单词 | 繁复的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 繁复的 adjective—elaborate adjSee also:繁复 adj—complex adj • cumbersome adj 繁复—complicated 繁—complicated • in great numbers
这些新规定简化了程序,精简了往往是比 较 繁复的 请 假 管理制度,由最有资 格的专业人员决定是否准假。 daccess-ods.un.org | These new rules have simplified procedures and [...] reduced the often cumbersome administration [...]of leaves as well as placed the decision [...]of granting leaves in the hands of the most qualified professionals. daccess-ods.un.org |
缺乏对规则和程序的认识以及对规则和程序过 于 繁复的 恐 惧 阻 碍人们创建微型企业,也是小型企业正规化的主要障碍。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lack of awareness of the rules and procedures, and fear that [...] they will be too complicated, inhibits microentrepreneurs [...]and is a major deterrent [...]to the formalization of small businesses. daccess-ods.un.org |
每枚腕表均是一个独立的项目,拥有自己的产品编号、特定组件清单 和 繁复的 物 流工序,并由专门的制表大师打造。 iwc.com | Every single watch is an individual project, with its own article number, specific components list, its own watchmaker and laborious logistics. iwc.com |
尽管通常将 1870 年作为该庙宇的竣工日期,但是内部 繁复的 装 饰工作一直持续到 19 世纪末。 wdl.org | Although 1870 usually is given as the date of completion, work continued on the richly decorated interior until the end of the 19th century. wdl.org |
此产品不仅需要高精密金属加工, 并且还需繁复的组装程序, 及庞大的供应链管理。 shl-group.com | Manufacturing of such equipment requires high precision machining, advanced technologies, complex assembly processes [...] and supply chain management. shl-group.com |
大胆对角线剪裁或繁复的现代花 边图案都可以给传统新娘面纱带来一个 全新的效果。 enviefashion.com | Bold diagonal cuts or intricate modern lace patterns [...] can bring a whole new feel to the traditional wedding veil. enviefashion.com |
在一些情况下,设 置了繁复的规则 来核准使用违反国际人权和人道主义法标准的“强化”手段,但 在大多数情况下,秘密拘留被用作避免监视和控制的隔离层,还能够防止他人了 解拘留期间的待遇和条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | While in some cases elaborate rules have been put in place to authorize “enhanced” techniques that violate international standards of human rights and humanitarian law, most of the time secret detention has been used as a kind of defence shield to avoid scrutiny and control, as well as to make it impossible to learn about treatment and conditions during detention. daccess-ods.un.org |
以前点击表格控件选择整个表格来进行设置的日子 、 繁复的 令 人 灰心的日子过去啦。 evget.com | Gone are the frustrating days when clicking on a grid control selects the entire grid. evget.com |
每小时和每日制作和传送电视、无线电、文字、因特网和摄影材料涉 及各种繁复的因素 ,例如进入和接近有关地区;与大会和会议管理部、安全和安 [...] 保部等其他部厅密切联络;依赖广播和信息技术基础设施持续运作(这方面的责 任超出新闻部的范围)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Hourly and daily production and dissemination requirements involving television, radio, [...] text, Internet and photographic [...] services involve a complex nexus of factors [...]such as physical access and adjacency; close liaison [...]with other Departments, such as the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management and the Department of Safety and Security, and dependency on the continuing functioning of broadcast and information technology infrastructure, responsibility for which lies outside the Department. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天,繁复的行政法令、关税条款、 税则及其衍生的权利,以及艺术品的进 口增值税等等障碍,严重伤害法国对外 的吸引力。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Its cumulative price growth of 116% over the following 10 years made it the most expensive movement of the entire art market. imgpublic.artprice.com |
