

单词 紧接


紧接着 prep

following prep

(两件事情紧接着发生)刚刚 adv

hardly adv

See also:

hard up
short of money
close at hand

External sources (not reviewed)

系统将根据用户的设置直 接执行第二次冲洗紧接着进 行第三次冲洗。
The system goes immediately to the second flush, followed by the third flush as user defined.
总干事的意见”为斜体紧接 在有关的建议之后。
The “Comments by the Director-General” have been made in italics immediately after the recommendations to which they relate.
紧接着, 我惊讶地发现她把笔放在纸上,然后用她自己的语言写下了这段话: [...]
And immediately, she surprised me
[...] by putting pen onto paper and wrote [...]
her message in her own words: “I want to tell the
disabled, don’t lock yourself up.
紧接此前,Tam 先生是 British Telecom(英国电信公司)的数据中心总经理,负责建立该公司在香港的数据中心业​务并制定数据中心及 [...]
IT 外包服务战略。
Most recently
[...] Tam was General Manager of Data Centers [...]
at British Telecom (BT), where he was responsible for establishing
the company’s Hong Kong data center operation and developing the data center and IT outsourcing services strategy.
本报告阐述了布托女士返回巴基斯坦的政治和安全背景;对保护她负有主要 责任的巴基斯坦当局为她作的安全安排,以及她的政党,巴基斯坦人民党(人民 党)为此所作的安排紧接暗杀 前后的事件;以及在发生这一罪行之后巴基斯坦 政府和警方进行的刑事调查和行动。
The report addresses the political and security context of Ms. Bhutto’s return to Pakistan; the security arrangements made for her by the Pakistani authorities, who bore the primary responsibility to protect her, as well as her political party, the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP); events immediately before and after the assassination; and the criminal investigations and actions of the Pakistani Government and police in the aftermath of the crime.
(d) 如委任人因任何原因停止担任董事,候补董事应因此事实停止担任候补董
[...] 事,惟条件是如某董事退任并在让该退任生效的会议上获选再任,他按照紧接他退 任之前生效的本条规定作出的任何委任,应在他再任后继续有 [...]
(d) An alternate Director shall ipso facto cease to be an alternate Director if his appointor ceases for any reason to be a Director provided that if a Director retires and is re-elected by the meeting
at which such retirement took effect, any
[...] appointment made by him pursuant to [...]
this Article which was in force immediately
prior to his retirement shall continue to operate after his re-election as if he had not so retired.
预 计在 2004 年底,紧接执行 局秋季会议之后举行下一个阶段的多国磋商,以便让各国全委 会和各国的所有有关各方更加广泛地参与确定各多国小组的优先需求,供在编写 33 C/5 时加 以考虑。
The holding of a further round of cluster consultations, towards the end of 2004, following the autumn session of the Executive Board, would aim to introduce a more participatory process, including the involvement of National Commissions and stakeholders at the national level in the identification of priority needs at the cluster level, which should be included in document 33 C/5.
各缔约方应考虑 在缔约方会议、审评委会议和科技委会议 紧接 着 举 行这些委员会会议。
Parties should consider holding meetings of these committees back-to-back with COPs, CRICs and CSTs.
食典委通过了暂定议程作为其本届会议的议程,但议题 17“任命区域协调 员”紧接议题 3“粮农组织/世界卫生组织区域协调委员会报告”之后讨论。
The Commission adopted the Provisional Agenda as its Agenda for the Session with the understanding that Item 17 “Appointment of Regional Coordinators” be discussed immediately following Item 3 “Reports of FAO/WHO Regional Coordinating Committees”.
2006年初,他信政府先是受到人民民主联盟(PAD)大规模示威的挑战 紧接 着 其 政权被军事政变所推翻。
In early 2006, Thaksin’s government was first challenged by mass demonstrations by the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) and subsequently ousted by a military coup.
紧接着通 报后举行的磋商之后,安理会主席转达了安理会成员对联海稳定团 开展的工作的感谢和支持,并允诺安理会继续支持海地政府和人民。
After the consultations that followed the briefing, the President of the Council conveyed the appreciation and support of the members of the Council for the work of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti and pledged the Council’s continuing support to the Government and people of Haiti.
几名代表认为:如果视可紧接着执 行委员 会会议举行机构间协调会议,就会有更多的机构出席会议,并将减少费用。
Several representatives agreed that holding inter-agency coordination meetings back-to-back with Executive Committee meetings where possible would enable greater participation and reduce costs.
国际社会必须紧接 触, 协助各方达成包容各方的全面和平。
It is essential for the international community to step up its engagement and help the parties reach an inclusive and comprehensive peace.
为所计划的今后活动包括编写中亚预 报工作最佳做法简编,以及在联合国中亚经济体特别方案(中亚经济 体方案)知识型发展项目工作组的一次会议之后 紧接 着于 2011 年 11 月在巴库召开一次后续会议。
The planned future activities included a compendium of best practices for forecasting in Central Asia and a follow-up meeting in November 2011, to be held in Baku back-to-back with a meeting of the Project Working Group on Knowledge-based Development of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA).
所涉国家符合《巴黎原则》的国家人权机构应当有权在互动对话期间,在特 别程序任务负责人介绍国别访问报告之后 紧接 着 所 涉国发言。
The national human rights institution, consistent with the Paris Principles, of the country concerned shall be entitled to intervene immediately after the country concerned during the interactive dialogue, following the presentation of a country mission report by a special procedures mandate holder.
