

单词 索价

External sources (not reviewed)

索马里价认为 开发署的方案“明确针对社会中最脆弱的群体,”其中包括妇女、青年和 [...]
In Somalia, the UNDP programme was found [...]
to be “well targeted in its focus on the most vulnerable in society,” including
women, youth and minorities [7].
在教科文组织以前的研究的基础上,可以突破传统的“因果”研究,开 展新的研究,并努力索向青年灌 价 值 观 的方法。
Based on previous UNESCO studies, follow-up research could be launched going
beyond the traditional “cause-effect” approach and seeking to analyse
[...] processes inculcating values into the minds of youth.
销售人员通常扮演“好警察”的角色,就像是买家的朋友一般,试图给对方最好的交易;而一些销售人员扮演“坏警察”的角色 索 要 更 高 价 格。
One salesman typically plays the role of “good cop”, acting like he’s the
buyer’s friend and trying to get him the best deal, while the other plays
[...] the role of “bad cop”, demanding a higher price.
如有理由相信延迟进行搜查或索可 对 具重 价 值 之 法益构 成严重危险,则须立即将所实施之措施告知预审法官,并由预审法官审查该措 施,否则该措施无效。
Searches in the event of imminent danger must be immediately communicated to the judge for confirmation, otherwise they are deemed null and void.
通过组织旅游展览:加勒比人民:回顾过去—展望未 来(牵头国家:特立尼达和多巴哥),促进不同文化 间的相互了解,包括完成一本附带的手册和指南,以 及准备旅游工具包和附带的光盘与录相;通过制订和 实施关于库索岛学前儿价值观 与态度的计划,促 进和平文化(牵头国家:牙买加);支持了消除语言 障碍的活动(牵头国家:海地)。
Promotion of intercultural understanding through the organization of a travelling exhibition: Caribbean People: Tapestry of the Past – Fabric for the Future (Lead Country: Trinidad and Tobago), including the completion of accompanying handbook and guide, as well as preparation of travelling kits and accompanying CD and video; The promotion of a Culture of Peace (Lead Country: Jamaica), through, for example, the development and implementation of programme on values and attitudes for pre-school children in Curacao; Support to initiatives for the removal of language barriers (Lead Country: Haiti).
如今,抽象表现主义,波普艺术的名 家作品有时还比毕索的作品价位更 高。
Nowadays, Abstract Expressionists and Pop art’s major
[...] artists sometimes perform better than Picasso.
而且,特别代表正在索公司处理 价 值 链中供应商以外的其他方面 的备选办法,诸如金融机构对其客户的作用。
Moreover, the Special Representative is continuing to explore the options for companies in relation to other aspects of their value chains beyond suppliers, such as the role of financial institutions vis-à-vis their clients.
这些教训是,中国消费者可能愿意为质量较好的著 名品牌玩具支付更多的钱,但是他们可能不愿意支付太高的溢价,就像芭比娃娃专卖店等通 索 要 的 高 价 格。
The lesson in this is that Chinese consumers may be ready to pay more money for better quality, famous-brand toys, but perhaps they’re not quite ready to pay a huge premium like the ones typically charged in branded stores like House of Barbie.
法院下令被告付款,除支索要的销 售 价 款 外 ,还须按照《销售公约》第 74 条 支付追偿费用 790.00 [...]
The court ordered the defendant to pay, in
[...] addition to the sale price claimed, the costs of [...]
recovery for 790.00 Swiss francs pursuant to article 74 CISG.
随着行 动正式结束,联刚特派团——在很多关键地方已经有 存在——将与刚果(金)武装力量一道发挥关键作用,
[...] 帮助填补任何安全真空,防止卢民主力量的战斗人员 回到他们原先占领的地方,向平索 要 昂贵 代 价。
As the operation officially draws to an end, MONUC — already present in numerous key locations — will have a vital role with the FARDC in helping to fill any security vacuum and in
preventing FDLR militants from returning to areas they previously occupied and
[...] exacting a terrible price from civilians.
然后,用户可以立即提交所选零件要 索 取 样 品或 价。
The user can then immediately submit their selected
[...] requirements for sampling or quotation purposes.
