

单词 索命

External sources (not reviewed)

當我們感受到生命的脆弱時,曾否重新 索 生 命 的 價 值和意義?
Confronted by the vulnerability of life, have we also questioned ourselves the true merits and meaning of life itself?
成千上万在过去的几年中,具有传奇色彩的阿尔法神奇宝贝Arceus来到地球上 索 “ 生 命 宝 石”,它已借给一个人namedDamos的。
Thousands of years in the past, the legendary Alpha Pokémon Arceus came to Earth to retrieve the "Jewel of Life" that it had loaned to a man namedDamos.
不過, 在 “ 天 時”方面卻未 必 能 夠配合 , 我 所指的 “ 天 時”不是 指“天公不 造 美 ” , 而 是 “污濁 天 ”   ─  
[...] 香港的 空氣污染問題, 正正是窒 息 綠色旅遊 業 發 展索命繩。
By "heavenly factor" I do not mean "what Heaven disposes", for instead, I mean "a polluted sky" — the
problem of air pollution in Hong Kong, which is
[...] precisely the rope that is going [...]
to strangle the development of green tourism.
迄今为止,根据索生命的起 源的有机物合成实验,氨基酸等单纯有机物的生成机制一步步被解析,但其在原始地球环境中的进一步进化过程几乎是未知的。
Through synthetic organic experiments examining the origin of life, the formation mechanisms of simple organic materials have been gradually elucidated so far.
在“莱伊什塔尔”这个黑社会,对此她降临在她已故的爱人 索 和 “ 生 命 水 ”,是描述在灰暗的颜色;和相同的是我们拥有其他的描述正确的。
In the "Lay of Ishtar" this underworld, to which she descended
[...] in search of her deceased lover and of the "waters of [...]
life", is described in gloomy colours;
and the same is true of the other descriptions we possess.
踏上非凡的未来冒险的年龄,小狮子辛巴谁不能等待为王, 索 他 的 命 运 掌 握在伟大的“生命之环。
Embark on an extraordinary coming-of-age adventure as Simba, a lion cub who cannot wait to be
[...] king, searches for his destiny in the great [...]
"Circle of Life.
对于一个非限定的引用,Oracle只在当前用户的模式中 索 相 关 命 名 的 数据库对象。
For an unqualified reference, Oracle simply looks in the schema of the current user for the named database object.
巴西的玛丽亚·特雷莎·梅斯基 塔·佩索阿被任命为筹备委员会主席团的当然成员。
Maria Teresa Mesquita Pessôa of Brazil was designated as an ex officio member of the Bureau of the Preparatory Committee.
應修訂《高等法院條例》第 42(1)條,擴大法庭的司法管轄權,讓法庭有 權就任何種類的案件(而並非只限於人身傷害及死亡 索 案 件) , 命 令 非與 訟人在法律程序開展後至審訊進行前期間透露資料。
Section 42(1) of the HCO should be amended so that the court's jurisdiction to order post-commencement, pre-trial disclosure from persons who are not parties to the proceedings applies to all types of cases (and not merely to personal injury and death claims).
索马里:生命维持机上的过渡政府》, 非洲报告N°170,2011年2月21日。
Somalia: The Transitional Government [...]
on Life Support, Africa Report N°170, 21 February 2011.
這個迷你課程會索那些與 你命目的 結盟的注意力、動機與目標設定之間的關係。
This mini-course explores the relationship between attention, motivation, and goal setting for the purpose of aligning with your life’s purpose.
行政当局同意审计委员会的建议,即: (a) 科索沃特派团命信息 和通信技术 审查委员会的新成员;(b) 联苏特派团设 立信息安全股,并指定信息安全协调员、 使用控制系统管理员以及安全系统管理 员(第 315 段)。
The Administration agreed with the Board’s recommendation that (a) UNMIK appoint new members to the Information and Communications Technology Review Committee and that (b) the United Nations Mission in the Sudan establish an Information Security Unit and assign the Information Security Coordinator, the Access Control System Administrator and the Security Systems Administrator (para. 315).
