

单词 红衣主教

See also:




founder or head of a religion (possibly legendary)
figure (man or God) worshipped by a religious sect
modern pop or film star worshipped by fans

External sources (not reviewed)

新的事项都倒出来的枢机主教麦(1782年) 红衣主教 P i t ra (1812年至1889年),在梵蒂冈图书馆都省长。
New matter was poured forth by Cardinal Mai (1782-1854) and Cardinal Pitra (1812-89), both prefects of the Vatican Library.
共同主席(戴斯先生)(以法语发言):我现在请罗 马教廷正义与和平委员会主 红衣主教 彼 得 ·科德 沃·阿皮亚·特克森发言。
The Co-Chair (Mr. Deiss)( spoke in French): I now give the floor to His
Eminence Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, President of
[...] the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace of the Holy See.
Angelo Sodano 红衣主教发出 的一份备忘录阐述了梵蒂冈的命令,结果,召 开主教会议,警告拉丁美洲各地的主教不要签署这项声明。
A memo issued by Cardinal Angelo Sodano articulating the Vatican’s orders resulted in bishops’ conferences warning bishops throughout Latin America against signing the declaration.
红衣主教穆拉 托首次出版(1740年)的一份文件清单的基础上,他还研究了来自罗马附近。
Cardinal Muratori first published [...]
(in 1740) a list based on a document he studied that also came from around Rome.
特克红衣主教(罗马 教廷)(以英语发言):我 极 为荣幸地转达教皇本笃十六世宗座向共同主席和这 [...]
几天在这里聚会的国家元首和政府首脑的热情问候, 各位在此携手建设一个消除极端贫困厄运的世界,确 保世界各国的所有儿童、妇女和男子都享有过上自由
(Holy See): I have the great honour [...]
to convey the cordial greetings of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to the Co-Chairs and
to the Heads of State and Government assembled here during these days to work together towards a world free of the plague of extreme poverty and to ensure that all children, women and men in every country of the world enjoy the conditions necessary to live their lives in freedom and dignity.
在1764年7月21日送红衣主教黎塞 留有关拉利案件的一份信中(拉利是一位法国将军,被 派到印度去保护法国的财产,后来因被控犯下挪用公款罪和叛国罪而在巴黎受审并被不公正地 判处死刑),伏尔泰写到:“在法国,当局总是把人关上三、四年之后才开始审判他。在英国, 一个人只有在被法院判决有罪后才被关进监狱,而在此之前还可用支付保释金的方式离开法 院。
All of these measures permit the conduct of trials in which the accused is not necessarily present but nevertheless instructs his or her defence counsel after having initially appeared at trial.
胡格诺派在此后不久便投降了,Rossignol及其儿子很快引起了路易十三的首 红衣主教 黎 塞 留的注意,他发现了安全密码和代码在外交和情报方面的巨大价值。
The Huguenots surrendered shortly afterward and Rossignol, with his son, Bonaventure, quickly came to the attention of Louis XIII's chief minister, Cardinal Richelieu, who found secure ciphers and codes of immense value to his diplomatic and intelligence corps.
计划的 ADO,基金的筹备,年内提供薪金在奥林匹克运动会中的潜在参与者的骨干组成它的经济贡献的公司-两个星期的"我们是在会谈中,参加伦敦 ADO
[...] 和所有已经证明其愿望和愿意继续," 说 红衣主教 - 政 府提供的减税的广告运动和文广新闻传媒集团"向继续的推广方案和一个单一的投资广播的窗口"。
The backbone of the Plan ADO, the Fund that offered a salary potential participants in the Olympic Games during the years of preparation, comprise it the economic contributions of a fortnight of companies-"we are in talks with which participate in the ADO of London and all have
shown its desire and willingness to
[...] continue," said Cardinal - the Government offers [...]
to which the tax deductibility of
advertising investments in the sport and RTVE "to continued promotion programme and a single broadcast window".
Typographia Medicea(梅迪奇东方出版社) 红衣主教 费 尔迪南多·美第奇 (Ferdinando de’ Medici) 在 1584 年创立,目的是以包括阿拉伯文、土耳其文和叙利亚文在内的中东语言印刷基督教文本。
The Typographia Medicea (Medici Oriental Press) was founded in 1584 by Cardinal Ferdinando de’ Medici for the purpose of printing Christian texts in Middle Eastern languages, including Arabic, Turkish, and Syriac.
(a) 应有权享有食物、饮用水、卫生设施、保健 衣 物 、住 房 主 、 教育 和文化
