

单词 累了

See also:

work hard
wear out
bind together
surname Lei
involve or implicate
twist around

External sources (not reviewed)

目前的情况有所改善,主要是因为单位努力量的渔获量的时间序列以及渔业自主 研究调查已累了新的相关信息。
The present situation has improved, mainly because time
series of catch per unit of effort and fisheries-independent
[...] research surveys have accumulated new relevant information.
通往 2015 年之路已经过了三分之二,我们在有 利于和有损于可持续发展的因素方面 累了 丰 富的 经验。
With two thirds of the road to 2015 behind us, we have a wealth of experience with factors conducive and detrimental to sustainable development.
我们日益能够使用对 支助这些机构累了丰富 经验的人员,其经验包括这些机构任务所需的所有实务 [...]
We can increasingly
[...] draw on people with accumulated experience in supporting [...]
these bodies, in all substantive and technical
areas required by their mandate.
1988 年加入我們擔任比利時辦事處 SGS Qualitest 總監後,Dirk 曾在各個崗位工作過,累了各業務領域的廣泛經驗。
After joining us in 1988 as Director for SGS Qualitest in our Belgium office Dirk worked in various roles gaining experience across a broad range of our businesses.
它还累了宝贵 的研究经 验,在种族主义陈规定型和被媒体排斥方面取得了重大成果,并且致力于加强多种文化和文 化间的关系。
It has also developed a valuable research experience with significant results on stereotypes of racism and exclusion in the media, and has contributed to strengthening multicultural and intercultural relations.
作为六西格玛项目经理、培训师和教练,他多年来 累了 丰 富 经验。
He has many years of experiences as Six Sigma-project leader, -instructor and -coach.
许多维持和平人员签过一系列短 期合同,累了十多 年的实地工作经验。
Many peacekeepers had more than a decade of field experience acquired under a series of short-term contracts.
本 集 團 一 直 重 視 對 外 匯 風 險 管 理 政 策、模 式 和 策 略 的 研 究,訂 立 和 完 善 了 符 合 公 司 運 營 實 際 和 借 鑒 國 際 風 險 管 理 規 範 的 外 匯 風 險 管 理 政 策,累 了 大 量 利 用 外 匯 金 融 衍 生 工 具 進 行 外 匯 風 險 管 理 的 經 驗。
Witha strong emphasis on the research of exchange risk management policies, models and strategies, theGrouphasformulatedandimprovedonacontinuedbasis aforeignexchangeriskmanagement policy that takes into account the actual conditions of its operations and international standards in risk management and has gained considerable experience in the conduct of exchange risk management through the extensive use of exchange-related derivative products.
在许多情况下,国家越来越成为掠夺自然资源和破坏环境的商 业企业的代名词,结果公司和国家对当地社区 累了 大 量 的社会和生态债务,特 别是在南方的生态系统中。
In many cases, the State is increasingly identified with the business of looting natural resources and with environmental
destruction; as a result, companies
[...] and countries have accumulated a social and ecological [...]
debt to local communities, especially
in the ecosystems of the South.
1988年加入我们公司,担任比利时办事处SGS公司质量检测总监后,Dirk曾在许多不同岗位工作过, 累了 各 业 务领域的广泛经验。
After joining us in 1988 as Director for SGS Qualitest in our Belgium office Dirk worked in various roles gaining experience across a broad range of our businesses.
教科文组织是促进世界和平文化的牵头机构,在暴力 预防和和平建设领域累了丰富 的区域(墨西哥和中美洲)经验。
UNESCO, as leading agency in promoting culture of peace in the world, has developed an extensive regional (Mexico and Central America) experience in the areas of violence prevention and peace-building.
瓦克在生产HDK® 品牌的气相二氧化硅产品方面已 累了 4 0 多 年 的丰富经验, 是该领域全球第三大的生产商。
WACKER has been producing pyrogenic silicas under the HDK® trade name for over 40 years and is now the third largest manufacturer in this sector.
食典委也支持主席的结论,当运用这些措施 累了 更 多 经验的时候,可进一步考 虑集中在罗马或日内瓦开会的提议。
The Commission also supported the conclusion of the Chairperson that, when more experience was gained with the application of these measures, further consideration could be given to the proposal for the gradual concentration of sessions in Rome or Geneva.
