单词 | 糖醋里脊 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 糖醋里脊—sweet and sour porkSee also:糖醋—sweet and sour 里脊n—filletn 里脊—(tender)loin (of pork, beef etc)
凭借VINNAPAS®威耐实固体树脂, 瓦克已经成为口香糖胶基用聚醋酸乙烯均聚物和共聚物的全球市场领导者。 wacker.com | With its VINNAPAS® solid resins, WACKER [...] is already the world’s market leader for [...] polyvinylacetate-based homopolymers and copolymers usedin producing gumbase. wacker.com |
对于糖尿病患者、有脊椎问题或者精神疾病的员工,他们则提供特别护理服务,以使其长期保持工作能力。 reports.wacker.com | Risk groups like diabetics, employees with back [...] complaints or psychological problems receive in-depth care and are thus [...]kept fit for work in the long term. reports.wacker.com |
仙纳度国家公园有着约300平方英里雄伟的蓝脊山脉,超过500英里的步道小径,其中101英里与从缅因州延伸到乔治亚州的阿巴拉契亚国家观景步道重合。 capitalregionusa.org | Containing approximately [...] 300 square miles of the majestic BlueRidge Mountains, Shenandoah features over 500 miles of trails, [...]including a 101 [...]mile stretch of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail, which runs from Maine to Georgia. capitalregionusa.org |
节日亮点:丰富多元的餐单上找到烤杏仁龙虾、鹅肝猪颈肉配酸辣酱、吞拿鱼伴鱼子酱他他、栗子羊里脊和松露酿火鸡胸等,应有尽有。 ilovelkf.hk | Holiday highlights: The smorgasbord menu features lobster with roast almonds, pork pate with [...] foie gras and date chutney, tuna tartar and [...] langoustine ceviche, lamb loinwith chestnuts [...]and truffle-filled turkey breast. ilovelkf.hk |
5、在盛蛋白的盆里加白醋1/2茶匙或者1/4茶匙塔塔粉,用干净无水的打蛋器(handheld mixer)高速打2-3分钟(图8),然后边打边加入3大匙糖,继续高速打1-3分钟至浓稠(图9),盆倾斜时蛋白能缓慢移动,千万不要打的过硬。 maomaomom.com | 4: Add white vinegarorcream of tartar to the egg whites and beat with a handheld mixer (make sure it is clean and dry) on high speed until foamy (Picture 8). maomaomom.com |
毛里求斯糖业研究所法》:设立糖业研究研究所,以通过研究和调查等 方式促进糖业的技术发展和效益。 daccess-ods.un.org | TheMauritius Sugar Industry Research [...] Institute Act establishing the Institute to promote by means of research and investigation, [...]the technical progress and efficiency of the sugar industry. daccess-ods.un.org |
Tuita 先生除了说明划界案的实质性内容外,还指出划界案是关于克马德克 [...] 海脊东部的部分划界案,不妨碍就 Lau 海脊西部200 海里外可能延伸的任何大陆 架空间提出第二个划界案。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to elaborating on substantive points of the submission, Mr. Tuita pointed out that the submission was a partial submission in respect of the eastern part of Kermadec Ridge and that it was without prejudice to a second submission in respect of any potential [...] continental shelf spaces extended [...] beyond 200 nautical milesin the western part of [...]the Lau Ridge, which would be made at a later stage. daccess-ods.un.org |
有时 会在这类糖锭产品里加入可待因,使 之有镇痛止咳的效果。 fresenius100.de | In some versions, Freseniusadded the opiate codeine, which serves as a painkiller and cough suppressant. fresenius100.de |
最后在餐桌上开瓶享用时,一定要搭配与之相称的美食:着名主厨查理•帕尔默(Charlie Palmer)推荐与“烤牛排、烤牛肝菌菇、焦糖韭菜”搭配;纽约着名餐厅Daniel的侍酒师Rajeev Vaidya推荐搭配“Daniel菜单中的招牌双人份牛排:炖排骨和富含铁的和牛里脊肉”享用。 mechanicsofstyle.com | When you finally do crack that bottle, make sure it has a worthy counterpart on the table: legendary master Chef Charlie Palmer suggested to us “a [...] grilled veal chop with [...] roasted porcini mushroomsand caramelized leeks,”while the sommelier Rajeev Vaidya of New York City’s famed Restaurant Daniel recommends “a classic dish from Daniel’s repertoire, a Duo of Beef: braised short ribs and the iron-rich flavors of the Wagyu tenderloin. mechanicsofstyle.com |