(a) The right to food, drinking water,
[...] sanitation, health, clothing, housing, education and culture
联盟已经帮助推进了联合国实体联合体 ——全球人主义平台、红十字会和 红 新 月 会运动以及 40 个非政府组织教育 战略(2007 年)。
The Alliance has helped to drive
education strategy for
[...] the Global Humanitarian Platform, a coalition of United Nations entities, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement [...]
and 40 NGOs (2007).
教科文组织红十字 委员会联合举办的另 一次国际人主义和文化遗产保护法区域研讨 会于 2001 年 6 月 19 日至 21 日在比勒陀利亚 (南非)举行,研讨会云集了公务员、学者、 [...]
Another joint UNESCO-ICRC regional seminar on international humanitarian and cultural heritage [...]
protection law, which brought
together civil servants, scholars, cultural heritage protection specialists and other target groups, took place in Pretoria (South Africa), from 19 to 21 June 2001.
在科索沃特派团的调解下,贝尔格莱德和普里什蒂纳继续通过红十字国际委 员会(红十字委员会)主持的 失踪人员问题工作组就失踪人员问题开展合作,并通 过科索沃境内塞尔维亚东教宗教遗 址 重建实施委员会就 教 和 文 化遗产问题 开展合作。
With UNMIK facilitation, Belgrade and Pristina continue to cooperate on missing persons’ issues through
the Working Group on Missing Persons, chaired by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and on religious and cultural heritage issues through the Reconstruction Implementation Commission for the Serbian Orthodox religious heritage sites in Kosovo.
布拉格的查尔 斯大学法学院在国际人主义法教学 方面 与 红 十 字 会开展合作。
The Charles University Law School in Prague
[...] cooperates with ICRC in the teaching of international humanitarian law.
於過去,麥先生曾擔任香港稅務學會會長;香港實習企業網絡督導委員會主 席;國際扶輪3450地區總監;香港專 教 育 學 院( 衣 ) 實 習企業督導委員會及國際扶輪 3450地區扶輪基金會地區委員會之主席;香港交通安全會及長者安居服務協會之司庫;香港 會計師公會稅務委員會之委員;道路安全議會、稅務聯合聯絡小組、醫院管理局公眾投訴委 員會、香港眼科醫院與九龍醫院之醫院管治委員會之成員;以及香港政府中央政策組非全職 顧問。
Previously, Mr. Mak had served as the president of The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong; the vice chairman of Steering Committee of Hong Kong Network of Virtual Enterprises; the governor of Rotary International District 3450; the chairman of Practice Firm Steering Committee of Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi) and District Rotary Foundation Committee of Rotary International District 3450; a treasurer of The Hong Kong Road Safety Association and Senior Citizen Home Safety Association; a member of taxation committee of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants; a member of the Road Safety Council, Joint Liaison Committee on Taxation, Hospital Authority Public Complaints Committee, Hospital Governing Committee of Hong Kong Eye Hospital and Kowloon Hospital; and a part-time member of Hong Kong Government’s Central Policy Unit.
两位作 家间的对话将由张红教授 来 主持。
Tickets can be bought at the venue, check their website for more information.
各位在座的同事、局長主席, 如果你有家人是“80後 ”的,你們很 多時候也會盡量滿足他們的要求,包括購置好的電腦、漂亮 衣 服 ,教學,把最好的都給他們。
President, Secretary, and colleagues of this Council, I believe if there are members of your family who belong to the group of "post-80s", very often you will satisfy their demands by all means, including providing them with good computers, nice clothes, proper education; in fact, offering [...]
them the best of everything.
红柄放气型主空气 阀 (E) 是系统必要设备,用于在 该阀关闭时释放其与气动发动机和喷枪之间的残留 [...]
The red-handled bleed-type master air valve [...]
(E) is required in your system to relieve air trapped between it and the air
motor and gun when the valve is closed.
宪法》的序言介绍了塞舌尔人民的愿望,特别 是“发展主体制 ,确保建立一个充分而进步的社会秩序,保障所有塞舌尔人都 可获得食品衣物、住房教育、 医疗和不断提高的生活标准”。
The Preamble of the Constitution presents the aspiration of the people
of Seychelles to
