

单词 红血球生成素

See also:

血红素 n

haemoglobinBE n

血球 n

blood cell n


blood corpuscle

External sources (not reviewed)

这样的饮食搭配保证了宝宝成长所需的所有营 素 质 :母乳或奶粉里 的钙物质保障了骨骼的发育,肉类和蔬菜里的蛋白质保障了肌肉的发育,肉类和蔬菜所含的 铁提供了血液红血球形成的主 要成分,而维他命和矿物质则由水果和蔬菜提供。
This way, all the nutrients needed by the child to grow correctly, are provided: the calcium contained in the milk is useful for the bones, the proteins of the meat for the muscular system, the iron contained in the meat and in the vegetables for the synthesis of haemoglobin which constitutes the blood, fruits and vegetables [...]
guarantee the
support of vitamins and mineral salts.
在医药领域,以色列最近开发了一种手 成像 应 用,利用特殊镜头寻找疟原虫消化分 血红 细 胞产 生的疟色素确诊疟疾病例。
In the medical field, Israel had recently developed a
[...] mobile-phone-based imaging application which enabled malaria to be diagnosed in the field by using a special lens to look for the pigment that the malaria parasite generated when it digested red blood cells.
这项工作 之所以变得更加必要,是因为出现了种种阻碍发展的 严重素,包括各种球性危机——能源、粮食和金 融危机——的同时生以及由此成 的 使 整个世界 陷入深刻经济衰退的全球经济崩溃。
This had become even more
[...] imperative as a result of serious mitigating factors inhibiting development, including the convergence of global crises — energy, food and financial [...]
— and their culmination
in the global economic meltdown that has since plunged the entire world into a deep economic recession.
血球生成素 (Epo etin alpha 或 Epogen®):注射劑,末期腎臟病患者(永久性腎衰 竭,需要洗腎或腎臟移植)需要此藥治療貧血。
Erythropoietin (Epoetin Alfa or Epogen®): By injection if you have end-stage renal disease (permanent kidney failure requiring either dialysis or transplantation) and need this drug to treat anemia.
这是因为,如婴 儿的血型随父亲是RH阳性,RH阴性的母亲有可能开始 生 针 对 婴儿红 血球免疫血球素,这 将会破坏婴儿的血细胞,可能出现严重贫血,之后红 血球衰变引起胆红素升高。
If her child is Rh positive after the father, Rh negative mother could create
[...] antibodies against the child’s red blood cells which can break them down.
委员会感到关切的是,财富分配不均在一定程度上 成 大 量家 庭 生 活 在 贫 困风险之中,相当一部分人口,特别是在农村地区,无法获得安全的饮用水和适 足的用水生条件 ,据称这是直接和间接引发腹泻、甲型肝炎、痢疾、非母乳喂 养儿的高血红蛋白 血症、脊髓灰质炎和肠热病等疾病的原因。
The Committee is concerned that, partly due to an unequal distribution of wealth, a
considerable number
[...] of families live at risk of poverty and that a considerable proportion of the population does not have access to safe drinking water and adequate water sanitation, in particular in rural areas, which allegedly have been the direct and indirect cause for a number of diseases, including diarrhoea, hepatitis А, dysentery, methemoglobinemia by [...]
bottle-fed babies, poliomyelitis, and enteric fever.
煤炭需求及價格取決於許多本公司控制範圍以外的 素 , 包括 全 球 對 鋼 鐵及鋼鐵產品的需求、能否取得具 競爭力的煤炭供應、國際匯率以及蒙古、中華人民共和國(「中國」)及世界其它地區的政治及經濟狀況、較 正常天氣狀況溫和或惡劣的天氣狀況,以及主要產煤地區 生 產 成 本。
Coal demand and price are
[...] determined by numerous factors beyond the Company’s control, including the international demand for steel and steel products, the availability of competitive coal supplies, international exchange rates, political and economic conditions in Mongolia, the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) and elsewhere in the world, milder or more severe than normal weather conditions, and production costs [...]
in major coal producing regions.
本期的公共生治理 (原全球基金观察)电子期刊,刊出 2011 年 3 月由贾平主笔起草 的《关于建立中国经血液感染艾滋病病毒者社会补偿机制的方案》核心方案,而最终成 的方 案完全版由于篇幅较长,读者可参阅所列 http://www.bjrrforum.org/或 我国经血液感染艾滋病案例分为三种类型,一是上世纪 90 年代在以河南为中心的多省 市农村地区因农民卖血后回红血球 而 导 致的交叉感染艾滋病病毒;二是通过非法商业卖 血采集的血液送到各地血站和医院后,因手术输血等原因(很多案例是强制输血)而导致 的感染;三是血友病患者因注射第八因子感染(多数感染案例源于上海生物制品研究所生 产的该种血制品)。
This issue of Health Governance E-Newsletter (previously China Global Fund Watch E-Newsletter) publishes the Establishment of Compensation Mechanism of People Infected with HIV/AIDS Contaminated Blood which is the core plan of the compensation plan mentioned above.
当中的虎耳草萃取液可保湿、紧肤,促 血 液 循 环,洋甘菊萃取液具抗氧化作用,有效延缓衰老;而熊果苷可阻止酪胺酸脢的活化作用,阻断酵素的活性,抑制黑 素生成 , 达 到美白效果。
Among the saxifrage extract can be moisturizing,
