

单词 纤纤

adjective ()

fine adj

External sources (not reviewed)

实际上,即使气温和雨量 发生小小的变化,也会改变谷类纤 维 和 饮料作物以及水果的质量,结果也会影 [...]
Indeed, even small changes in temperature and
rainfall could generate changes on the
[...] quality of cereals, fibre and beverage crops [...]
and fruits with consequences on their prices and trade.
[...] 能泰国”战略下扩大其宽带网络,并在公共场点和那些尚未接入 纤 电 缆的 偏远地区增加无线互联网连接。
The Commission was also informed that Thailand was expanding its broadband network under its ―Smart Thailand‖ strategy and
increasing wireless Internet connectivity in public areas and
[...] remote areas where fibre-optic networks [...]
were not yet available.
龙牙草是欧洲、亚洲和非洲温带地区常见的一种植物,默默无闻地生长在路旁、岸边或空地上 纤 细 修 长的黄色花簇,在夏天的时候非常醒目。
A plant common to the temperate regions of Europe, Asia and Africa, Agrimony grows
modestly along roads, on banks and in clearings
[...] where its slender cluster of yellow flowers is easily recognized [...]
in the summer.
如果将此解决方案 与视频纤端面检测器和 OTDR 搭配使用,您就能够轻松地检测脏污或损坏的连接器,查看连接器和 纤 端 面 的清晰视图,并且实现 完全链路鉴定。
Combined with a video fiber inspection probe and an OTDR, this solution lets you easily detect dirty or damaged connectors, providing a clear view of connectors and fiber ends and enabling [...]
complete link characterization.
他的研究项目包括开发第一个横跨大西洋的海底光波系统,从美国新泽西州到英国和法国的海底光缆系统 TAT-8,开发纤制导 导弹系统,以及开发高速紫外光固化 纤 涂 料 ,甚至是用于保护户外电信系统的控释杀虫剂产品。
His research projects included the development of the first transatlantic undersea lightwave system, TAT-8
from New Jersey to the
[...] UK and France, fiber optic guided missile systems, development of high speed UV curable coatings for optical fiber and even controlled [...]
release insecticide
products to protect outdoor telecommunications systems.
低级醇 (如甲醇、乙醇及异丙醇)可短时间接触或在低浓度下纤维素酯膜共用。
Lower alcohols such as methanol, ethanol, and isopropanol can be used with CE membranes at short exposure times or low concentrations.
由于美利坚合众国政府实施经济、贸易和金融禁运的法律规定,古巴无 法连接到围绕古巴群岛的纤电缆,迫使古巴支付卫星服务,这种服务 [...]
Because of the laws on the economic, trade and financial embargo imposed by the Government of the
United States of America, Cuba is unable to
[...] connect to the fibre-optic cables that [...]
surround the Cuban archipelago, forcing
the country to pay for satellite services involving bandwidth restrictions, serious problems acquiring the necessary technologies and high connection costs.
食 典 委 注 意 到 委 员 会 正 在 进 行 的 膳纤 维 分 析 方 法 方 面 的 工 作 , 通过了 通过了 通过了 通过了营 养 及 卫生说明使用准则中的膳纤维规定,并提出将检查西班牙文翻译是否符合英语版本的 定义。
The Commission noted the
[...] ongoing work on methods of analysis for dietary fibre in the Committee and adopted the Provisions on Dietary Fibre in the Guidelines for Use of Nutrition and Health [...]
Claims as proposed,
with the understanding that the Spanish translation will be checked for consistency with the English version of the definition.
[...] 个主要技术领域的飞速进步——数字信息存储/处理以及卫星/光 纤 维 通信——为在全球 范围内获取和使用知识提供了更为快捷和便宜的途径。
Rapid advances in two key technologies –
digital information storage/processing and
[...] satellite/optical fibre communications [...]
– are creating faster and cheaper ways of
accessing and using knowledge around the world.
随着世界贸易组织(世贸组织)《纺织品和服装协定》中的《多纤维协 定》配额的逐步淘汰、粮食和和石油价格的上升以及全球性金融危 机的出现,有特殊需求的亚洲及太平洋各国、包括最不发达国家、内陆发 展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家在保持经济增长和进一步落实减贫方案方 Page 6 面仍然面临着巨大挑战。
With the phasing out of the Multifibre Agreement (MFA) quotas under the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Textiles and Clothing, and given the rise in food and oil prices and the global financial crisis, the Asian and Pacific countries with special needs, including the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States, are continuing to face tremendous challenges in maintaining their economic growth and further implementing poverty reduction programmes.
通过 MCVD 流程,OFS 能够精确控制每条纤对纤芯的 折射率, 包纤芯的中心区域。
The MCVD process enables
[...] OFS to precisely control each fiber’s index of refraction across [...]
