单词 | 絮絮叨叨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 絮叨—long-windedtalk endlessly without getting to the pointgarrulous絮絮叨叨—long-windedless common: garrulous talk endlessly without getting to the point See also:絮絮—chatter incessantly endless prattle 叨叨—chatter hog the conversation
首先,我 想 谈 一下具 问 责的政 府 , 我不会絮絮叨叨的, 因为今天 很 多 人 都说了不少 。 legco.gov.hk | Firstly, I would like to talk about accountable government, and I will not labour the point. legco.gov.hk |
关於工㆟失业和开工不足的数字,业已多有引述,我不拟再赘,亦不打算絮絮叨叨,缕述本港经济如何继续扩张及趋向多元化,为愈来愈能干的工㆟提供更多就业机 会。 legco.gov.hk | I will not repeat the figures that have been quoted on unemployment and I will not repeat the figures that have been quoted on unemployment and I will not repeat the figures that have been quoted on unemployment and I will not repeat the figures that have been quoted on unemployment and underemployment in Hong Kong nor dwell on the continuing expansion and underemployment in Hong Kong nor dwell on the continuing expansion and underemployment in Hong Kong nor dwell on the continuing expansion and underemployment in Hong Kong nor dwell on the continuing expansion and diversification of the Hong Kong economy, creating more and more job opportunities diversification of the Hong Kong economy, creating more and more job opportunities diversification of the Hong Kong economy, creating more and more job opportunities diversification of the Hong Kong economy, creating more and more job opportunities for our increasingly talented workforce. legco.gov.hk |
香水,衣服,服装,服饰,高级女装行列,男朋友隶,开裂,自定义,时尚,人物,幌子,制造,躁狂症,方式,方法,模式,模具,模式,愤怒,排序,风格,潮流,类型,时尚,方式, 开花,花,切花,开花,蓬勃发展,小花,冲水,, 山,海,徒步旅行,树,植物,生物,生态,田野,森林,国, 博客,网站,业余, 旅游,酒店,短途旅行,走动,peregrinate继续进行,絮 絮叨叨,漫游,旅游,移动,旅行,漂移,旅程 gelono.com | Keywords : nature, zen, rest, sleep, nap, garden, blog, perfume, clothes, clothing, clothes, haute couture, bandwagon, beau monde, craze, custom, fad, figure, guise, make, mania, manner, method, mode, mould, pattern, rage, sort, style, trend, type, vogue, way, bloom, blossom, cut flower, efflorescence, flourish, floweret, flush,, mountain, sea, hiking, tree, plant, biology, ecology, fields, forest, country, blog, web site, amateur, tourism, hotel, jaunt, locomote, peregrinate, proceed, ramble, roam, tour, traverse, trip, wander, journey gelono.com |
不过,我们并未能像在其他方面所需,说 [...] 我们已取得广泛的支持,而我不会重复那些批评我们的㆟所说的唠唠 叨叨的话。 legco.gov.hk | But it cannot be said that we can point to as extensive support as we require elsewhere and I will not go through the [...] litany of our critics once again. legco.gov.hk |
巴帝女士喋喋不休地念叨了一阵子,便双手沉稳巧妙地操作起鼻胃管来。 unicef.org | I can do it,” gushes Ms. Bharti a few minutes later, beaming, hands steady – manoeuvring the tube skillfully. unicef.org |
希望局长不要嫌我唠叨的说, 我觉得这项措施是很好的,我很支持,希望尽快能够落实以利及尤其是 老化的屋邨。 legco.gov.hk | I hope that it can be implemented as soon as possible to benefit especially the old housing estates. legco.gov.hk |
即使国 际 形 象 再 好 , 也 只 是 金 玉其外 ,败絮其中而已。 legco.gov.hk | Even if it has a good international image, it is only fair without and foul within. legco.gov.hk |
废水的絮凝状态随着 pH 值的改变、化学絮凝剂(如带电聚合物)的添加以及氯化铝或其它高带电盐类的存在而发生变化。 malvern.com.cn | The flocculationstate of waste water is altered by changes in pH, the addition of chemical flocculants, such as charged polymers, and the presence of aluminium chloride or other highly charged salts. malvern.com |
这 两 个 原 型 池 独 立於其他 的 沉 [...] 淀池, 设 有 独 立的快 速 搅拌器、絮凝及其他 附属设施, 可进行不同的化学品 [...]及 剂 量 测试,以决定 最 适 合 用 於昂船洲污水处理厂的操 作方 法 。 devb.gov.hk | These prototype tanks are provided with separate [...] rapid mixer, flocculationand other ancillary [...]systems that can allow them to be [...]used for conducting trials of different chemicals and dosing rates to determine the most appropriate way to operate the SCISTW. devb.gov.hk |
60 位立法会议员呆若木鸡的坐着,只有祝酒的分儿,叨陪末席。 legco.gov.hk | He visited not only the LI family because the real estate sector is manipulated by several major families. legco.gov.hk |
刘兆佳教授多年来......我唠叨些再说一次,我二十多年前很欣赏他当年某些研究及着作,特别是关於 香港的社会关系问题的看法,可以说是多年深入研究的结果。 legco.gov.hk | Over the years, Prof LAU Siu-kai …… Pardon me for repeating once again, some 20 years ago, I was a fan of LAU for his researches and writings, in particular, his views about the problem of social relationships in Hong Kong, which were, so to speak, the fruits of his long years of in-depth study. legco.gov.hk |
