

单词 索具装置

See also:

索具 n

tackle n

装置 n

unit n
system n
equipment n
rig n

External sources (not reviewed)

通常情况下,更大的巡航船上,尺寸和内饰配件会增加重量和负荷;要求风帆尽可能大 索具 / 液 压 装置 需 要处理更大的拉力。
On larger cruising boats volume and interior fittings increase weight and
loads; consequently power
[...] from the sails needs to be maximized, with rigging and control systems needing to [...]
handle bigger strains.
除了自动热机和自诊断型安全措施外,LPX 系装置具有能存储和索最多250 种曝光技术的存储器,并能保留停电之前存在的最后一套曝光参数。
In addition to automatic warm-up and self-diagnostic
[...] circuitry, the LPX series units, have memory to store and [...]
recall up to 250 exposure techniques
and will retain the last set of exposure parameters present before powering down.
填写简单的表格,将与您正索的医 疗 装置 相 关 的详细信息告知我们。
Fill in a simple form, giving us details about the medical device you are searching for.
此处这种类型的八个转向滑轮安装在高山 置 , 其 它八个 装 在 高 空 索 道 的 山谷 置。
Eight deflection sheaves of the type shown here
[...] are installed at the mountain station and another eight at the valley station of an aerial cableway.
它的特点:易于装;提供跨平台剪切和缩略图片的 具 ; 支持PNG,JPG和GIF格式;支持使用.zip上传来批量导入图片;按 置 自 动调整图片大小;支持通过标题,描述,摄影者, 置 和 关 键字 索 图 片 ;支持为图片加文本水印。
Zip upload to batch import images ; by setting automatically adjusts the picture size ; support title, description , photographer , location, and keyword search for images ; support for picture and text watermark .
满意地认识到,在不扩散核武器条约缔约 国 2000 年审议大会的《最后文件》中,审议大
[...] 会承诺坚定不移地努力实现《条约》普遍性的目 标,呼吁尚未加入《条约》的国家加入《条约》, 从而接具有法 律约束力的国际承诺,不获取核 武器或核爆装置,接 受原子能机构对其所有核 活动的保障监督,并强调《条约》必须得到普遍 遵守,以及所有缔约国均须严格履行《条约》规 [...]
Recognizing with satisfaction that, in the Final Document of the 2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Conference undertook to make determined efforts towards the achievement of the goal of universality of the Treaty, called upon those remaining States not
parties to the Treaty to accede to it, thereby accepting an international legally binding commitment not
[...] to acquire nuclear weapons or nuclear explosive devices and to accept Agency safeguards on all their nuclear [...]
activities, and underlined the necessity of universal adherence to the Treaty and of strict compliance by all parties with their obligations under the Treaty”.
我们接受改组的关键条件一贯是,欧洲联盟作出 明确具有约束力的承诺,而这项承诺须得到安全理 事会确认,即充分遵守第 1244(1999)号决议,完全保 持中立,并将其在索沃的存在置于 联 合国的掌控之 下。
What has always been a crucial condition for our acceptance of reconfiguration was a clear and
binding commitment by the European
[...] Union, confirmed by the Security Council, to be fully status-neutral and to completely anchor its presence in Kosovo under the authority of the United Nations, with full respect for resolution 1244 (1999).
不受限制的扫描量,以及通过置具 有 多 个扫描 索 引 编排工作站的环境,还可更有效率地处理大量文档。
There are no volume limitations and
[...] by setting up an environment with multiple scanning and indexing workstations, [...]
large amounts of documents can efficiently be processed.
该司还将继续监测各维和行动特别账户的现金 流动情况,授权向政府支付款项以结清经核证的特遣队所 装 备 索 偿 要求,确定 每月平均兵力和应偿还数额,随后向政府支付部队及建制警察部队费用偿还款, 并提供关于资金管理和资金监测具 的 培 训。
The Division will also continue to monitor the cash-flow status of the individual special accounts for peacekeeping operations, authorize payments to Governments for
settlement of certified
[...] contingent-owned equipment claims, determine average monthly troop strengths to establish amounts reimbursable and initiate subsequent payments for troop and formed police unit cost reimbursement to Governments, and provide training on funds management and the funds monitoring tool.
它的每个部件装置于坚固的镀黑不锈钢外壳中,并 置索 杆 和 两个大号通道识别带,提供完美的系统管理。
The unit, robustly housed in a black coated steel shell, is finished off with a built in cable bar and two large channel identification strips for perfect management of the system.
我如何索具有此类配置 的设备?
How do I search for devices that have this type of configuration?
35.49 经费减少 7 877 100 美元的原因是:(a) 恶意行为保险费估计减少而使其他工作人员费用减少 (5 248 700 美元);(b) 由于采取预期的措施,尽可能依靠视频会议和其他电子通信手段替代 旅行需求,旅行费用减少(571 500 美元);(c) 由于停止提供 2010-2011 两年期的房地改建一 次性经费,一般业务费用减少(1 202 600 美元);(d) 由于停止提供 2010-2011 两年期置家 具、装置、办 公自动化设备的一次性经费,家具和设备费用减少(854 300 美元)。