the core, including the core’s center region.
在单一屏幕上查看所有纤在每 个波长的所 有事件数据。
View data for
[...] all events on all fibers, and at each wavelength, [...]
on a single screen.
一款能提供强有力的立体声音效纤 巧 设 备 Jabra Clipper 是一款 Bluetooth® 立体声耳机,让您不仅能享受具有完美音质的无线音乐,还能享受如水晶般干净清晰的通话音质。
A little device that packs a powerful, stereo punch Jabra Clipper is a Bluetooth® stereo headset that enables you to enjoy wireless music with great sound and crystal clear calls.
全球纤基础 设施的发展,提供了前所未有的全球分享数据通 信网络的前景。
The development
[...] of the global fibre infrastructure [...]
provides unprecedented prospects for the global reach of data communication networks.
本标准适用于石膏板纤维增 强水泥板、加气混凝土板、轻集料混凝土条板、混凝土空心条板纤维增 强硅酸钙板及复合板等轻质墙体板材。
This technical requirement shall apply to
lightweight wall boards such as
[...] plasterboard, fiber reinforced cement board, aerocrete panel, light aggregate concrete ribbon board, concrete hollow ribbon board, fibrous reinforcement [...]
calcium silicate board and composite board.
2010年,CMFI加入澳大利亚未纤维研究创新中心(AFFRIC),该中心位于迪肯大学Waurn [...]
In 2010, CMFI became part of AFFRIC, the
[...] Australian Future Fibres Research and Innovation [...]
Centre, a national collaborative
centre with CSIRO that will be situated at Deakin’s Waurn Ponds Campus, near Geelong.
向利用木材和草作物生产的纤维素为基础的第二代生物燃料过渡,将可减 少更多的二氧化碳排放量,每一单位的能源使用的土地也减少,尽管要实现这一 目标需要有技术突破。
A shift towards cellulose-based second-generation biofuels using wood and grassy crops would offer greater reductions in carbon dioxide emissions and less land used per unit of energy, although technical breakthroughs would be required to achieve this.
在一个比较宽的频 率范围内,而不仅仅是在系统频率上测量这个因数,有助于 更好地评估绝缘的状态,例如检纤 维 材料或者绝缘油是否 受到了水分的污染。
Measuring this factor over a broad frequency range – in addition to mains frequency – helps to better assess the insulation condition, for example detect whether the cellulose or the oil is contaminated by moisture.
Wipe the imaging area with a
[...] microfiber cloth to remove [...]
any loose dust particles.
这为在9号纸机上用高质量的漂白长 纤 维 纸 浆生产优质等级纸产品以及在10号纸机上以高达85%的脱墨废纸浆生产胶版纸及复印纸提供了灵活性。
This provides the flexibility to produce
premium grades from high-quality
[...] bleached long and short fiber pulp on the PM 9 whereas [...]
PM 10 produces offset and copy paper from up to 85% deinked pulp.
确认海底纤电缆传输全球大部分数据和通讯,因而对全球经济及所有国家 的国家安全都极为重要,意识到这些电缆很容易受到航运和其他活动有意和意外 [...]
的损害,注意在各种讲习班和研讨会上,已提请各国注意这些事项,意识到各国 需要制订国家法律和法规,保护海底电缆,把故意损坏电缆的行为或因重大过失
Recognizing that fibre optic submarine [...]
cables transmit most of the world’s data and communications and, hence, are vitally
important to the global economy and the national security of all States, conscious that these cables are susceptible to intentional and accidental damage from shipping and other activities, noting that these matters have been brought to the attention of States at various wor kshops and seminars, and conscious of the need for States to adopt national laws and regulations to protect submarine cables and render their wilful damage or damage by culpable negligence punishable offences
海上犯罪往往具有跨国性质,可能包括非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物、通 过海路私运移民和贩运人口、非法贩运军火和大规模毁灭性武器、海盗行为和海
[...] 上武装抢劫、走私和针对航运、海上设施和其他海事利益的恐怖行为以及故意/ 蓄意破坏海底纤电缆
Crimes at sea are often transnational in nature, and may include illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons by sea, illicit trafficking in arms and weapons of mass destruction, piracy and armed robbery at sea, smuggling and terrorist acts against shipping, offshore
installations and other maritime interests as well as the
[...] intentional/wilful destruction of fibre optic submarine cables.
选配:设备配有一根用于纤接口 ST 到 LC 的适配器电缆,需要时可以通过纤 电 缆 连接设备与 ST 接口。
(Optional: In order to connect
[...] the device with a fiber-optic cable via an ST connection, the device comes with an adapter cable for a fiber-optic cable connection [...]
between ST and LC.
