单词 | 紫金山天文台 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 紫金山天文台—Purple Mountain ObservatorySee also:紫金山—Purple Mountain in suburbs of Nanjing, with Ming tombs and Sun Yat-sen's mausoleum 金山—Jinshan suburban district of Shanghai 天文adj—astronomicaladj 天文—astronomy
天津中心与紫金山天文台合作,使用Gadget-2这款在计算宇宙学中应用广泛的软件来进行宇宙大尺度结构的模拟,取得了良好的模拟结果。 nscc-tj.cn | NSCC-TJ, in [...] cooperation with the Purple MountainObservatory, used [...]the Gadget-2 software to simulate the large-scale structure [...]of the universe and obtained a good simulation results. nscc-tj.cn |
(c) 保持空间天体物理学的随机性 除现有的 和目前计划的飞行任务的专门能力之外 还要考虑紫外线天文学的需要 neutrino.aquaphoenix.com | (c) Maintaining the random nature of [...] space astrophysics and catering to the [...] needs of ultravioletastronomy beyondthe specialized [...]capabilities of existing and currently planned missions. neutrino.aquaphoenix.com |
日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)研究人员饭岛朋子与日航航空顾问(JALCON)技术顾问金泽慎一及冈田孝一一行三人,於2013年2月6日至7日到访香港天文台。 hko.gov.hk | A group of three delegates from Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and JAL Aero Consulting (JALCON) comprising Ms. Tomoko [...] Iijima (researcher, JAXA), [...] Mr. ShinichiKanazawa and Mr. Koichi Okada (technical advisors, JALCON) visited the Observatorybetween 6 and [...]7 February 2013. hko.gov.hk |
早上9:00在到皇岗口岸3楼出境大厅集合,抵港后前往香港会展中心、金紫荆广场(约30分钟),这里为香港回归祖国的见证,团友可于“永远盛开的紫荆花”及回归的纪念碑旁拍照留念,午餐后前往参观香港的风水宝地——浅水湾(约30分钟),浅水湾风光秀丽,是香港众多优美海滩之一,而后游览闻名世界的海洋公园(包含门票RMB260元/人,约3个小时多),这里有世界最大的水族馆、鲨鱼馆及海洋剧场,有海豚、海狮、杀人鲸等精彩特技表演;还有各式各样惊险刺激的机动游乐设施,如过山车、摩天轮、海盗船等。 int-tm.com | At 9:00 in the morning to the Huanggang port 3 building exit hall collection, after arrival to the [...] Hongkong Convention [...] and Exhibition Centre, Golden Bauhinia Square ( about 30 minutes ), here for the return of Hongkong to the motherland testimony, you can in "forever blooming Bauhinia " and the return of memorial photo-taking, lunch to visit the Hongkong Feng Shui -- Repulse Bay ( about 30 minutes ), Repulse Bay scenery, Hongkong is one of the many beautiful beaches, then visit the world-famous Ocean Park (including tickets to RMB260 yuan / person, about 3 hours ), here are the world's largest aquarium, aquarium and marine theater, dolphins, sea lions, the killer whale and other amazing stunts; and every kind of thrilling mobile amusement facility, suchas a rollercoaster,the pirate ship and so on, the Ferriswheel. en.int-tm.com |
正当天文学家于巴拉纳山透过巨型望远镜探索数以十亿计光年外的宇宙,一众来自世界各地的记者则云集于近150名欧洲南方天文台科学家工作的地方“Residencia”,了解葡萄牙Sidérale Scafusia腕表的制作历史及发展概况。 iwc.com | While the [...] astronomers onMount Paranal used their gigantic telescopes to probe billions of light years into the universe, journalists from all over the world gathered at the Residencia – hometo approximately150scientists [...]working with ESO – to [...]learn all about the history and development of the Portuguese Sidérale Scafusia. iwc.com |