[...] firming, and promote blood circulation, chamomile extract, an antioxidant, effective anti-aging; and arbutin can prevent the activation of tyrosine kinase, block enzyme activity, inhibition melanin, a whitening effect.
(a) 在項目的(b)段中加入" 博德氏菌屬" 及 " 犬科動物傳 染性疾病",以包括用於對付"博德氏菌屬"或 "犬科動 物傳染性疾病"的血清、抗毒素、免 疫 球 蛋 白 與疫 苗;及
(a) add "Bordetella species" and "Canine infectious disease" to paragraph (b) of the item so that it would also cover antisera, antitoxins, immunoglobulins and vaccines directed against "Bordetella species" or "Canine infectious disease"; and
红血球受影 响较小,因为它们含有一个核心,可以承受高达 1 000 雷姆辐射 量,在此辐射量之前都不会感 红血球 减 少
Red corpuscles are less affected because they contain a nucleus that can withstand up to 1,000 rem before their numbers are perceptibly reduced.
y 全民健康,尤其是努力防治肆虐非洲大陆的重大流行性疾病和祸患,例
[...] 如艾滋病毒/艾滋病、麻风病、肺结核、线虫病和孤儿病,如镰刀 红血 球疾病
Health for all and particularly efforts to combat major pandemics and scourges afflicting the African
continent such as HIV/AIDS, leprosy, tuberculosis, Guinea worm disease and orphan
[...] diseases such as sickle-cell disease.
急性髓细胞白血病由正常造血干细胞的遗传变异所导致,其定义为超过20%的的造血干细胞在骨髓内破裂,将抑制正常造血细胞的增长并导致全血细胞减少症 红血球 细 胞、白血球细胞和血小板缺乏)。
AML results from genetic alterations in normal hematopoietic stem cells and is defined as more than 20% blasts in the bone marrow, which suppresses the growth
of normal hematopoietic cells leading to
[...] pancytopenia (low levels of red blood cells, white blood cells [...]
and platelets).
徐州众联玻璃瓶厂产品有:食品玻璃瓶、化妆品瓶、药用瓶、玻璃工艺品、玻璃蜡烛台、奶瓶玻璃、香水玻璃瓶、墨水玻璃瓶、出口玻璃瓶、马口铁瓶盖、调料瓶、保健瓶、麻油瓶、酒瓶、罐头瓶、酱菜瓶、饮料瓶、蜂蜜玻璃瓶、饮料玻璃瓶、大酒坛子、玻璃容器、药用玻璃瓶、输液瓶、 生素 瓶 、 精油瓶 红 花 油 瓶、膏霜瓶、指甲油瓶、玻璃口杯等1500多个品种,并能为客户来样加工烤花、刻字。
Xuzhou public glass bottle factory products are: glass bottle, cosmetic bottles, medicine bottles, glass crafts, glass candlestick, glass bottles, perfume bottles, glass bottles, glass bottle of ink, tinplate, seasoning bottles, bottles, oil bottles, health care, cans, bottles pickles bottles, beverage bottles, honey glass bottles, beverage bottles, large wine jar, glass containers, medicinal glass
bottle, transfusion bottles,
[...] oil bottles, bottles of antibiotics, safflower oil bottles, [...]
cream bottles, nail polish bottles,
glass and so on more than 1500 varieties, and for customers to sample processing decorated, lettering.
一般来说,从心肺搭桥分流收集 红血球 容 积 百分数样品 生的 结果低于35%。
Hematocrit samples collected from cardiopulmonary bypass typically yield results below 35%.
我们认识到,全球化世界中 各国经济的日益相互依存以及有章可循的国际经济关系体制的逐渐 成 意 味着 国家经济政策空间,即国内政策的范围,特别是贸易、投资和国际发展领域的政 策,如今往往受到国际规章制度、承诺和 球 市 场 因 素 的 约 束。
It is recognized that the increasing interdependence of national economies in a globalizing world and the emergence of rules-based regimes for international economic relations have meant that the space for
national economic
[...] policy, that is, the scope for domestic policies, especially in the areas of trade, investment and international development, is now often framed by international disciplines, commitments and global market considerations.
Whitchurch希望利用这个尖端设备与其他科学家携手合作,解答困扰我们许久的医学难题,如疟疾如何影 红血球 以 及 HIV对免疫细胞的作用等。
Whitchurch hopes to use this cutting-edge equipment to collaborate with other scientists and
answer lasting medical questions, such as
[...] how malaria affects red blood cells and the effect [...]
that HIV has on immune cells.
诸多因素可能导致实际结果与前瞻性声明中所述结果有实质性差异,这些 素 包 括: 全 球 经 济衰退的影响和我们的客户与供应商在电信市场的恢复时间长度;汇率浮动和我们在这些不确定情况下的执行力; 球 电 信 测试、测量和服务保证行业的整合;电信 生 命 科学和高精密部件领域的资本支出水平;销售集中度;为应对这样的经济不确定 素 我 们 采取的其它措施的效果(包括我们根据预计业务水平快速调 成 本 结构的能力、根据市场需求管理库存水平的能力);市场对我们的新产品和其他即将投放市场的产品的接受情况;客户订单和订单时间有限的能见度;成功整合已收购和即将收购的企业的能力 成 功 扩 张全球运营的能力;关键技术和管理人员的留用;未来的经济、竞争、财务和市场状况。
Actual results may differ materially from those in our
