

单词 累西腓

See also:

work hard
wear out
surname Lei
bind together
twist around
involve or implicate

calf of leg


calf n

External sources (not reviewed)

里约、圣保 罗、萨尔瓦多累西腓、奥 林达的狂欢节最有名。
Rio, Sao Paulo, Salvador, Recife, and Olinda have the most famous carnivals.
由于开展了这项工作,巴西伯南布哥州政府决定不驱 累西腓 市 的约 8 500 户家庭,反而决定使其合法化。
As a result of that work, the Government of
[...] Pernambuco, Brazil, decided not to evict an estimated 8,500 families in Recife, deciding, instead, [...]
to regularize them.
五次地区性全民教育会议(撒哈 拉以南非洲,约翰内斯堡;亚洲及太平洋,曼谷;阿拉伯国家和北非,开罗;美洲及加
[...] 勒比,圣多明各;欧洲和北美,华沙)和九个人口大国(E-9)的一次会议 累西腓 )都 讨论了这次评估提出的意见,并根据这些意见拟定了各地区的行动纲领。
Five regional EFA conferences (sub-Saharan Africa, Johannesburg; Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok; Arab States and North Africa, Cairo; the Americas and the Caribbean, Santo Domingo; Europe and North America, Warsaw) and a
conference of the nine high-population
[...] (E-9) countries (Recife), discussed and [...]
translated the outcomes of the Assessment
into regional frameworks for action which are an integral part of this document and underpin the Dakar Framework for Action.
9 个人口大国 的教育部长开过两次会议,一次在巴西 累西腓 ( 20 00 年 1 月),另一次在中国北京(2001 年 8 月)。
The education ministers of the E9 countries have met two times, in Recife, Brazil (January, 2000), and in Beijing, China, (August 2001), and they have also met in Dakar on the occasion of the World Forum for Education, where the group appeared and was perceived as a major lobby for EFA.
杜邦™ Armura® 装甲套装初期面向圣保罗累西腓、 福 塔雷萨和巴伊亚的新款三菱帕杰罗 TR4、现代途胜、本田思域、丰田卡罗拉和雪佛兰 [...]
Vectra 车型的消费者提供。
The DuPont™ Armura® armor kit is initially available
[...] in São Paulo, Recife, Fortaleza and Bahia for consumers [...]
of the new Mitsubishi Pajero TR4,
Hyundai Tucson, Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla, and Chevrolet Vectra car models.
典型的场景 –
[...] 在圣保罗或里约热内卢和生产设施在贝洛奥里藏特,萨尔瓦多,阿雷格里港,库里蒂巴,马瑙斯 累西腓 等 建 立可控的业务是ERP系统实施的第一步 [...]
– 建立区域办事处,正式的链的指挥,决策和管理。
Typical scenario – regional office is established in Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro and manufacturing facility
in Salvador, Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Belo
[...] Horizonte, Recife, Manaus, etc. The first [...]
step in establishing controllable operations
is ERP system implementation – this formalizes the chain of command, decision making and management.
所以,西鐵對九鐵來說 其實是一個很大的累,依我看來 西 鐵 也是把物業發展和鐵路分開的一個 反面教材。
Therefore, the West Rail is really a heavy burden for the
[...] KCRC and in my view, the West Rail is also a negative [...]
example of separating property development from railway development.
在企業投 資方面,截至2009年,西經濟區累計 批准港資企業達34 000家,實 際利用港商直接投資逾500億美元。
As regards investment by
[...] enterprises, as at 2009, the West Coast Economic Zone [...]
has approved a total of 34 000 Hong Kong-invested
enterprises and has utilized more than US$50 billion of direct investments by Hong Kong businessmen.
(d) 巴西积累形成 了世界上最重要的水资源管理经验体系之一。
(d) Brazil has accumulated one of the most important [...]
bodies of experience in water management in the world.
在 12 个案例研究国家中可以发现四种(往往是相互关联的)政府应对措施:(i) “反经 济周期”措施,主要见诸于财政能力游刃有余的中等收入国家,这类措施使它们能够通过借 贷或利累积储 备金保持或增加支出(埃及、泰国和略逊一畴的亚美尼亚);(ii) 有针对性 的社会保护,有些国家采取或强化了有针对性的措施,这些措施往往保护最脆弱的群体(阿 根廷、加纳、西哥、 蒙古和泰国);(iii) 以改革为导向、旨在抓住危机带来的机遇提高成 本效益和针对性、改进施政的措施;(iv) 削减预算,一些国家均衡削减各个教育部门的预 算。
Four (often interlinked) categories of government responses can be distinguished in the 12 case study countries: (i) “counter-cyclical” measures, mainly observed in middle-income countries with manageable fiscal capacity, allowing them to maintain or
increase expenditure
