单词 | 红霉素 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 霉素—-mycin teichomycin 霉—moldy fungi 霉n—mildewn bacteriapl
事 实 上 , 用 以 治 疗炭疽病 的 抗 生素,例如 环 [...] 丙 沙 星 、 强 力 霉 素 、青霉 素、红霉素、羟氨 青 霉 素 等 , 亦 颇 [...]常 用 於 治 理 其他传 染病。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, antibioticssuch as ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, [...] penicillin, erythromycin and amoxicillin for treating anthrax are [...]quite commonly used for treatment of other infectious diseases. legco.gov.hk |
胡萝卜素、维他命 C 及蕃茄红素便是多存於水果且具抗氧化作用的营养素或植物化 合物。 school.eatsmart.gov.hk | Carotene, vitamin C and lycopene are the nutrients or phytochemicals with antioxidative effect that contained mostly in fruit. school.eatsmart.gov.hk |
2004年 11月 17日蔡素玉议员就红湾半 岛及嘉峰台私人参建计划单 位的处理事宜,在立法会会议席上提出质询。 legco.gov.hk | 17 November [...] 2004 MissCHOY So-yuk raised a question at the Council meeting concerning disposal ofthe HunghomPeninsula and [...]the Kingsford Terrace PSPS flats legco.gov.hk |
注意:如果病人对青霉素过敏,切记要马上告知医生,以便医生使用其他 种类的抗生素。 world-heart-federation.org | Note: If the patient [...] is allergic to penicillin, be sure to tell [...]the doctor right away so that he or she can prescribe a different antibiotic. world-heart-federation.org |
基因携带了人体特 征的信息,比如眼睛的颜色、头发的颜色和血红 素。 thalnsw.org.au | Genes carry information about human characteristics such as eye colour, hair colour and haemoglobin. thalnsw.org.au |
微 生物、人 造 有机色素、苏 丹红、化学防 腐剂、人 造 甜 剂、霉菌毒素、重金 属、金 属 渗移、抗 氧 化 剂 、 氯丙二醇、二氯丙醇、多 氯联苯、多 环 芳 香 族碳氢 化合物、甲醛、接触 [...] 食物的物品的残余化学物、由 接 触 食物的物品渗移的 化学物、氨基甲酸乙酯、 [...]N-亚 硝基胺、 矿 质 碳氢化合物、溴 酸 盐 、 残余农 药、残余药物、放 射 性 核素污染物、三 卤 甲 烷、辐 照 食物的检验 、有毒 物 质 和 搀杂物,以及食物组 分。 legco.gov.hk | Processed food Micro-organisms, synthetic organic [...] colours,Sudandyes,chemical preservatives, artificial sweetening agents, mycotoxins, heavy metals, [...]migration of metals, [...]antioxidants, 3-monochloro-propane-1, 2-diol, 1,3-dichloropropanol, polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, formaldehyde, residual chemicals in food-contact articles, migration of chemicals from food-contact articles, ethyl carbamate, N-nitrosamines, mineral hydrocarbons, bromate, pesticide residues, drug residues, radionuclide contaminants, trihalomethanes, screening of irradiated food, poisons and adulterants, and food proximate. legco.gov.hk |
另外蕃茄含大量茄红素及丰富的维他命C,健康美味,很适合注重健康的女士们。 sfgourmet.com | Tomato with richLycopene and Vitamin C are good for health conscious ladies. sfgourmet.com |
主席,食物安全中心由去年成立至今,曾先後在蜜糖、鳗鱼、多宝鱼、 其他淡水鱼类、萝卜糕、甚至金针菜这些物品中发现有违禁的物质,其中包 括绿霉素、苏丹红、硝 基呋喃、苯甲酸和二氧化硫等。 legco.gov.hk | President, since the establishment of the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) last year, illicit substances, including chloromycetin, Sudan red, nitrofurans, benzoic acid, sulphur dioxide, and so on, have been found in honey, eel, turbot fish, other freshwater fish, turnip pudding, and even dried daylily one after another. legco.gov.hk |
怀孕的女士:较易患上缺铁性贫血,因为体内所贮存的铁须用以提供母亲增加的血容量,同时为成长中的胎儿提供血 红素。 hsbc.com.hk | Greater risk of iron deficiency anaemia because their iron [...] stores have to serve the increased blood volume of the mother as well as be a [...] source of hemoglobin forthe growing fetus hsbc.com.hk |
因应两种药剂制品的注册申请,管理局订立该等修订规 例,把下列两种物质加入《毒药表规例》附表第I部的A分部及 《药剂业及毒药规例》附表1和附表3的 A分部 (a) 艾立布林;其盐类;及 (b) 多杀霉素。 legco.gov.hk | Arising from an application for registration of two pharmaceutical products, the Amendment Regulations were made to add the following two substances to Division A of Part I of the Schedule to PLR and Division A of the First and Third Schedules to PPR (a) Eribulin; its salts; and (b) Spinosad. legco.gov.hk |
挪威代表团以书面意见(CAC/31 LIM/7)反对批准制定巴西坚果里黄曲 霉素总量的最高限量的新工作,指出,黄曲霉素总量的最高限量可以通过实施良好的农业措施、 良好的加工措施以及没有明确记载的操作规范实现。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of Norway, referring to its written comments (CAC/31 LIM/7), opposed the approval of new work to [...] develop maximum [...] levels for totalaflatoxin inBrazil nuts, stating that the levels of total aflatoxin thatcould be [...]achievable through [...]the implementation of Good Agriculture Practices, Good Manufacturing Practices and codes of practice had not been clearly documented. codexalimentarius.org |
