

单词 糊弄

See also:


paste n
cream n

making a living

play with
mess with
fool with
toy with

External sources (not reviewed)

所以,很多市民,無論是法律界、人權分子或基層市民,他們很多對於 當局的政策...... 由於問責制一糊塗,弄至民怨沸騰。
Many people, the legal profession, human rights activists and the grassroots thought that the policies of the authorities are…… Since the accountability system is such a complete mess, the people are seething with anger.
有人會說,按照舊法例是沒有新機制的,現在之所 弄 得 一 塌 糊 塗, 最主要的原因就是法例寫得不清楚,沒有一個調整租金的機制。
Some people may say, there is no new mechanism under the old law and there is such a mess now is mainly because the law is not written too clearly and there is no mechanism for rent adjustment.
我完全弄 糊涂了 ,我注意到很多代表团还没有投票。
I am totally confused, and I note that many delegations have not yet voted.
In fact, during my sojourn in Germany, I used to clean up the mess left behind by dogs every day.
這個政府坐擁巨資,申請亞 運,“搞西九”弄得一塌糊塗。
Armed with such hefty reserves, the Government
has plans to bid for hosting the Asian Games and develop the
[...] West Kowloon Cultural District, yet they all fail miserably.
正如以上所述, 首要工作是消除糊不清之处弄清 总 部、 教科文组织达喀尔办事处和 非洲地区教育办事处(BREDA)和教科文组织非洲国际能力培养研究所(IICBA)的各自职 能。
As noted above, this primarily involves eliminating the confusion and clarifying the respective roles of Headquarters, BREDA and IICBA.
當不止一片同時向後反映出一個信號時,標籤(TAG)衝突發生,把讀取 弄糊 塗。
Tag collision occurs when more than one chip reflects back a signal at the same time, confusing the reader.
我們希望當我們下次向經社文委員會匯報的時候,會 有一些實質事例證明有進步,而不是雖然已經立法,但 弄 到 一 塌糊 塗,工資很低、很多老闆裁員、工人沒有工作、很多人叫苦連天,甚至 包圍立法會。
I do not hope to see the enactment of the legislation will result in chaos, with workers still getting low wages, mass layoff, people pouring out endless grievances or even besieging the Legislative Council Building.
不過,現時 這項法例是熱騰騰的,好像“豬腸粉”般蒸出來,不是涼粉;現在不賣 涼粉,而是賣“豬腸粉”,弄至一 塌 糊 塗。
It is not grass jelly, a dessert. Though we only sell steamed rice rolls but not grass jelly, the situation is still in a mess.
反而是李柱銘議員要求大家仿效證監會,因為地產 弄 得 一 塌 糊 塗, 如果地產商的行為受到類似地產監察委員會般的機構監察,地產商可能已被 捕、甚至入獄了。
On the contrary, Mr Martin LEE had proposed to follow the practices of the SFC because property developers are messing things up, and if the acts of property developers are monitored by a similar property development commission, property developers might have been arrested and even put to jail.
[...] 母生活在一起有生命或健康危险的情况下,儿童保护工作者会着手把儿童从父母 身弄走或剥夺父母的权利。
In cases where counselling does not yield expected results and the life or health of a child are in danger if they
continue to live with parents, a child protection
[...] worker may initiate removal of [...]
a child from a parent or deprivation of parental rights.
標識應穩妥㆞貼於或印於容器的適當位置,以確保標識㆖的資料清晰易見,同時不會 被容器的任何部分/配件所阻擋弄 致 模 糊 不 清
The label should be securely attached to or printed on a suitable part of the container which allows the information in the label to be easily read, and not obstructed or obscured by any part/fitting of the container.
目前他親自掌 握的兩大政策(即政制改革和老年退休金),均沒可能在九七年之後延續,反而把㆗港 關弄至㆒塌糊塗,香港九七年政制將出現動盪,工商制度不銜接,英國商㆟亦「無 啖好食」。
The two policies (political reform and the Old Age Pension Scheme) which he personally handles at present have no chance to survive after 1997, they only serve to make a mess of the China-Hong Kong relations.
不過, 就這筆 因 授 勳 事弄 出 來 的 糊塗帳 , 我 在 今天的 辯 論 過程中, 聽 到 民 建 聯 各 位 朋 友 的 精 句 , 所 以我現在開始 明 白 行 政長官董建 華先生為 何會 作出這麼 多 糊塗的 決 定 、 糊塗的 處 理 方 法,這 是 由 於 有 很 多 同 樣 糊塗的人圍 繞 他 , 向他提 出了很 多“混 帳 ” 的 建 議 。
However, having listened to the many striking remarks made by Members from the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong (DAB) during today's debate on the mess he has made of the honour conferral incident, I begin to understand why Chief Executive TUNG Chee-hwa has made so many stupid decisions and adopted so many stupid measures.
不過, 這條龍的影子似乎越來越看不見,連政府設計的飛龍圖案也像禽流感的飛雞 一樣弄得香港一糊塗。
However, the sign of such a dragon appears to be disappearing. Even the emblem of the flying dragon designed by the Government looks like the flying chicken infected with avian influenza which once plunged Hong Kong into a mess.
陳偉業議員:主 席,我們的 行 政長官董建 華先生管 治 香港,已 弄 到 民 不 聊 生 、 經 濟 倒 退 的 地 步 , 市 民 怨 聲 載 道 , 加 上 把 授 勳 事弄 得“糊塗” , 實 在 也 是 很 經 典 之作。
MR ALBERT CHAN (in Cantonese): Madam President, the administration of our Chief Executive, Mr TUNG Chee-hwa, has caused the economy to regress and made life extremely difficult for the people of Hong Kong, so much so that voices of grievances are heard everywhere.
(c) 如果所有其他通信手段都失灵,通过既有的督导员体系当面通知弄 清员工下落并保持联系的唯一途径。