[...] by borrowing or drawing on accumulated reserves (Egypt, Thailand and, to a limited extent, Armenia); (ii) targeted social protection, with some countries taking or reinforcing targeted measures, which often protected the most vulnerable (Argentina, Ghana, Mexico, Mongolia and Thailand); [...]
(iii) reformoriented
measures aimed at seizing the opportunity of the crisis to improve cost-efficiency, relevance and governance; (iv) budget cuts, which some countries have evenly distributed across all education sub-sectors.
从旧石器 时代到新石器时代留下的文化遗迹;作为伊比利亚半岛原住民族的凯尔特人和伊 比利亚半岛人;希腊腓尼基 和迦太基殖民地;罗马人 西 哥 特人、穆斯林和其 他出现在半岛上、并留下大量考古资料和遗迹的中世纪王国的人民;大量世上独 一无二的壁画艺术、城堡、大教堂、城市、中世纪城镇等等。
The presence of cultures since the Upper Palaeolithic and Neolithic; Celts and Iberians as autochthonous
peoples of the Iberian
[...] peninsula; Greek, Phoenician and Carthaginian colonies; Romans, Visigoths, Moors, and the peoples of the medieval peninsular kingdoms [...]
have all left vast archaeological
remains; a concentration of cave art sites that is unique in the world, castles, cathedrals, medieval cities and settlements, etc. In this regard, the Government of Spain, in collaboration with the Autonomous Communities, is implementing a series of policies for the conservation of heritage, both tangible and intangible.
由于它在中东的战略地位,它被作 腓 尼 基人的交易港口,并且曾被多个帝国占据,包括希泰人、亚述人、埃及人、波斯人、拜占庭人、 西 尼 昂(Lusignans)和威尼斯人,由于它靠近圣地,也曾是十字军的目标。
Due to its strategic location in the Middle East, the served as a Phoenician trade post and has been occupied by several empires, including those of the Hittites, Assyrians, [...]
Egyptians, Persians, Byzantines,
Lusignans and the Venetians, and it became a target for the crusaders due to its proximity to the Holy land.
撒迦利亚拒绝被他的教父,因为他宣称,他没有沟通 腓 尼 基 主教,所以Evagrius站在赞助商,并于特里波利斯塞维鲁在教堂受洗的烈士,Leontius。
Zacharias refused to be his godfather, for he
declared that he did not communicate with the
[...] bishops of Phoenicia, so Evagrius [...]
stood sponsor, and Severus was baptized in
the church of the martyr, Leontius, at Tripolis.
There are quite a
[...] number of brewery factories in New Zealand.
也許亦可考慮效西方,藉收累進 利 得稅及各類的稅項,來支持建立 一個社會保障制度,那麼,長者怎會有需要像行乞般,要求我們這些立法會 [...]
Perhaps we can consider
[...] following the examples of western countries and fund the [...]
establishment of a social security system
by collecting progressive profits tax and various types of taxes.
委员会注意到,圣多美和普西比 应付 的 累 计 会 费总额为 861 534 美元, 而且根据第十九条规定,最低须支付 [...]
757 004 美元。
The Committee noted that the accumulated contributions due [...]
from Sao Tome and Principe amounted to $861,534 and that a minimum
payment of $757,004 was required under Article 19.
从埃及的瑞神(太阳神)时代起,从耶路撒冷的所罗门圣殿起,不论在教堂还是在清 真寺,橄榄油腓尼基 人、赫梯人、希腊人和古代其他民族视为一种圣油。
In the times of the Egyptian god Râ, in the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem and in
churches and mosques, olive oil was regarded as
[...] sacred by the Phoenicians, Hittites, Greeks, [...]
and other peoples of antiquity.
我們知道每個人每天會進食各種各樣的西,累積起 來可能會產生混合效應,不知何時便會大大提高了引發癌症的風 險。
No one knows when the risks of inducing cancers will be greatly raised.
然 而 ﹐ 會 議 的 失 敗 ﹐ 加 以 中 產 階 級 的
內 部 分 裂 的 原 因 在 於 在 革 命 時 期 ﹐ 工 人 階 級 挑 戰
[...] 中 產 階 級 專 權 ﹐ 普腓 特 烈 威 廉 不 單 拒 絕 接 [...]
受 國 會 給 予 的 皇 位 ﹐ 而 且 撤 回 對 法 蘭 克 福 憲 法 的
支 持 ﹐ 因 而 將 國 民 會 議 的 失 敗 成 為 遲 早 的 事 。
However the record of failure of the Assembly and the internal dissension between the middle classes were well-established in power due to the revolution, and the working class who challenged their
monopoly of power, plus the fact that the
[...] Prussian king, Frederick William, not [...]