此次展会吸引了海内外14个国家和地区的印标参展企业参与,包括:大族冠华、科雷、紫明、乐凯、中德集团浙江正润、方邦、科思高、铖铭、大鹏、东航、奥科、天岑、正博、峰明、华耀、锐光、劲豹、臻兴网印、台索、帝天、金立基、恒铭、缔特卡、金泰、日本琳得科、台湾罗铁、加拿大亿迪ETI、美国艾利、互通多威龙、浩田、瑞安中天、奈本、炜冈、博泰Brotech、日本三起宏Sanki、天津中天盛通集团、兆龙、中山富洲、摩码Moma、达尔嘉、联冠LECCO、TOP LABEL、新图美、罗特利、美国耀能亮、Klockner Pentaplast等展示高素质的新产品、新技术、各项解决方案及新的管理系统,展品覆盖印前、喷墨印刷、胶印、柔凹印刷、标签印刷、印后、油墨及耗材。 printingsouthchina.com | The show attracted world’s renowned printing and label exhibiting companies form 14 countires & regions namely: Hans-Gronhi, Crons, [...] Shanghai Clarity, [...] Lucky Film, Zhongde Group, Fangbang, Flexco, Chengming, Ruian Dapeng,Donghang,Aoke,Tiancen, Wenzhou Zenbo, Huayao, Ruiguang, Jingbao, Juisun Screen Printing, Taiso, Ditian, Shenzhen Jin-based, Datacard, Anser, Hengming, Lintec (Japan), Labelmen (Taiwan), ETI, Avery Dennison, Dowell, Haotian, ZhongTian, Nickel, WeiGang, Brotech, Sanki, Tianjin Zhongtian Shentong Group, Label Long, ZhongShan Fuzhou,Moma,Colamark, LECCO, Top Label, Soontomax, Rotary, Unilux, Kloeckner [...]Pentaplast, etc. [...]They gathered to display a wide-ranging of new and high-quality product, technology, all kinds of solutions and management systems that cover pre/post-press, inkjet, offset, flexo, gravure and label printing, printing ink as well as consumables. printingsouthchina.com |
此外,特 别报告员并从以下的国际组织收到了回复:难民署、联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)、国际移徙组织(移徙组织)和以下的非政府组织:大赦国际、阿根廷公民社会协会、庇护 机会、伯特尔斯曼基金会、国际天主教儿童局、边缘儿童、保护儿童国际、荷兰难民事务理 事会、信仰与至福会、难民教育信托基金会、Gewerschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft、人权观 察、匈牙利赫尔辛基委员会、韩国移民联合理事会、耶稣会难民服务社、国际无证件难民问 题合作平台和救助儿童组织。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the Special Rapporteur also received replies from the following international organizations: UNHCR, United [...] Nations Educational, [...] ScientificandCultural Organization (UNESCO), International Organization for Migration (IOM) and from the following NGOs: Amnesty International, Asociación de Derechos Civiles de Argentina, Asylum Access, BertelsmannFoundation,Bureau InternationalCatholique de l’Enfance (et al.), Children on the Edge, Defense for Children International, Dutch Refugee Council, Fe y Alegria, Foundation for the Refugee Education Trust, Gewerschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft, Human Rights Watch, Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Joint Committee with Migrants in Korea, Jesuit Refugee Service, Platform for International [...]Cooperation on Undocumented [...]Migrants and Save the Children. daccess-ods.un.org |
天文台现有一个名 为 “远足及攀山天气资讯”的网页,当中提供分区天气、雨量 分布、紫外线指数及天气雷达图象等资讯,同时亦提供 1878 200“打电话问天气”服务,以方便让远足人士计划行程 及掌握最新天气资讯。 legco.gov.hk | The HKOhasawebpage ―"WeatherInformation for Hiking and Mountaineering" which provides such data as regional weather, rainfall,ultraviolet index and radar images. legco.gov.hk |
今天在看赵紫阳的《改革历程》,当中说到胡耀邦如何下台。 legco.gov.hk | Today, Iread Prisoner of the State: The Secret Journal of Chinese Premier ZhaoZiyang by ZHAOZiyang which,among [...] other things, gave an [...]account of how HU Yaobang stepped down. legco.gov.hk |