我经 常唠叨在席的副局长,因为我们赞成兴建公屋,但由於10年前的规 划,即是我手边这些2003年、2002年、1999年的规划,完成兴建後却 突然停顿。 legco.gov.hk | And yet, these are projects planned a decade ago, like the plans of 2003, 2002 and 1999 in hand, which had abruptly come to a halt upon completion. legco.gov.hk |
主席女士,吴霭仪议员说得很好,在回归前,张敏仪小姐曾多次跟我说, 政府经常唠叨她,但也只是向她唠叨,她 觉得不要紧,因为 BBC 同样受到英 国政府的唠叨。 legco.gov.hk | Before the reunification, Miss CHEUNG Man-yee often told me that the Government had picked at her all the time. legco.gov.hk |
Balabolka的意思是“唠叨的人”,它是一个俄语单词,也是这个文本朗读工具的名称。 balabolka.cn.uptodown.com | Balabolka is a russian word that can be translated as 'chatterer' and also the name give to this application that can read your texts aloud. balabolka.en.uptodown.com |
但是,应当指出,文件 170 EX/26 第 20 和 21 段提及的工程(在邦万门口设置一个长期 安全岗哨,在絮弗兰大门口设立一个长期的安全检查哨所),资金已经到位,正处于筹备阶 段,将在 2005 年大会开幕前竣工。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In contrast, the work referred to in paragraphs 20 and 21 of document 170 EX/26 (installation of a permanent security post at the Bonvin gate and construction of a permanent security control post at the Suffren gate), for which financing is assured, is in preparation and will be completed before the 2005 General Conference. unesdoc.unesco.org |
政府官员是高薪厚禄,他们继续在唠唠 叨叨,但 面对老人家的问题却如“鹌鹑”般,甚麽也做不到。 legco.gov.hk | Government officials enjoy high salaries, [...] they keep onnagging but when faced [...]with problems concerning the elderly, they [...]are like quails, their hands are tied. legco.gov.hk |
天赐创新采用阳离子淀粉PQ-TCS 11(淀粉羟丙基三甲基氯化铵)与特种硅油的复配香波技术,使香波在 稀释早期即可形成絮胶, 并有效包裹和运载特种硅油。 cn.industrysourcing.com | Tinci innovatively combines Cationic Starch PQ-TCS 11 (INCI: STARCH HYDROXYPROPYL TRIMONIUM CHLORIDE) with special silicone in shampoo system which helps form coacervate at very early rinsing stage enhancing silicone deposition effectively. us.industrysourcing.com |
我想问当天对司徒先生喝倒采的人,他们今天看到国内同胞为了相同 的目标被拘留、受政府叨扰,他们有没有出过声呢? legco.gov.hk | I have to say this to all those who jeered at Mr SZETO: Have you ever voiced any protest on [...] behalf of your compatriots who are now detained and harassed by [...] the government for the same patriotic [...]cause you advocate? legco.gov.hk |
提到地道的芬兰烹饪,人们总联想起一个围着头巾的强悍大娘,从大锅舀出如泥浆似的炖菜,不然就想起叼着叨着雪 茄烟,长八字胡的芬兰老头。 visitfinland.com | The phrase “Finnish kitchen” once conjured up images of robust, kerchiefed women ladling out cauldrons of boggy stew to cigar-smoking, moustachioed Finns. visitfinland.com |
其实,香港的经济结构发展正处於㆒个非常时期,台湾、韩国、新加坡的竞争力 如波涛澎湃,香港则由昔日的独领风骚到今日的叨陪末座,说到底也是由於在经济转 型期㆗,我们缺乏了㆒套长远的、明确的工业政策所造成。 legco.gov.hk | Faced with the strong competitive edge of Taiwan, Korea, and Singapore, Hong Kong has fallen to the bottom of the list from the leading position it used to occupy, primarily because of our lack of a far-sighted and focused strategy to assist our industries during the period of economic restructuring. legco.gov.hk |
在其他 场 合 里 , 凡 提 及 付 货人或 货 柜 码 头 时 ,丁午寿议员便会叨叨不绝, 他 经 常 批 评香港的货柜 码 头 是全世 界 最 昂 贵 的,但 追 溯 其原因, 便 会发 现香港政府对 货 柜 码 头 事业向来都 是采取价 高者得 的政策 ,或 只 提 供 海边地 皮 , 让营运者 自 行 填 海 , 亦 让 业 界 各 出 奇 谋 来 赚 钱 ,库房则 坐享其 成,进 帐 不 少 。 legco.gov.hk | But the reason for this is that the Hong Kong Government has always adopted a policy of awarding contracts to the highest bidder in the container terminal business, or merely provides waterfront land for the operators to carry out reclamation themselves. legco.gov.hk |
大家坐下来敬陪末席 ─ 是“叨”陪末席, 可是,曾庆红先生却早已乘车往见李嘉诚,跟他的公子吃了两小时早餐。 legco.gov.hk | ) We humbly sat down to keep him company ― it should be we were "flattered" to keep him company. However, Mr ZENG Qinghong paid a visit to Mr LI Ka-shing much earlier and had a two-hour breakfast with his son while his visit to Hong Kong was scheduled to be less than 48 hours. legco.gov.hk |
朗标总裁竹文峥表示这种暗示可能在中国并不适用,“我们已经在先前对于汽车品牌名称的调研项目中发现,含有这个字的名字并不是中国人的最爱,因为它们有些太神 叨叨了。 labbrand.com | We have already found in previous research projects on car brand names, that names with this term were not a favorite choice in China because they are a little too spiritual”. labbrand.com |