会上达成广泛共识,认为应当着眼于制定简单易行、便于使用的通用规 则,这些规则应反映所索赔的低价 值 以 及对快速程序的需要,而且要重视调 [...]
It was widely agreed that the aim should be to formulate
simple, user-friendly generic rules that
[...] reflected the low-value of claims involved, the [...]
need for a speedy procedure, and that
emphasized conciliation since the majority of cases were resolved at that stage.
网络品牌 广告增长的起点较低——根据德勤估计,网 络品牌展示从33亿美元增长到40亿美元,而 搜索却是从102亿美元增长到110亿美元, 由此来看,索增长的绝价值高 于网络品 牌展示。
That was off a low base – by our estimates online display grew from $3.3 billion to $4 billion, while search grew from $10.2 billion to $11 billion, so absolute search dollars grew more than online.
渠成毕业于奥克兰大学市场营销与IT专业,获得商业及信息管理学学士学位,其专业领域包括 索 引 擎 优化、 价 广 告策略与管理、博客与社会化网络营销、PR与网络危机公关、RSS优化及线下营销策略,在电子商务网站的管理与运营上亦有着丰富的经验。
Allen specializes in SEO, CPC strategy and management, blog and socialized internet marketing, internet crisis PR, RSS
optimization and off-line marketing
[...] strategy; he also has abundant experience in ecommerce [...]
website management and operation.
尽管如此,已经完成的 工作导致查明了一些很价值的线索 , 正进一步予以调查。
Nonetheless, the work that was done has identified promising leads which are being investigated further.
(a) 加强消耗臭氧层物质进出口制度的执行工作,2013 年开始推行进出口配额制 度,索调整关税价格等 其他政策手段,以阻止进口氟氯烃,并且/或者促 进替代物质,加强合作以打击氟氯烃非法贸易,并且培训海关官员,从而控 [...]
(a) Control and reduce HCFC supply by strengthening the implementation of the ODS import and export system, introducing
import/export quota
[...] starting 2013, exploring other policy instruments such as duty and price adjustment to [...]
discourage the import
of HCFCs and/or promote the alternatives, strengthening regional cooperation to combat illegal trade in HCFCs, and training of customs officers
每位合格索赔人从现金和解金中所得赔付金额将取决于支付所有索赔的可用资金,所有申请的有 索 赔 的美 元 价 值 总 额,上文描述的不得超过“现金和解金”25% 的扣除金,以及经法院批准的和解管理及通知的花费、支付给各集体原告和律师费用及花费。
The amount of money each eligible claimant will receive from the Cash Settlement Fund depends on the
money available to pay all claims,
[...] the total dollar value of all valid claims filed, the [...]
deduction described above not to exceed
25% of the Cash Settlement Fund, the cost of class administration and notice, money awards to Class Plaintiffs, and attorneys’ fees and expenses approved by the Court.
这也是一次向乌干达和布隆迪致以特别敬意的 机会,这两个国家以巨大的人员和物质牺牲为 价, 致力于恢索马里 和平与稳定,这是值得肯定的。
This is also an opportunity to pay particular tribute to Uganda and
Burundi, whose commitment to restoring
[...] peace and stability in Somalia, at the cost of enormous [...]
human and material sacrifice, deserves recognition.
虽然原材料本身不能显示它们不可用的原 因,但
[...] Videojet 连续喷墨打印机能够提供一些非常具体、非常价值的线索,揭 示喷码机不可用的原因。
Although the raw materials themselves can’t tell you why they’re not available,
Videojet continuous ink jet printers can give some highly
[...] specific and valuable clues as to why the printer [...]
was not available.
意大利驻保加利亚大使馆以 及具有重要历价值的圣索非亚 大教堂前侧 广场的照明项目都是由他设计的。
He created the lighting designs for
the Italian Embassy in Bulgaria and the square in front of
[...] the church of St. Sofia, a place of huge historic [...]
它会仍见有电视 4 K
[...] 在定期的进行,我们的家园主要是因为如果我们看看价格我们将带我们多个吓 (几个小时前我们看到几个型号的电视 索尼 4 K 和 55 的价格",这是最便宜的将已经 $5,000)但不是停止广告更多和更多的产品,这种类型。
It will take still see televisions 4 K in our homes on a regular basis, mostly because if we take a look at the prices we will take us more
than one scare (a few
[...] hours ago we saw prices a couple of models of televisions Sony 4 K and the [...]
