

单词 繁简

简繁 ()

simple versus traditional (Chinese characters)



conversion from simple traditional Chinese characters

See also:

in great numbers

External sources (not reviewed)

瑞士代表团认为,不必设计复杂的问责结构, 可取的做法是繁就简,确 定更明确的框架。
Rather than designing a complex accountability structure, her delegation saw merit in reducing the complexity and identifying more clearly delineated frameworks.
然而,集中到一个国家团体如太平洋岛国论坛, 往往即可繁为简。
However, focusing on a group such as the Pacific Islands Forum tends to strip away much of that complexity.
在这个问题上已经有了一些改进,但在 向它们自己的理事机构(国际水文计划理事会/主席团和政府间海洋学委员会大会 /理事会)和向执行局和大会提交的报告之间,应该在绩效信息 繁简 程 度 和内容 性质方面还要尽可能地加以区分。
Some progress has been made here, but there could still be much greater distinctions made between reporting to their own governing bodies (IHP Council/Bureau and IOC Assembly/Council), to the Executive Board and to the General Conference, in terms of level of detail and type of performance information reported.
世界上语言实在非常多种,我们也无法没种都会,面对不同语言的文件蒙恬推出可以随身携带的扫描笔,除了可以随时随地扫描重要文件,并提 繁/简 中 、英、日、韩、法、德、义、西等语系的辨识与在线翻译功能,让您打破语言隔阂。
Facing documents in many different languages, Penpower presents the portable scanning pen. In addition to scanning important documents at anytime and
anywhere, it can provide language
[...] recognition for Traditional / Simplified Chinese, English, [...]
Japanese, Korean, French, Germany,
Italian, Spanish, etc., as well as online translation, allowing you to break the language barrier.
具有超凡魅力的人有繁为简的高超能力(如:马丁 路德金用一句“我有一个梦想”就表达了无穷深意); [...]
Charismatic people have a remarkable ability to distill
[...] complex ideas into simple messages ("I have [...]
a dream"); they communicate by using symbols,
analogies, metaphors and stories.
目前可提供的语言种类有:英语、德语、法语、西班牙语、俄语、葡萄牙语、韩语、日语、泰国语 繁 体 中文 和 简 体 中 文。
The full Oris site including details of the collection, sponsoring, history, the Oris worlds and our ambassadors, is now available in English,
German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Thai,
[...] traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese.
近年来,中央支助事务厅也收到关 于改变财产管理权力下放的若干请求以及关于如何 简繁 复 行政程序的建议。
In recent years, the Office of Central Support Services has received a number of requests to change the delegation
of authority for property management and
[...] suggestions on how to streamline perceived burdensome administrative [...]
其设计旨在为用户提供最大的方便性和佩戴舒适性,有助 简 化 您 繁 忙 的 生活方式。
Designed for maximum convenience and providing superior wearing
[...] comfort, it helps simplify your busy lifestyle.
4. Support multiple languages
[...] ​​including Chinese ( simplified/traditional) .
该地区的客户目前已可获取澳大利亚航空公司的一些产品,如飞行常客奖励计划和qantas.com 网站,该网站已开简体和繁体中 文版。
Customers in the region now have
access to Qantas products
[...] such as the Frequent Flyer program and qantas.com, which is available in simplified and traditional Chinese.
[...] Pack , three built-in Simplified and Traditional English [...]
language pack ; to PHP5, MySQL5 -based, full backward
compatibility with PHP4, mysql4.0.
补救工作必须包含预先制 订更合适的预算外活动计划,更加准确地预测可能出 现的问题(包括教科文组织无法控制的问题) 简化 繁琐的内部行政程序以及开展持久的人员培训活动。
Remedial action must comprise better prior planning of extrabudgetary activities, better anticipation of problems (including those beyond UNESCO’s control), alleviation of heavy internal administrative procedures, and continued staff training, both at Headquarters and in the field.
VectorGuard®储存柜通过简化总的钢网处理,不仅可以保护钢网免于丢失或损伤,还能 简繁 忙 的 生产线。
By simplifying overall stencil handling, the
VectorGuard® Cabinets not only eliminate stencil loss or damage, but also have
[...] the capacity to streamline busy production lines.
游客弹出信使可用的语言有阿拉伯语、巴西葡萄牙语、 保加利亚语、加泰隆语、中文简体 和 繁 体 ) 、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、波斯语(波斯)、芬兰语、德语、希腊语、希伯来语、匈牙利语、意大利语、日语、立陶宛语、挪威语、波兰语、葡萄牙语、罗马尼亚语、俄语、斯洛伐克语、斯洛文尼亚语、西班牙语、瑞典语、土耳其语和越南语。
Visitor Pop-up Messenger is available in
Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian,
[...] Catalan, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), [...]
Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi (Persian),
Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Vietnamese.
如图 UG-1-3,如要转的字符数超过 100 KB,简繁大师 》将弹出一个进度栏实时显示转码进度。
As shown in Pic UG-1-3, if the volume of the text is
[...] above 100 KB, STGuru will display [...]
a real-time bar to show the progress in conversion.
该组件解决了 CAD/CAM/CAE 及其它技术软件应用程序中简到繁 的 设 计问题,其技术领先的变量化解法适用于装配管理、零件设计、曲线和曲面编辑以及平滑运动仿真等问题。
The solution provides technology-leading variational solving for assembly management, part design, curve and surface editing, and smooth kinematic motion simulation.
[...] 义以外,将重点致力于民族和解的迫切需要,以便为柬埔寨人民建立持久和平、 民主繁荣。
While obtaining justice for the tragic events of the past, emphasis would be placed on the
compelling need for national reconciliation in order to build durable
[...] peace, democracy and prosperity for the Cambodian people.
独家开发的中文内容转换及储存技术 慧科独家研发的「排版转换技术」系统 (ENMPS),将 来自传媒机构的大简体及繁体中 文内容转化成一个易于搜索及具弹性的数据库。
Wisers' proprietary Electronic News Media and Publishing System (ENMPS) converts a huge volume of simplified and traditional [...]
Chinese content into
a single searchable and flexible database.
TradeBeam的i-Supply解决方案的可运行时间为每天24小时,每周七天,供货范围涵盖41个国家,产品语言包 简 体 中文 、 繁 体 中 文、英文、法文、德文、韩文、意大利文、日文、葡萄牙文、罗马尼亚文和西班牙文。
TradeBeam's i-Supply solution is available and operational 24 hours a day, seven days a
week in 41 countries and 11 languages
[...] including Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), [...]
English, French, German, Korean,
Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.
该服务器基于.Net技术,是业界率先支持Unicode、多语言(包括中 简繁 体 、 英文等十多种亚欧语言)、传真数据挖掘、超级用户、黑白名单过滤、网上操作、传真报表生成器、自定义流程审批及电子签章等功能的传真服务器品牌。
NET technology, OceanFax is the first fax server brand in the field to support Unicode, Multi-language, Fax Data Mining, Super User, Black & White List, Windows on the Web, Fax Report Generator and Approval & Stamp.
自此之后,Big Bang、 King Power,、Classic Fusion 和
[...] Masterpiece四大系列腕表相继问世,搭载的机芯功能 简 到 繁 , 无 所不包(计时码表、陀飞轮、三问报时、"教堂钟声"三问报时、追针、闪电追针、飞返日期显示、第二时区显示等等)。
Since then, there have been 4 collections – Big Bang, King Power, Classic Fusion
and Masterpiece, housing movements
[...] ranging from the most simple to the most complicated [...]
(chronograph, tourbillon, minute
repeater, minute repeater with cathedral chime, split-seconds, jumping seconds, retrograde date, GMT…).
因此,鉴于持续承担繁重工作量和预期的 国际边界问题,提议续设边界分析员(P-3)临时一般人员职位,以便通过提供中 立的技术专长,及时应对边界危机并预防边界冲突。
Accordingly, and in the light of a continued heavy workload and anticipated international boundary issues, it is proposed that the general temporary assistance position of Boundary Analyst (P-3) be continued to respond immediately to boundary crises and prevent border conflicts by providing impartial technical expertise.
提交给执行局第一六六届会议的可行性研究所(文件 166 EX/15)尤其强调指出,国际 歌剧和诗歌研究所(IIOP)的目标和职能与教科文组织的目标是一致的,这一点尤其体现在 以下几方面:促进保护和更好地宣传世界歌剧遗产方面的知识;促进从事歌剧和诗歌领域工 作的艺术家的教育和培训,特别是年轻艺术人才的教育和培训;在国际、国家和地方推繁 荣歌 剧和诗歌的行动;促进当代歌剧和诗歌的新的创作,尤其是反映新型跨文化交流的歌剧 和诗歌的创作。
The feasibility study submitted to the Executive Board at its 166th session (166 EX/15), stressed, among other things, that the purposes and functions of the International Institute for Opera and Poetry (IIOP) are in keeping with UNESCO’s objectives, in particular regarding the promotion and dissemination of knowledge in the field of the world lyrical heritage; the promotion of education and training for artists working in the fields of opera and poetry, and in particular for young people of talent; the promotion of initiatives internationally, nationally and locally in these two key areas; and the promotion of new contemporary creative works, particularly those serving as media for new types of multicultural exchange.
正如 秘书长此前给大会的报告(见 A/64/633 和
