

单词 紧抱在一起

See also:

紧抱 (...) v

hug sb. v
embrace v



一起 prep

with prep

External sources (not reviewed)

同时,加工商正与生产方之间建 起紧 密 的 联系,特别是底层鱼 类,亚洲的大型加工在一定程度上依赖自己的渔船来捕捞此类品种。
At the same time, processors are frequently becoming more integrated with producers, especially for groundfish, where large processors in Asia, in part, rely on their own fleet of fishing vessels.
最后,我要呼吁我们大抱着紧迫感建设性地参 与实质性谈判,以便我们能够使安全理事会 一 联合国的关键机关适应当今世界的新现实和挑战,确保在 21 世纪发挥作用并具有正当性。
Let me conclude by appealing to
all of us to engage
[...] constructively in the substantive negotiations with a sense of urgency, so that we will be able to adapt the Security Council, the key organ of the United Nations, to the new realities and challenges of [...]
today’s world and
ensure its role and legitimacy in the twentyfirst century.
在一个客 户定制的阀块中使用插装阀,设计师能够创造出一个液压集成回路(HIC),从而提一个用于液压控制紧凑组件, 起 传 统 的液压系统,它使用管件更少,安装和 服务更便捷,且泄漏点更少。
Using cartridge valves in a custom manifold,
[...] a designer can create a hydraulic integrated circuit (HIC) that provides a compact package for hydraulic control with reduced plumbing, easier installation, easier service, and fewer leak points than traditional [...]
hydraulic systems.
在靠近叙利亚边境贝卡谷地东部的巴勒贝克镇附近,联合国儿童基金会亲善大使米亚.法罗 在 临 时搭建的帐篷内避难的叙利亚难民家庭亲切会面, 抱起一 名 婴 儿。
UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Mia Farrow holds a baby during a meeting with Syrian refugee families sheltering in a makeshift tent settlement near the town of Baalbeck in the eastern Bekaa Valley, near the Syrian border.
在英国,对最高限价进行的监管引发了工业企业和监 管机构间关系紧张( 因为最高限价设置的较低),这就好比客户同时 在抱 怨 供水 公司利润和“特权人士”工资过一 样。
And in the UK, regulation based on price caps has produced animosity between industry and the regulator (because of low price ceilings being imposed) at the same time as consumer complaints about high profits and ‘fat cat’ management salaries.
(n) 继续努力实现在宪法中商定的政府和议会中的女代表至少占 30%的目 标;与其他有关的利益攸关一起加 紧 努 力 , 在 政 治 进程中加强性别主流化,并 继续促使妇女参加即将举行的选举;承认妇女特别容易受到冲突影响以及她们在 建设和平中的作用,在执行本次审查的所有建议时考虑妇女的特殊需要。
(n) Continue the efforts directed towards the achievement of the minimum of 30 per cent female representation in
the Government and the
[...] Parliament, as agreed in the Constitution; speed up efforts, jointly with other relevant stakeholders, to enhance gender mainstreaming in the political [...]
process and continue
to promote women’s participation in the upcoming elections; and, recognizing the particular vulnerability of women to conflict and their role in peacebuilding, take into account the particular needs of women in implementing all the recommendations of the present review.
因此,在日常生活㆖與感染愛滋病病毒 的㆟士接觸,例如握手或抱、㆒起 進 膳 、 在 同 ㆒辦公室或工廠內工作,或在同㆒學 校就讀,不會染㆖愛滋病。
Hence, a person cannot get AIDS from normal day-to-day contacts with HIV-infected persons, such as
[...] from shaking hands or hugging, having meals together, [...]
working in the
same office or factory, or attending the same school.
大家希望委员会第六十二届会议在这个问题上取得更多进展,还建议委员会 讨论对审议的问题抱什么 态度,包括 在起 草 的 条款草案的结构,以及委员会 工作可能的结果。
While the hope expressed was that the Commission would make further progress on the topic during its sixty-second session, it was also
suggested that
[...] discussions should take place within the Commission concerning the attitude to be taken to the topic under consideration, including the structure of the draft articles [...]
that were being