55 ", which is the least
expensive, will be already the $5,000), but do not stop advertising more and more products of this type.
肯尼亚、索马里和埃塞俄比亚是遭受深度干旱、食 价 格 上 涨以 索 马 里持久冲突影响最严重的三个国家。
Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia are the three countries most affected by a deepening drought, rising food prices and the persistent [...]
conflict in Somalia.
渠成毕业于奥克兰大学市场营销与IT专业,获得商业及信息管理学学士学位,其专业领域包括 索 引 擎 优化、 价 广 告策略与管理、博客与社会化网络营销、PR与网络危机公关、RSS优化及线下营销策略,在电子商务网站的管理与运营上亦有着丰富的经验。
[...] internet crisis PR, RSS optimization and o_-line marketing strategy; he also has abundant experience [...]
in ecommerce website management and operation.
尽管在这一阶段无法提供评价清单,因为维和部和外勤部高级管理小组要 根据实地当前和新出现的问题制定评价工作计划,但目前进行中的 2011/12 年度 的以下评价可作为拟议工作的例子:继续第 2 和第 3 阶段的维和指挥与控制价;科索沃特 派团警务研究;联海稳定团和联利特派团的行为和纪律评价;西撒 特派团活动的成效和效率评价。
Although a list of evaluations could not be provided at this stage, as the senior management team of DPKO and DFS develop the evaluation workplan on the basis of current and emerging issues on the ground, the following evaluations currently in progress for 2011/12 provide for examples of the work proposed: the continuation of phases 2 and 3 of the evaluation of peacekeeping command and control, the police study in UNMIK, conduct and discipline evaluations in MINUSTAH and UNMIL, and the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the activities in MINURSO.
科索沃SOS 儿童村主任
[...] Nezahat Salihu-Ramadani 评论指出,价上涨使科索沃城市贫民的“购买力下降 到无法忍受的程度”。
The director of SOS Children’s Villages Kosovo,
Nezahat Salihu-Ramadani, commented that
[...] the increase in food prices led to “an unbearable [...]
decrease in purchasing power” for the urban poor in Kosovo.
阿尔 及利亚 注意到 ,布基 纳 法索提出的高质 量 的国家 报告是 阿 尔 及利亚 得 以价 布 基索自 独立以来尽 管面对种种挑战仍在人权的各个 方 面 所取得 的 重大进展。
Algeria noted that the good quality of the national report of Burkina Faso enabled Algeria to assess the significant progress made in various aspects of human rights since its independence despite numerous challenges.
在这方面,委员会 拟向联合国秘书处提议联合开展评估任务, 价 迄 今 为止 索 特 派 团取得的实地 进展,确定非索特派团过渡到联合国维和行动需要达到的其他基准以及联合国应 提供的相应资源。
In that respect, the Commission intends to propose to the United Nations Secretariat to undertake a joint assessment mission to evaluate the progress made so far by AMISOM on the ground and identify whatever additional benchmarks need to be met and the corresponding resources to be provided by the United Nations, for the transformation of AMISOM into a United Nations operation.
这包括但不限于,也不必涉及所有以下内容:客户简述的物业搜索、何时选择安排和简表、与客户一同或代表客户参观首选物业、代表客户与代理、业主协定或确认 价 、 协 商、从 索 到 完 成的建议、法律服务安排。
This includes but is not limited to, nor necessarily involves all of the following: search for properties within the Client brief, scheduling and short listing of a suitable selection, viewing of preferred properties with or on behalf of the Client, making agreed and confirmed offers on behalf of
Client to either agents or landlords,
[...] negotiation, advice from search through to completion, arrangement [...]
of legal services.
rcx"指挥使我们改变了内容价值与 CX登 索 取 我 们的档案大小为"H", 在这种情况000a,自从减去因地址由最初的最后解决.
The "rcx" command allows us to change the content of the CX register to the value we obtained from the size of the file with "h", in this case 000a, since the result of the subtraction of the final address from the initial address.




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