赤道几内亚共和国政府向教科文组织总干事建议设立一个名为“教 科文组织奥瓦昂·恩圭马·姆索戈 国际 生 命 科 学 研究奖”的奖项,目 的是表彰一些个人、小组、科研机构、其他实体或非政府组织开展的有 [...]
The Government of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea proposed to the Director-General of UNESCO the establishment of a prize entitled “the
UNESCO-Obiang Nguema Mbasogo International
[...] Prize for Research in the Life Sciences” to reward [...]
projects and activities of an individual
or group of individuals, scientific institutions, other entities or non-governmental organizations who have contributed, through research in the life sciences to improving the quality of human life.
若要使索引字段来命名输 出文件和/或目录,可单击“作业设置”内的“输出”选项卡。
To use the index field for naming output files [...]
and/or directories, click on the ‘Output’ tab within Job Setup.
有点相互矛盾的是,青年党索马里 的 命 运 进 入急剧、可能是不可逆转的下 降阶段,而其公信力和吸引力似乎却在非索马里极端主义分子中间不断上升。
Paradoxically, at precisely the moment that
[...] Al-Shabaab’s fortunes in Somalia have entered [...]
a phase of steep, and possibly irreversible,
decline, the group’s credibility and appeal appear to be growing among non-Somali extremists.
2003年初,Riedler先生重新加入索沃 尔 塔,被 命 为 罗 马尼亚地区工厂管理总监。
Early in 2003 Mr. Riedler re-joined Isovolta as Managing Director of the Isovolta plant in Romania.
生死蕭紅》由盧偉力負責文本兼導演、梅卓燕編舞兼演出,配合羅乃新與陳錦樂的現場鋼琴和口琴演奏及陳錦樂的影像,加上龔志成的音響設計,透過獨舞、音樂、文字和錄像,紀念及呈現蕭紅的 命 史 , 探 索 她 生 命 的 支撐力,如何在無助的死亡中不死。
The creative team includes Lo Wai-luk (direction and text), Mui Cheuk-yin (choreography and performance), Nancy Loo (piano) , Mark Chan (harmonica and visuals), and Kung Chi-shing (music composition and sound design).
運用繪畫、雕塑、裝置、行為藝術等媒材進行創作,形式多元;近年透過「肉宇宙」系列創作,試圖以科學解釋 索 人 類 生 命 中 不 可或缺的「孤獨感」。
Her artistic pursuits cover painting, sculpture, installation art and performance. Her Meat Universe series of recent years tries to explore the scientific explanation of the feeling of solitude in man.
安理会 欢迎秘书长报告,还欢迎秘书长打算 命索 马 里 沿海 海盗行为所涉法律问题特别顾问。
The Council welcomed the report and the intention of the Secretary-General to appoint a special adviser on legal issues related to piracy off the coast of Somalia.
列 明 出 庭 條 件 之 適 當 具 結 書 , 可 向 法索 取 , 依 法 官命 令 填 妥 後 , 應 立 即 交 回 法 庭 , 如 果 沒 有 其 它 原 因 , 犯 人 便 可 獲 釋 放 。
Appropriate forms of recognizance conditioned for appearance should be obtained from courts, and when completed in compliance with an order, immediately returned to the court, and the prisoner released, if held for no other cause.
We therefore need a new impetus, and that impetus begins with appointing
[...] members of a Somali Constituent Assembly.
我们也欢迎秘书长决定命索马里 沿海海盗相 关法律问题特别顾问。
We also welcome the Secretary-General’s decision to appoint a special adviser on legal issues related
[...] to piracy off the coast of Somalia.
对于在购买、销售或分销“公司”的产品而引起的任何和所 索 赔、 诉讼、裁决命令、 罚金和罚款,“分销商”同意对“公司”予以补偿,并使“公司”不受上述法律程序 [...]