A/65/643)所述,当该战略得到全面执 行时,外勤支助部将实施战略规划、整合、质量控制职能,并在总部与会员国联
[...] 络;全球服务中心将执行现在由外勤支助部在总部执行的不需要与会员国和秘书 处其他部门繁互动 的业务往来职能;各特派团将在区域服务中心支持下直接向 [...]
As the Secretary-General has previously reported to the General Assembly (see A/64/633 and A/65/643), when the strategy is fully implemented, the Department of Field Support will conduct strategic planning, integration, quality control functions and liaison with Member States at Headquarters; the Global Service Center will perform the transactional functions now carried out by the
Department of Field Support at Headquarters that
[...] do not require frequent interaction with [...]
Member States and other Secretariat departments;
and missions, supported by regional service centres, will provide services directly to peacekeeping personnel.
从各个地区的反应来 看,儿童们对暴力繁发生 表示严重关切,他们表达了深深的紧迫感,他们的观 点和建议有助于改进所采取的行动的有效性,包括有助于改善人们对隐含的暴力 行为的了解,提高认识,并推动倡导积极的倡议,支持开展对儿童问题敏感的政 策和机制。
Across the regions, children express strong concern at the incidence of violence; they inspire a deep sense of urgency, and their views and recommendations help to refine the effectiveness of actions taken, including by helping to improve understanding of the hidden face of violence, raise awareness and promote advocacy on positive initiatives, and support the development of child-sensitive policies and mechanisms.
理事会第 1983/163 号决定请秘书长:(a) 在决定通过之前,将超出秘书处 在其核定资源范围内及时编制和处理文件能力的各种文件需求提请政府间机构 和专家机构注意;(b) 提请政府间机构注意在哪些领域文件的制作可能发生重复 和(或)在哪些领域讨论相关或类似主题的文件可能予以合并或 简 , 以 期使文件 制作合理化。
In decision 1983/163, the Council requested the Secretary-General (a) to bring to the attention of intergovernmental and expert bodies, before decisions were adopted, any request for documentation that exceeded the ability of the Secretariat to prepare and process on time and within its approved resources; and (b) to draw the attention of intergovernmental bodies to areas where duplication of documentation was likely to occur and/or where opportunities for integrating or consolidating documents that dealt with related or similar themes might exist, with a view to rationalizing documentation.
一些国家作出了相当大的努力,对最不发 达国家产品实简单和 透明的原产地规则,但其他严重的贸易障碍依然存在,包 [...]
括有悖世界贸易组织规则和义务的非关税壁垒,还有就是供应方面的制约因素, 特别是缺乏基础设施和现代技术,以及能源不足。
Some countries have or made considerable efforts
[...] to implement simple and transparent [...]
rules of origin for least developed country
products, but other serious obstacles to trade remain, including non-tariff barriers that are inconsistent with World Trade Organization rules and obligations and supply-side constraints, in particular lack of infrastructure and modern technologies and energy deficiency.
尽管存在这种挑战,该办公室仍然 取得了许多重要成绩,包括:(a) 对向该办公室提出的多数索赔案件作出了答复, 包括向 80 多个国家客户提简要咨 询意见(206 例);(b) 在这一年里向工作人员 法律援助办公室提出了 938 个案件,该办公室了结或解决了其中的 54%;(c) 在 争议法庭的办案成功率很高;(d) 针对外地工作人员开展了外联工作;(e) 与联 合国工作人员工会和协会、广大工作人员、联合国监察员和调解事务办公室、秘 书处和联合国各机构、基金和方案的法律部门、提供无偿法律顾问服务的法律事 务所以及学校和大学等内部和外部伙伴发展了关系。
Despite such challenges, there were many important accomplishments, including: (a) responding to the majority of the claims brought to the Office, including the provision of summary advice (206 instances), to clients in more than 80 countries; (b) closure or resolution of 54 per cent of the 938 cases filed with the Office of Staff Legal Assistance during the year; (c) a high success rate before the Dispute Tribunal; (d) undertaking outreach to staff in the field; and (e) the development of relationships with internal and external partners, including United Nations staff unions and associations, staff-at-large, the Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services, the legal offices of the Secretariat and United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, law offices providing pro bono legal counsel, schools and universities.




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