[...] notably “develop a democratic system which will ensure the creation of an adequate and progressive social order guaranteeing food, clothing, shelter, education, health and steadily [...]
rising standard
of living for all Seychellois”.
关于也门遵守国际人主义法和与红 十 字国际委员会的合作,有一国家委员 会处理执行该法的问题。
Regarding the adherence of Yemen to
[...] international humanitarian law and cooperation with ICRC, there was [...]
a national committee dealing
with the implementation of this law.
我 說如果以梵蒂岡作為宗主國,要求他們從一個天主教體系的國家慢慢改 變為民主化,不再由教皇掌權,不再由 衣主教 等 人 掌權,而是以一人 一票選出教皇,逐步過渡,大家猜想這個體系在初段是否仍然充滿濃厚 的宗教性,教會的力量是否仍然很強呢?
I said that if the Vatican, as a sovereign state, is asked to change gradually from a country of Catholicism to a democratized one; and the powers will no longer be in the hands of the Pope or the Cardinals, and the Pope will be elected by "one person, one vote" and a gradual transition should be made, will this institution still have a very strong religious characteristics and the Church will still be in great power at the initial stage?
該六個經營部份主要業務分別為 衣 製 造、 成 衣 貿 易 、品牌產品分銷、物業租賃與管理、物業 發展及投資活動。
The principal activities of the six operating divisions are garment manufacturing, [...]
garment trading, branded products distribution,
property rental and management, property development and investing activities.
妇女的权利,特别是男女平等原则以及决定是否穿戴具 有教意义的衣物的个人自由,应该得到适当的考虑。
Women’s rights, and in particular the principle of equality
between men and women and the individual’s freedom to
[...] wear or not wear religious symbols, should [...]
be duly taken into account.
大会第六十五届会议请秘书长根据从会员国 红 十 字国际委员会收到的资 料,向大会第六十七届会议提交报告,说明两项关于保护武装冲突受难者的附加 议定书的现况,以及为加强现有国际人 主 义 法 律而采取的措施,包括为了在国 内传播和充分实施这些法律而采取的措施(第 65/29 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session a report on the status of the Additional Protocols relating to the protection of victims of armed conflicts, as well as on measures taken to strengthen the existing body of international humanitarian law, including [...]
with respect to
its dissemination and full implementation at the national level, based on information received from Member States and the International Committee of the Red Cross (resolution 65/29).
该区域和该区域以外的另一些代表团不支持该建议,因为在其国 内,辣椒酱系指以西红柿为主的产品,而不是项目文件中提出的以辣椒为主的产品,并 指出制定一项辣椒酱法典标准,无论是区域还是全球标准,都可能对相关产品的公平贸 易产生负面影响。
Some other delegations from the region and from outside the region did not support the proposal because in their countries chili sauce referred to tomato-based products, not to chili pepper-based products only as suggested in the Project Document, and stated that the establishment of a Codex Standard for Chili Sauce, whether regional or worldwide, could have adverse impact on fair trade of the related products.
这一封锁使古巴政府和人民处境艰苦,但他们仍为在古巴学习的来自许多国 家的国际儿童提教育、住房衣服 , 所罗门群岛对他们的这种精神、豁达和慷 慨表示感谢。
Solomon Islands acknowledges the spirit, resilience and
generosity of the Government and people
[...] of Cuba in educating, sheltering and clothing international [...]
children from a multitude of
States studying there despite the imposed hardship.
不仅 妇女的可支配收入一般比男子少,她们往往有更多与家庭相关的责任,比男子 更可能把收入花教育、食品衣物 和 其他基本需要上,而不是花在信息通讯 工具上。
Not only do women in general have less disposable income than men, they tend to have more familyrelated responsibilities and are
more likely than men to spend their
[...] earnings on education, food, clothes and other basic [...]
needs than on information communications tools.




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