反觀,主席,我覺得現在最嚴重的問題是︰在經濟極度低迷時,加 重稅不但要普羅百姓捱貴煙,令他們百上加斤,最糟糕的還是 累了倚 靠賣香煙的報販。
On the contrary, President, I think that the most serious problem now is: When the economy remains in the doldrums, tax increases force people to buy expensive cigarettes, putting an even heavier burden on them, and worst still, the newspaper vendors, who rely on the sale of cigarettes, are victimized.
蒙特利尔议定书》在淘汰氟氯烃及其它臭氧 消耗物质方面累了经验 ,在处理该问题方面拥有必要的专门知识,且负有道 义上的责任。
The Montreal Protocol, with its experience in efforts to phase out HCFCs and other ozone-depleting substances, had the necessary expertise and moral responsibility to deal with the issue.
2012 年,CNNIC 利用已经建立的 DNSSEC 仿真平台进行了多项 DNSSEC 应用测试工作,并同时研究了 DNSSEC 技术实施对我国网络基础设施造成的影响以及部署
[...] 实施的可行性,为国家域名体系乃至我国域名体系各环节实施部署 DNSSEC 技术累了宝 贵经验。
In 2012, CNNIC conducted tests of DNSSEC applications by using the DNSSEC simulation platform and conducted research on the impact of the implementation of DNSSEC technology on the infrastructure of China’s Internet and the feasibility of implementation, accumulating valuable experience for the
implementation of DNSSEC technology in national
[...] domain name system and even various parts [...]
of China's domain name system.
为了实现这些目标,路可比——水池用膜的原材料设计者,借鉴和 累了 丰 富的知识和经验。
To achieve these goals, LUCOBIT – as designer raw material for membranes for reservoirs – draws upon a vast body of knowledge and experience.
我们在全球安装和支持成千上万的喷码机的过程中 累了丰 富 的知识和专长,并且开发了范围广泛的最优质墨水和耗材,适 合几乎任何喷码要求。
We have the knowledge and expertise that comes from installing and supporting many thousands of printers worldwide, and a huge portfolio of top-quality inks and supplies formulated for virtually any coding requirement.
[...] 本和存货水平;两年来,公司建立了国际化销售渠道、稳定的合作伙伴和客户群,逐步提升品牌认知和市场形象,累了开发国内外电站的能力。
Targeted at the market status, the company proposes the strategy of “safe winter and leap-over development”, improves the management level of supply chain and market reaction speed, and exerts effort to control production cost and inventory level; over the past two years, the company has established international sales channel, stable partners and customer group,
gradually promoted brand
[...] recognition and market image, accumulated the capacity of developing [...]
domestic and foreign power stations.
与传统的翻译公司和本地化公司不同的是,文思海辉已经在软件/硬件开发和测试方面 累了 有 目 共睹的经验和能力。
Unlike traditional translation and localization companies, Pactera has proven experience and capability in software/hardware development and testing.
经过本次扩容后,优化了网络结构,更换了部分地市核心设备,使得处理能力得到提高,良好支撑了新业务,解决了由于路由协议 ECMP
[...] 路径数量的限制导致单向链路数量难以继续扩展的问题,为其他9个地市扁平化树立了典型案例, 累了 宝 贵 的经验。
After the expansion, the network structure has been optimized and core equipment of some cities has been replaced, to improve processing capability, well support the new service, thus solving the difficulty of continuous quantity expanding by single-way link due to route protocol ECMP route quantity
restriction, setting up the model case for other 9 cities to carry out
[...] urban flattening and accumulating precious experience.
(b) 为《公约》制定来文程序将有助于加强儿童保护,因为它将提供专门 论坛,并由一个委员会在该论坛上审议《公约》所载的一切权利和原则方面的问 题;这个委员会富有创新和创造性, 累了 独 有的多学科专门知识,而《公约》 正是以这种创新和创造性设计的
(b) The establishment of a communications procedure under the Convention would contribute to strengthening child protection by providing a specific forum in which all rights and principles enshrined in the Convention would be considered by a Committee with a unique, multidisciplinary expertise based on the innovative and creative manner in which the Convention was designed