elaborated, as well as the possible outcome of the Commission’s work.
剛才說到,如果政府的論據是 ― 不是,應該是地鐵的論據,不要說 是政府的,可能政府也希望只是地鐵的論據而已,不過,沒辦法,政府現時 與地鐵同坐一條船,大家抱在一起 , 因 而要為它辯護,其實,今天是應該 由地鐵的人員來回應的,政府現時卻要為它說話,說它遇到甚麼、有甚麼困 難等。
Earlier on it was said that if the argument put forward by the Government is ― no, it should be the argument from the MTRCL, we should not say that this is the argument of the Government, for the Government may only hope that it is the argument of the MTRCL after all.
在这一起决定 作用的政治演变发生后,该国终于完成了旨在巩固和平和重建社会 经济的减贫战略框架。
Following these decisive political developments, the country was free to finalize its strategic poverty reduction framework (CSLP) aimed at consolidation of peace and socio-economic reconstruction.
一个初学走路的孩子——伊斯欧斯(Isios),吸引了联合国儿童基金会执行主任安东尼.雷克的注意 在 雷 克 先生走过时他哭了起来,当执行主任停下 抱起 他 时,他破涕为笑。
One toddler, Isios, caught UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake’s eye, crying out as Lake walked by before smiling when the Executive Director stopped and picked him up.
对于铝制轴承座中的球轴承,热膨胀差将迅速减小轴 抱紧 力 ,因 此 在 许 多 应用中,轴 在一 定 温 度下会松动。
For a ball bearing in an aluminum housing, the differential thermal expansion will quickly reduce the force needed to disassemble, and at fairly moderate temperatures in many applications, the bearing will be loose.
只有出于特殊、确凿无疑的原因,才允许豁免竞争程序,例如顾问的服务工作特殊; 顾问是在质量和成本上一可以接受的提供所需专业知识的人选;或 在紧 急 情 况中(例 如,冲突后和灾难后),这时往往时间紧迫,寻找三位候选人将对提供服务产生不利影响。
Waivers will only be granted for exceptional, substantiated reasons, for example, where the consultant’s services are unique; where the consultant is the only available source of the required expertise at acceptable levels of quality and cost; or in emergency situations (e.g. post-conflict, post-disaster), where time is often critical and the search for three candidates would negatively impact on service delivery.
冈比亚还报告称,它继 续开展合作在受影 响地区的社区进行雷险教育,而且拥 一 支 训练有素、装备 完善的人道主义排雷队,时刻准备应对任 紧 急 情 况。
Gambia also reported that it continues in collaborate to deliver mine risk education in communities in the affected areas and has a well trained and fully equipped humanitarian demining team which is always ready to respond to any emergencies.
诺拉.佤察返回南苏丹皮博尔,与亲 紧紧 拥 抱。
Nora Wacha embraces a relative after [...]
being returned to Pibor, South Sudan.
严重关切占领国以色列违反国际人道主义法、联合国有关决议和当事双方之 间达成的协议,继续在巴勒斯坦被占领土进行定居点活动,并特别关切以色列在 被占领的东耶路撒冷及其周围修建和扩大定居点,包括实施以连接周围非法定居 点和一步孤立被占领的东耶路撒冷为目标的所谓 E-1 计划,继续拆毁巴勒斯坦 房屋并将巴勒斯坦家庭逐出市区,以及 紧在 约 旦河谷的定居点活动
Expressing grave concern about the continuation by Israel, the occupying Power, of settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in violation of international humanitarian law, relevant United Nations resolutions and the agreements reached between the parties, and concerned particularly about Israel’s construction and expansion of settlements in and around occupied East Jerusalem, including its so-called E-1 plan that aims to
connect its illegal
[...] settlements around and further isolate occupied East Jerusalem, the continuing demolition of Palestinian homes and eviction of Palestinian families from the city, and intensifying settlement activities [...]
in the Jordan Valley
一位妇女抱着她的两个孩子在海地 太子港总医院的营养中心。
A woman holds her two children in the nutrition center of [...]
the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
当葫芦处于刹抱紧的状 态时,离合器不再传递动 力,所以不会对葫芦的静止状态有任何影响;另外,葫 芦有更多起升速度可以选择,同时同种规格葫芦的最 大安全起重量增加了 25%;SC 系列葫芦动感的线条设计 以及模块化构造原理是我们开发生产以及为客户提供工 程解决方案的基础。