35.49 The decrease of $7,877,100 comprises: (a) a decrease under other staff costs, relating to the estimated reduction of the premium for the malicious acts insurance policy ($5,248,700); (b) a decrease under travel due to expected measures to rely on videoconferencing and other electronic means of communications as an alternative to travel requirements ($571,500), to the extent possible; (c) a decrease in general operating expenses ($1,202,600) resulting from discontinuation of one-time provisions for alteration of premises for the biennium 2010-2011; and (d) a decrease under furniture and equipment ($854,300) resulting from discontinuation of one-time provisions for acquisition of furniture, fixtures and office automation equipment for the biennium 2010-2011.
加拿大遵守以下义务:不将源材料或特殊裂变材料,或特别为处理、使用或 生产特殊裂变材料而设计或配备的设备或材料,提供给任何无核武器国家以用于 和平目的,除非这种源材料或特殊裂变材料受原子能机构各项保障监督措施的约 束;并遵守 1995
年条约审议和延期大会第 2 号决定第 12 段的规定(印度除外), 加拿大将只批准同符合以下条件的无核武器国家进行涉及可能会扩散的物品的
[...] 核合作:已作出不获取核武器或其他核爆 装置 的 具 有 国 际法律约束力的承诺, 已接受原子能机构对其所有核活动的保障监督措施。
Consistent with its obligation not to provide source or special fissionable material, or equipment or material especially designed or prepared for the processing, use or production of special fissionable material to any non-nuclearweapon State for peaceful purposes unless the source or special fissionable material is subject to IAEA safeguards, and with decision 2, paragraph 12, of the 1995 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review and Extension Conference, with the exception of India, Canada will only authorize nuclear cooperation involving proliferationsignificant items with those non-nuclear-weapon States that have made an internationally legally binding commitment
not to acquire nuclear weapons or other
[...] nuclear explosive devices and that have accepted [...]
IAEA safeguards on the full scope of their nuclear activities.
联黎部队和黎巴嫩武装部队还继续开展联合能力演习及陆地和海上训 练活动,包括联合炮击演习,其他活动则侧重于双方部队处理简易爆 装置 、实 行海上索和救 援、通信与信息系统以及安全意识程序的能力。
UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces also continued to carry out joint capability exercises and training activities on land and at sea, including a joint artillery exercise, while other activities focused on the
capabilities of the two Forces to
[...] deal with improvised explosive devices, practising search and rescue operations [...]
at sea, communication
and information systems, and security awareness procedures.
Classic包装机可配备多个退装置,具 体 数 量应视要包装纸卷的宽度范围而定。
The Classic is equipped with a series of unwind stations, the number of which depend on the width-spectrum of the rolls to be wrapped.
场馆装了高架行走索具系统 ,并设有伸缩式座椅,适合举办多种类型的活动。
The arena was designed to be capable of
holding a variety of events
[...] through the installation of an overhead traveling rigging system and [...]
a retractable seating system.
里约集团敦促谈判会议全体成员表现出必要的 政治意愿,确保毫不拖延地开始实质性的工作,通过 并执行一个推动核裁军议程的平衡和全面的工作方 案,包括谈判一项核武器公约,一项有关向无核武器 国作出消极安全保证的普遍、无条件 具 有 法 律约束 力的文书,防止外层空间的军备竞赛,以及一项禁止 生产用于核武器或其他核爆装置的 裂 变材料的多 边和非歧视性的条约。
The Rio Group urges all members of the Conference to demonstrate the political will necessary to ensure the start, without delay, of its substantive work through the adoption and implementation of a balanced and comprehensive programme of work that moves the nuclear disarmament agenda forward, including negotiations on a nuclear weapons convention, a universal, unconditional and legally binding instrument on negative security assurances for non-nuclear-weapon
States, the prevention of an arms race
[...] in outer space and a multilateral and non-discriminatory treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
我们为您提供关于装有嵌入式具的 厨房的重要搜索结果,此外,您在 索装 有 嵌 入式 具 的 厨房的同时,还可以这里搜索其它的产品和服务。
We not only offer you relevant search
[...] results for Fitted kitchen. You can also search here with Fitted kitchen for further products and services.
由于在霍加利的军事行动,纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫共和国自卫部队得以解救了 13 名亚美尼亚人质,包括 1 名儿童和 6 名妇女,并没收了 2 具“格拉德”MM-21 型群射火装置、4 具“阿拉赞”火箭、1 门 100 毫米榴弹炮和 3 具装甲装备。
