

单词 繁苛

See also:

in great numbers


External sources (not reviewed)

可能會為互聯網服務供應商及電郵服務供應商帶 繁苛 的負 擔,尤其是他們並無意圖在任意分配 [...]
IP 地址的過程中,收集 任何個人的資料
onerous burden may be imposed on the [...]
ISPs and webmail service providers, particularly in situation when they have no intention
to compile information about any individual when IP address is randomly allocated.
香港律師會等團體認為,現行持久授權書的簽立規定過 繁苛, 是 導致它在香港使用率極低的原因之一。
Organizations such as The Law Society of Hong Kong are of the view
that, the existing provisions on EPA signing
[...] are excessively onerous, which is one [...]
of the reasons for the exceptionally low take-up rate.
另一名回應者指出,不時採取一切合理措施的要求 過繁苛。
Another respondent commented that the need to take all reasonable measures from time
[...] to time was too onerous.
主席詢問是否因為試驗 計劃需要輸入病人資料,這繁苛的 工 作令西醫卻 步。
The Chairman asked if medical practitioners were
[...] deterred by the onerous patient data [...]
entry tasks required under the Pilot Scheme.
在 達 至 該 土 地 的 市 值 時,估 值 師 假 設 該 土 地 於 市 場 上 可 自 由 轉 讓 而 無 需 支 付 額 外 的 土 地出讓金 及其他應付繁苛費用 ,據此,該土地屬可交吉出售且無任何產權負擔。
In giving its indication of the market value of the Land, the Valuer has assumed the Land is freely transferable in the market at no extra land premium and other onerous charges payable and on the basis that it is given vacant possession and free from encumbrances.
(2) 草案第19 條將某些法例條文訂為不適用,該等條文是 指訂
[...] 定有關破產清盤人員可將無力償債人士 的財產中負 有責繁苛的 契諾的部 分 卸 棄 (草案第19(a)條 [...]
), 及將無力償債人士 在破產清盤案開始 後作出的 財產產權處置致使無效的條文(草案第19(b)條 )。
(2) Clause 19 disapplies certain statutory provisions that provide for a relevant insolvency office holder to disclaim
any part of an insolvent's property which is
[...] burdened with onerous covenants (clause [...]
19(a)), or that make void any disposition
of property by an insolvent after the commencement of the insolvency (clause 19(b)).
(b) 關 注到香港的擬議土地 業權註冊制度規定 律師
[...] 須發出妥善業權證 明 書,會 使 律師在業權的首 次註冊方面持續承繁 苛 的 責
(b) Concerns that the requirement for solicitors to issue a certificate of good title under the proposed land title registration
system (LTRS) in Hong Kong would impose
[...] an on-going and onerous responsibility [...]
on them for the first registration of title
(b) 由於在香港絕大部分公司為中 小型公司,並屬非上市公司,故 需要採取的行動
[...] 此,對此類公司而言,另行擬備 董事酬金報告的規定過繁 苛,並會增加它們的合規成本
(b) as the vast majority of companies in Hong Kong were small and medium-sized companies and non-listed, the
requirement of separate directors' remuneration
[...] reports would be onerous on them and would [...]
increase their compliance costs
儘管目前我們可以選擇利用電子證 書,但實施這項措施將會相繁苛, 並 且與鼓勵電子存檔的方針背道而馳。
Although there is an e-cert option today, imposing
[...] this would be onerous and would unduly [...]
discourage electronic filings.
此 外 , 遺產稅 並繁苛, 因 為 僅 總 值 在 750 萬 元 [...]
以上的 遺產才 須 繳 稅 , 而稅率則 由 5%起 漸 進 增 至 最 高 15%。
Estate Duty is not an onerous tax since only [...]
estates with an aggregate value of over $7.5 million are liable to this tax
and since the tax rates are charged on a graduated scale from 5% to 15%.
委員贊 同代表團體 的意見,認為儘 管條例草案訂有有關“合 理 辯 解 ”的 但書, 但 證 監
[...] 會可 以 嚴 格 的 刑事法律責任作為威脅,提繁苛或 不合 情理的要求 。
Members share the view that although there is the “reasonable excuse” proviso,
the threat of heavy criminal liabilities could nonetheless be
[...] used to enforce onerous or unreasonable [...]
requests from SFC.
他不覺得僱傭合 約對僱 主 是一繁苛的 要 求 , 並認為僱傭合約及《僱傭 條 [...]
例 》整體上未能真正為僱 員 提供太大的保障 。
He did not find the
[...] employment contract an onerous requirement on the [...]
part of the employer and considered that both the
contract and the Employment Ordinance as a whole did not really offer much protection to employees.
在討論期間,事務委員會委員提出多項關注,包括重寫 工作的指導原則及所需的時間、改革建議在甚麼程度上可加強
