

单词 糯米糕

See also:


glutinous adj
sticky adj

glutinous rice
sticky rice


cake n
cakes pl

External sources (not reviewed)

美食爱好者在此必能享尽口福,品尝到无数独特佳肴,如lontong balap(糯米糕、豆 芽、豆腐、炸木薯及豇豆糕,淋上大蒜酱及辣虾膏)、rujak cingur(这种沙拉包含牛嘴唇、热带水果、芜青、米糕、豆腐及煮熟的发酵黄豆,搅拌在发酵虾酱和碎花生的黑色酱汁里,并淋上炸葱片和虾片)、semanggi(以绿叶蔬菜、豆芽、木薯来熬成的粥)以及Rawon [...] [...]
Epicureans will relish the city’s numerous delicacies such as lontong balap (a
[...] stew of sticky rice cake, bean sprout, bean curd and fried cassava and cowpea cake dressed with [...]
garlic sauce and spicy
shrimp paste), rujak cingur (a salad with cow lips, tropical fruits, turnips, rice cakes, bean curd, cooked fermented soy beans tossed in a black sauce of fermented shrimp paste and ground peanuts topped with fried shallots and shrimp crackers), semanggi (a porridge of leafy greens, bean sprouts and cassava), and even Rawon setan (Evil Rawon, a black spicy beef broth) which, as its name suggests, is only available in the evening.
(d) 應避免提供黏性過高的食物,糯米 粽 子 及農 曆新糕點, 以及質地過硬的食物,如花生及 核桃。
(d) foods that are too sticky such
[...] as glutinous rice flour dumplings and Chinese New Year cake or foods that are [...]
hard in texture such as
peanuts and walnuts should be avoided.
糯米-有機, 有機黑米, 紅薯淀粉。
Organic glutinous rice, organic black rice, sweet potato starch.
我 們常常不知不覺間吃了不少椰子和其製成品,如椰撻、雞尾包、椰 糕 點 、 椰汁西 米露和用椰漿製作的咖喱、葡汁等。
For example, tart or bun with desiccated coconut filling, desserts such as pudding and sweet soup made of coconut milk, curry or Portuguese sauce made of coconut cream.
In Kenya, maize flour (eaten in the form of ugali) is the staple food of the majority of the people.
正如我曾經在一些公開論壇上說過,中國人有一句話,是“一物 治一物糯米治木虱”,沒有說哪樣是特別好、哪樣是特別差的,而 [...]
由於特首有這種超然的地位,便可以有這種為他特別度身訂造、為這 個職位度身訂造的一套彈劾機制,正好用來處理特首任何這方面的缺
失,而不能或不應只單靠其他故有的機制,例如廉政公署( 下稱 “ICAC”)機制、任何刑事調查機制,甚至所謂不信任議案,或是很多 同事均不斷主張使用的《立法會(權力及特權)條例》(“《權力及特權 條例》”)的調查程序。
It is a mechanism that addresses misconduct in that regard and we should
[...] not and cannot only rely on other [...]
existing mechanisms like the Independent Commission
Against Corruption (ICAC), or any other criminal investigation mechanism, or even the so-called vote of no confidence motion, or what many other Honourable colleagues have advocated using, that is, the investigation procedures under the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance (P&P Ordinance).
在剛過去的端午節,我們找到一些有心的機構 捐出綠豆、粽葉糯米,並 發動義工裹粽。
In the Mid-autumn Festival just past, we asked voluntary workers to make rice dumplings with green beans, bamboo leaves and glutinous rice donated by some caring organizations.
它包含五个主题:酒食议—做酱油和豆酱,家庭酿酒,饭 米 饭 ), 年 糕 , 以及 随 米 饭 一 起上的小菜;缝纫则—做衣服、染色、手工缝纫、刺绣、养蚕、焊接烹饪用锅和壶以及如何生火;桑田术—如何耕田以及如何饲养家畜(马、牛和鸡);孕养—产前培训、儿童抚养方法、急救方法、避免使用的医药以及任何清洁居处的方法;以及符咒术—民间传说中通过符咒祛除恶灵和魔鬼的方式。
It covers five topics: Jusaui—making soy sauce and
soybean paste, domestic alcoholic
[...] beverages, bap (cooked rice), rice cakes, and side dishes served [...]
alongside bap; Bongimchik—making
clothes, dyeing, weaving by hand, embroidery, silkworm breeding, soldering cooking pots and kettles, and how to make fire; Sangarak—how to plow a field and how to raise livestock (horses, cows, and chickens); Cheongnanggyeol—prenatal training, methods of childrearing, methods of first aid, medicines to be avoided, and ways of cleaning dwelling places; and Sulsuryak—folkloric ways of driving away evil spirits and devils through talismans and incantation.