或者,如果是逆转录病毒,可能需要对Phoenix细胞进行潮 霉素B和白喉毒素双重筛选以确保所有的细胞都表达两个包装构建体。 labome.cn | Alternatively, in the case of retroviruses, the phoenix cells may [...] need to be doubly selected with hygromycin B [...] and diphtheriatoxin to ensure that [...]all of the cells express both packaging constructs. labome.com |
自去年 12 月 31 日起,当局开始实施《公众 生(动物及禽鸟) (化学物残余)规例》及《2001 年食物内有害物质(修订)规例》, 就 7 [...] 种违禁化学物(包括在是次事件备受欧盟关注的氯 霉素)和10 种订有最高残余限量的受限制化学物在食物、食用动物和饲料 [...]的含量进行规管。 legco.gov.hk | These two pieces of legislation [...] regulate the use of seven prohibited chemicals [...] (including chloramphenicol, EU'smajor [...]concern in this incident) and 10 chemicals [...]to be used with restriction (with maximum residue limit) in food, food animals and feed. legco.gov.hk |
使用青霉素或其他抗生素治疗链球菌性咽喉炎往往可以预防急性风 湿热的发生,同时也可避免传染给家庭或学校的其他人。 world-heart-federation.org | Treating strep sore throat with penicillinor other antibioticscan usually prevent acute rheumatic fever from developing. world-heart-federation.org |
进入20世纪,英国取得了前所未有且超乎想象的科技进步,其开创性成就不胜枚举:艾米—马尔科尼公司(EMI- [...] Marconi)发明了电视;英国广播公司(BBC)成立;英国细菌学家亚历山大•弗雷明发现并命名了青 霉素;对 原子结构的探索使得原子弹和原子能发展成为可能。 visitbritain.com | Among the ground-breaking achievements of this period were: the invention of the television by the EMI-Marconi Corporation; and subsequent founding of the British [...] Broadcasting Company (BBC); [...] the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming; [...]and insightsinto the structure of the atom, which [...]led to the development of nuclear weapons and energy. visitbritain.com |
现有的薪酬组合包括薪金、房屋福利(只适用於部分 级别的雇员)、酌情花红及与市场相若的其他福利。 asiasat.com | The present remuneration package consists of salary, housing benefits (applicable to certain grades of employees), discretionary bonuses and fringe benefits that are comparable with the market. asiasat.com |
举例來說,红色的食物中含有茄红 素,人体吸收後会集中在摄护腺,可以帮助摄护腺的健康,也有助降低心血管疾病 [...] 的风险。 herbalifenutritioninstitute.com | For example, red [...] foods containlycopene,the pigment [...]in tomatoes, which is localized in the prostate gland and may be involved [...]in maintaining prostate health, and which has also been linked with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. herbalifenutritioninstitute.com |
白血球维持高水平(主要是成熟的淋巴细胞),血 红素及血小板则偏低。 hksh.com | The white cell count is high, which are mature lymphocytes, and the haemoglobin and platelet count may be low. hksh.com |
对於 SUPREP 清肠套装而言,与按照分次剂量(2天)用药法用药相比,按 [...] 照仅一晚剂量(1天)用药法用药可导致总胆 红素(高)、血液尿素氮(高)、肌酸酐(高)、渗透压(高)、钾 [...](高)和尿酸(高)的水平增高。 suprepkit.com | For SUPREP Bowel Prep Kit, the evening-only [...] (1-day) regimen was associated with higher [...] rates of totalbilirubin (high),BUN (high), [...]creatinine (high), osmolality (high), [...]potassium (high) and uric acid (high) than the SUPREP Bowel Prep Kit split-dose (2day) regimen. suprepkit.com |
墨西哥公司莱默里被美国投资的以色列跨国公司 Teva 买下,使古巴无 法继续购买毒杀更生霉素,这是治疗肉瘤(骨骼、软骨和血管等结缔组 织所生的恶性肿瘤)的最有效药物。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Mexican company, Lemery, was bought by the United States venture Israeli transnational, Teva, preventing Cuba from making further purchases of the cytostatic drug, Dactinomycin, the most effective drug for the treatment of sarcomas (malignant neoplasia that originates in connective tissue, such as bone, cartilage and blood vessels). daccess-ods.un.org |
国际葡萄与葡萄酒局积极参与了食品污染物标准委员会制定《预 防和减少葡萄酒中赭曲霉素A污染的行为守则》(CAC/RCP 63-2007)方面的工作, 没有参加修订某些限量,尤其是葡萄酒的铅含量方面的工作。 codexalimentarius.org | OIV contributed very actively in the work of the CCCF in the development of the Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of OchratoxinAContamination in Wine (CAC/RCP 63-2007) and was participating in the work on the revision of certain limits and in particular lead in wines. codexalimentarius.org |