跨部门性被认为是教科文组织的重要比较优势之一,会 员国赞赏总干事采取的使跨部门平台的数量合理化的行动,并向这些平台提供专项资金。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Intersectorality was noted a key comparative advantage of [...] UNESCO, and the Director-General was commended for her initiative to rationalize the number of intersectoralplatforms and to provide theseplatforms with dedicated funding. unesdoc.unesco.org |
1980年代他经常於台北知名文化沙龙「紫藤庐」一隅创作,以成无数画作及小说。 ravenelart.com | In the 1980s, Chiu persevered with his literary and artistic [...] works in a well-known culturalsalon "Wisteria"in Taipei. ravenelart.com |
尼日利亚民间资源开发和文献中心执行主任;纽约国际刑事法院联盟国际指 导委员会成员;美国旧金山全球妇女基金咨询委员会成员;《消除对妇女歧视公 约》国家技术委员会成员;审查对妇女歧视性法律国家委员会成员;尼日利亚 2006 年《消除对妇女歧视公约》国家报告全国起草委员会成员;尼日利亚儿童运动成 [...] 员;国家平等权利行动联盟协调员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Executive Director, CIRDDOC Nigeria; member — International Steering Committee, [...] Coalition on the [...] International Criminal Court (CICC), New York; Advisory Board ofGlobal FundforWomen, San Francisco, USA; Member, National Technical Committee [...]on CEDAW; National [...]Committee on the Review of Discriminatory Laws against Women; National Drafting Committee on the Nigeria Country Report on CEDAW 2006; Nigerian Movement for Children; Coordinator, National Coalition on Affirmative Action. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时在上交所和港交所两地上市公司中,除鞍马山钢铁和紫金矿业遵循中国企 业会计准则(简称 CAS)外,77 [...] 所有公司的 2010 财年和 2011 财年的报告均遵循国际财务 报告标准。 eisourcebook.org | All companies listed on the SSE and the HKEx reported according to [...] IFRS in 2010 and 2011, except for [...] Maanshan Iron & Steel and ZijinMining,which reported [...]according to Chinese Accounting [...]Standards (CAS).77 Notably, in Zijin Mining’s 2011 annual report, financial data between 2007 and 2009 were reported according to IFRS, but figures in 2010 and 2011 shifted to CAS. eisourcebook.org |
湾区一群西藏人,今天在旧金山(三藩市)中领馆外举行抗议活动。 ktsf.com | Bay Area Tibetan people and supporters held a [...] protest in front of the Chinese Consulate today. ktsf.com |
早年他曾参与制作张学友主演的音乐剧《雪狼湖》,包括洽商赞助单位、编写剧本及创作部份歌曲等;当中由他一手包办曲词的作品《原来只要共你活一天》更曾在1997年香港电台「十大中文金曲颁奖礼」上获颁「CASH最佳中文(流行)旋律奖」。 cash.org.hk | Of which, the song ‘Just One Single Day is Enough’ with both music composition and lyrics writing were by Chan [...] himself was awarded ‘CASH Best (Pop) [...] Melody Award’ in1997 RTHK Top TenChinese GoldSongs Awards PresentationCeremony. cash.org.hk |
Emailvision 保证 99.9% 的正常运行时间 以及来自旧金山、丹佛、纽约、伦敦、巴黎和上海的 IT 团队监控服务以确保平台性能在世界范围内保持高效。 emailvision.cn | Emailvision guarantees 99.9% uptime and [...] IT teams monitor [...] services from San Francisco, Denver, New York, London, Paris and Shanghai to ensure that platformperformance is consistently [...]high worldwide. emailvision.com |
从整体上看,中石油、紫金矿业、马鞍山钢铁、兖州煤矿和中海油田服务对海外运 营中支付给政府的款项情况的公开性最高。 eisourcebook.org | Overall, PetroChina, ZijinMining,Maanshan Iron and Steel, China Oilfield Services and Yanzhou Coal Mining showed most openness about payments to [...] governments in connection [...]to overseas operations as they have disclosed either separate or aggregated figures of the taxes they paid to overseas governments. eisourcebook.org |