(c) When all other communication fails, face-to-face communication through the established system of wardens is the only way to account for staff and to keep in touch.
我想這個議會內很少人會 說動物,但民主黨一直有接觸動物團體,他們有很多怨言、很多苦水, 因為政府 ⎯⎯ 漁護署說會實施動物售賣商牌照附加條件已弄了兩年 多,弄到一塌糊塗, 然後又再進行諮詢,但仍是一塌糊塗。
They have a lot of grievances because the Government ― it has been more than two years since the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) said that the attached conditions for animal trader licence would be implemented.
在这 两种情况中,要对本来可适用的豁免确定这种例外,其共同标准是,放弃豁免是 否“肯定”,但是,这不应糊这样 一个事实,即确定豁免何时可以被排除在外 [...]
While in both cases, the common standard identifying such exceptions to otherwise applicable immunity
was whether the waiver or renunciation was
[...] “certain”, it should not obscure the [...]
fact that the determination of when immunity
was excluded was different, the issue in the latter case being one of treaty interpretation.
以书为指导开展的活动使阿尔及利亚得 弄 清 该部门的情况并且与其他马格里布 国家进行交流。
For example, activities undertaken in conjunction with the book sector provided Algeria with an opportunity to review the state of the sector and to engage in exchanges with the other Maghreb countries.
由於現 時 適用於政府服務合約承辦商所僱 用 的工人的僱傭合約 在工人的每 月工資 及工作時數 方 面有糊之處, 當局遂 建議採用標 準 僱 傭合約,清楚訂 明僱員的每 月工資 及工 作時數,以 確 保 政府外判服務承辦商 僱 用 的 非技術工人 所 得 的工資不低 於相關的 市場工 資 率 。
As there was ambiguity in respect of the monthly wages and working hours of workers in the existing employment contracts for workers employed by contractors of government service contracts, a standard employment contract which set out clearly the monthly wages and working hours of the employee was proposed to ensure that the wages of non-skilled workers engaged by government service contractors were not lower than the relevant market rates.
因此,較佳的做 法是協助場地管理人加強能力,要求吸煙者把燃着的香煙、雪茄或煙弄熄;如該人沒有遵辦,則要求該人提供其姓名和地址,以及出示 身份證明文件,或要求該人離開禁煙區。
Hence, a better approach would be to help venue managers build up their capacity in requesting a smoker to extinguish a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe or where the person fails to do so, requiring him to give his name and address and to produce proof of identity or leave the no-smoking area.
实际上,农村地区从事经济活动人口 2007 年占总人口的 55.1%,他们可以 在两种机会之间做出选择:――接受可以带来一定收入、但工作条件非常恶劣而 且有患职业病的风险较高的工作和贫穷的生活或移居城市、找到一份更有吸引 力、报酬更高的工作,或是出国找一份可以养 糊 口 的 工作。
Practically, the economically active population from the rural areas, the share of which in 2007 constituted 55.1% is given the choice between two opportunities: – to accept work that brings a modest income, performed under unfavourable employment conditions and with a high risk of illness and a poor life, or immigrate in the urban areas and find a more attractive and more motivated job or leave the country in search for a job that would ensure sufficient income to sustain the family.
与会者一致认为,为弄清楚 战略与计划之间的联系,应当认真评估预期结果,以衡 量有关计划是否实现了《中期战略》规定的目标。
Participants unanimously agreed, that in order to ascertain the linkage between strategy and programme, expected results should be carefully evaluated to assess whether the programme has achieved the objectives of the Medium-Term Strategy.
據政府 當 局 解釋, 有關的 用 語 取 代 應 不 會 引 起糊 不 清的問題, 因為在 第190 章 有關條文內對中國的提述 ,其隱 含 的 意 義 是 指中國司法管轄區, 而 對香港的提述 所 隱 含 的 意 義 則 是 指香港司法管轄區。
The Bills Committee points out that the substitution of "England" by "the People's Republic of China" in the relevant parts of Cap. 190, which would have the effect that what is in force or accorded in the People's Republic of China would be in force or accorded in Hong Kong, would seem to be inappropriate as Hong Kong is an indivisible part of the People's Republic of China.
於詮釋整份組織章程大綱(特別是本第 3 條)時,當中所訂明或提述的目的、業務 或權力不會因任何其他目的、業務或權力,或本公司名稱,或兩項或以上目的、業 務或權力並列的提述或據此作出的推論而受到規限或限制,而倘本條或本組織章程 大綱其他地方有任何糊之處 ,其將可透過擴大及擴展(而並非限制)本公司的主 體、業務及可行使的權力而解決。
In the interpretation of this Memorandum of Association in general and of this Clause 3 in particular no object, business or power specified or mentioned shall be limited or restricted by reference to or inference from any other object, business or power, or the name of the Company, or by the juxtaposition of two or more objects, businesses or powers and that, in the event of any ambiguity in this Clause or elsewhere in this Memorandum of Association, the same shall be resolved by such interpretation and construction as will widen and enlarge and not restrict the objects, businesses and powers of and exercisable by the Company.




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