单词 | 精采 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 精采 adjective —brilliant adjless common: marvellous Examples:無精打采—in low spirits • dispirited and downcast (idiom); listless • washed out 沒精打采—dispirited • listless • washed out 没精打采地走 v—trail v 没精打采的 adj—washed out adj
安明智先生答覆主席時向委員保證,殘疾人士員 工會接受足夠培訓,以為訪客帶來更 精采 的 玩 樂體驗並 確保安全。 legco.gov.hk | In reply to the Chairman, Mr ERNEST assured members that the PWD staff would receive adequate training to enrich guest experience and ensure safety. legco.gov.hk |
此外,这趟旅程的精采焦点 包含了免费进入全球最大型钟表珠宝展会场,更有机会与优秀的Oris团队见面,并观赏全新的Oris高精密机械腕表。 oris.ch | Highlights of the trip include free entry to the world’s largest watch and jewellery fair, the chance to meet the whole Oris team and to see the highlights from the new collection. oris.ch |
home&Away優惠計劃特意為匯豐信用卡客戶準備一系 列 精采 禮 遇 ,送上全球愈160個國家及地區,超過19,000商戶的精選優惠。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | home&Away privilege programme offers all the HSBC credit cardholders with an array of fabulous privileges around the world, with over 19,000 outlets in more than 160 countries and territories. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
在如此精采的表 演之後,輪到Oris貴賓們開始親身挑戰,嘗試打破Nico的最快單圈紀錄以獲得優勝殊榮。 oris.ch | After such a fine display of driving, [...] Oris guests were invited to try to beat Nico’s fastest lap time with top prizes up for grabs. oris.ch |
Air Drive可支援五台裝置同時連線,播放不同類型的檔案 : 精采 的 相片、動聽的音樂、喜愛的影片,或有趣的文件。 us.pqigroup.com | The Air Drive supports up to 5 simultaneous connections using different types of media files: your favorite photos, music, videos, or even documents. pqigroup.com |
接著是「十一分音符手鈴隊」及「Yamaha管樂卡拉OK大賽2003得獎者」 的 精采 演 出。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Followed by the performance of "Double Mallet Ringers" and the winners of "Yamaha Wind Instrument Karaoke Contest 2003". tomleemusic.com.hk |
近來台南市景點更獲米其林綠皮指南的三星旅遊景點 , 精采 的 人 文歷史與美食值得深入探索與品味。 shangri-la.com | Recently nominated as a 3-star destination by Michelin Green Guide Taiwan, Tainan is a beautiful city full of history heritage and gourmet food waiting to be discovered. shangri-la.com |
旅 發局於未來兩 年會在全球 進 行 一 連 串 策 略 性宣傳及 [...] 推廣,包括推出一 個以“2006 精 采 香 港 旅遊年 ”為題 的 全 球 [...]宣傳及 推廣活動 , 以 及一個以商務和 家 庭 旅 客 為目標的 推廣計劃,以 多項大 型節目 [...]及 新 穎 的 旅遊產 品 , 吸 引 他 們 來港消 費 。 legco.gov.hk | The HKTB will, in the next two years, conduct a series of strategic publicity and promotional campaigns worldwide, including launching a [...] worldwide publicity and promotional campaign [...] known as the "2006 Discover Hong Kong Year", [...]and a promotional scheme targeting at [...]the business and family visitor segments under which various large-scale programmes and new tourism products will be introduced to attract these visitors to spend in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
Sam Mendes為鐵金剛系列再添上精采一章 ,更成為最高票房之作。 dragonair.com | Sam Mendes' excellent addition to the James Bond franchise - now the highest-grossing ever. dragonair.com |
