单词 | 紫微斗数 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 紫微斗数—Zi Wei Dou Shu, a form of Chinese fortune-tellingSee also:微微adj—slightadj
清除微珠料斗和微珠分配机中的剩余微珠以防止微珠阻塞料斗和分配机。 graco.com | Remove any remaining [...] beads in the bead hopper and beaddispenser to prevent beads from clogginghopper and dispenser. graco.com |
在上午11时至下午4时之间(太阳光线最猛 烈之时)或者在紫外线指数是3或以上的当 天任何时间,应设法减少晒太阳的时间。 cancer-asian.com | Try to reduce your time in the sun between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. (when the sun’s rays are at their strongest) or any time of the day when the UV Index is 3 or more. cancer-asian.com |
最近的数据,包括我们今天在报章看到的政府紫荆基金的数据,也证实了香港的贫富差距由 1993 年的十三倍,大幅飙升至 [...] 2005 年的二十三倍。 legco.gov.hk | Recent data, [...] including those from the BauhiniaFoundation of the Government [...]that we noted from newspapers today, show that [...]the disparity between the rich and the poor in Hong Kong grew sharply from 13 times in 1993 to 23 times by 2005. legco.gov.hk |
防晒乳液不含化学防晒剂,防汗防水,无着色,微香性,UV指数为SPF50 PA+++,具有强力防晒效果,海边山上娱乐,运动及购物、上学、上班时均可使用。 aster.com.hk | Sunscreen does not contain chemical [...] sunscreen agents, anti-sweat [...] waterproof, non-staining,micro-fragrance, UVindex for theSPF50 [...]PA + + +, has a strong effect [...]of the sun, the seaside mountain entertainment, sports and shopping, going to school, work can be used when. aster.com.hk |
在私营部门,微软公司表示愿意在扫盲方面进行合作,并任命了一名高级工 作人员担任微软扫盲斗士。 daccess-ods.un.org | From the private sector, the Microsoft [...] Corporation expressed a desire to cooperate in literacy and appointed a senior staff [...] memberas theMicrosoft Champion of Literacy. daccess-ods.un.org |
在今天的西班牙社会,不仅消除了明显的个人、工作或社会歧视,而且建 立了相应机制与更微妙的歧视作斗争,这种微妙的歧视可以解释为不平等或威胁 人身自由及尊严。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, there are [...] mechanisms for combating much more subtle measures which might constitute [...]inequality of treatment [...]or threats to personal freedom and dignity. daccess-ods.un.org |
将微珠加满料斗的两边。 graco.com | Fill bothsidesof hopperwith beads. graco.com |
大多数的紫罗兰鼻烟壶是十九世纪甚至二十世纪早期的形式颇笨重而掏膛拙劣的。 e-yaji.com | As a rulethe majority of lavender jadeite bottles appear to be nineteenth or even early twentieth century, rather clunky and not very well hollowed, but there are exceptions and this is one of them. e-yaji.com |
在我大埔的地区办事处隔邻的 太和站大堂便张贴了“一路带动生活”数个斗大的字;所有闸机机身都贴上 “并合优势,票价更抵,从此踏上超值之旅”的字句。 legco.gov.hk | In the lobby of Tai Wo Station, which is adjacent to my district office in Tai Po, several large characters saying "The Ride to Great Living" were put up and on all turnstile gates, the words "The Merger Advantage: Get on board with MTR for great value for money" was displayed. legco.gov.hk |
总而言之,中大、港大以至其他专业机构的调查,基於调查方法、时间和频次的不同,数字上出现些微差异不足为奇。 hkupop.hku.hk | In sum, based on different research methodologies, survey periods and [...] frequency, it is not [...] surprising that the figuresrecorded by CUHK or HKUPOP, or even other professional survey institutes maydiffer. hkupop.hku.hk |
在这方面,我建议联科行动继续向负责解除武 装、复员和重返社会方案及民兵解除武装和解散方案进程所有方面的国家伙伴方 [...] 提供咨询,促进修缮四个营地的营房以及支持进驻营地进程;参与安全存储武器 的安排以及继续向已复员的战斗人员提供微型项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | I recommend that UNOCI provide continued advice to the national partners in charge of all aspects of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration and disarmament and dismantling of militias processes, contribute to the refurbishment of the barracks at the four cantonment sites and support the cantonment process; participate [...] in the arrangement for the secure storage of weapons; and continue [...] toprovide microprojects fordemobilized combatants. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据《民意网站》今日发布的最新调查结果,於十二月初(十二月二至六日),市民对特首董建华的评分为48.0分,较十一月中的数字微升0.6分,升幅在统计上并不显着。 hkupop.hku.hk | According to the latest figures released today, CE Tung Chee-hwa's rating registered in early December (December 2-6) was 48.0 marks, representing an increase of 0.6 mark when compared with that of mid-November, which was not statistically significant. hkupop.hku.hk |