Made in土佐的糕系列包括米飯、鹽、黑糖、煎茶、紅茶和雞蛋共六種選擇,全以雲呢拿 糕 為 基 本味道— 米 飯 雪 糕 在 細味下,可嚐到一顆顆以日本高知縣出產的二期作白米,口感黏韌,米味濃郁;以日本土佐黑潮町的海鹽製成的鹽味雪糕,保留了海鹽的礦物質成份,入口初段甘甜,最後才滲出陣陣鹹味,配 米 飯 雪 糕 同 吃 鹹味更濃;紅茶雪糕亦即是奶茶,吃時就像呷著一杯冰凍奶茶;煎茶雪糕用上來自池川的綠茶調製,茶味甘濃;雞蛋雪糕每口都是強烈的蛋香和奶香融和,卻不會太甜;黑糖雪糕則從邊緣已可看見密佈的小顆黑糖結晶。
Kochi-Ice’s ‘Made in土佐’ ice cream flavours stretch from rice, salt, brown sugar, Sencha, English tea to egg, with vanilla as a ‘base’. Rice grown locally in Kochi-ken is used in its rice ice cream, adding a touch of sticky texture; sea salt from Kuroshio-cho gives a punch of saltiness to the sweet flavour, with health enhancing minerals – even more so when eaten with rice ice cream; English tea ice cream is like chewing (or sipping, depending [...]
on your habit)
through an iced white tea; Sencha sourced from Ikegawa has a bitter undertone; protein-packed egg flavour is a layering of milk and egg, and not too sweet; brown sugar ice cream is scattered with crystalised sugar pieces.
以蕃薯糯米和椰 奶等多元食材製作的甜點,絕對能讓喜好甜食的賓客回味無窮。
Made from a variety of ingredients such as
[...] sweet potato, glutinous rice and coconut [...]
milk, guests with a sweet tooth will enjoy these creations.
粽子除了糯米外, 还可能用上猪肉、咸蛋黄、冬菇、绿豆或其他较少见的配料,以迎合顾客的不同喜好。
Apart from glutinous rice, the dumplings [...]
may contain pork, salted egg yolk, mushrooms, mung bean or other less common ingredients
to meet customers' preferences.
享用餐廳精選的泰式開胃拼盤後,賓客可細意品嚐泰式香茅牛肋骨湯、泰式紅咖喱烤鴨胸配荔枝蜜餞菠蘿醬、清蒸海鱸魚配泰式酸辣汁、傳統泰式炒米粉配香蕉花沙律等美食,另設有芒 糯米 飯 等泰式甜品作款待。
The traditional Thai set menu which includes the restaurant’s  Signature Thai Appetizer Sampler featuring Tom Sab soup, Gaeng Phed Ped Yang (Grilled Duck Breast Red Curry), Pla Nueng Manao (Steam Seabass served with Chilli Lime
Dressing), Phad Thai Goong Sod, the traditional Banana Blossom Salad and Assorted Thai
[...] Dessert including Mango Sticky Rice.
[...] 洲地道食物的研究結果顯示,市民普遍食用的食物,例 米 飯 、 麫、麫糕點及麫粉漿類食品的丙烯酰胺含量一般都偏低,但餅乾、薯條和脆 [...]
The study on Asian indigenous foods available in Hong Kong showed that the levels of
acrylamide in the commonly consumed
[...] foods such as rice, noodles, bakery and batter-based products [...]
were in general low, while higher
levels were present in snack foods such as biscuits, chips and crisps.
有幾名成員提議豁免包括紀律部隊在內,提供 緊急服務的車輛,以及有實際運作需要的商業車輛,如凍櫃車 和糕車等
A few members suggested exempting emergency vehicles including those of disciplinary forces and commercial vehicles with genuine operational needs, e.g. refrigerator trucks, ice-cream vans, etc.
黑豆油膏除了上述原料外,還添加『台灣慈心TOAF認證有 糯米 』。
Made by organic black beans, EU IMO Schweiz certified organic cane sugar, natural sea salt in Taiwan.
較常食用的食物,包米飯、麪、麪 糕 點 和 麪粉 漿類食品,以煎炸、烘烤及燒烤方式烹調,其丙烯酰胺含量一般少於每 千克 60 微克。
The acrylamide levels in the more commonly
consumed food items in the
[...] food groups rice and rice products, noodles, bakery and batter-based products [...]
which were subject
to frying, baking and grilling were generally less than 60 Pg/kg.
天然有機士多啤梨加入有機大米、 米 及 糯米 製成
Natural organic strawberries
[...] organic rice, corn, and made of glutinous rice
最後還有迷人的香芒椰糯米飯以 及酒店自製的椰子芒果雪葩球,這樣健康又美味的家常泰菜,還能在別的地方找到嗎?
Save room for superb desserts like Fresh
[...] Mango with Sticky Rice, and homemade [...]
Thai Sorbets.
并且,2008道路休息站糯米之乡 ☆名寄”于国道40号沿线建成营业;随之其后2010年名寄市立天文台“KITASUBARU”开馆。