Phoenix细胞需经过每3个月的潮霉素B和每周的白喉毒素的双重选择,以确保所有细胞中这两个辅助构建体都存在。 labome.cn | Phoenix cells need to be doubly selected every three months [...] with Hygromycin B and Diphtheriatoxin for one week [...]to ensure the presence of both helper constructs in all cells. labome.com |
另一方面,在此前的几份报告中我们就曾提出过的,古巴仍然不能买到美国 [...] 出产的专门用于治疗脑肿瘤的新型细胞抑制剂,如阿 霉素脂质体和亚硝基脲。 daccess-ods.un.org | As noted in previous reports, Cuba is still not permitted to purchase [...] new United-States-made cytostatics, such [...] as liposomal adriamycin andnitrosoureas, [...]which are specifics in the treatment of brain tumours. daccess-ods.un.org |
葛兰素史克品牌水痘疫苗中的抗菌素是新 霉素,而上生品牌的抗菌素是庆大 霉素。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The antibiotic content of the GSK brand is neomycinand the Shanghai brand is gentamicin. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
在 损 益 表 中 反 映 的 公 允 价 值 净 收 益 或 损 失 不 包 括 这 些 金 融 资 产的红利,红利的确 认 按 照 收 入 确 认 政 策 中 的 规 定 进 行。 zte.com.cn | The net fair value gain or loss recognised in the income statement does not include any dividends on these financial assets, which are recognised in accordance with the policies set and for “Revenue recognition” below. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
阿司匹林、重碳酸盐、氯丙嗪、皮质激素、新 霉素都会影响到蛋白电泳的结果。 labtestsonline.org.cn | Aspirin, bicarbonates, chlorpromazine (Thorazine), [...] corticosteroids, and neomycincanaffect protein [...]electrophoresis results. labtestsonline.org.br |
审 核 及 薪 酬 委 员 会 之主要 职 责 包 括 检 讨 本 集 团 财 务 申 报 程 序 及 内 部 [...] 监 控 制 度 及 风 险 管 理 、 委 任 核 数 师 以 及 厘 订 各 执 行 董 事之服 务 合 约 、 检 讨 各 董 事 及 高 级 管 理 人 员 之 薪 酬 [...] 及 授 出 本 公 司 的 酌 情花红及购股 权 。 cigyangtzeports.com | The primary duties of the Audit and Remuneration Committee include reviewing the financial reporting process, the system of internal control and risk management of the Group, the appointment of auditors and the determination of executive Director’s service contract, the review [...] of Directors’ and senior management’s emoluments and the award of [...] discretionary bonuses andshare options [...]of the Company. cigyangtzeports.com |
(2) (a) 根据本公司细则第(1)段条文配发之股份与当时已发行之同类别 股份(如有)在各方面享有同等权益,惟仅参与相关股息或任何 其他与派付或宣派相关股息前或同时已支付、作出、宣派或公布 之分派、花红或权利除外,除非与董事会就相关股息建议应用本 细则第(2)段第(a)或(b)分段条文作出之公布同步,或与关於分 派、花红或权利之公布同步,否则,董事会将注明根据本公司细 则第(1)段条文将给予配发股份将有权参与有关分派、花红或权利之地位。 northmining.com.hk | (2) (a) The shares allotted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Bye-law shall rank pari passu in all respects with shares of the same class (if any) then in issue save only as regards participation in the relevant dividend or in any other distributions, bonuses or rights paid, made, declared or [...] announced prior to or [...] contemporaneously with the payment or declaration of the relevant dividend unless, contemporaneously with the announcement by the Board of their proposal to apply the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of paragraph (2) of this Bye-law in relation to the relevant dividend or contemporaneouslywith their announcement of the distribution, bonusor rights in question, the Board shall specify that the shares to be allotted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Bye-law shall rank for participation in such distribution, bonus or rights. northmining.com.hk |
该YouVersion.com [...] iPhone应用程序,您可以轻松搜索,书签和访问任何圣经通道!选择一个许多翻译,包括证,生态系统服务价值,KJV,NL叭,毛重,为证,氨苄青 霉素, 1:5-11,乘员探索飞行器,网,网络,神经传导速度,TNIV,HCSB的消息,拉... cn.moba-app.com | The YouVersion.com iPhoneapplication [...] allows you toeasily search for, bookmark and access any passage in the Bible! moba-app.com |
关于干细胞与受损伤细胞共培养向某一类型细胞定向分化的研究已有报道:骨髓间质干细胞在体外病理性心肌细胞微环境中,即与阿 霉素损伤的心肌细胞共培养时,可顺利分化为心肌样细胞。 chinese.eurekalert.org | It has also been reported that stem cells co-cultured with injured cells can differentiate into certain cell [...] types. When co-cultured [...] in vitrowith adriamycin-damagedmyocardial cells, to simulate the microenvironment of injured myocardial cells, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells can be successfully differentiated into myocardial-like cells. chinese.eurekalert.org |