这场活动的官方计时采用微晶片科技的数位化系统,但Oris团队还另外配备了自有的精密计时系统。 oris.ch | The official timing for the event [...] was done digitally, using microchip technology, but [...]the team was equipped with its own timing system – courtesy of Oris! oris.ch |
小穗1.3-1.8(-2.2)毫米,绿色的橄榄,偶有,紫色微染;颖片狭披针形长圆形,上面的稍长于的通常下部颖片,等长的有时,龙骨状,龙骨状对具皮刺,近尖的先端粗糙; [...] 胼胝体无毛或近无毛; 外稃3/4-9/10个小穗长度,awnless,先端钝; [...]0.3-0.6毫米的内稃,(1/4-)1/3(-1/2)外稃长度。 flora.ac.cn | Spikelets 1.3–1.8(–2.2) mm, olive green, [...] occasionallyviolet tinged; glumes narrowly [...]lanceolate-oblong, lower glume usually [...]slightly longer than upper, sometimes equal, keeled, keel scabrid to aculeate, apex subacute; callus glabrous or nearly so; lemma 3/4–9/10 spikelet length, awnless, apex obtuse; palea 0.3–0.6 mm, (1/4–)1/3(–1/2) lemma length. flora.ac.cn |
angustifolia,区别是,较长的剑形的叶、具基部完全覆盖节间,花被裂片上部微染红紫色,具3肋的浆果有4枚小的、先端的突起。 flora.ac.cn | It is said to differ from D. angustifolia in its longer, sword-shaped leaves with bases [...] completely covering internodes, [...] perianth lobes tinged reddish purple distally,and 3-ribbed [...]berry with 4 small, apical projections. flora.ac.cn |
虽然与季节性流感有关的整体死亡数字为高,可是数字 对於经济的影响-特别是寿险保险人的保单数字-属於轻微:流感病毒最影响非常年青的人群和在某程度上影响 [...] 年长人群,不过,经济活跃人口受影响的程度比较低。 genre.com | Although the absolute number of deaths related to seasonal influenza viruses is high, the impact on the economy in [...] general – and on life insurer’s [...] portfolios in particular –ismodest:Thevery young – and [...]to some extent the elderly – are the [...]most affected by the virus while the economically active population is affected to a lesser extent. genre.com |
在 2005 年,地政总署接获有关环保斗投诉的数字是822 宗;2006 年是 424 宗;本年截至 [...] 9 月底,即首 9 个月, 则是 261 宗。 legco.gov.hk | In 2005, the LandsD received [...] 822 complaints about skips; in2006, 424 complaints; [...]and up to September of this year, that [...]is, during the first nine months, there are 261 complaints. legco.gov.hk |
公司若在资本公积金转增股本实施过程中出现零碎股份,零碎股份 将按照公司股票上市地交易所和结算公司相关规则处理,该等处理可能导致资本 公积金转增股本预案实施後的实际资本公积金转增股本总金额和转股总数量与前 述预计数量存在细微差异。 zte.com.cn | Fractional entitlements arising from the capitalisation of capital reserves shall be dealt with in accordance relevant rules of the stock exchange and the clearing house of the place where the stocks of the Company are listed. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
主 要的措施包括使 用 低噪音机器以 控制噪音、限制所 使 用的抓斗式挖泥 船的数目,以及视乎情况使 用 隔泥幕以 维 持水质 。 legco.gov.hk | The key measures include the use of quiet plant for noise control, restricting thenumber ofgrab dredgers and the potential use of silt curtain for water quality control. legco.gov.hk |
关于今后的方针问题,一些会员国赞赏总干事采取的促进包括地区和地区间在内的不 [...] 同文明间对话的行动,并强调了这种对话在消除不同民族和不同文化之间的不信任以及在解 决冲突和反恐斗争中的关键作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As regards future orientations, several Member States commended the initiative taken by the Director-General to promote a dialogue among civilizations, including at the regional and interregional levels, and emphasized the critical role such a dialogue could play in overcoming [...] mistrust between peoples and cultures as well as in the context of conflict [...] resolution and the fightagainstterrorism. unesdoc.unesco.org |
小穗1.5-3毫米,通常,紫色微染;颖片披针形的椭圆形,等长,龙骨状粗糙,先端锐尖; 胼胝体毛约0.5毫米; [...] 外稃3/4-4/5小穗长度,具长柔毛的背面,awnless或者一好的直的芒可达3毫米等于或低于中间,先端截形具小齿出现; 几乎的内稃倍于外稃。 flora.ac.cn | Spikelets [...] 1.5–3mm, usuallypurple tinged; glumes lanceolate-elliptic, [...]equal, keel scabrid, apex acute; callus hairs ca. [...]0.5 mm; lemma 3/4–4/5 spikelet length, back villous, awnless or a fine straight awn up to 3 mm arising at or below middle, apex truncate-denticulate; palea almost as long as lemma. flora.ac.cn |