It also opened the Mochigome-no-sato Nayoro Road Station on Route 40 in 2008 and Nayoro Astronomical Observatory (a.k.a. Kitasubaru) in 2010.
其實,香港今天的市區(當然包括九龍在內)還有很多舊樓沒有業主 立案法團,每天沒有人倒垃圾,居民每晚也須把垃圾棄掉到街上的垃圾 桶內,區議會稱這些為糯米雞”
Actually, in the urban areas of Hong Kong nowadays (including Kowloon, of course), many old buildings have yet to set up owners' corporations (OCs).
Capri 最新的高科技塑身面料,有糯輕柔 的手感,給你帶來額外舒適的手感,在視覺上更勝於一般的 米 尤 軟 緞。
CAPRI is the latest techno-fabric yet with a soft and gentle handfeel and it offers a much better shaping than a normal charmeuse.
用擀面杖的一头边舂边搅拌,舂 糯米 饭 粘和在一起,但还保持有部分米粒状即可(图5)。
Pound the rice with one end of a rolling pin (Picture 5), until it sticks together but not all the rice is crushed.
出现糕的选 择性捕鱼时,导致误捕 其他鱼类物种和无脊椎动物,其中可能包括生态重要的和/或有经济价值物种的 幼体。
When poorly selective fishing occurs, it leads to the incidental catch of fish and invertebrates, part of which may consist of juveniles of ecologically important and/or economically valuable species.
没有得到 维护和整修、经费不足的寄宿学校会危害健康 , 因为儿童会因种种原因而受到伤害 : 如寒冷、 潮湿或是煤烟 , 食品不足 , 教师不够精心 , 以 及低质量的教学环境和不良的社会环境所导致 的糕的教育状况。
Under-funded boarding schools that are not maintained and repaired can compromise health as children suffer from cold, dampness or coal smoke fumes; insufficient or inadequate food; poor attendance of teachers; and low quality teaching/a poor social environment that leads to a poor education.
生产冷冻烤鳗、鳗内脏及水饺、汤圆、 米糕 等 系列冷冻调理食品。
Produces freezing roasts series
freezing eel, eel internal organs and boiled dumplings, sweet dumplings served
[...] in soup, black rice cake recuperates food.
米林酒(用于烹饪的甜清酒),采用短 米 、 糯米 和 蒸 馏酒精制作,和酱油、鱼汤以及 miso(味噌)一起,都是日本烹饪中使用的最重要调料之一。
Mirin (sweet rice wine for cooking), made from
[...] short-grain rice, glutinous rice and distilled [...]
alcohol, ranks with soy sauce, dashi
and miso as one of the most important seasonings used in Japanese cooking.
尽管在入学率方面有所进展,但是教育系统仍面临重大挑战:向被排斥在教 育系统之外的人们提供支持;内部效率低下,导致难以把儿童留在学校;教学质 量低下;行政和教学管理糕,导 致人力、物力、财力的分配与各项目标不符, 将这些投入转化为成果的能力较弱;对学校、校长、教师的监督不足,原因是学 校和教师的人数急剧增加,而学校督导员的人数几乎没有增加;专业培训和学习 及扫盲计划的提供方法不明确。
Despite gains in enrolment, the education system continues to face major challenges: support for those who are excluded from the system; poor internal efficiency, which leads to difficulty in keeping children in school; poor quality of instruction; unsatisfactory administrative and instructional management, resulting in an allocation of human, material and financial resources that is inconsistent with goals and relatively weak capacity to transform those inputs into results; inadequate oversight of schools, principals and teachers owing to a dramatic increase in the number of schools and teachers coupled with virtually no increase in the number of school inspectors; and ill-defined approaches to the provision of professional training and learning and literacy programmes.
如今大部分亚洲国家只有在大城市中心地区可以享用时尚的欧洲美食,可在琅勃拉邦的斯沙王坊(Sisavangvong road),当地厨师和烘焙师既会做法式甜点,又会制作老 糯米 饭 和 生肉色拉。
Where most of Asia’s urban centres have only recently begun to embrace and master trendy European culinary treats, chefs and bakers in
local kitchens along
[...] Luang Prabang’s Sisavangvong Road are as comfortable preparing fine French pastries as they are with sticky rice and larb.




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