In addition, a wider range of hoisting speeds is available, while the safe working load has been increased by 25 %. The impressive straight-lined design of STAHL CraneSystems’ SC chain hoist and the systematic continuation of the modular construction principle form the basis for developing and manufacturing purpose-built and engineering solutions for individual customers.
翻译工作需要如此长的时间,特别是自我辩护上诉人的情况下,对此本应作 出更多解释,然而本报告限于篇幅而不能做此解释,但可以说的是, 在 作 出 努 力,以更有效地与会议和语文支助事务科主管不断联系,以评估进展情况并确定 是否需要对具体的翻译要求分轻重缓急,并重新探讨会议和语文支助事务科的内 部要求,即判决书翻译的审校工作必须整 一起 完 成 ,而不是分卷完成(这样做 可以逐步公布翻译好的部分)。
The inordinate length of translation times, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants, calls for greater explanation than suitable for a report of this size, but it can be said that efforts are under way to more effectively liaise with the supervisors in the Conference and Language Services Section on a continual basis in order to assess progress and determine the need for requesting prioritization of specific translations, and to readdress the internal requirement of the Conference and Language Services Section that the revision process for translation of a judgement must be accomplished as a whole, rather than volume by volume (which would allow for gradual release of translated portions).
最重要的是,那被遗忘的四分之一日复一日地与认识耶稣、爱耶稣的喜乐擦肩而过了, 一 事 实必 须 在 我 们 里面 起紧 迫 感
Most importantly, the fact that the
forgotten fourth are missing the joy of knowing and loving
[...] Jesus for even another day must create in us a sense of urgency.
根據藉上述公告 加入豁免公告的新訂第9A條,尋求就股份或債權證作出公開要 約的公司( 不論在香港或在香港以外地方成立) 如符合此新訂條 文指定的條件,在並非 於印刷本招股章 一起 發 出的情況 下,發出紙張形式的申請表格(並連同電子形式的招股章程)("混 合媒體要約")。
Under the new section 9A of the Exemption Notice, as added by the Notice, a company (whether incorporated in or outside Hong Kong) seeking to conduct a public offering of shares or debentures can issue a paper application form (together with an electronic prospectus) without it being accompanied by a printed form prospectus (mixed media offer), if it complies with certain conditions stipulated in the new section.
在稳定 的国家里,矿业 活动造成环境的损害和生计的丧失的适当赔偿问题也会 起紧 张 局 势。
Tensions can also arise in stable countries over the issues of adequate compensation of host communities for environmental damage and loss of livelihoods caused by mining activities.
我们阿拉伯国家元首和政府首在 2011 年 1 月 19 日聚集于埃及城市沙姆沙 伊赫一起出席阿拉伯经济、发展和社会首脑会议第二届会议,谨此重申,我们 完全承诺实施 2009 年 1 月 19 日和 20 日科威特首脑会议核可的发展战略,并申 明我们将推进阿拉伯社会的人力、经济、社会和技术发展,并在阿拉伯国家联盟 的主持下,激活和发展我们的阿拉伯联合行动机制,以便确保我们的人民和子孙 后代有更美好的未来。
We, the Heads of Arab States and Governments who, on 19 January 2011, are gathered together in the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh at the second session of the Arab Economic, Development and Social Summit, hereby renew our complete commitment to the development strategies that were approved at the Kuwait Summit on 19 and 20 January 2009, and affirm that we will advance the human, economic, social and technological development of our Arab societies and will activate and develop our joint Arab action mechanisms, under the aegis of the League of Arab States, with a view to ensuring a better future for our peoples and for future generations.
一抱负的目标特别是,实现能源供应安全、价格合理,扭转国 内日趋依赖柴油发电的状况,限制气候变化,保证能 源供应可靠,预防能紧急状况。
