legal effect
[...] of certain provisions of the treaty, when a contracting State or a contracting organization has raised an objection to it but has not opposed the entry into force of the treaty between itself and the author of the reservation, the objecting State or organization and the author of the reservation are not bound, in their treaty relations, by the provisions of the treaty as intended to be modified by the reservation.
此外,根据财政部、税 务办公室和乌兹别克斯坦共和国中央银 的约定 , 免 除对运动机构的审计,甚至 降低银行服务的税率。
In addition, under an agreement with the Ministry of Finance, the Taxation Committee and the Central Bank, Kamolot does not have to undergo audit and it pays a reduced rate for banking services.
根据《约》的定义, “区域”是大洋空间的一个特定部分,处于国家管 辖范围以外。
The Area, as defined in the Convention, exists as a particular [...]
part of ocean space beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.
[...] 都是在办公时间以外、在办公体系以外、在正式承诺以外、在人 的约定 之 外 取得的。
Most good things that are
[...] achieved in Afghanistan are achieved outside [...]
office hours, outside office structures, outside
formal commitments, outside what anybody’s contracted to do.
然而,比利时关于《儿童权利约》 定 期 报 告 的 编 写工作由全国儿童权利 委员会统一协调,该委员会成员主要来自民间社会。
The preparation of the periodic report of Belgium [...]
to the Committee on the Rights of the Child is coordinated entirely by
the National Commission on the Rights of the Child, which represents a wide range of civil society organizations.
[...] 下实施的,但前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭裁定危害人类罪背景下的酷刑定义与 该约的定义不 同,而在《公约》的框架外,国际习惯法没有规定对酷刑行为承 [...]
It was noted that while the Convention Against Torture requires an act of torture to have been inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia decided that the definition of torture in the context of
crimes against humanity is not
[...] identical to the definition in the Convention and that outside [...]
the framework of the Convention,
customary international law does not impose a public official requirement in relation to criminal responsibility for torture.
除非争议各方另约定,委员会应 定 自 己的 议事规则。
It shall, unless the Parties to the dispute otherwise agree, determine its [...]
own procedure.
如果有效保留意在排除条约某些定 的 法 律效力,当缔约国或缔约组织反对 该保留但不反对条约在它与保留方之间生效时,提出反对的国家或组织与保留方 在其条约关系中不受保留所涉 定的约 束。
1. When a State or an international organization objecting to a valid reservation has not opposed the entry into force of the treaty between itself and the reserving State or organization, the provisions to which the reservation relates do not apply as between the author of the reservation and the objecting State or organization, to the extent of the reservation.
目前已经基本实现,有些折中处理,采 约定 代 替配 置 的 办 法 提高代码解析速度。
Now been largely achieved , and some compromise deal ,
[...] instead of using the agreed measures to improve the [...]
configuration of the code parsing speed .
根据《经济、社会、文化权利国际 约 》 的 规 定 , 依 照关于缔约国定期报告 形式和内容的建议,并考虑到摩尔多瓦共和国关于批准《2004-2008 [...]
年国家人权 行动计划》的 2004 年 10 月 24 日第 415-XV 号议会决定以及关于国家委员会负
责批准初次报告和定期报告的 2006 年 3 月 1 日第 225 号政府决定,谨此提交 2001-2007 年摩尔多瓦共和国关于联合国《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》执 行情况的第二次定期报告。
In accordance with the provisions of the International Covenant on economic, [...]
social and cultural rights and following the
recommendations on the form and contents of the periodic reports of the States Parties, and taking into account the provisions of the Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on the approval of the National Human Rights Action Plan for years 2004–2008, No. 415-XV from 24 October 2004, and the Governmental Decision on the National Committee responsible for the approval of the initial and periodic Reports No. 225 from 01 March 2006, herewith is the second periodic Report on the implementation of the International UN Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Republic of Moldova for years 2001–2007.