任职者还将确保在武装团体解除武装、复员和重返 社会的各个阶段都要考虑到与战斗人员有关联的妇女及其受扶养者的需求;帮助 [...] 制定预防、预警和快速干预计划,并与妇女网络和地方当局进行联络,协调当地 社区的保护机制;支持妇女开展建设和平和调解行动,以实现当地社区的和平共 [...]处,并支助妇女参与决策和社会重建的所有进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | The incumbents would also ensure that the needs of women [...] affiliatedwithcombatants and their dependants [...]are taken into consideration in all [...]phases of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of armed groups; contribute to the formulation of prevention, alert and rapid intervention plans as well as the coordination of protection mechanisms of local communities in liaison with women’s networks and local authorities; and support women’s peacebuilding and mediation initiatives for peaceful cohabitation of local communities and women’s participation in decisionmaking and all processes of social reconstruction. daccess-ods.un.org |
基生叶很多; 叶柄微染略带紫色,5-17厘米;叶片心形卵形, 3-7 * 4-10 厘米,掌状3-5深裂或; [...] 中心的裂片卵形, 3-7 * 1.5-4.5厘米,基部楔形,先端浅的3浅裂;偏斜卵形的侧裂片,通常 2裂,背面紫红色或褐黄色的,边缘具圆齿具具微刺刚毛的。 flora.ac.cn | Basal leaves [...] many; petioles purplish tinged, 5–17 cm; blade [...]cordate-ovate, 3–7 × 4–10 cm, palmately 3–5-parted or trifoliolate; [...]central segment ovate, 3–7 × 1.5–4.5 cm, base cuneate, apex shallowly 3-lobed; lateral segments oblique-ovate, usually 2-lobed, abaxially purplish red or tawny, margin crenate with spinulose bristles. flora.ac.cn |
小穗长圆状披针形, 12-22 * 3-4 毫米,微染具紫色,小花5-8,重叠; 小穗轴约2毫米; [...] 颖片不等长,边缘膜质,渐尖的尖,低4-6毫米,3脉,上面颖片6-8毫米,5-7-脉; 外稃宽椭圆形或倒卵形,7-9毫米,圆形的背面,7,无毛,边缘膜质具钝角, [...]芒7-10毫米,微薄,直; 内稃近等长于外稃,龙骨纤毛。 flora.ac.cn | Spikelets oblong-lanceolate, [...] 12–22 × 3–4 mm, tingedwith purple, florets 5–8, overlapping; [...]rachilla ca. 2 mm; glumes unequal, [...]margins membranous, apices acuminate, lower glume 4–6 mm, 3-veined, upper glume 6–8 mm, 5–7-veined; lemmas broadly elliptic or obovate, 7–9 mm, back rounded, 7-veined, glabrous, margins membranous with obtuse angle, apex minutely 2-toothed, awned from ca. 2 mm below apex; awn 7–10 mm, slender, straight; palea subequal to lemma, keels ciliate. flora.ac.cn |
圆锥花序1-5 厘米小穗5-6毫米,绿色微染紫色的或带褐色的紫色; 小花3-6; 只具短缘毛的颖片具边缘通常具短缘毛的或下部的颖片在背面的边上; [...] 更低的颖片狭披针形; 上面颖片宽披针形的或倒卵形; 通常,3.2-4毫米的外稃在上面上回来; [...]芒1-2毫米花粉囊1-1.4毫米。 flora.ac.cn | Spikelets 5–6 [...] mm, green tinged purple orbrownish purple; florets [...]3–6; glumes with margins usually ciliolate or lower glume [...]only ciliolate on abaxial margin; lower glume narrowly lanceolate; upper glume broadly lanceolate or obovate; lemmas 3.2–4 mm, usually scabrid on upper back; awns 1–2 mm. flora.ac.cn |
安全理事会还核可作为联科行动部队进一步缩编的先决条件而提出的各项基 准:完成前战斗人员可信的解除武装、复员和重返社会以及民兵的解散;成功完 [...] 成选举;开始安全部门改革,特别是在更广泛的框架内采取建立信任措施,进行 安全部门的民主管理和监督,统一军队并建立能够发挥作用和属于共和国的科特 [...]迪瓦武装部队和安全服务部门;以及恢复国家在全国各地的权力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Security Council also endorsed the following benchmarks introduced as preconditions for further drawdown of the UNOCI force: completion of credible [...] disarmament, demobilization and [...] reintegration offormer combatants and dismantling [...]of militias; successful completion of [...]the elections; commencement of security sector reform, in particular confidence-building measures within a broader framework for democratic governance and oversight of the security sector, reunification of the army and establishment of functional and republican Ivorian armed forces and security services; and restoration of State authority throughout the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
一位代表提到 信息传播技术和社区媒体在消除贫困方面可以发挥重要作用,希望本组织继续鼓励在基层收集并运 [...] 用现有的地方和传统知识,将其作为努力与贫困作斗争的一项工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | One delegate, referring to the key role that ICTs and community media could play in poverty eradication, called on the Organization to continue encouraging the [...] collection and use of existing local and traditional knowledge at grass-roots level as part [...] of its efforts tofight poverty. unesdoc.unesco.org |