only refused the crown offered to him by the
parliament, but also withheld his consent to the Frankfurt constitution, thus sealing the fate of the National Assembly.
1460 年腓特烈 三世·达·蒙特费尔特罗 (Federico III da Montefeltro) 还授予托马索帝国顾问的头衔,允许其在盾形纹章上添加白肩雕;后来他还先后被任命为索瓦纳的主教和皮恩扎的主教。
In 1460 Tommaso was also awarded the title of imperial counselor by Federico III da Montefeltro, with the honor of adding the imperial eagle to his coat of arms; subsequently he was made bishop of Sovana and later bishop of Pienza.
由於有了正統主義﹐路易十八在法國得到復位西班牙的腓迪南 七世﹑薩丁尼亞的伊曼紐及其他德意志邦國的統治者皆復位。
As far as the principle of Legitimacy was concerned, Louis XVIII was restored in
France and other leaders restored such
[...] as Ferdinand VII of Spain, Victor Emmanuel I [...]
of Sardinia and many other of the German states.
委员会注意到,申诉人提交的两份医学证明提到身体不同部位的一些伤痕以 及胫骨腓骨的 断裂,但却没有任何证据来确认或者否认此系所受酷刑所致。
The Committee notes that the two medical certificates produced by the complainant refer to a number of scars on
various parts of the body and fractures
[...] to the tibia and fibula, but do not contain [...]
any evidence confirming or refuting
that they are the result of torture inflicted in the past.
不同的装饰要素充满了罗马人腓尼 基 人创造的地中海和撒哈拉建筑风格。
Elements evoking Mediterranean and Saharan architecture from the
[...] Roman and Phoenician civilisations [...]
create a stimulating atmosphere in which
to browse the stylish boutiques, pause for an aromatic espresso coffee and savour some delicious pastries or handmade ice cream.
正是由於他在過去 3 年出任第一任總統時,為西全國累計創 造了 463 萬個就業崗位,今年首 8 個月新增就業人數超過 120 萬,3 年來,最低工資顯著增加,扣除通貨膨脹因素後實際增加 25.3%, 使4000 萬低下階層勞動者和退休人士受益。
Over the past three years, the minimum wage has increased significantly, with an actual increase of 25.3% after deducting the inflation factor, benefiting 40 million workers in the lower class and retirees.
腓特烈 ·威廉一世自 1640 年开始,至其逝世期间一直是勃兰登堡选帝侯和普鲁士公爵。
Frederick William I was elector of Brandenburg and duke of Prussia from 1640 until his death.
主席,近兩天的大新聞,是有關 豐銀行的股價大幅下跌,這是因為南
[...] 美的經濟出了大問題,阿根廷未能償還大筆外債,導致阿根廷貨幣下跌,累巴西貨幣也下跌。
Madam President, the headline news over the past couple of days has been the plummeting prices of HSBC shares, caused mainly by the serious problems with the economies of South America; Argentina has become unable
to repay its huge external debts, and this has led to a drop of its currency and
[...] in turn that of the Brazilian currency.
這些驚人的數字等同一個豐收的數字, 對一些被金融海嘯蹂躪而變成負 累累 的 西 方 政 府而言,簡直是不可 思議,令他們羨慕非常。
These stunning figures represent a good rich harvest, and to some Western governments which have become heavily in debt after being ravaged by the financial tsunami, this is simply unbelievable and a reason to cause their envy and admiration.
惟有透過規劃及活化香港海濱 的唯一使命及任務,該機構才有這樣的能力或心態,將一些本來很多 人認為是累的東西,例 如舊碼頭、爛工廈或荒廢的土地,視為有用 的資產,將王國興議員視為消極的因素,化為積極的因素,為之注入 全新的動力;亦唯有透過有這樣的使命、有倡導功能的管理局,它才 會將人流或李慧琼議員認為要有的很多活動,視為其工作成功的指 標,而不是對它的開支的壓力。
With the mission and task of planning and revitalizing the harbourfront of Hong Kong, the organization has the ability or mindset to turn old piers, dilapidated industrial buildings or abandoned land, and so on, regarded by many as negative assets into useful assets; and to turn the factors considered as negative by Mr WONG Kwok-hing into positive factors, thereby injecting new momentum into these factors.
這 從 以 下 的 事 例 中 見 到 其 影 響 ﹕ 奧 地 利 要腓 特 烈 四 世 ﹐ 要 他 拒 絕 法 蘭 克 福 會 議 所 給 與 的 帝 位 ﹐以 及 放 棄 在 阿 爾 穆 茨 (Olmutz)成 立 的「 王 公 聯 盟 」 。
This was seen in the Austrian threat causing Frederick William IV to refuse the crown of the Frankfurt Parliament and to abandon the League of Princes at Olmutz.




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