As a result of the military operation in Khojaly, NKR self-defence forces were able to rescue 13 Armenian hostages, including one child and six women, and confiscated two Grad MM-21 volley fire rocket installations, four Alazan units, one 100 millimetre howitzer and three units of armoured equipment.
装置具有复 杂精密的机械操作系统,通过用 于传输信息和图片的无线操控工具与操作人员相连接。
The device had a complicated and sophisticated mechanical operating system and was linked to its operators [...]
by wireless apparatus
that governs and operates it and transmits information and pictures.
[...] 盟呼吁安全理事会向非洲联盟驻索马里特派团提供更大的支持,并承担起对索 马里及其人民的全部责任,包括实行海上封锁和禁飞区,阻止外国 装 分 子索马里 并向反对过渡政府的武装团伙提供弹药和设备,部署联合国维持和平 行动以接替非洲联盟驻索马里特派团,以及支持索马里的长期稳定和重建。
The Ministers supported AU’s call to the Security Council to provide greater support to AMISOM and fully assume its responsibilities towards Somalia and its people, including the imposition of a naval blockade and
no-fly zone to prevent
[...] the entry into Somalia of foreign fighters and the delivery of ammunitions and equipment to the armed groups opposed [...]
to the TFG and the deployment
of a UN Peacekeeping operation to take over from AMISOM and to support the long-term stabilization and reconstruction of Somalia.
减少 414 600 美元,原因是:(a) 更多使用
电子通信手段替代出差(132 800 美元);(b) 总部培训活动改在内罗毕培训中心进行(149 500 美元);(c) 2010-2011
[...] 两年期内罗毕区域培训中心房屋改建、通信、 具装置 及 购 置办公室自 动化设备(132 300 [...]
The decrease of $414,600 results from: increased use of electronic means of communications as an alternative to travel ($132,800); conducting training activities from the training hub in Nairobi, instead of at Headquarters ($149,500); and discontinuation of one-time provisions
for alterations to premises,
[...] communications, furniture and fixtures and acquisition [...]
of office automation equipment for the
Nairobi regional training hub ($132,300) provided for in the context of the biennium 2010-2011.
虽然厄立特里亚当局可能继续索马 里 武 装 反 对 派团体提供 财政和其他形式的援助,他们的活动未被查出,但监察组认为任何此种援助无足 [...]
轻重,而且厄立特里亚目前在索马里是很不起眼的角色,对事态发展进程的影响 极小,无论是正面还是负面影响。
Although it is possible that the Eritrean authorities have
continued to provide financial and other
[...] forms of assistance to armed opposition groups [...]
without their activities being detected,
it is the Monitoring Group’s assessment that any such assistance is negligible, and that Eritrea is currently a marginal actor in Somalia, with little, if any, influence, either positive or negative, on the course of events.
如有理由相信延迟进行搜查或索可 对 具 重 大 价值之法益构 成严重危险,则须立即将所实施之措施告知预审法官,并由预审法官审查该措 施,否则该措施无效。
Searches in the event of imminent danger must be immediately communicated to the judge for confirmation, otherwise they are deemed null and void.
分配给 2008-2009 两年期的款额为 3 823 100
美元,其中 3 505 700 美元专门用于制定数码媒体资产管理系统筛选标准和验证概念图书馆, 317 400
[...] 美元用于重新配置新的国际广播中心的无线电播音室和负责对视 听记录进行盘点、评价、筛选、分类、保留、 置 和 编 制 索 引 的 视听档 案保管员。
An amount of $3,823,100 was allocated for the biennium 2008–2009, of which $3,505,700 was earmarked to create the selection criteria and a proof-of-concept library for the digital media asset management system and $317,400 was budgeted for the reconfiguration of a radio studio for the new International Broadcast Centre and for the audio-visual archivists
to work on the inventory, appraisal, selection, classification,
[...] retention, disposal and indexing of audio-visual records.
(b) 該人安排或准許於探礦或採礦作業中使 用發動機、梯子、絞盤、制動器、索 、提升裝置、機動裝置或機械,而在他 違反有關條文前,他未有以書面聯絡礦 務人員以確定須如何為施行第 8 或 9(2) 條而至令礦務人員滿意的程度,亦未獲 礦務人員確定須如何為施行有關條文而 至該程度。
(b) the person has caused or
[...] permitted the engine, ladder, windlass, brake, rope, winding gear, mechanical appliance or machinery to be used in the prospecting or mining [...]
operation without writing
to the mines officer to ascertain, and ascertaining from the mines officer, before the contravention, as to how the mines officer is to be satisfied for the purposes of regulation 8 or 9(2).




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