单词 | 红细胞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 红细胞 —red blood cellless common: erythrocyte See also:红 n—bonus n 细胞 n—cytoplasm n 细胞—cell (biology) 胞—placenta • born of the same parents • womb
要求教科文组织总干事与联合国系统各主管机构合作,支持开展可行性研究,以便: (a) 制订一项预防镰状红细胞症的 国际教育计划 unesdoc.unesco.org | Requests the Director-General to support the carrying out of a feasibility study, in cooperation with the competent United Nations agencies, with a view to unesdoc.unesco.org |
它是由于食物中缺铁,身体制造血液 或 红细胞 的能力被毒物破坏,或者血液丢失,破坏速度比身体修 [...] 复速度更快而引起的。 hesperian.org | It is caused by a lack of iron in the diet, destruction by toxics of the body’s ability [...] to make blood or red blood cells, or loss [...]or destruction of hesperian.org |
项目 5.36–镰状红细胞症— 公共卫生的一项优先工作 unesdoc.unesco.org | Item 5.36 – Sickle-cell anaemia, a public health priority unesdoc.unesco.org |
而且,用兔红细胞吸附 幼虫血淋巴凝集素为抗原制备的抗血清对蛹的凝集素活性无交叉反应,表明这两种凝集素是不相同的。 actazool.org | The antiserum against larvae lectin had no cross reaction to the pupa lectin. actazool.org |
请总干事就本决议的实施情况,包括国家、地区和国际各级在防治镰 状 红细胞 症 方面所 作的努力及其在全世界产生的影响向大会第三十四届会议提交报告。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Invites the Director-General to submit to it at its 34th session a report on the implementation of this resolution, including the efforts made at the national, regional and international levels to combat sickle-cell anaemia and its consequences worldwide. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2005 年 10 月 11 日大会第十三次全体会议决定根据总务委员会的报告在其议程中增加项目 5.36 “镰状红细胞症-- 公共卫生的一项优先工作”和 14.3“加强与几内亚比绍共和国的合作”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At its 13th plenary meeting, on 11 October 2005, the General Conference decided to add to its agenda, pursuant to the report of its General Committee, items 5.36 “Sickle-cell anaemia, a public health priority” and 14.3 “Strengthening of cooperation with the Republic of Guinea-Bissau”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2008年,世界卫生组织(WHO)更新了真 性 红细胞 增 多症和原发性血小板增多症的诊断标准,添加“有JAK2 V617F或具有类似功能的突变的存在,如JAK2基因的12号外显子的突变”作为主要的标准。 labtestsonline.org.cn | In 2008, the World Health Organization (WHO) updated its diagnostic criteria for PV and ET, adding as a major criterion the "presence of the JAK2 V617F or other functionally similar mutations, such as JAK2 exon 12 mutations. labtestsonline.org.br |
例如,脑膜或大脑中的感染和炎症(称为脑膜炎)可以干扰血脑屏障,使得 白 细胞 和 红细胞 进 入 大脑并增加了进入CSF的蛋白量,脑膜炎和脑炎还能导致抗体的生成。 labtestsonline.org.cn | For example, infections and inflammation in the meninges (called meningitis) or the brain (called [...] encephalitis) can disrupt the blood-brain [...] barrier and allow white and red blood cells and increased [...]amounts of protein into the CSF. labtestsonline.org.br |
常规检查,方法简单,对尿液离心后在高倍显微镜下寻 找 红细胞 , 以判断血尿的存在。 asiancancer.com | The procedure of routine examination is very simple, [...] that is to look for red blood cells in the urine [...]which has been centrifugated under [...]high power microscope, so as to judge the occurrence of hematuria. asiancancer.com |
