

单词 累心

See also:

work hard
wear out
twist around
bind together
surname Lei
involve or implicate

External sources (not reviewed)

如果政府繼續抱着社會福利開 支是累的心態,社會長遠只會更分化,貧富懸殊日益嚴重,這對香港 未來的發展並非好事。
Only with this can we achieve social inclusion. If the Government continues to think that the provision of social welfare is a burden, it will only cause greater division in society in the long run and aggravate the disparity between the rich and the poor, which is detrimental to the future development of Hong Kong.
总商会所主办的“中华书法欣赏与学习”班希望学员通过中华国粹书法的学习与欣赏中,能接触更多的中华文化艺术、哲学思想与传统美德,从而修身养性,并提高大家对书法的鉴赏能力和品味水平,同时又缓和与调剂大家的 累 身 心。
The SCCCI Chinese Calligraphy Class was formed with the hope to instill interest and appreciation of this profound Chinese art.
如果你觉得走路累的话,别心, 基 督城有免费的市中心的巴士任你搭。
If you are tired of walking, don’t worry, you may take [...]
the FREE Christchurch city shuttle bus.
2007 年 4 月,发 现一人在被累拘留中心释放后死亡,他被空运到斯里兰卡进行尸检。
One person found dead in April 2007 after his
[...] release from the Male’ detention centre was flown to Sri [...]
Lanka to undertake an autopsy.
(c) 修改《刑事诉讼法》,以规定一个应当对任何可靠的酷刑和虐待指控 采取行动进行刑事调查的时间范畴,并明确应当考虑的待遇或处罚的个人 累积 身心影响
(c) Amend the Code of Criminal Procedure to specify a time frame within which action should be taken to open a criminal investigation into any credible allegation of torture and
ill-treatment, and clarify that the
[...] individual and cumulative physical and mental impact of treatment [...]
or punishment should be considered
年少旅途中干旱的中东和非洲沙漠里天空和落日的颜色,亚洲潮湿的空气,斯堪的纳维亚半岛上低浮半空中的厚重云朵,童年时那些汗水淋漓的夏日午后,周围一片静谧,只传来蝉的啾鸣声,还有那高远的秋日长空——所有这些往日画面层层叠叠 累 积 成 我 心 底 的 蓝色记忆。
The colors of the skies and sunsets in the arid deserts of the Middle East and Africa, where I traveled when I was young, the humid airs of Asia, the heavy, low-hanging clouds of Scandinavia, those sweltering summer afternoon scenes of my childhood when all was quiet save for the chirping of the cicadas, and then the soaring skies of autumn – all the images of these many reminiscences have become layered, and have remained within me as blue memory.
启动该项权力的立法——信息公开促进法(信息权法)于 2001 年 3 月生效244 这是世界上一部更 进步的信息权法律规范,无疑它反映了种族隔离时代 累 在 人 民 心 中 的深刻的不信任感。
The enabling legislation, the Promotion of Access to Information Act (RTI Law), came into effect in March 2001.244 This is one of the more progressive right to information laws in the world, no doubt a reflection of the profound mistrust of government the apartheid era instilled in people.
許 多 因 素 都 可 能 令 配 偶 不 願 為 同 案 被 告 作 證,其 中 肯 定 會 包 括 恐 怕累 配 偶 的 心 理 , 而 單 是 這 個 原 因 , 已 有 足 夠 理 由 拒 絕 實 施 可 強 制 作 證 的 法 規 。
They certainly include the fear of incriminating the spouse, and on that ground alone, there is sufficient justification for refusing to implement a rule of compellability.
香港政府 有意推卸責任,除了違反國際公約外,也使市民對退休保障缺乏 心 , 擔 心 積 年 累月 的 供款,會因受託機構的倒閉而不獲賠償。
Now the Hong Kong Government is trying to shirk its responsibility. This will not only be a breach of the international convention
but will also
[...] undermine public confidence in the retirement protection system because they are worried that the contributions [...]
they have
made for years will not be protected in the form of compensation in the event that the trustee institution winds up.