为每个已作出有关声明(参见第 B.II.07.86 段)且依议定书定的被指定缔约方缴纳的单独规费,但被指定缔约方(也)是受 定约束 的国家,而且原属局(也)是受 定约 束 的 国 家 的主管局的除外(此种指定 应缴纳补充费); – 为三类以上每类商品和服务缴纳的附加费;但所有被指定缔 约方均需缴纳单独规费的,不缴纳附加费。
an individual fee for the designation of each designated Contracting Party that has made the relevant declaration (see paragraph B.II.07.86) and is designated under the Protocol, except where that designated Contracting Party is a State bound (also) by the Agreement and the Office of origin is the Office of a State bound (also) by the Agreement (in respect of such a designation, a complementary fee is payable)
由于根据《销售公约》第 1(1)(a)条的规定,《公约》适 用于上述 合同(本合同涉及动产的销售,而卖方和买方营业地又分属《销售公约》两个 不同的缔约国),如果合同双方 约定 合 同 的 履 行 地,则应根据《销售公约》 第 31 条确定交货地点。
Being the Convention applicable to the contract by virtue of article 1 (1)(a) CISG (the contract related to the sale of movables, the seller and the buyer had their place of business in two CISG contracting States) if the parties had not agreed upon a place of performance, article 31 CISG would determine the [...]
place of delivery.
例如,《最后文件》文本严重淡化了对核武器国 家降低其武库的实战状态以及停止开发和实质性改
[...] 除核武器在其军事理念中的作用,或者接受一项具 有法律约束力的文书以禁止核武器;文件没有要求 从无核武器国家的领土上撤出核武器;没有包含《约》的不结盟国家约国集团要求 定的 全 面 消除 核武器的具体时限;特别是,文件没有呼吁以色列, 这一对中东无核武器区构成唯一障碍的国家,停止 开发核武器,并无条件地签订《不扩散条约》。
For example, the text of the Final Document had significantly watered down the commitments for nuclear-weapon States to reduce the operational status of their arsenals and to cease the development and qualitative improvement of their nuclear weapons; it did not oblige the nuclear-weapon States to abolish the role of nuclear weapons in their military doctrines or to accept a legally binding instrument for the prohibition of nuclear weapons; it did not call for the withdrawal of nuclear weapons from the territories of non-nuclearweapon
States; it did not
[...] include the specific timeline for the total elimination of nuclear weapons called for by the Group of Non-Aligned States parties to the Treaty; [...]
and, in particular,
it failed to call upon Israel, the only obstacle to a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, to cease the development of nuclear weapons and to accede to the Non-Proliferation Treaty without preconditions.
因此他提议删除第 41 条第 4 段括号中的措辞,并将 该段第二句改为“收到仲裁庭关于收费和开 的决 定 后 15 天内,任何一方当事人均可将该决定提请指 定机构审查,约定或未指派定机 构 的 , 或 者指 定机构拒绝或未能做出任何决的, 应 由常设仲裁 院秘书长审查”。
He therefore proposed that the bracketed words in article 41, paragraph 4, should be deleted and that the paragraph’s second sentence should read: “Within 15 days of
receiving the arbitral
[...] tribunal’s determination of fees and expenses, any party may refer for review such determination to the appointing authority, or if no appointing authority has been agreed upon or designated or if the appointing authority [...]
refuses or fails
to make any decision, to the Secretary-General of the PCA”.
根据《宪法》第13(1) 条,《权利法案》
[...] 是苏丹南部人民之间也是其与各级政府之 的约定 , 是 尊重和增进《宪法》所载 人权和基本自由的一项承诺;是在苏丹南部实现正义、平等和民主的基石。
Pursuant to Article 13 (1) of the Constitution, the Bill of
[...] Rights is a covenant among the people [...]
of Southern Sudan and between them and their
government at every level and a commitment to respect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms enshrined in this Constitution; it is the cornerstone of social justice, equality and democracy in Southern Sudan.
尽管非物质文化遗 产的做法与表达形式可能仅限于某个性别,这与《 约 》 的定 义 并 不违背。培训 材料强调,仍有一些非物质文化遗产的做法违反了某一性别的人权,导致这一人 [...]
Although ICH practices and expressions may be limited to one
or another gender and remain
[...] consistent with the Convention’s definition, the training materials [...]
emphasize that there are
other ICH practices that violate the human rights of one or another gender and are therefore to be ignored.




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