您最精采的電影、電視節目和您最喜愛的媒體內容,全都儲存在您的 DVR 或媒體中心 - 值得信賴的 Seagate 能為這些內容提供完善的保護。 seagate.com | Your best movies, TV shows and media favorites are all stored on your DVR or media center – trust Seagate to protect them. seagate.com |
CCDC獲邀於2013年1月到歐洲十四個城市,演出經典作品《銀雨》新版,為當地觀眾呈現一齣糅合香港舞蹈家曹誠淵、黎海寧、梅卓燕及邢 亮 精采 的 舞 碼。 ccdc.com.hk | The much acclaimed performance of Silver Rain, CCDC’s tour de force, will be presented in Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and Switzerland in a total of 14 cities from this week to early next month. ccdc.com.hk |
如果您错过了这次的电竞博览会,直接到Tt eSPORTS 脸书官网,全部的精采活动 照片及电竞产品特写将会一并呈现在你眼前。 ttesports.com.cn | If you are at Dreamhack Winter be sure to like our Dreamhack Winter Gallery at www.facebook.com/ttesports and leave a comment with your seat number and throughout the weekend, we shall give some great prizes to our followers who are attending the event! ttesports.es |
感謝你們慷慨襄助,以精采的創意,為我們的周年籌款晚宴提供美輪美奐的場地;此外又邀請我們的孩子參加酒店的聖誕樹亮燈儀式,分享節日喜悅。 motherschoice.com | Thank you for your generosity, creativity and beautiful facilities at our annual Gala as well as for inviting our children to witness the delights of your Christmas tree lights ceremony. motherschoice.com |
馬爾他的語言是由意大利語、西西里語、亞拉伯語和英語混合和影響而成的;文化亦有着 既 精采 又 令人興奮的特色。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | The Maltese language is an exhilarating blend of Italian, Sicilian, Arabic, and English, and as such makes a lively [...] introduction to the tiny but powerful Valletta, the Maltese capital known to its [...] inhabitants simply as Il Belt, or The City. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
屆時多位性感的舞蹈員將為上演一場接一 場 精采 的 探 戈表演,為各位展現探戈火熱的魅力。 yp.mo | Sexy dancers will be on stage to show you the passion of tango and the art of seduction. yp.mo |
最重要的成功是在 2001 年 12 月公布新的世界遗产遗址名录时制作并发行了三套双制 式录象带:这三套录象是几乎所有新遗址的具有吸引力 的 精采 图 象 剪辑。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The most important success was the production and distribution of three B-rolls on the occasion of the release of the lists of the new [...] world heritage sites [...] in December 2001: those three items were attractive compilations of excellent images of almost [...]all the new sites. unesdoc.unesco.org |
配備USB2.0端子,隨插即用,可即時播 放 精采 相 片 、還能同時聆聽MP3音樂,隨時可與家人輕鬆分享動人時刻,增添數位家庭全新體驗 benq.com.tw | The USB2.0 port allows easy connection for multimedia use anytime. You can watch photos with family or listen to your favourite MP3 at same time; bringing a new digital family life to you! ap.benq.com |
影像訊號不壓縮,細節才能精采呈現 benq.com.tw | Uncompressed Image Signal for Quality Performance ap.benq.com |
在筹划的构思里,馆方准备了精采亮 点 ,如展示北半球生活面貌的展览,以及为二十周年而设计的特别美食。 visitfinland.com | An exhibit highlighting life in the northern hemispheres is planned, as well as culinary treats developed for the anniversary year. visitfinland.com |