forward-looking statements due to various factors including economic uncertainty (including our ability to quickly adapt cost structures with anticipated levels of business, ability to manage inventory levels with market demand); future economic, competitive, financial and market conditions; capital spending levels in the telecommunications industry; limited visibility with regards to customer orders and the timing of such orders; fluctuating exchange rates; our ability to successfully integrate our acquired and to-be-acquired businesses; consolidation in the global telecommunications test and service assurance industry and increased competition among vendors; concentration of sales; market acceptance of our new products and other upcoming products; our ability to successfully expand international operations; and the retention of key technical and management personnel.
不同于雷达、GPS系统和数字绘图设备–这些系统和 设备需要经过培训、实际练习并具备相关技术才能掌握—— 红 外 热像 仪 生成 的 图 像直观易懂。
Unlike radars, GPS systems, and digital chart plotters – which require training, practice, and skill to master – the images thermal cameras produce are intuitive and instantly easy to understand.
(b) 参与同上述目的相关的教育方案;与经济学家和其他人建立伙伴关系, 以增进公众的了解,并教育决策者和公民宣传员核武器和其他武器对人 生 命和 文明的存在构成了威胁,以及裁军与发展是相互依存的目标;促进进一步了解暴 力冲突的各种经济素、成本和影响
(b) To engage in programmes of education, relating to the above purposes; to join in partnership with economists and others to increase public understanding and to educate policymakers and citizen advocates that nuclear and other weapons represent a threat to the existence of human life
and civilization,
[...] and that disarmament and development are interdependent goals; and to promote greater understanding of the full range of economic causes, costs and consequences of violent conflict
在人體攝取碳水化合物之後,胰島素的濃度會增 加,導致色氨酸的運輸血清素的合 成 增 加
With carbohydrate ingestion, there is a rise in insulin levels that leads to increased tryptophan transport and increased serotonin synthesis.
下次批給巴士公司的專營權中,我們會加入一條新專營權 條文,以列明行政長官會同行政會議有上下調整巴士票價的權力, 並反映新的巴士票價調整安排下加入的一個新 素 ( 成 本 因 素 價格 的變動以及專營巴士業生產力 增幅的變動)。
A new franchise clause will be included in the next franchise to be granted to the franchised bus operators to set out explicitly the power of CEin-Council to adjust bus fares upward or downward and to
reflect the
[...] inclusion of an additional factor of change in price of the cost elements and productivity improvement [...]
of the franchised
bus industry in the new fare adjustment arrangement.
此类管制不适用于与肠出血性大肠埃希氏菌 O157 和其他生志贺样毒素的 血清型 相关的核酸序列,但志贺样毒素或其亚单位的核酸序列编码除外。
These controls do not apply to nucleic acid sequences associated with the pathogenicity of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli, serotype O157 and other verotoxin producing strains, other than those coding for the verotoxin, or for its sub-units.
例如,一项机制研究可能 主要针对生血球溶解(哺乳 动物体内负责输送氧气和二氧 化碳红细胞受到破坏)的最 低浓度。
As a result, these states would be forced to blend ethanol into their gasoline for much of the year – notably, through the summer driving season, when RFG performance standards are toughest to meet, and ethanol blending is the most expensive.
因此,球货币 和金融制度必须充分支持可持续发展,多边贸易体系必须真正确 保贸易等素成为发展的推动力。
It is therefore
[...] imperative that the global monetary and financial system fully supports sustainable development, and that the multilateral trading system truly ensures that trade, among other factors, serves as an engine [...]
for development.
某些时候, 这类项目的成果没有任何直接的经济成效,但却有助于传播人类对我们所生存 球 的 构 造及运行方式的重要认 识,并且生成一些在全球环境管理及未来能源开发及使用方面不可或缺的数据材料。
In some cases, the results of such projects may have no immediate economic impact but they serve to broaden humanity’s fundamental
understanding of the structure
[...] and operation of our planet and yield data necessary for management of the global environment and future [...]
exploration and exploitation of resources.
在萨孚凯,我们确定这些素是建立 全 球 服 务价值主张的坚实基础,但这也仅仅只是一个起点,如果没有高 成 熟 的 方法和一流的解决方案,这些好处仍无法得到充分发挥。
At Softtek we
[...] are certain that these elements serve as a great foundation to build a powerful value proposition for users of global services, but are just [...]
the starting point, since
without a highly mature approach and world class practices these benefits can not be fully leveraged.




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