在可持续性建筑实践方面,事务所 累了 大 量的经验,也和该领域中领先的工程师及机构建立了良好的合作。
OPEN has also built up expertise on sustainability and collaborative working relationship with some of the leading engineers and institutions in the field.
三天善良与邪恶的精神争夺的灵魂附体,在这之后采取清算和刚刚男人是欢欣鼓舞的幽灵,在美丽少女的形式,他的善行,文字,思想,以及安全地越过一个幸福的天堂,而邪恶的人是面临着一个可怕的幽灵他的劣迹,并 累了 地 狱
For three days good and evil spirits contend for the possession of the soul, after which the reckoning is taken and the just men is rejoiced by the apparition, in the form of a fair maiden, of his good deeds, words, and thoughts, and passes over safely to a
paradise of bliss, while the wicked man is confronted by a hideous apparition of his evil
[...] deeds, and is dragged down to hell.
社论活动当中,从halakic材料以来秋叶的mishnah结晶与该老师介绍了系统的顺序按照犹太法典, 累了 大 量隐含的解释和的halakah严格审查,并且是,因此,类似于塔木德方法。
The editorial activity which, from the mass of halakic material that had accumulated since Akiba's Mishnah, crystallized the Talmud in accordance with the systematic order introduced by that teacher, implied the interpretation and critical examination of the Halakah, and was, therefore, analogous to Talmudic methodology.
为了促进该领域中的 南南合作和三角合作,在审查中也应考虑到必需进一 步发展联合国实体、区域和次区域组织以及南方国家 的机构之间的合作,这些机构在有关国家或特定区域 中累了必要的建设和平专门知识。
The review should also take into account the need to further develop cooperation frameworks between United Nations entities, regional and subregional organizations and institutions in countries of the South that have accumulated needed peacebuilding expertise, either within the country concerned or within a specific region, in order to promote South-South and triangular cooperation in this area.
鉴于黄金年收入大约为 4.48 亿美元,而公开预算中的各种采矿特
[...] 许开采费和税收则只有 60 万美元,这表明政府开采黄金累了 大 量准财政收入, 因此存在着挪用资金购买武器的可能性。
Given that annual gold revenues are estimated at US$ 448 million and that the declared budget for “various mineral royalties and
revenues” is only US$ 600,000, this
[...] suggests a significant accumulation by the Government [...]
of parafiscal revenues derived from
gold exploitation, and the consequent danger of funds being diverted for the purchase of arms.
( 例如危险化学品和农药的管理) 积累了大量 专门知识,加强合作可 使特别报告员为受益。这种合作也有助于使人权在这些组织的工作中主流化,对 于与运输和倾倒危险产品和废料相关的侵犯人权事项,这种合作可产生更好的协 调和应对措施。
This collaboration would also facilitate the mainstreaming of human rights in the work of these organizations, and result in better coordination and response to human rights violations related to the movement and dumping of hazardous products and wastes.
利用这些优势,本所在为中国在欧洲和拉美的融资和投资项目提供法律建议方面累 了丰富 的经验,在 2010 年全球中国项目法律顾问排名中名列第十二,在全球拉美投 [...]
资交易价值排名中名列第八(2010 年《汤姆森路透》、《并购》以及《法律顾问》)。
[...] this formula, we have amassed a remarkable track [...]
record on Chinese financing and investments in Europe and Latin
America, ranking twelfth in 2010 among worldwide legal advisors on Chinese transactional work and eighth worldwide for value of deals in Latin America (Thomson Reuters, Mergers and Acquisitions, Legal Advisors, 2010).
在不断追求卓越的过程中,我们在产品及系统的设计、制造、销售和服务支持方面 累了 丰 富 的机电一体化专业知识和实践经验,满足以高水平生产力为根本的市场需求。
In our constant search for excellence, we expand our expertise and experience in mechatronics by designing, producing, selling and providing support for products and systems in markets where high productivity levels are essential.




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