他们还极为关注正式批准会对消费者对那些来自醋酸美伦孕酮处理的动物产品信心的影 响。 codexalimentarius.org | They also had significant concerns regarding the impact [...] of an approval on consumer confidence in the safety of products derived from animals [...] treated with melengestrol acetate. codexalimentarius.org |
风味:苹果糖浆、黑苺糖浆、蓝苺糖浆、樱桃糖浆、椰子糖浆、蔓越莓糖浆、葡萄柚糖浆、青苹果糖浆、石榴汁糖浆、奇异果糖浆、芒果糖浆、柳橙糖浆、百香果糖浆、水蜜桃糖浆、凤梨糖浆、覆盆子糖浆、草莓糖浆、柑橘糖浆、香蕉糖浆、黑醋栗糖浆、蜜瓜糖浆、西瓜糖浆、纯甘蔗糖浆、荔枝糖浆、小黄瓜糖浆、柠檬糖浆、莱姆汁糖浆。 creation.com.tw | Premium syrup-Apple、Premium syrup-Blackberry、Premium syrup-Blueberry、Premium syrup-Cherry、Premium syrup-Coconut、Premium syrup-Cranberry、Premium syrup-Grapefruit、Premium syrup-Green apple、Premium syrup-Grenadine、Premium syrup-Kiwi、Premium syrup-Mango、Premium syrup-Orange、Premium syrup-Passion fruit、Premium syrup-Peach、Premium syrup-Pineapple、Premium syrup-Raspberry、Premium syrup-Strawberry、Premium [...] syrup-Tangerine、Premium syrup-Yellow [...] banana、Premium syrup-Black currant、Premium syrup-Melon、Premium [...]syrup-Watermelon、Premium syrup-Watermelon、Premium [...]syrup-Lychee、Premium syrup-Cucumber、Premium syrup-Lemon、Premium syrup-Sweet & sour。 en.creation.com.tw |
谷氨酸一钠经美国食品及药物管理局於1958年介定为"普遍安全" (GRAS),这是任何食品成分於美国可以取得的最安全级数,同级的包括胡椒、糖、醋及发酵粉。 ajinomoto.com.hk | Monosodium glutamate has been classified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) ingredient since 1958. This is the safest [...] classification a food ingredient can be given in the United [...] States, alongwithpepper, sugar, vinegar and baking powder. ajinomoto.com.hk |
芬兰新派菜令人刮目相看,如上菜前才点火的火焰猪排 (Aquavit-flambéed pork chops) 伴烤茴香和芥菜泥、烤伏特加腌制牛脊里肉配干胡椒和新鲜百里香,都叫人垂涎三尺。 visitfinland.com | New Finnish Cuisine includes delectable dishes such as Aquavit-flambéed pork chops with baked fennel and mashed rutabaga, and vodka-marinated sirloin roast with peppercorns and fresh thyme. visitfinland.com |
2、用打蛋器将蛋黄和3料里的糖高速打2分钟(图2),然后放入3料里的玉米油打1分钟。 maomaomom.com | 2: Add2 tbsp sugar to egg yolksand beat [...] with same electric mixer on high speed for about 2 minutes (Picture 2), add 3 [...]tbsp corn oil and beat for 1 minute. maomaomom.com |
此 外还帮助毛里求斯的榨糖业抵御全球食糖价格的波动,其中如欧盟给予非洲、加 勒比和太平洋地区(非加太)国家的优惠食糖价格降低。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has alsohelped sugar factories inMauritius toweather fluctuations in global sugarprices, including [...] the reduction in [...]the EU’s preferential sugar prices to African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
毛里求斯的国家科研支出仅占国内 总产值的 [...] 0.36%,有鉴于此,毛里求斯设立了工业、科学研究部,在中等教育领 域采用新的科学教学办法,并支持毛里求斯糖业研究所和毛里求斯海洋学研究 所。 daccess-ods.un.org | In view of the fact that national research and development account for a mere 0.36 per cent of GDP, Mauritius has created a Ministry of Industry, Science and Research, introduced a new approach to the teaching of science in [...] secondary education, and [...] provided support to the Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute [...]and the Mauritius Oceanography Institute. daccess-ods.un.org |
可口可乐的C2是类似的产品,相比标准的可乐,只含有“一半的碳水化合物、糖和卡路里”。 labbrand.com | Coca Cola’s C2 is operating in the similar area with “half [...] the carbohydrates,sugars and calories”compared to [...]standard Coke. labbrand.com |
在过去三年里,男女中患糖尿病都很 常见。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the past [...] three years, diabeteswasvery common amongboth men and women. daccess-ods.un.org |