The objectives of this goal, inter alia, are to make energy supply secure and affordable, reverse the increasing dependency on diesel-powered electricity generation in Maldives and limit climate change, provide reliable delivery of energy, and guard against energy emergencies.
如您發現貓兒胡亂排糞,抱起牠並 把牠放入廁盆內,鼓勵牠 在 盆 內 如廁,並 要讚賞正確行為。
If you catch your cat in the act, pick her up and place her in the litter tray and praise after correct usage.
此外,更為諷刺的是,由香港中文大學學者王卓祺先生所做的另一個學 術研究卻發現,本港的低下階層市民對教 在 理 論 上的社會階梯功能,原來抱 一絲希望的。
More ironical is that the findings of another academic research conducted by Prof WONG Chack-kie of The Chinese University of Hong Kong show that members of the lower strata of society still have some hope about the theoretical social ladder function of education.
因此,我们欢迎联合国人权事务高级专员进行的 努力,以及人权理事在 2009 年 1 月 12 日通过一 项决 议,决议除其他以外,呼吁立即停止以色列的军 事袭击,并要求以色列占领军从加沙地带撤离;要求 占领国以色列解除对加沙地带强制实行的围困,并开 放所有过境点、允许人道主义援助进入和自由行动; 敦促各方尊重国际人道主义法和人权法,并避免对平 民采取暴力行动;以及决紧急派遣 一 个 国 际实地调 查团,调查占领国违反国际人权法和人道主义法的所 有行为。
Accordingly, we welcome the efforts of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Human Rights Council’s adoption of a resolution on 12 January
2009, which, inter alia, calls for an immediate cessation of Israeli military attacks and demands the withdrawal of Israeli occupying forces from the Gaza Strip; demands that Israel,
[...] the occupying Power, lift the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip and open all border crossings to allow for access and the free movement of humanitarian aid; urges all parties to respect international humanitarian and human rights law and to refrain from violence against the civilian population; and decides to dispatch an urgent international fact-finding mission to investigate all violations of international human rights and humanitarian law by the occupying Power.
為此,我們已運 用財務委員會( 下稱「財委會」) 轉授的權力,由 2004 年 2 月 29 日起, 在環境運輸及工務局開一個首長級乙級政務官編外職位( 首長級薪級 第 3 點 ) ,出任人員須肩負下述職務︰協助監察合併事宜督導委員會和 合併事宜管理委員會的運作情況;監察商議工作的進度,並跟進需要 政府提供意見或資料/採取行動的事宜,以協助進行商議工作;就商 議過程中涉及合併建議的各項運輸事宜,作出政策上的指引;與主要 的相關機構和人士保持聯絡;以及與財經事務及庫務局合作,一同處 理合併建議的估值和財務事宜,並一起管理政府為合併計劃委聘的顧 問的工作。
Against this background, one supernumerary post of AOSGB (D3) has been created in the ETWB under delegated authority from Finance Committee (FC) with effect from 29 February 2004 to help oversee the operation of the merger steering committee and the merger management committee; to monitor the progress of the negotiations and follow up on matters that may require the Government’s input/actions to facilitate the negotiations; to provide policy guidance on a whole range of merger-related transport issues arising from the negotiations; to maintain liaison with major stakeholders as well as to work hand in hand with the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) on the valuation and financial aspects of the possible merger and the management of Government’s consultant(s) for the merger exercise.
在一个面临重大社会活动和变革的区域,该论坛提供了一个开展新 型对话的创新空间,将社会科学和政策联 起 来 ,以谋求共识,增强其对社会变革的 贡献。
In a region facing important social movement and changes, the Forum provided an innovative space to develop a new kind of dialogue, bringing together social sciences [...]
and policy in the
search for a common understanding and a common commitment to enhance their contribution to social transformations.




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