(四 ) 立即向公众谘询有关新政府总部大楼的设 计,特别是市民可享用的设施,并在招标文件中把市民的要求放在必不可少的条件 内,当中包括设於总部大楼的观景台、天 台花园及其他公众可享用的设施。 legco.gov.hk | (d) immediately conduct a public consultation on the design of the new Central Government Complex, in particular the facilities open to public use; and incorporate the requests made [...] by the public into [...] the essential requirements of the tender document, including the provision ofaviewingplatform,roof garden and other facilities open to public [...]uses in the Complex. legco.gov.hk |
施米兹教授 (1967年出生)现任澳洲国立大学(堪培拉)斯特朗洛山天文台要员。 shawprize.org | Brian Schmidt, born 1967 is a Federation Fellow at the Australian National [...] University’s Mount StromloObservatory,Canberra. shawprize.org |
由於兆康路箱形暗渠的排水量不足,以致紫田村和松山的低洼地区在暴雨期间不时出现水浸。 legco.gov.hk | Due to insufficient capacity of the box culverts at Siu [...] Hong Road, the low-lying areas of Tsz [...] Tin Tsuenand ChungShan havesuffered flooding [...]periodically during heavy rainstorms. legco.gov.hk |
天文台在其最近的研究中,利用了一种名为“净有效温度”的热压力 指数,研究近期气候变化及该指数与死亡率之间的可能关系。 legco.gov.hk | In its latest study, the HKO employs a thermal [...] stress index called the Net Effective Temperature (NET) to study the recent [...]climate change and the possible relationship between the NET and mortality. legco.gov.hk |
(二 ) 根据 2001年12 月 7 日 政 [...] 府向立法会规划地政及工程 事务委 员会 提交的文件,在金 紫荆广场 东 北 角 拟 建 的 直 升 机 坪 [...]只 为 提 供 紧急 服 务 、 保安等 政 府 飞 行 服 务的用 途 。 legco.gov.hk | (b) According to the paper submitted by the Administration to the Legislative Council Panel on Planning, Lands and Works on 7 December [...] 2001, the planned heliport at the [...] northeast corner of theGolden BauhiniaSquare inWan Chai [...]would be confined to government [...]flying services only and primarily related to emergency and security functions. legco.gov.hk |
2 是 次 补 选 得 蒙 以 下 政 府 决 策 局 和 部 门 鼎 力 支 持 , 提 供 协 助 : 政 制 及 内 地 事 务 局 、 民 众 安 全 服 务 [...] 队 、 律 政 司 、 机 电 工 程 署 、 食 物 环 境 衞 生 署 、 民 [...] 政 事 务 总 署 、 香港天 文 台、香港 警 务 处 、 香 [...]港 邮 政 、 房 屋 署 、 廉 政 公 署 、 政 府 新 闻 处 、 地 政 [...]总 署 、 康 乐 及 文 化 事 务 署 、 政 府 资 讯 科 技 总 监 办 公 室 、 公 务 员 事 务 局 法 定 语 文 事 务 部 及 政 府 物 流 服 务 署 , 选 管 会 谨 此 致 谢 。 legco.gov.hk | 8.2 The EAC would like to express its gratitude to the following government bureau and departments for their dedicated support and unfailing assistance: Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, CAS, D of J, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, [...] Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, [...] HAD, HongKong Observatory, HongKong Police [...]Force, Hongkong Post, Housing Department, [...]ICAC, Information Services Department, Lands Department, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Office of the Government Chief Information Officers, Official Languages Division (of the Civil Service Bureau) and Government Logistics Department. legco.gov.hk |