[...] 公司的企業管治,以及如何可求取合理的平衡,既避免對公司 活動施繁苛的規 定/限制,又顧及為小投資者提供充份保障 [...]
During the discussions, Panel members expressed various concerns including the guiding principles and timeframe for the rewrite exercise, how far the reform proposals could enhance corporate governance of companies, and how a reasonable
balance could be struck between the
[...] concern of imposing onerous requirements/restrictions [...]
on company activities and the
need to provide adequate protection for small investors.
關於《公司條例草案》下並無規定公司另行擬備董事酬金 報告書的建議,政府當局表示,在《公司條例草案》擬稿的諮詢期 間,大多數的意見書不支持這項建議,他們憂慮到,這對於非上市 公司(當中大部分是中小型企業)過 繁苛 , 並會增加合規成本。
On the proposal under the CB for not requiring a company to prepare separate directors' remuneration report, the Administration advised that during consultation on the draft CB, the majority of respondents did not support the proposal on concern that it would be too onerous and would increase compliance costs for unlisted companies, the vast majority of which were small and medium-sized enterprises.
對非上市公司 而言,有關擬備董事酬金報告的要求,也是過 繁苛。
The requirement of directors’ remuneration reports
[...] would also be too onerous for unlisted companies.
收費與成本掛 今次可以變身為「排污者自付」,㆘次亦可因而收 取其他費用,如救火服務收費,或者使用公園收費等等,巧立名目,稅 繁苛 , 使 市民 負擔加重。
If the Government can peg sewage charges to costs under the pretext of the "polluters pay" principle this time, it may also introduce other charges such as fire-fighting service charges, park admission fees and so on by inventing all kinds of excuses, resulting in numerous heavy charges which would add to the burden of the public.
他們表示,當局不可能規定上市法團披露其 “高級人員"實際上不知悉的資料,規定要披露“推定知 悉"的資料,是過繁苛。
They expressed that it would be impossible to require a listed corporation to disclose information that was not actually known by the corporation’s “officers”.
[...] 付能力測試加入核數規定,對公司似乎過 繁苛 而 為 債權人及 股東帶來的好處卻很少。
Inclusion of an audit requirement for the uniform solvency test
[...] appears to be onerous for companies [...]
and brings little benefit for creditors and shareholders.
政府當局表示,在《公司條例草案》擬稿的諮詢期間, 大多數的意見
[...] 書不支持這項建議,他們憂慮到,這對於非上市 公司( 當中大部分是中小企) 過繁苛,並會增加合規成本。
The Administration has advised that, during consultation on the draft CB, the majority of respondents did
not support the proposal on concern that
[...] it would be too onerous and would increase [...]
compliance costs for unlisted companies,
the vast majority of which are SMEs.
卸棄條繁苛的合 約或協議(但不包括附表 5 指明的合約或其他協議)(就這項 權力而言,《破產條例》(第 [...]
6 章)第 59 條經所有必需的變通後,對此適用和就此而適 用)的權力。
Power to disclaim onerous contracts or agreements, [...]
excluding contracts or other agreements specified in Schedule 5 (and,
for the purposes of such power, section 59 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap. 6) shall, with all necessary modifications, apply to and in relation thereto).
他們 尤其關注到,新的表述會導致中小企須承 繁苛 的 責任,而這 些企業的資源及法律知識一般有限,因此經營者可能很容易便 [...]
In particular, they are concerned that the new formulation
[...] would impose an onerous burden on SMEs, [...]
whose resources and legal knowledge are
usually limited, and hence operators may easily overlook the numerous filing requirements.
测试表明,该产品可在繁使用和苛 刻 的 条件下确保可靠的操作。
It has been tested to provide reliable
[...] operation under intensive use and harsh conditions.
在变频器和传动领域中,REO可为简单以及要 苛 刻 的 应用提供合适的解决方案, 并且具备开发满足个性需求的解决方案的专业技术。
REO offers suitable solutions for both simple and demanding applications in the field of converter and drive technology, and has the expertise to develop solutions that meet individual requirements.
以色列违反国际法、人权法和国际人道主义法的 行为一直在增多,其很多做法就证明了这一点,例如 在没有任何合法理由的情况下将 10 000 名巴勒斯坦 人拘押在以色列监狱和拘留所中;无视国际法院的咨 询意见,持续修建种族主义隔离墙;违反安全理事会 第 1860(2009)号决议和大会第 ES-10/18 号决议,对 加沙地带实行严密封锁;在西岸设置障碍和检查站; 以色列内阁规定犹太人作出效忠宣誓,以孤立以色列 境内的以色列籍阿拉伯人口;以色列议会最近的立法 对撤出已被以色列吞并的阿拉伯被占领土规定了新苛刻条 件,但通过全民投票或经议会三分之二多数 通过则除外;以及由于时间关系,我们不能一一列举 的其他许多违法行为。