对妇女而言,以终生办法处理老年阶段的福祉问题尤为重要, 因为她们一生面临的障碍在晚年对她们的社会、经济状况和和 心 健 康造 成 累积 的影响。
For women, a life course approach to well-being in old age is particularly important, as
they face obstacles
[...] throughout life with a cumulative effect on their social, economic, physical and psychological well-being in their [...]
later years.
永信藥品以製藥一貫嚴謹之GMP規範、廠房設施及管理,以及優良之GMP人材結合先進檢驗儀器設備、檢驗技術,將多 累 積 之 核 心 技 術 延伸,跨足食品及保健產品領域,食品廠已通過ISO 9001:2008及食品GMP認證;本公司為國內唯一原料藥廠及製劑廠同時獲得醫藥界最嚴格之美國食品藥物檢驗局(FDA)認證通過,原料及製劑產品均可外銷美國之藥廠;同時針劑廠亦得日本厚生省認證之海外針劑製造廠殊榮;公司不惜以較高之生產成本,提供廣大消費者用得安心的優質產品。
We are also the only maker of API and formulas in Taiwan that has passed the stringent regulations specified by the U.S. FDA, with raw materials and finished products allowed to be exported to the U.S. We also received the “Excellent Foreign Manufacturer” certification from the “Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (Japan)" for our Injection Plant.
照顧者差不多要24小時照 顧殘障的家人,實在是心疲累。
A carer has to take care of his or her family member with disability for almost 24 hours a day
[...] and this is very tiring, physically and mentally.
希伯來書 12:1-2 我們既有這許多的見證人,如同雲彩圍著我們,就當放下各樣的重擔,脫去容易 累 我 們的 罪,心忍耐 ,奔那擺在我們前頭的路程, 仰望為我們信心創始成終的耶穌。
Hebrews 12:1-2 (NIV) says: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
設計知 識學院是一項嶄新嘗試,設計心會 因 應 累 積 所得 的經驗作出改善。
IDK was a pioneer attempt and HKDC would make improvements in the light of experience gained.
截至2011年12月31日,CNNIC国家域名安全 心累 计 发 布DNS安全信息与动态139条,向主管部门上报 [...]
《国家域名安全中心DNS安全信息与动态月报》9期,自主跟踪和验证DNS软件(BIND)高危漏洞7次,并 通过相关渠道向通信行业及国内相关部门发布漏洞通报,为相关单位的域名系统避免漏洞带来的威胁提供了 及时有效的信息。
By Dec. 31, 2011, CNNIC
[...] DNSCERT had released a cumulative total of 139 messages [...]
about DNS security information and trends,
reported DNSCERT DNS Security Information and Trend Monthly (No. 1 – No. 9) to the competent department, independently tracked and verified 7 high-risk vulnerabilities of DNS software (BIND), and released vulnerability report to communications industry and related departments of China through relevant channels, and provided timely and effective information to related organizations to avoid the threat of vulnerabilities to their domain name systems.
不良營商手法削弱消費者的權益和 心 , 以致 連累 殷實商人。
These unfair trade practices will undermine
[...] consumer rights and confidence and honest traders [...]
are also affected.
鑒 於 政務職系人員是通才而非專 才 , 我 想請問 ,心 地 累 積 廣 泛 的 閱 歷 會 否 成 [...]
為作出調派 安 排 時的其中一項考慮 因 素,抑 或 是 否只有 認 為可反映過往工 作表現的 因 素,才 會 予以考慮?
Since AO Grade officers are generalists rather specialists, I would like to ask is
deliberate wide exposure one of the
[...] elements to be taken into account when posting [...]
arrangements are made, or is it only
these factors which are deemed to reflect on past performance to be taken into account?
波登也明白此事,但他很有心,只 要 累 積 許 多用戶長期資料,即可正確歸納出空氣品質趨勢,協助社區挑戰當地污染源。
Borden acknowledges this, but is confident that the volume of data generated by many users over time will be accurate enough to identify patterns in air quality, and so help communities to challenge local polluters.
文思海辉ODC根据我们的离岸开发中心框架构建而成,并随着公司通过为大量客户建立各种规模的离岸开发 心 积 累 的 丰 富经验而发展壮大。