如果为怀孕 12 周以上的孕妇,为两岁以下 的投保人提供门诊专家医疗协助;如果先提供住院保健服务 紧接 着 就 提供 紧急门诊医疗;如果同一医疗机构的另一名保健工作者或另一个医疗机构的 同一医疗专家把投保人转给医疗专家,那么找该医疗专家看病则不收费。
No fee for a visit to a medical specialist is taken if out-patient specialist medical assistance is provided to a pregnant woman as of the 12th week of pregnancy, to insured persons under two years old, or if provision of emergency out-patient medical care is followed immediately by the provision of in-patient health care services, if the insured person was referred to the medical specialist by another health care worker in the same medical institution or by the same medical specialist in another medical institution.
在此背景下,会议为交流经验和推动体面工作议程提供了一个很好的机会, 特别是会议紧接着劳 工组织亚太区域会议之后举行的。
In this context, the meeting was a good opportunity to share experiences and advance the agenda for decent work, particularly as it was held back to back with the ILO Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting.
受审议国符合《巴黎原则》的国家人权机构应当有权在理事会全体会议通过 审议结果期间紧接着受审议国发言。
The national human rights institution of the State under review, consistent with the Paris Principles, shall be entitled to intervene immediately after the State under review during the adoption of the outcome of the review by the Council plenary.
紧接其后 的是蒙特雷加速研究系统, 由美国加州莫斯兰丁的蒙特雷湾水族馆研究所安装和运作。
This was closely followed by the [...]
Monterey Accelerated Research System (MARS), installed and operated by the Monterey Bay
Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) in Moss Landing, California, United States of America.
有关程序还通过明确规定采购官员职责的主要规则,增进了对采购官员的 问责(但要注意,采购程序中的主要决定——采购方法的选择和招标方法—— 是在第二章述及的,因此这些条款后 紧接 着 每 种采购方法的程序)。
The procedures concerned also facilitate the accountability of procurement officials, by providing a clear statement of the main rules that govern their duties (noting, however, that a major decision in the procurement process — the choice of procurement method and manner of solicitation — is addressed in Chapter II, so that the provisions immediately precede the procedures for each procurement method).
依照委员会惯例,并根据大会第 58/316 号决议附件第 3(c)和(d)段,每次
[...] 辩论开始时,先由秘书处行政主管和高级官员介绍报告 紧接 着 与 各部厅负责人、 秘书长代表、特别报告员和其他特别机制进行互动辩论,提出问题,这是委员会 [...]
In accordance with the established practice of the Committee and pursuant to paragraphs 3 (c) and (d) of the annex to General Assembly resolution
58/316, immediately following the
[...] introduction of reports by executive heads [...]
and senior members of the Secretariat at the
beginning of each debate, interactive dialogues and “question time” will be held with heads of departments and offices, representatives of the Secretary-General, special rapporteurs and other special mechanisms as part of the formal proceedings of the Committee.
( 如:至2014年) 或在第一个承诺期结束之紧接的某 一具体时限内( 如:自 2013年至2014年) 适用同一量化的限制和减少排放目标,以便填补空白并实现延 续性,进而协助缔约方在随后的承诺期中实现量化的限制和减少排放目标。
For example, the same QELROs to be applied to an extended first commitment period (e.g. until 2014) or the same QELROs to be applied in a specific time period immediately following the first commitment period (e.g. from 2013 to 2014) in order to bridge any gap and provide for continuity to assist Parties in meeting their QELROs for the subsequent commitment period.
为应对重大环境事故,美国 1986 年通过了《应急计划与社区知情权法案》 紧接 着在 1989 年实行了有毒物质排放清单(TRI)。
Responding to devastating environmental accidents, the US passed the Emergency Response and Community Right to Know Act of 1986 followed by the implementation of the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) in 1989.
而安装铜管需要使用危险的焊枪进行焊接,这在狭窄的空间内操作难度很大,或者必须使用昂贵的工具和管件来 紧接 头 , 这些都使得铜管无法成为管道安装或更换项目的首选材料。
Copper piping requires hazardous torches that may be difficult to maneuver in tight spaces
for soldering or expensive tools and
[...] fittings for pressed joints, making it less [...]
optimal for an install or repipe project.
高级别对话会议结束之后紧接着又举行了“全球经济危机对人类的 影响问题太平洋会议”;会上最后通过了《瓦努阿图成果声明》(见文件 E/ESCAP/66/INF/7)。
The Dialogue was followed by the Pacific Conference on the Human Face of the Global Economic Crisis, which adopted the Vanuatu Outcome Statement (see E/ESCAP/66/INF/7).
紧接着进行的关于任务范围的讨论中,有成员表示,可能需要进行一个以上的实 例研究,以评估多个利益相关者参与处理过程的情形,多个利益相关者在回收、储存、国 42 内和/或国际运输以及最后处置等阶段参与处置的情形。
In the ensuing discussion of the terms of reference, it was suggested that more than one case study might be needed in order to assess situations in which multiple stakeholders were involved in the disposal process, for example, at the recovery, storage, domestic and/or international transport and final disposal stages.
受审议国符合大会第48/134 号决议附件所载与增进和保护人权的国家 机构地位有关的原则( 《巴黎原则》) 的国家人权机构应当有权在理事会全体 会议通过审议结果期间紧接着受 审议国发言。
The national human rights institutions of the State under review consistent with the principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights annexed to General Assembly resolution 48/134 (the Paris Principles) shall be entitled to intervene immediately after the State under review during the adoption of the outcome of the review by the Council plenary.




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