单词 | 系统整合 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 系统整合 noun —system integrator nExamples:电脑与电话系统整合—computer telephony integration • CTI See also:统合 v—unify v 整合 n—integration n • consolidation n 整合—integrate • conform
它是一个即插即用的解决方案,这意味着它能与您现有 的 系统整合 , 无须费时的安装。 jabra.cn | It’s a plug-and-play solution, meaning it integrates with your existing systems without time-consuming installations. jabra.com |
与前代产品一样,BIND [...] 10将是开源产品,而且还将是模块化,易升级的产品,可提供配置管理以及与其 他 系统整合 的 简 便方法。 tipschina.gov.cn | Like its predecessors, BIND 10 will be open source but it will also [...] be modular, highly scalable and provide simple methods for configuration [...] management and integration with other systems. tipschina.gov.cn |
与外部系统整合,以 简化产品和库存的数据上传。 hybris.com | Integrate with external systems to simplify product [...] and stock data uploads. hybris.com |
在涉及不同政府机构内部信息 系统整合 的 公 共治理改革大背景下, 后一种考虑可能尤为重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | This latter consideration may be especially important in the broader [...] context of public governance reforms involving integration of [...] internal information systems of different government [...]agencies. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们供应视觉检测的硬件和软件,以 及 系统整合。 gpsolar.de | We deliver vision inspection hardware as well [...] as software and system integration. gpsolar.de |
子系统整合是要 探讨的另一个问题,以便从 事开发方案者拥有一个问题样板,以据此设计系统。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subsystem integration is another topic [...] that will be addressed so that anyone undertaking a development programme will have [...]a template of questions on which to base the system design. daccess-ods.un.org |
咨询委员会获悉,需要有专题专家与项目团队核心人员 和 系统整合 人员短期合作,以协助系统设计、数据转换、接口开发、报告编写和企 [...] 业资源规划测试。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee was informed that subject matter experts are required to work on a [...] temporary basis with the core project [...] team and the systems integrators to assist [...]in system design, data conversion, interface [...]development, report generation and testing of ERP. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们在实现检测解决方案与世界各地既有的生产线集成方面经验丰富 , 系统整合 安 装 高效快速。 gpsolar.de | Our experience in implementing inspection solutions into existing production lines [...] world-wide makes system integration very [...]efficient and fast gpsolar.de |
因此,项目的总估 计数额不是根据软件和所有系统整合 服 务 的确切合同费用确定的,而是 实施和部署企业资源规划系统的估计费用,它考虑到了目前市场价格、 [...] 其他联合国组织的企业资源规划项目费用以及业界咨询意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | The overall estimate for the project has therefore not been established on [...] the basis of firm contract costs for [...] software and all system integration services, [...]but represents an estimate of the cost [...]of the implementation and deployment of the ERP system, taking into account current market pricing, the ERP project costs of other United Nations organizations and advice sought from industry sources. daccess-ods.un.org |
Petrobras [...] 石油公司选择了艾默生过程管理,后者将为其 Comperj 项目提供过程自动化和系统整合方面 的工程服务与技术。 emerson.com | Petrobras has turned to Emerson [...] Process Management to deliver engineering services and technologies for process [...] automation and systems integration at Comperj. emerson.com |
包括PCB生产、感应部件生产、塑料技术、建模及工具制造、金属加工、表面工程处理以 及 系统整合 , 这 些技术目前都已在Zollner公司的工厂里应用。 tipschina.gov.cn | PCB-Production, Production of inductive components, plastics technology, molding and [...] tool manufacture, metalworking, surface [...] engineering and system integration; these [...]technologies are available at various Zollner facilities. tipschina.gov.cn |
请向系统管理员确认,正使用的 Garoon 3 是否可通过单点登录与其他的 系统整合。 manual.cybozu.co.jp | Contact your system administrator about whether Garoon 3 can connect to other systems using single sign-on. manual.cybozu.co.jp |
牛群导航仪™是一个可靠、高效的决策支持工具,与挤奶厅中的ALPRO牛群管 理 系统整合 在 一 起。 delaval.cn | Herd Navigator™ is a reliable and efficient decision [...] support tool, integrated with ALPRO herd management system in milking [...]parlours. delaval.ca |
我们的客户包括多间《财富》世界 500 强的公司、政府部门、大学、 系统整合 者、 和在不同市场的商业机构,包括信息技术、零售、医疗、运输、物流、酒店、银 [...] 行、制造商以及更多。 navicat.com.cn | Our customers include many of the [...] Fortune 500 companies, government [...] departments, universities, system integrators, and [...]commercial institutions in a variety of markets [...]including information technology, retail, medial, transportation, logistic, hospitality, banking, manufacturing and more. navicat.com |
借助互联网信息技术可以向所有系统使用者提供标准程序和文件,而使用这些 标准程序和文件就可以进行重复采购,从而加强统一性(提高效率并进一步支 持性能评估,特别是如果采购系统与规划、预算以及合同管理和支 付 系统整合 在一 起的话,后者本身可能包括电子发票和电子支付)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Repeated purchases can be conducted using standard procedures and documents available to all system users through ICT, enhancing uniformity (generating efficiencies and further supporting performance evaluation, [...] particularly where [...] procurement systems are integrated with planning, budgetary and contract administration and payment systems – which [...]themselves may include [...]electronic invoicing and payment). daccess-ods.un.org |