Israel’s violations of international law, human rights law and international humanitarian law have been increasing, as manifested by many practices, such as the detention of 10,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails and detention facilities without any legal grounds; the continued construction of the racist separation wall, in defiance of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice; the tight siege of the Gaza Strip, contrary to Security Council resolution 1860 (2009) and General Assembly resolution ES-10/18; the barriers and checkpoints in the West Bank; the Jewish loyalty oath instituted by the Israeli Cabinet to isolate the Arab-Israel population in Israel; the recent Knesset legislation setting stringent new conditions on any withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories annexed to Israel except through a referendum or the approval of a two-third majority of the Knesset; and many other violations that time will not permit us to list.
法案委員會部分委員(包括余若薇議員)建議政府當局考 慮應否從新訂的條例第88G(1)條及條例草案其他相關條文中刪 去 "真誠地"的詞句,以免就下述作為把過於 苛 的 責 任加諸服務 提供者身上:依據指稱侵權通知移除任何材料,或使任何材料 不能被接達,或依據異議通知,將任何材料還原或使任何材料 恢復可被接達。
Some members of the Bills Committee including Hon Audrey EU have suggested that the Administration should consider whether the expression "in good faith" should be removed from the new section 88G(1) and other relevant provisions of the Bill, so as to avoid putting too onerous a burden on the OSP when acting to remove or disable access to any material pursuant to a notice of alleged infringement, or reinstate the material or cease disabling access pursuant to a counter notice.
正如 秘书长此前给大会的报告(见 A/64/633 和
A/65/643)所述,当该战略得到全面执 行时,外勤支助部将实施战略规划、整合、质量控制职能,并在总部与会员国联
[...] 络;全球服务中心将执行现在由外勤支助部在总部执行的不需要与会员国和秘书 处其他部门繁互动 的业务往来职能;各特派团将在区域服务中心支持下直接向 [...]
As the Secretary-General has previously reported to the General Assembly (see A/64/633 and A/65/643), when the strategy is fully implemented, the Department of Field Support will conduct strategic planning, integration, quality control functions and liaison with Member States at Headquarters; the Global Service Center will perform the transactional functions now carried out by the
Department of Field Support at Headquarters that
[...] do not require frequent interaction with [...]
Member States and other Secretariat departments;
and missions, supported by regional service centres, will provide services directly to peacekeeping personnel.
部分委員察悉,根據現行法例,在首次提供資料時提供 虛假資料或不準確的個人資料並不屬犯罪,因此不會對此施以 罰則。他們質疑是否有必要訂立此項新條文,並認為就在改正 資料要求中提供不準確個人資料一律處以刑事罰則,此做法過 於苛。
Noting that the provision of false data or inaccurate personal data in the first instance is not an offence under the existing legislation and hence no penalty will be imposed on such act, some members have questioned the need to have the new section and consider it too harsh to impose across the board a criminal penalty for supplying inaccurate personal data in a data correction request.
从各个地区的反应来 看,儿童们对暴力繁发生 表示严重关切,他们表达了深深的紧迫感,他们的观 点和建议有助于改进所采取的行动的有效性,包括有助于改善人们对隐含的暴力 行为的了解,提高认识,并推动倡导积极的倡议,支持开展对儿童问题敏感的政 策和机制。
Across the regions, children express strong concern at the incidence of violence; they inspire a deep sense of urgency, and their views and recommendations help to refine the effectiveness of actions taken, including by helping to improve understanding of the hidden face of violence, raise awareness and promote advocacy on positive initiatives, and support the development of child-sensitive policies and mechanisms.




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