[...] 统,可以像遥控潜水器一样在较浅处作业,若在较深处,一个小 纤 电 缆可以让 驾驶者像传统的遥控潜水器一样对其进行控制。
This vehicle, which is at present the only system currently available that is full ocean depth-capable, can operate in
shallower depths as an AUV, but in deeper
[...] depths a small fibre-optic cable allows [...]
pilots to control it as a traditional ROV.
全球人口和收入水平影响自然资源的消 耗,尤其是能源、粮食纤维消 耗也会因此影响温 室气体的排放。
The global population and income levels
affect the consumption of natural resources, particularly
[...] energy, food and fiber, and hence can also [...]
affect GHG emissions.
远东集团面对此一趋势也迅速采取行动,包括以远纺工业(上海)为核心之纺织 纤 产 业 已结合上海、苏州、无锡等地之资源完成上下游一条龙垂直整合之布局,在水泥事业方面则以江西亚东、武汉亚东为出发点,建构以长江中上游为基地,长江各分支流域为发展腹地之”T”字型战略队型,百货零售事业则以SOGO百货在大陆之基础结合远东百货近40年百货零售事业之经营KNOW-HOW,以双品牌策略积极产开布局。
V has completed the up- and downstream vertical integration of its assets in Shanghai, Suzhou, and Wuxi; Far Eastern's Cement and Building Material Business has used Yadong Cement Ltd. in Jiangxi and Ya Dong Cement Co. in Wuhan to build a base along the middle and upper Yangtze River and embark on a T-shaped development campaign throughout the hinterland delineated by the Yangtze's tributaries; Far Eastern's Retailing Business has relied on Pacific SOGO Department Store's solid base in China and the Far Eastern Department Store's close to 40 years of retailing know-how to actively advance a dual-brand strategy.
烽火通信是国内唯一集光通信领域三大战略技术于一体的科研与产业实体,先后被国家批准为"国家 纤 通 信 技术工程研究中心"、"亚太电信联盟培训中心"、"MII光通信质量检测中心"、"国家高技术研究发展计划成果产业化基地"等,在推动我国信息技术的研究、产业发展与国家安全方面具有独特的战略地位。
Fiberhome is the only scientific research and industrial corporation with the combination of three strategic technologies in
optical communication, and is
[...] approved as "State Optical Fiber Communication Technology [...]
Engineering Research Center", "Asia-Pacific
Telecommunication Union Training Center", "MII Optical Communication Quality Test Center" and "State Hi-Tech Research Development Plan Achievements Industrialization Base", and features unique strategic status in promoting the research of information technology, development of industry and security of the country.
[...] GIGABYTE发布全新「技嘉第四代超耐久」技术,透过采用高密度 纤 布 电 路板、高质量 IC 芯片、防突波芯片及专利双实体 [...]
BIOS 以及全固态电容及超低电阻式晶体管等组件,令主板加强抵抗湿气、静电、雷击突波及高温等常见环境因素所造成损坏的能力。
To meet the demand for a high durability motherboard, GIGABYTE released a brand new "GIGABYTE fourth
generation Ultra Durable" technology,
[...] using high-density fiber cloth circuit boards, [...]
high-quality IC chip, anti-surge chip,
patent dual physical BIOS, all-solid capacitors, and ultra-low resistance transistors, so the motherboard has greater resistance to common damaging factors, such as moisture, static electricity, lightning surge, and high temperature damage caused by the environment.
无论您正在测试的是像蛋白质、脂肪、水分这样的标准参数,或者像灰分、氨基酸 纤 维 或淀粉等稍难的指标,NIRS DS2500都能给出快速可靠的分析结果,便于您处理进料、提高生产和确保最终产品的质量。
Whether you are testing for standard parameters like Protein,
Fat, Moisture or more difficult ones like
[...] Ash, Amino Acids, Fibers, or Starch, the NIRS™ [...]
DS2500 gives you rapid, reliable
analysis results for handling intake, improving production and ensuring final product quality.
[...] [...] 7层共挤低型体螺旋式IBC模头,专利的AutoKu-500全自动双风唇风环,IBC内冷控制,自动膜厚控制系统,GET-1400BC导辊式稳泡架 , 碳 纤 维 辊 式电动调节人字板,专利的齿轮旋转水平牵引装置,带自动张力控制的二级牵引装置,GET-2300SCW全自动高速中心/表面收卷机,称重料斗控制每层物料比例,整线中心电脑控制iPC。
Seven-layer co-extrusion blown-film line for high barrier PVDC film , is consists of 7 model GET-60-30S extruders, GET-500-7 7-layer low-profile die design with spiral mandrel, patented AutoKu 500 auto-profile air ring, IBC control system, auto-profile
control system, GET-1400BC guide-roll
[...] bubble cage, carbon fiber roller collapsing, [...]
patented wheel horizontal hall-off, Auto-tension
control Secondary -NIP, GET-2300SCW Full automatic surface-center winder, gravimetric hopper for extruder throughput control, iPC computer system for line.




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