Pactera ODCs are built following the Pactera Offshore Development Center Framework, which was developed
by leveraging the
[...] extensive experience accumulated through building Offshore Development Centers of all sizes for [...]
our many clients.
因此,随着第 5 条国家关于协助处理它们在设备、港口、回收 心 等 积 累的 无 用消耗臭氧层物质的呼吁日益增强,执行机构已经在考虑采取在气候变化机制之 下资助消耗臭氧层物质的处置/销毁的创新方法。
Thus alongside the increasing calls from Article 5 countries for
assistance to manage their
[...] unwanted ODS accumulating in equipment, ports, reclamation centers, etc., the Implementing [...]
Agencies have been
considering innovative approaches to financing ODS disposal/destruction under the climate change regime.
基本上,單是要應付工作壓力和經濟壓力,已經令他們 心 夠 疲 累 了。
Coping with the pressure at work and the financial burden has already torn
[...] them out, physically and mentally.
[...] 療體系、前線員工造成沉重的精神壓力,也令逼不得已在傳媒現身的 病人及病人家屬同樣心疲累。
As a result, this exerts heavy pressure on the healthcare system and mental stress on front-line workers,
while the patients or their families who are forced to appear before the media also feel
[...] physically and mentally exhausted.
决议草案 25(坦桑尼亚联合共和国提交)建议在第 02210 段增加一项新的内容或一个 新的小段(第 V 小段之二),其措辞如下:“协助作为非洲地区文化保养项目协调 心 的 达累 斯萨 拉姆技术研究所(DIT)进行能力建设”。
Draft resolution 25 (United Republic of Tanzania) proposes to add a new item or subparagraph (v bis) to paragraph 02210, which would read as follows: “assist capacity-building at Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT), being the focal point of the African Regional Project on Culture of Maintenance”.
局長能否解決照顧者24小時照顧殘障 家人的心疲累?
Can the Secretary solve the problem of
[...] the physical and mental fatigue experienced by carers who [...]
have to take care of PWDs 24 hours a day?
我们高层建筑技术心积累的几 十年国际工地现场经验以及多卡的模块化设计模版系统,可以为各种不同类型的高层建筑项目提供高效、经济且全面的解决方案。
The decades of international jobsite experience clocked up by our
[...] High-Rise Competence Centre in combination with [...]
Doka’s modularly designed formwork
systems to ensure efficient – and thus cost-effective – comprehensive solutions for many different types of high-rise projects.
考評局須在2007年前設立備有 相關系統和設備的電子評卷及考試處理 心 , 以 便考評 累 積 足夠經 驗,確保順利過渡至2012年在新高中學制下全面推行的新香港中學文 憑考試。
Onscreen marking and examination processing centres would need to be established with systems and equipment in place by 2007 in order to enable HKEAA to build up sufficient experience for a smooth transition to full implementation for the new Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) under the new senior secondary education structure in 2012.
长卷是王韬程所钟爱的形式,对东方古典审美与日本设计的偏好已在 心 底 积 累 成 某 种自然而发的东西,然而又能做到不拘泥于空间形式或是视觉符号,使得观者时不时为他的思维升起一丝疑惑与惊异。 作品阐述: (1)浪漫的人,中国墨水,铅笔,水彩色,宣纸,茶水,677x33cm,2009 [...] [...]
Wang Taocheng Statements: (1) Romantic People, Chinese ink, tea and pencil on rice paper, 677x33cm, 2009.
[...] 於下列兩點:中心在最初十年會以自負盈虧的形式營辦,不會為政府 帶來經常開支;心應可累 積 足夠的營運利潤,以 支 付日後的維修費 用。
The Finance Committee approved the CYD project on the understanding that no recurrent financial resources would be required as the project could operate on a self-financing
basis during the initial 10-year period, and that sufficient
[...] operating profits could be accumulated for future maintenance.




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