Hydra 将所有关键开发过程及工具和客户交 流 系统整合 到 一 起。 bleum.com | Hydra integrates all key development processes and tools with a client communications system. bleum.com |
位于法国的 Ciné Digital [...] Service 是由 5 家专攻于数字电影投影的系统整合商 所 组成的联合组织,提供全国各大电影院数字投影解决方案。 synology.com | Ciné Digital Service is a France-based organization that’s made [...] up of 5 federated system integrators which [...]specialize in digital cinema projection. synology.com |
虽然 一些公司已设法将生物多样性和生态 系统整合 于社会计划中,但在许多情况下,这些计划仍彼此存在 冲突,或不能实现协同(方框 8)。 teebweb.org | In many cases these programmes are in conflict or fail to realize potential synergies, although a few companies have found ways to combine biodiversity and ecosystems with their social programmes (Box 8). teebweb.org |
2009 年,将该狭缝准直系统整合到新的 SAXSess mc² 系统中,即完整的 SWAXS [...] 分析平台。 anton-paar.com | In 2009, this instrument was incorporated in the new [...] SAXSess mc² system, an integrated platform for [...]SWAXS analysis. anton-paar.com |
申办者可以从大量经过认证的 CRO、系统整合商及 其他服务提供商中进行选择。 mdsol.com | Sponsors have the choice of a broad range of [...] accredited CROs, systems integrators and other [...]service providers. mdsol.com |
强大的通信可行性使 MG3 数码版可轻 松为生产主系统整合监控设备,生产主 系统可方便可靠地收集显示有价值的处 理数据。 miyachiunitek.com | The powerful communication possibilities make MG3 Digital [...] an easy to integrate monitoring device for a production host system that collects [...]and illustrates valuable [...]processing data conveniently and reliably. miyachiunitek.com |
MHG ERP系统整合移动 通信,互联网,实时地图,卫星定位信息,射频识别,二氧化碳和水分监测等尖端技术使之成为综合加强版的服务,使新的授权经营模式,准确的成本监测,及生物质和运输链的实时企业资源规划成为可能。 mhgsystems.com | MHG ERP synthesizes mobile communications, [...] the Internet, real-time maps, satellite-based location information, RFID, CO2, [...]and moisture monitoring into one business-enhancing service, and allows the use of new and empowering operational models, accurate cost monitoring and real-time enterprise resource planning of biomasses and delivery chains. mhgsystems.com |
博世柴油系统是一家全球性行业合作伙伴,在全球范围内拥有58,000 [...] 名柴油发动机领域的专业人才,他们均具备柴油发动机功能、部件 和 系统整合 等 方 面的专长。 life.bosch.com.cn | Bosch Diesel Systems is a worldwide industry [...] partner, with 58,000 Diesel specialists globally, all with a unique knowledge of [...] functions, components and system integration. life.bosch.com.cn |
电讯盈科针对中小企业(拥有30间或以上分支机构的企业)市场量身定制的IP Suite 3.0,将长期研究的系统整合程序与中小企业的业务需求融为一体,在SIP架构基础上提供模块化、多功能的媒体应用系统,并通过IP电话技术将桌面电话转化为一个功能强大的工具,可用于发布重要信息,为客户更添方便。 china-systems.pccw.com | Aimed at the SM(businesses with 30 or more branches) market, PCCW’s [...] tailor-made IP Suite 3.0 – which integrates the [...] long research, systems integration process with [...]SME business requirements – [...]provides a modular and multi-functional media application system based on SIP structure and delivers additional convenience via IP telephony by transforming the deskphone into a powerful tool for disseminating crucial information. china-systems.pccw.com |
全 球的领先 OEM 和系统整合商均 依赖 Interroll 品牌在零售商店和超市改进其输送机的效率。 interroll.com | Leading OEMs and system integrators all over [...] the world rely on the Interroll brand to improve the efficiency of conveyor [...]technology at retailer stores and supermarkets. interroll.com |
与集成 Safire 和 DriTech 烧结和干燥系统整合的先进功能和技术可提供全方位的解决方案,以完美的制程处理所有材料和结构。 cn.despatch.com | The advanced features and technology designed [...] into the integrated Safire and DriTech firing and drying system offer a complete [...]solution capable of [...]achieving process perfection with all materials and architectures. despatch.com |
58 本研究报告使用的一种补充性方法 得到《维也纳条约法公约》第三十一条第三款(丙) 项所含的系统整合原则 的支 持,该原则规定,在解释一项国际条约时,应与具体环境同时考虑……“适用于 [条约 ] 当事国间关系之任何有关国际法规则”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Report of the study group of the International Law Commission entitled “Fragmentation of international law: difficulties arising from the diversification and expansion of international law” (A/CN.4/L.682/Add.1), para. 17 et seq. daccess-ods.un.org |
“云准备服务是一个关于云计算的高度专业的咨询服务和 系统整合活动的组合,”T-Systems的供应经理Axel Stötera说: “我们有两个得到客户好评的突出优势:一是所有方案结论都不 是事先准备好的;二是,提出的建议都与供应商提供的产品无 关。 t-systems.cn | Cloud Readiness Services is a portfolio of [...] highly sophisticated [...] consulting and systems integration activities for cloud computing,” explains Dr. Axel Stötera, T-Systems’ Offering [...]Manager, “with two major [...]advantages that are much appreciated by customers: there are no fore drawn conclusions, and advice is completely vendor-independent. t-systems.com |
在 2008-2009 年期间,联合国志愿人员组织加强了 系统整合 , 并 且促进合作 伙伴将志愿服务纳入其发展计划、方案和政策的主流,包括复制成功和有创意的 [...] 举措。 daccess-ods.un.org | During 2008-2009, [...] UNV promoted the systematic integration and [...]mainstreaming of volunteerism in development plans, programmes, [...]and policies of partners, including replication of successful and innovative initiatives. daccess-ods.un.org |