透过蓝宝石水晶表背即清晰可见,并配有75颗宝石 – [...] 仅凭这一令人印象深刻的数字,就象征 了 繁复的 机械 – 机芯的精致展露得淋漓尽致。 wthejournal.com | Clearly visible through the sapphire crystal case back and fitted with 75 jewels – [...] an impressive number that single-handedly [...] symbolizes the complexity of the mechanism [...]– the caliber conceals nothing of its refined finishing. wthejournal.com |
其中的插图包括 208 幅木刻,刻工采用奥格斯堡风格,其特点包括使用粗轮廓线来刻画人物,使用白色的空白而非使 用 繁复的 装 饰 来点缀画面,而且在远景上很少使用背景或风景图案。 wdl.org | It is illustrated with 208 woodcuts, cut in the Augsburg style, which is characterized by thick contour lines outlining the figures, a reliance on white space rather than highly detailed embellishment to decorate the image, and little background or landscape to create perspective. wdl.org |
追山”的顺序是抽签决定的,但其路线却有传统 且 繁复的 规 定。 bunkashisan.ne.jp | The order is decided by lottery, but the path possesses [...] traditional and complicated rules that must [...]be followed. bunkashisan.ne.jp |
就全球 所有信息权的法的相关规定而言,秘鲁信息权法对于公共机构,特别是属于公共财政领域的 公共机构,应承担的主动公布信息的义务做出了最 为 繁复的 规 定 。它包括法规目的和定义部 分(第 23 条)和对信息公布机制的规定(第 24 条)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It includes its own purpose and definition section (Article 23), as well as a provision on mechanisms for publishing information (Article 24). unesdoc.unesco.org |
壁垒中包括多重技术标准、不 一致且繁复的跨境 手续、以及过多的单据。 daccess-ods.un.org | These include multiple technical standards, [...] inconsistent and complex border-crossing [...]procedures, and excessive documentation. daccess-ods.un.org |
这样的最终组织一般须靠繁复的后处 理才能实现,不仅费时而且耗能大。 sms-meer.com | Such microstructures are usually only possible with extensive post-treatment involving a lot of energy and manhour costs. sms-meer.com |
我们希望在我们努力 解决新的一年将面临的无数纷繁复杂 的 问 题 时也能 体现这种合作精神。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is our hope that that spirit of [...] cooperation will also characterize our efforts to address [...] the numerous and complex issues that lie [...]ahead in the new year. daccess-ods.un.org |
包括英文报纸《中国日报》在内的好几家中国媒体都报道了 投资波兰所存在的种种障碍,如:波 兰 繁复的 法 律 法规以及周 边欧元区正处于危机状态这一事实。 paiz.gov.pl | Several Chinese media outlets, including the English-language China daily, have commented on the difficulties of investing in Poland, such as the dense legal regulations and the fact that the nearby euro zone is in a state of crisis. paiz.gov.pl |
重新采用过去的做法可能导致冗长而 繁复的 程序 ,这可能不必要地拖延项目的实施,因为那样做的话,所有不同拨款项目间的转帐建议 [...] 都必须获得执行局的事先批准。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Going back to the previous practice [...] might lead to a cumbersome and bureaucratic [...]process, which would risk delaying programme [...]implementation unnecessarily, as prior approval had to be obtained from the Executive Board for all proposals to transfer funds between the appropriation lines. unesdoc.unesco.org |
图表 的使用将有助于管理纷繁复杂的订单 ,提高实物盘存频率。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The use of spreadsheets should also facilitate the management of orders for many references [...] and lead to more frequent physical inventory-taking. unesdoc.unesco.org |
最后,我们坚决主张,今后有关西撒特派团的谈 [...] 判从一开始就应扩大范围,以避免重新商谈协 议 的繁 复过程 和“之友小组”取得的微小平衡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, we strongly suggest that future negotiations on [...] MINURSO be broadened from the onset in order [...] to avoid the cumbersome process of renegotiating [...]the agreements and delicate balances [...]achieved by the Group of Friends. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,联合国意识到, 积极解决和平进程中纷繁复杂的各方面问题需要耐心和持续的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the same time, the United Nations recognizes that a positive [...] resolution of the various complex aspects of the peace [...]process requires patience and sustained effort. daccess-ods.un.org |
