

单词 紫石英号

See also:

石英 n

quartz n
sapphire n
beryl n

石英石 n

quartz n

英石 n

quartz n


ornamental limestone made in Yingde, Guangdong

External sources (not reviewed)

A lower quartz plate in the cell allows transmission of ultra-violet (UV) light into [...]
a sample, for rheological characterization
of UV-initiated curing for materials such as adhesives or cements, inks and coatings.
另一方面,这种情况,一定磁性,耐腐蚀,耐磨拨号必然在黑暗可读性和作为二手或一个用于指示电池的寿命结束系统的运行(对于指 石英 型 号 )。
On the other hand, the case, necessarily magnetically and resistant to corrosion, must necessarily wear a dial readable in the
dark and an indicator of operating as a second hand or a system for indicating the end of
[...] battery life (for quartz models).
闪光灯管用可过紫外线的高石英玻璃 和超高强度的电极制造,具有最大限度的使用寿命。
The optimized flash tube is made by high
[...] grade UV-free filtered quarts glass and heavy duty electrodes [...]
to maximize lifetime.
石英测量夹具,UV紫外光 照射样品固化。
Optical cell enabling
[...] transmission of UV light into test sample.
灯体可由下列几种材料制成:可以同时透过254和185nm辐射(高臭氧管) 石英 , 可 以阻止 18 5 n m 紫 外 输 出的含 石英 ( 低 臭氧),和可以输出电极处产生的254nm紫外光的高硼玻璃(低臭氧)。
The lamp body may be made
[...] of pure fused quartz that will transmit both 254 and 185nm radiation (VH glass), quartz with Titanium added to block out most of the 185nm radiation (L glass), [...]
or of a “soft” glass
formulated to transmit 254nm Electrode radiation (L glass).
石英紫外线 透射能力比大多数常见玻璃(比如据有略高折射率的硼硅玻璃)要高,使它成为在低于400纳米的光谱区应用的理想选择。
Fused quartz has better ultraviolet transmission [...]
than most other common glasses (such as borosilicate glasses that have
somewhat higher refractive indices), making it an ideal candidate for applications in the sub-400nm spectral region.
这种立法为以下任何罪行或罪行组合规定了普遍管辖权: (a) 严重违反日内瓦四公约及其《第一附加议定书》的行为(主要 英 联 邦 成员 国);(b) 1954 年《海牙公约》《第号议定 书》和《保护所有人免遭强迫失踪国 际公约》特别规定的犯罪(例如塞浦路斯、日本和荷兰);(c) 没有条约规定普遍 管辖权的其他违反国际人道主义法行为,如在非国际武装冲突中实施的战争罪 (比利时、加拿大、新西兰和菲律宾)以及违反禁止或管制使用某种武器的行为(南 非);(d) 《罗马规约》第 8 条所列的战争罪(比利时、加拿大、德国、新西兰和 联合王国)。
This legislation provides for universal jurisdiction over any or a combination of the following: (a) grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I thereto (primarily States members of the Commonwealth); (b) crimes specified under the Second Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention and the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (for example, Cyprus, Japan and the Netherlands); (c) other violations of international humanitarian law where no treaty requires universal jurisdiction, such as war crimes committed in non-international armed conflict (Belgium, Canada, New Zealand and the Philippines) and violations of treaties that either prohibit or regulate the use of certain weapons (South Africa); (d) the war crimes list contained in article 8 of the Rome Statute (Belgium, Canada, Germany, New Zealand and the United Kingdom).
d2u app”结合世界一流的录音器英国头 号 转 录 服务为您提供最佳的口述和转录解决方案。
The "d2u app" combines a world-class
[...] voice recorder with the UK’s Number One Transcription [...]
Service to provide you with the
best dictation and transcription solution available.
因为关于设立工作组的决定通过的时间不长, 所以秘书处只能在 IX 号会议室提英语和法语同声传译。
Since the decision on the creation of a Working Group had not been
adopted sufficiently in advance, the Secretariat could only foresee
[...] simultaneous translation in English and French in Room IX.
所有的2号火山石三脚 架如今都配有新的镁合金上铸件以减轻重量,以及新的第三超低脚管展开角度以便充分利用地置套装。
All series 2 basalt tripods now feature a new magnesium upper casting for a further weight reduction and a new third ultra low leg spread to take full advantage of the ''Ground Level Set''.