展览的宗旨并不是仅仅为了体现文化在发展方面的作用,也是为了强调采用重视文化 因素的方法的重要性,这是经济和社会发展的保证和资源,同时展览也将显示注重文化因素 的方法可以如何帮助我们更好地应对我们今天在金融和经济危机方面面对的挑战。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For, the exhibition is not intended to be restricted to the cultural field per se as a source of development but rather aims also at stressing the importance of culturally sensitive approaches as a guarantee and resource for the sustainability of economic and social [...] development and at showing [...] to what extentculturally sensitive approaches can help us better respond to the challenges we are facing today in the present contextof financialandeconomic crisis. unesdoc.unesco.org |
超过一百万,每年通过运动或COSC瑞士官方天文台表管制的手中。 zh.horloger-paris.com | More than one million movements per year pass into the hands of the Swiss Official ChronometerControl or COSC. en.horloger-paris.com |
於 2006年至2009年间,因应港铁西铁线的发展,旅发局亦印制 了《香港铁路游踪》旅游指南,介绍天水围邻近景点,包括屏山文物径、元朗区地道生活文化和美食等。 legco.gov.hk | From 2006 to 2009, in light of the development of the Mass Transit Railway West Rail Line, the HKTB published the guidebook "Discover Hong Kong by [...] Rail" featuring [...] attractions inthe TSWvicinity, includingPing ShanHeritage Trail, the local living culture and delicacies [...]of Yuen Long District, and so on. legco.gov.hk |
委员会欢迎接下来拟由印度尼西亚在国际空间气象举措、日地物理学科学委 员会和九州大学的协作下于 2012 年 9 月 17 日至 26 日在印度尼西亚万隆主办的 国际空间气象举措和磁数据采集系统空间科学学校;拟于 2012 年 9 月 18 日至 21 [...] 日在奥地利格拉茨举行的关于“空间气象”议题的第十九届联合国/欧空局/奥地 [...] 利数据分析和图像处理促进空间应用和可持续发展专题讨论会;拟由基多天文台代表厄瓜多尔政府于 2012 年 10 月 8 日至 [...]12 日在基多举行的联合国/厄瓜多尔国 际气象空间举措讲习班。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee welcomed the upcoming International Space Weather Initiative and Magnetic Data Acquisition System (MAGDAS) School on Space Science to be held in Bandung, Indonesia, from 17 to 26 Septemb er 2012 and hosted by Indonesia in collaboration with the International Space Weather Initiative, SCOSTEP and Kyushu University; the 19th United Nations/ESA/Austria Symposium on Data Analysis and Image Processing for Space Applications and Sustainable Development on the topic “Space Weather”, scheduled to take place in Graz, Austria, from 18 to 21 September 2012; and the [...] United Nations/Ecuador Workshop on the [...] International Space Weather Initiative, scheduled [...]to take place in Quito from 8 to 12 [...]October 2012, to be hosted by the Quito Astronomical Observatory on behalf of the Government of Ecuador. daccess-ods.un.org |
下列在委员会享有常设观察员地位的非政府组织也派观察员出席了会议: 欧洲国际空间年组织、欧洲空间政策研究所、国际宇宙航行科学院、国际空间 安全促进协会、国际宇宙航行联合会、国际天文学联盟、国际应用系统分析研 究所、国际空间法学会、国际摄影测量和遥感学会、苏丹⋅本⋅阿卜杜勒⋅阿齐兹王 储国际水奖机构、世界安全基金会、航天新一代咨询理事会和世界空间周协 会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The session was also attended by observers for the following non-governmental organizations with permanent observer status with the Committee: EURISY, the European Space Policy Institute, the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety, the International Astronautical [...] Federation (IAF), the [...] International Astronomical Union, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, the International Institute of Space Law, the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, the Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water, the Secure World Foundation, the Space Generation [...]Advisory Council [...](SGAC) and the World Space Week Association. daccess-ods.un.org |