Jason年轻的,富有想象力,他通过各 种 繁复的 图 形 组合,流行图像创作出智能的复杂的插图。 playbling.com | Most known for his anatomical toy sculptures, Jason is armed with a youthful, overactive imagination, he creates smart, intricate illustrations that tickle the deviant intellect through a mix of hard graphics, pop iconography and wit. playbling.com |
德勤熟谙不同国家或地区的税法规定,专注于提供各类合规及咨询服务,并拥有专业化软件提供技术支持,能助您从容应对这一 纷 繁复 杂 的 挑 战。 deloitte.com | Deloitte can help with this complex challenge through our [...] extensive knowledge of tax laws across [...]jurisdictions and our specialized compliance [...]and consulting skills and software. deloitte.com |
如果选择其他供应商,您就必须花费大量资源自行构建 hybris [...] 已经推出的开箱即用式电信解决方案 : 繁复的 配 置与绑定、订阅定价与按使用量定价及拆分订单履行等全部搞定。 hybris.com | With others, you'll spend your resources just to custom-build [...] what hybris offers as an out-of-the-box [...] telco solution: Complex configuration [...]and bundling, subscription and usage pricing and split order fulfillment. hybris.com |
Jones说UDN是无可替代的资源,其中集中了可以协助开发者们解决游戏开发过程中所遇到的各种 纷 繁复 杂 的 问 题 的UE3技术专家。 unrealengine.com | Jones said UDN is an irreplaceable resource, a gathering of experts on UE3 technology assisting developers across a wide spectrum of issues encountered with game development. unrealengine.com |
面对当前纷繁复杂的国际形势,面对 各类安全挑战,面对广大成员国的期待,安理会责任 重大。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Charter of the United Nations entrusts the Security Council with the solemn responsibility of maintaining international peace and security. daccess-ods.un.org |
MIMO无线设备是LTE和4G移动宽带业务的关键,而MIMO测试也代表了通信行业的一项新的挑战:在过去,单纯能够描述设备的基本特征就已满足市场需求;而现在,随着新的多样化天线,测试和优化设备技术的发展,意味着需要 在 繁复的 环 境下,模拟真实的射频光线环境并描述其终端到终端的接收性能。 satimo.com | MIMO wireless devices are key to LTE and 4G mobile broadband adoption but their testing represents a new challenge for the Telecommunications industry: In the past, characterizing the device was considered enough; now, with new multiple antennas, testing and optimizing a device means characterizing its end-to-end reception performance in cluttered environments that simulate real RF environments. satimo.com |
本双年度在科学技术伦理学,尤其是在生物伦理学方 面开展的活动无可置疑地证明,教科文组织根据其 《组织法》,只要把教育、科学、文化、信息和传播 [...] 这些可参与解决科学技术伦理现实问题的所有领域相 结合,就完全有条件去探讨这些纷 繁复 杂 的 问 题 和提 出适当的解决办法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | During the period under review, the activities carried out in the field of the ethics of science and technology and bioethics in particular, have unquestionably confirmed that UNESCO – under a constitutional mandate to combine education, science, culture, information and communication, all of which are implicated in the current ethical debate on [...] science and technology – is uniquely placed to address such [...] issues in all their complexity and to propose relevant [...]solutions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
GMAC总裁兼首席执行官Dave Wilson表示:“伴随世界上的许多地方经济开始好转,雇主正在寻找那些优秀的管理者来引领公司前行,MBA及其他商管研究生学历提供了在当今 纷 繁复 杂 的 市 场 上管理棘手问题所需的能力。 tipschina.gov.cn | As the economy improves in many parts of the world, employers who are hiring look for skilled managers to lead the way," says Dave Wilson, GMAC president and CEO. tipschina.gov.cn |