据秘书长说, 联黎部队和黎巴嫩武装部队之间的合作仍然是执行第 1701(2006)号决议的基石, 而 由联黎部队指挥官主持并有黎巴嫩武装部队和以色列国防军高级代表出席的 [...]
上,第 2、15 和 26 段)。
According to the SecretaryGeneral, cooperation between UNIFIL and
the Lebanese Armed
[...] Forces remained a cornerstone for the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006), [...]
while tripartite meetings,
chaired by the UNIFIL Force Commander and attended by senior representatives of the Lebanese Armed Forces and the Israel Defense Forces, were an essential forum for regular liaison and coordination and for addressing related security and military operational issues (ibid., paras. 2, 15 and 26).
通过并购或创设,Bourns 仍在持续不断地发展壮大。
[...] [...] 现今公司产品线包括精密电位器、面板控制器、编码器、电阻器/电容器网络、片式电阻器/阵列、电感器、变压器、自恢复保险丝、晶闸管过压保护器、馈线电阻器、气体放电管、电话局保护器、5 针保护器、工业号、灌溉及石油保 护器、CATV 同轴电缆保护器、信号数据保护器、室内外 [...]
POT 分路器、网络接口器件以及集成电路等。
Product lines now include precision potentiometers, panel controls, encoders, resistor/capacitor networks, chip resistors/arrays, inductors, transformers, resettable fuses, thyristor-based overvoltage protectors, line feed resistors, gas discharge tubes, telephone
station protectors, 5-pin protectors,
[...] industrial signal, irrigation and petroleum protectors, [...]
CATV coax protectors, signal data
protectors, indoor and outdoor POT splitters, network interface devices, and integrated circuits.
科特迪瓦的毛坯石继续规避第 1643(2005)号决议对出口毛坯石实施 的制裁,流入国际市场。
Ivorian rough diamonds continue to find their way to international markets, circumventing sanctions on the export of rough diamonds imposed by resolution [...]
1643 (2005).
我们的U型石英紫外灯 和U型臭氧灯在空间有限的情况下使用,通过加倍弧长有效地提高紫外输出。
Our quartz U-shaped germicidal and ozone lamps [...]
can produce more intense UV radiation in a limited space, allowing designers more flexibility.
他的研究项目包括开发第一个横跨大西洋的海底光波系统,从美国新泽西州 英 国 和 法国的海底光缆系统 TAT-8,开发光纤制导导弹系统,以及开发高 紫 外 光固化光纤涂料,甚至是用于保护户外电信系统的控释杀虫剂产品。
His research projects included the development of the first transatlantic undersea
lightwave system,
[...] TAT-8 from New Jersey to the UK and France, fiber optic guided missile systems, development of high speed UV curable coatings for [...]
optical fiber and even
controlled release insecticide products to protect outdoor telecommunications systems.
佩里戈尔后,栎树林,后佩里戈尔垂直的绿色牧场和森林,佩里戈尔相思后的白色 石 和 Pe rigord Pourpre紫色后,其周围贝尔热拉克葡萄酒产区葡萄酒。
Perigord Noir after its oak woods, Perigord Vert after its green pastureland and woods,
Perigord Blanc after the white
[...] colour of its rock and Perigord Pourpre- purple after its wine [...]
growing area around Bergerac.
很好的例子,我們已經 有新的硬幣,兩元是紫荊花,沒有 英 女 皇 的「嘜頭」,「㆗銀」亦將發行鈔票,這 些是過渡期要做的事,我們廣大的市民,作為將來特區的公民,覺得絕對有權利為未 來的政制提出我們的意見。
Members of the general public, who will become the future SAR citizens, feel that they have the absolute right to put forward their opinions on our future political system.
除了在年报中披露了对海外政府支付的资金, 石 油 和 紫 金 矿 业还在集团公司的网 站上对每个海外项目以及投资细节进行了披露。
In addition to disclosure in their
[...] annual reports, PetroChina and Zijin Mining reported [...]
on individual projects and detailed
specific aspects of their investments on their company’s group websites.
的的幻影神偷儿童和赌注的石称为 紫 色 指 甲为Jirokichi铃木在报纸上的一大挑战。
Jirokichi Suzuki places a challenge in the newspaper for the Phantom Thief Kid and wagers two jewels called purple nails.
你真的,象徵環白金密鑲鑽石和裝飾用彩 石 ( mo rganite,黃水晶 紫 晶 , 綠 紫 晶 , 法國,海藍 石 , 玫瑰墨晶),是一個重新詮釋傳統的訂婚戒指價格從€1295。
You really, symbol ring white gold paved with diamonds
and decorated with a colored stone (citrine,
[...] morganite, amethyst, green amethyst, Rose de France, aquamarine, smoky quartz), is a reinterpretation [...]
