单词 | 糊口 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 糊口—get by with difficultyless common: scrape a meager living Examples:养家糊口—support one's family (idiom); to have difficulty feeding a family See also:糊n—pasten creamn 糊—muddled making a living scorched congee 口n—mouthn
养家糊口的人的未就业子女的父 或母或监护人,在养家糊口的人的家中养育其 3 岁以下儿女的父或母或监护人, 也有权领取遗属养恤金。 daccess-ods.un.org | A parent or guardian of a provider’s child who is not employed and is raising the provider’s child who is under 3 years of age in his or her family also has the right to a survivor’s pension. daccess-ods.un.org |
在男子东躲西藏、被捕或丧生的情况下,很多妇 女不得不负担起很多额外的责任以养家糊口。 daccess-ods.un.org | With men in hiding, arrested or killed, many women find themselves having to cope with a range of additional responsibilities in providing and caring for their families. daccess-ods.un.org |
拟议增加文职人员驻留规模,将使 [...] 阿富汗平民有一个在和平中生活的机会,帮助他们找 到不诉诸武力或参与非法活动也能养家糊口的办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The proposed civilian surge will offer Afghans a chance to [...] live in peace and help them find a way to take care of [...] theirfamilies withoutresortingto violence [...]or illegal activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
实际上,农村地区从事经济活动人口 2007 年占总人口的 55.1%,他们可以 在两种机会之间做出选择:――接受可以带来一定收入、但工作条件非常恶劣而 且有患职业病的风险较高的工作和贫穷的生活或移居城市、找到一份更有吸引 力、报酬更高的工作,或是出国找一份可以养家糊口的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Practically, the economically active population from the rural areas, the share of which in 2007 constituted 55.1% is given the choice between two opportunities: – to accept work that brings a modest income, performed under unfavourable employment conditions and with a high risk of illness and a poor life, or immigrate in the urban areas and find a more attractive and more motivated job or leave the country insearch for a job that would ensure sufficient income to sustain the family. daccess-ods.un.org |
迟领养老金不发给已经领取国家养恤金的人(除了遗属养恤金或在失去 养家糊口的人之时发放的国家养恤金)。 daccess-ods.un.org | A deferred old-age pension is not granted to a person to whom a state pension has been granted (except a survivor’s pension or a national pension upon loss of a provider). daccess-ods.un.org |
性别成 见施加给男人很多压力,他们要 “吃苦耐 劳”,要“养家糊口”,因此他们的工作环境 往往比较恶劣,潜在着工伤、暴力、犯罪和 监禁(服军役、从事治安和消防工作)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Such stereotypes put pressure on them to be ‘tough’ and to be the ‘breadwinner’; resulting in conditions of labor that are often harsh and that may involve injury, violence, crime, and imprisonment (military service, policing, firefighting, etc.). unesdoc.unesco.org |
拥有体面而且薪酬不错 的工作、稳定的状况和必要的保障,是养家糊口和建立生活的先决条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | Dignified and wellremunerated employment, a stable situation and security are prerequisites to raising a family and building a life. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外, 对许多失业或面临着收入减少、而且无法享受社会保障系统服务的人来说, 转而从事不稳定和非正规的就业往往是他们养家糊口的唯一选择。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, for many who have lost their job or whose income is reduced in the absence of social protection systems, shifting to vulnerable and informal employment is often the only way they can support themselves and their family. daccess-ods.un.org |
社会救助就是向社会最脆弱群体提供保护,例如,向单亲家庭、自然灾害(如 最近海地的自然灾害)或(世界各地此起彼伏的)国内冲突受害者、残疾人和穷人 中的赤贫者等无力养家糊口者提供保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | Social assistance provides protection for society’s most vulnerable groups, for example, those with no means of support, including single-parent households, victims of natural disasters (as in the recent case of Haiti) or civil conflict (which isrampant in various parts of the world), disabled persons and the very destitute among the poor. daccess-ods.un.org |
但接下来的第二步就更困难了——奥那扎尔女士在养家糊口已经很吃力的情况下,如何养活米奇尔莱恩? unicef.org | But the next step is harder – how does Ms. Onezaire, who is already struggling to feed [...] her own family, feed an extramouth? unicef.org |
缔约国为已决犯提供基本需求并不能证明不成比例的报酬有理,因 为已决犯还要继续支付租金和养家糊口。 daccess-ods.un.org | The fact that the State party provides convicts’ basic needs cannot justify the disproportionate remuneration as convicts also continue to pay rent and support their families. daccess-ods.un.org |
人权与赤贫问题独立专家报告(A/64/279)指出,由于政府的就业保护措施往往 基于男子作为养家糊口者和妇女作为家庭看护人的定型观念,这些政策往往注重以 男性为主的经济领域。 daccess-ods.un.org | The report of the independent expert on the question of human rights and extreme poverty (A/64/279) noted that, because Government employment protection measures were often based on the stereotype of the male breadwinner and female caregiver, they tended to focus on male-dominated areas of the economy. daccess-ods.un.org |
在小 农户中,应更强调妇女,因为她们虽然在农业领域发挥着关键作用,却因得不到 关键资源而在力图提升糊口农作方面经常遇到挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | Among smallholder farmers, a greater emphasis should be placed on women, who play a key role in agriculture but often face challenges in moving beyond subsistence farming, as they lack access to key resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,土着妇女和 女孩在试图向当局报告或对施害者进行起诉时,往往面临更多的障碍,因为如果 该男子有责任靠打猎或捕鱼等传统生计养活家人的话,则会意味着失去一个养家糊口的人或主要劳动力。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, indigenous women and girls often face additional barriers in their attempts to report violence to authorities or press charges against perpetrators because, for example, it could mean losing a breadwinner or a main source of subsistence if the man is the one in charge of providing it through traditional livelihoods such as hunting or fishing. daccess-ods.un.org |
(f) 全球对生物燃料的需求日增,加上对土地的需要,可能使边缘土地受到 压力,而这些是农村穷人赖以糊口的土地; (g) 农村地区的可持续发展应该专注于建立社会网络,例如合作社和知识中 [...] 心,让农民取得知识和资格,集合加以利用并传给下一代 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) Sustainable development [...] in rural areas should focus on the [...]construction of social networks, such as cooperatives and [...]knowledge centres, where people can acquire knowledge and qualifications, combine them and hand them down to the next generation daccess-ods.un.org |