Distributor agrees to indemnify Company and hold it
harmless from and
[...] against any and all claims, suits, proceedings, judgments, orders, fines or penalties [...]
arising in connection
with the purchase and sale or distribution of Company's products in , except for such claims arising out of Company's sole negligent or intentional wrongful acts or omissions.
命令将搜索当前 列表,并将全部匹配项放入全局搜索结果列表。
This command will search the current list, [...]
and place all the matching items in the Global Search Results List.
1848年,欧洲各地同时爆发命,导火 索 就 是当年的普遍歉收,最突出的代表是爱尔兰大饥荒。
Simultaneous revolutions swept Europe in 1848, [...]
in the aftermath of crop failures whose most notorious manifestation was the Irish famine.
1460 年,腓特烈三世·达·蒙特费尔特罗 (Federico III da Montefeltro) 还授予托马索帝国顾问的头衔,允许其在盾形纹章上添加白肩雕;后来他还先后被 命 为 索 瓦 纳 的主教和皮恩扎的主教。
In 1460 Tommaso was also awarded the title of imperial counselor by Federico III da Montefeltro, with the honor of adding the imperial eagle to his coat of arms; subsequently he was made bishop of Sovana and later bishop of Pienza.
11 月 22 日至 23 日,人权理事会命的索马里 人权状况独立专家在前往非洲 之 角的访问 时出席 了一次在人权高专办支助下由 联合国索马里政治事务处 (联索政 治处 )人权股 组织 举行的关于正义与和解问题的筹备会,出席 [...]
会议的各方包括高级 别委员会成员、民间社会代表、来自
联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)、联合国妇女 发 展基金(妇 发基金)、联合国难民事务高级专员办事 处(难民署)和秘书处的政治事 务部的代表。
On 22-23 November, the independent
[...] expert appointed by the Human Rights Council on the situation of human rights in Somalia, while on mission [...]
to the Horn of
Africa, attended a preparatory meeting on justice and reconciliation organized by the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) Human Rights Unit (HRU) with OHCHR support, with the participation of the members of the High Level Committee, civil society delegates, and representatives from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Department of Political Affairs of the Secretariat, among others.
大赦国际在其 2008 年 10 月题为《命的不安全索马里 对援助工作者 和人权维护者的袭击》的报告中报告说,截止 2008 年底以前至少有 325 万索马里 人(即人口的 43%)将一直需要粮食,由于在索马里南部和中部对人道主义和援助工 [...]
者 的袭击升 级 以及随 后这些地方人道主义方案 的 终 了,这些人面临营养 不 良 和 疾病的风险更大。
In its report “Fatal insecurity, attacks on aid workers and right defenders in Somalia” of October [...]
2008, Amnesty International
has reported that at least 3.25 million Somalis, 43 per cent of the population, would require food until the end of 2008 and they were at a greater risk of malnutrition and disease due to the escalation of attacks on humanitarian and aid workers in Southern and Central Somalia, and the subsequent suspension of humanitarian programmes there.
你是否注意到,你可以结合在同一时间,同一 命 令 搜 索 G m a il和谷歌文件,分割成部分从Gmail直接列出您的“Google文件甚至预览文档,电子表格和演示文稿中的电子邮件,当您收到一个链接到Google [...]
Docs ?
Do you notice that you can
[...] combine search Gmail and Google Docs at the same time with one command, split one section [...]
from Gmail to list
your Google documents or even preview documents, spreadsheets and presentations directly in the email when you receive a link to Google Docs?
这一举措是被“福布斯杂志”作为世界最佳可持 续性理念之一命名,旨在索证券交易如何与投资者、管理者和企业合作,以 提高企业的透明度和在环境、社会和企业治理问题上的业绩。
The Initiative, named by Forbes magazine as one of the World’s Best Sustainability Ideas, aims at exploring how stock exchanges [...]
can work together
with investors, regulators, and companies to enhance corporate transparency and performance on environmental, social and corporate governance issues.




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