在两餐之间进食含糖食品会对您的牙齿造成损害,因为这样增加了您的牙齿暴露在糖里的时间。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Consuming sugary foods between meals can be harmful for your teeth because it increases the time your [...] teeth are exposedtothe sugar. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
食典委对讨论进行了总结,注意到联合食品添加剂专家委员会对欧洲共同体的关 [...] 注给予了特别重视,要求食品中兽药残留委员会和联合食品添加剂专家委员会根据获得 新的数据,考虑修订醋酸美伦孕酮的相关规定。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission concluded the discussion, noting that JECFA had addressed specifically the concerns of the European [...] Community and requested the CCRVDF and JECFA to consider revision of [...] melengestrol acetate whennew data [...]became available. codexalimentarius.org |
产品由于聚合物链醋酸乙烯含量高, 所以也能够在较低的温度下胶合, 这使VINNOL® H 30/48 M成了奶酪、 酸奶等热敏食品或药品的理想包装材料, 进一步扩大了瓦克的印刷油墨、 油漆和涂料产品系列。 wacker.com | VINNOL® H 30/48 M is therefore perfectly suited for packaging thermosensitive pharmaceuticals and foods, such as cheese or yogurt, thus adding to WACKER’s extensive portfolio for inks, paints and coatings. wacker.com |
使用上等牛里脊肉等材料,烤法讲究,鲜美多汁的牛排堪称一绝。 princehotels.com | We use the finest beef filet, and our juicy [...] steaks are seared to perfection. princehotels.com |
他们说,通过在加尔各答贫民窟挨家挨户地走访,他们已经成功使其所在社区的脊髓灰质炎免疫接种率翻番 —— 现在的脊髓灰质炎免疫接种率已达到80%。 unicef.org | Going from door to door in the slums of Kolkata, they say, they’ve managed to double the immunization rate for polio in their neighbourhood – which now stands at 80 per cent. unicef.org |
最近一期的《Bal [...] Swaraj》揭示了其他一些严重问题,包括一个女孩正陷于患有脊髓灰质炎的困境、咀嚼烟草的危险性、非法雇佣儿童做木工和旅店服务员的问题、以及儿童由于贫困无法上学的问题。 unicef.org | A recent issue of ‘Bal Swaraj’ highlighted other serious [...] issues, as well, including the plight of a girl [...] suffering from polio, the perils [...]of chewing tobacco, the problems of children [...]working illegally as carpenters and in hotels, and the poverty that prevents them from attending classes. unicef.org |
2010 年,新西兰向南极海生委科学委员会及其脆弱海洋生态系统工作组提交 了 11 篇论文,包括:努力制定影响评估方法,拟订术语汇编和概念框架以评估 脆弱海洋生态系统影响,以及编制底栖无脊椎动物类群识别指南,全都为南极海 生委所采纳。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2010, New Zealand submitted 11 papers to the CCAMLR Scientific Committee and its working groups on VMEs, including work on developing an impact assessment methodology, creating a glossary of terms and conceptual framework to assess VME impacts and producing a benthic invertebrate taxa identification guide, all of which were adopted by CCAMLR. daccess-ods.un.org |
备有派对套餐☆附带酒水畅饮4,000日元套餐 共8种(每月更新)酒水畅饮菜单中包含葡萄酒♪◆生火腿・意大利培根拼盘 or [...] 生火腿色拉◆炸虾◆炸鸡块◆自家制手工比萨(5种选择)・玛格丽娜・塔拷斯比萨(手工制蔬菜沙司)・肉酱・明太鱼子・乳酪(纯乳酪)◆延冈产鹿里脊肉排◆蒜香黄油烤虾和杏鲍菇◆本日意大利面(3种选择)・肉酱・明太鱼子・奶油◆手工制生巧克力※根据入货情况有时会更改菜单内容。 yokanavi.com | 8-course dinner with unlimited drinks, 4,000 yen (Items change monthly)Wines are including in the unlimited drink menus◆ Prosciutto and panchetta platter or prosciutto salad◆ Shrimp fritto◆ Deep-fried chicken ◆ House made pizza (Select from five choices)・Margherita ・Tacos pizza (with house made salsa sauce) ・Meat pizza ・Spicy cod roe ・ [...] Cheese (plain)◆ [...] Nobeoka-raised venisonfillet steak◆ Shrimp [...]and king oyster mushrooms with garlic butter◆ Today's pasta (Select from three choices) ・Meat pasta ・Spicy cod [...]roe pasta ・Cream ◆ House made ganache* Menu items may vary depending on the market availability. yokanavi.com |