of the traditional
engagement ring with Price from € 1295.
Victoire酒店的卡斯特拉毫不猶豫地被塗成金色紫紅色,把它包在蛇沙弗來石石榴 石 , 綠 松 石 和 紫 水 晶一些,我們是如此著迷於幻想。
Victoire de Castellane not hesitate to be painted gold fuchsia, wrap it in a snake tsavorite garnets, turquoise and amethyst few, and we are so captivated by fantasies.
璽,庫茲涅茨,沙弗石,紫水晶 和碧璽的帕拉依巴碧璽寶石有鑽石,祖母綠和藍寶石,乘芯片和細微差別的主權打成一片。
Rubellites, kunzites,
[...] tsavorite, amethyst and tourmaline Paraiba stones mingle with sovereign that are diamonds, emeralds and sapphires [...]
to multiply chips and nuances.
多年以来公司先后通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证,美国石油学会API Spec
[...] 5L、5CT、5B产品认证,ISO14001环境管理体系认证和GB/T28001职业健康安全管理体系认证,欧盟锅炉压力容器安全认证(PED),特种设备制造许可证(压力管道),通过安全注册认证,中国石油天然气集团公司一级供应网络证书、中国石化备品配件资源成员厂证书、 石 油 能源 一 号 网 会 员证书、中国电力公司配件供应网络证书、中国船级社工厂认证、省级“重合同守信用”企业证书。
Over the years the company has passed ISO9001 international quality system authentication, the American petroleum institute API Spec 5L, 5CT, 5B product certification, ISO14001 environmental management system certification and GB/T28001 occupational health and safety management system certification, the boiler and pressure vessel safety certification (PED), special equipment manufacturing license (pressure pipe), registered by security authentication, China national petroleum corporation, China
supply network level
[...] certificate of petrochemical spare parts of the certificate, members of the resource of oil energy first nets membership certificate, China power supply network, [...]
the company accessories
factory certification certificate of China classification society, provincial contract-observing trust-worthy "enterprise certificate.
可使用带接地插脚、长度不超过 50 英尺(15 m)的 3 芯 12 号 AWG 加长电线。
Use 3-wire, 12 awg, 50 ft (15 m) or shorter, extension cords with ground prong.
字体包含大小写的希腊字符、数字、符号以及多种金融字符,包括美元符号、欧元 号 、 英 磅 符 号 以 及 日元符号等。
The fonts include both upper and lower case
alpha characters, as well as numbers, symbols and multiple currency
[...] characters including the Dollar, Euro, Pound and Yen.
正如新网站上所显示,思迈特产品目前安装在五大洲的一些最重要和最负盛名的建筑物上,例如,德国的斯图加特机场、伦敦的皇家法院 英 国 ) 、南京 紫 峰 大 厦(中国)、香港的国际商会大厦、滨海湾金融中心(新加坡)、米兰的伦巴第大区(意大利)、悉尼的SRA卡希尔高速公路(澳大利亚),多哈的剪影塔(卡塔尔)、孟买的安迪利亚大厦(印度)和纽约的世界贸易中心(美国)。
As the new website shows, Sematic products are nowadays installed in some of the most important and prestigious buildings over the 5 continents, such as for example Stuttgart
airport in Germany, the Royal
[...] Courts of Justice in London (UK), the Zifeng Tower of Nanjing [...]
(China), the ICC Tower in Hong
Kong, Marina Bay Financial Centre in Singapore, Regione Lombardia in Milan (Italy), the SRA Cahill Expressway in Sydney (Australia), the Silhouette Tower in Doha (Qatar), the Antilia Building in Mumbai (India) and the World Trade Center in New York (USA).
例如,1993 年 BRAER 号油轮在英国设得兰群岛搁浅期间的 强烈风暴条件,导致 [...]
85,000 吨 Gulfaks 原油(一 种粘度非常低的油类)货物中的绝大多数原油都 自然消散,因而对海岸线产生的影响十分轻微。
For example, severe storm
[...] conditions in Shetland, UK, during the grounding [...]
of the tanker BRAER in 1993, caused the majority
of the 85,000 tonne cargo of Gulfaks crude oil, a very low viscosity oil, to be dispersed naturally, with minimal shoreline impact.
我们位于芝加哥郊区奥罗拉和沃伦维尔附近的内珀维尔:I-88 州际公路和 59 号公路 1/2 英里(0.8 公里)处:右转至迪尔路之后在第 [...]
2 个驾道(伊利诺伊州信用合作社拐角)右转。
We are located in Naperville near
the Chicago Suburbs of Aurora and
[...] Warrenville-1/2 mile south of I-88 and Rt 59 - turn [...]
right onto Diehl Rd and turn right at
the 2nd driveway (Illinois Credit Union on the corner).




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