月亮裏的不同顏色和彩虹色會不會使人聯想到神話中的寒宮等物很難說,但把圓形的開光放置在浪紋上面來代表月亮在海面上的映像極 有 精采。 e-yaji.com | Since the waves completely surround the moon it can only be read as a reflection but it is presented as the moon itself surrounded by waves. e-yaji.com |
這種數位音樂體驗,就是您熟悉熱愛 、 精采 絕 倫的 Bang & Olufsen 音響效果。 bang-olufsen.com | It's the digital music experience you know and love with the stunning impact of Bang & Olufsen sound. bang-olufsen.com |
羅芙奧藝術集團於香港首次葡萄酒拍賣會以法國產區為主軸,極為榮幸地能於各大藏家之窖藏珍釀中,精選出波爾多與勃根地的經典年份及罕見之年度限量瓶裝,酒款狀況保持良好,亮點囊括極為難得的Château Mouton Rothschild及Le [...] Pin垂直年份系列、Richebourg Henri Jayer、Château Lafite Rothschild、DRC Assortment、Côte Rotie La [...] Mouline、以及獨家訂製的1997特級酒莊禮盒與老年份之各大名莊珍釀等夢幻逸品,絕 對 精采 可 期。 ravenelart.com | Highlights include the Château Mouton Rothschild and Le Pin vertical vintage series, Richebourg Henri Jayer, Château Lafite Rothschild, DRC Assortment, Côte [...] Rotie La Moulin, and the 1997 premium made-to-order gift box as well as [...] other precious vintages from many [...]major wineries. ravenelart.com |
精采絕倫 ! 厚度僅 35 mm 的 Aspire U 系列 All-in-One 電腦同時具備多媒體電腦的強大效能,以及平板電腦般的便利舒適觸控體驗,並以節省空間的優雅設計呈現,無論在何處都可以驚艷全場。 acer.com.tw | The 35 mm thin Aspire U Series all-in-one delivers the power of a multimedia PC with the comfort and convenience of a tablet-like touch experience, showcased in an elegant, space-saving design that lights up any room. acer.ca |
各小组机制完善,集合了会员的创意、才华与资源,共同开展丰 富 精采 的 活 动。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | They are self-contained, with innovative ideas, talents, resources and efforts contributed by members themselves. english.sccci.org.sg |
簡介 首播日期: 2011.11.19 今年台慶主題為「非凡夢想‧成就未來」,多位頂級司儀包括曾志偉、陳百祥、鄭裕玲、汪明荃、陳芷菁、陳敏之、李浩林、金剛,率領全台小生花旦粉墨登場,以各 項 精采 環 節 為TVB慶祝生日。 justlatte.com | Synopsis Release Date: 2011.11.19 Production Credits Producer: Chan Yuk Leung Editor: Chan Wai Lan Main Cast: Astrid Chan, Carol Cheng, Derek Lee, Eric Tsang, King Kong, Liza Wang, Natalis Chan, Sharon Chan, 曾志偉, 李浩林, 汪明荃, 鄭裕玲, 金剛, 陳敏之, 陳百祥, 陳芷菁 Source HDTV Format RMVB Language Cantonese Subtitle Chinese Latest Search: chor lau heung, Derek Lee tvb, 鄭少秋 concert torrent, tvb variety shows download, tvb35周年万千星辉贺台庆 mediafire, ol supreme online streaming, tvb35 award download, tvbvariety show download, 女王辦公室 直下, 楊門虎將 movie ownload, [... justlatte.com |
大容量、高速度與極佳的相容性,滿足手持行動產品、Full HD數位攝錄影機、超高畫質的頂級單眼相機、HDTV、藍光錄放影機、行動電話、車用導航系統等專業級玩家的需求,紀錄每 個 精采 時 刻。 us.pqigroup.com | High capacity, high speed and exceptional compatibility is perfect for capturing every exciting moment on handheld devices, full HD [...] camcorders, high-definition DSLR [...] cameras, Blu-ray video recorders, mobile phones, car GPS systems and [...]other professional-grade enthusiast applications. pqigroup.com |
2013年台北書展中的美國館為提供台灣業界與讀者精彩的書籍與電子內容,特別展 出 精采 有 趣 的立體書與各類別書籍,其他包括小說、童書、雜誌、電子書、電子資料庫與出版交易平台。 ait.org.tw | The U.S.A. Pavilion in the 2013 Taipei International Book Exhibition (TIBE) will showcase thousands of books including novels, children’s books, magazines, educational materials, and e-books. ait.org.tw |