在医药领域,以色列最近开发了一种手机成像 [...] 应用,利用特殊镜头寻找疟原虫消化分解 血 红细胞产 生的疟色素确诊疟疾病例。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the medical field, Israel had recently developed a mobile-phone-based imaging application which enabled malaria to be diagnosed in the [...] field by using a special lens to look for the pigment that the malaria parasite [...] generated when it digested red blood cells. daccess-ods.un.org |
结果表明:在外周血细胞中可区分出 红细胞 、 单 核细胞、大淋巴细胞、小淋巴细胞、嗜中性粒细胞和血栓细胞;嗜中性粒细胞内的特殊颗粒包括A、B、C三型;嗜中性粒细胞分为Ⅰ型粒细胞(内含A、B、C三种特殊颗粒)、Ⅱ型粒细胞(内含A型和C型两种特殊颗粒)和Ⅲ型粒细胞(内含C型特殊颗粒)。 actazool.org | The ultrastructural study revealed that the neutrophils include three types of cells according to their special granules(A,B and C special granules):type Ⅰ(included A,B and C special granules)、type Ⅱ(included A and C special granules)and type Ⅲ(included C special granules). actazool.org |
鉴于北-南病人在治疗方面存在着巨大差距, 对大多数镰状红细胞症患者,包括儿童得不到适当的医疗表示忧虑, 忆及因对镰状红细胞症缺 乏了解而对该病产生超自然的信仰, 注意到虐疾在历史上曾导致镰状 红细胞 症 的 产生,也是造成非洲镰 状 红细胞 症 患 者死亡的主要 原因 unesdoc.unesco.org | Noting that malaria has historically contributed to the emergence of sickle-cell anaemia and is the first cause of mortality among sufferers of sickle-cell anaemia in Africa unesdoc.unesco.org |
长期以来,由于没有地球引力拉伸着他的身体,其骨骼和肌肉质量会流失,并且Barratt肌体产生 的 红细胞 越 来 越少,他的心脏也会出现萎缩的现象。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Without Earth's gravity pulling down on his body, he'd lose bone and muscle mass, his body [...] would produce fewer red cells, and his heart [...]would atrophy. chinese.eurekalert.org |
例如,一项机制研究可能 主要针对产生血球溶解(哺乳 动物体内负责输送氧气和二氧 化碳的红细胞受到破坏)的最 低浓度。 acfa.org.sg | As a result, these states would be forced to blend ethanol into their gasoline for much of the year – notably, through the summer driving season, when RFG performance standards are toughest to meet, and ethanol blending is the most expensive. acfa.org.sg |
DIAGAST(迪卡斯)将为您隆重展出全自动血型分析仪,手工检测液体试剂,贴牌生产产品系列,还有奥利巴斯全自动系统配套系列试剂,我们已经取得中国大陆国家食品药品监督管理局注册文号的单克隆Anti-D试剂,我们新型应 用 红细胞 磁 化 技术的微孔板等等。 diagast.com | DIAGAST Team will be glad to present you its automated, manual and OEM ranges of product as the PK ranges for Beckman PK automated systems, our SFDA registered monoclonal anti-D, our new microplate configurations using E.M. Technology and many others. diagast.com |
铁是人体必须的元素,例如,血 红细胞 中 铁 有助于固氧。 esab-cutting.cn | Iron is a vital metal for human beings, for [...] example, the iron in red blood cells helps [...]to bind the oxygen in the blood. esab-cutting.net |
这几组未成熟网织红细胞比率(IRF)的平均值显著不同,地中海贫血组以8.7%的值居中,健康对照的值是4.4%,IDA值的范围是12.9%到16.7%。 china.labmedica.com | Immature reticulocyte fraction (IRF) mean values in the groups were statistically different as the thalassemia group had an intermediate value of 8.7%, which was between the healthy value of 4.4% and IDA values ranging from 12.9% to 16.7%. labmedica.com |
能刺激骨髓红细胞的生长,帮助造血、预防贫血症。 gnetrading.com | Stimulate the growth of bone marrow, producing blood and prevent anaemia. gnetrading.com |
实验结果表明:羊栖菜多糖能降低肿瘤机 体 红细胞 的 电 泳迁移时间(阴性对照组为15.76 min,SFPS低剂量组为13.96 min,SFPS中剂量组为12.90 min,SFPS高剂量组为13.51 min,正常对照组为11.51 min),增加红细胞的合 淌度(阴性对照组为1.06×10-4 cm2·V-1·s-1,SFPS低剂量组为1.19×10-4 cm2·V-1·s-1,SFPS中剂量组为1.29×10-4 cm2·V-1·s-1,SFPS高剂量组为1.23×10-4 cm2·V-1·s-1,正常对照组为1.45×10-4 cm2·V-1·s-1),SFPS 3个剂量组红细胞的合淌度与阴性对照组比较均有非常显著的差异(P<0.01)。 chrom-china.com | It was found that SFPS can decrease the migration time of erythrocytes in tumor-bearing organisms, which was 17.56 min for the control group, 13.96 min for the low dosage group, 12.90 min for the medium dosage group, 13.51 min for the high dosage group, and 11.51 min for the normal group, and increase its complex mobility, which was 1.06×10-4 cm2·V-1·s-1 for the control group, 1.19×10-4 cm2·V-1·s-1 for the low dosage group, 1.29×10-4 cm2·V-1·s-1 for the medium dosage group, 1.23×10-4 cm2·V-1·s-1 [...] for the high dosage group, and 1.45×10-4 [...]cm2·V-1·s-1 for the normal group. chrom-china.com |
波多黎各乌马考的急诊科医生判定为多种严重症状:下消化道出血 、 红细胞 严 重 减少、失去知觉、心跳过快、异常低血压和低氧饱和度水平。 tipschina.gov.cn | Emergency department medical staff in Humacao, Puerto Rico assessed a multitude of [...] serious symptoms: lower GI hemorrhage, [...] critically depleted red blood cells, loss of consciousness, [...]rapid heart rate, abnormally [...]low blood pressure, and low oxygen saturation levels. tipschina.gov.cn |
异常血红蛋白是基因变异的结果,基因变异导致血红蛋白链生产异常或不同步,比如地中海贫血;也可能导致血红蛋白S等异常血红蛋白链的形成,如镰刀 形 红细胞 贫 血 症。 china.labmedica.com | Hemoglobin variants are a result of genetic changes resulting in abnormal or dys-synchronous hemoglobin chain production, as in thalassemia or the generation of hemoglobin chain variants such as hemoglobin S, as seen in sickle cell anemia. labmedica.com |
由于红细胞聚集 有助于全血粘度,其含义是从这种疗法的全血粘度降低,从而改进流通。 danpacplus.hk | Since red blood cell aggregation [...] contributes to whole blood viscosity, the implication from this low level narrow band therapy [...]treatment is that the whole blood viscosity is reduced, resulting in improved circulation. danpacplus.hk |
还注意到已建立了与艾滋病、结核病和虐疾斗争的世界基金会, 发现镰状红细胞症是 通过输血感染艾滋病的危险因素,考虑到镰 状 红细胞 症 是 家庭结 构分裂及被社会排斥的因素, 考虑到镰状红细胞症在患者及其家属中产生的身体、心理和社会的严重影响, 发现缺乏对新生病儿的诊断及对患者正常的定期检查而导致此病的各种并发症 unesdoc.unesco.org | Considering that sickle-cell anaemia has considerable physical, psychological and social repercussions on sufferers and their families unesdoc.unesco.org |
Anemia 贫血 由于缺少红细胞使血 液变得稀薄的一种疾病。 hesperian.org | Anemia a disease in which the blood gets weak and [...] thin from the lack of red blood cells. hesperian.org |
感染是一个快节奏的游戏,其中的目的是通过拖动复 制 红 血 细胞 中 的 病毒。 cn.moba-app.com | Infection is a fast paced game in which the object is to replicate a [...] virus by dragging it over red blood cells. moba-app.com |
为了分析羊栖菜多糖(SFPS)对肿瘤机 体 红细胞 合 淌 度的影响,建立了肿瘤动物模型,分高、中、低剂量腹腔给予羊栖菜多糖7 d,采集并制备红细胞悬液,应用高效毛细管电泳法检 测 红细胞 的 合 淌度。 chrom-china.com | A mouse tumor model was developed in which mice were [...] intraperitoneally injected with [...] high, medium, and low dosages of SFPS for 7 d. The erythrocytes were collected and prepared into suspensions, and the complex mobilities of cells were measured using high performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE). chrom-china.com |