

单词 精通文学

See also:

精通 n

proficiency n
command n

精通 v

master v

External sources (not reviewed)

学校的教师都是各行各业的专家,他们可以让 精通 自 己 所选择 学 科 领 域。
You’ll learn from teachers who are experts in their industries and who can provide you with a sound understanding of your chosen field.
由于《教科文组织统计研究所章程》第 VI 条第 8 段规定,研究所理事会的工作语言为文和法文,因此,大会选出的专家 精通 其 中 一种语言。
Since Article VI.8 of the UIS Statutes stipulates that the working languages of the
Institute’s Governing
[...] Board are English and French, the experts elected by the General Conference should be proficient in one or the other of [...]
these languages.
理事会第 1983/163 号决定请秘书长:(a) 在决通过之 前,将超出秘书处 在其核定资源范围内及时编制和处理文件能力的各种文件需求提请政府间机构 和专家机构注意;(b) 提请政府间机构注意在哪些领域文件的制作可能发生重复 和(或)在哪些领域讨论相关或类似主题 文 件 可 能予以合并 精 简 , 以期 使 文件 制作合理化。
In decision 1983/163, the Council requested the Secretary-General (a) to bring to the attention of intergovernmental and
expert bodies, before
[...] decisions were adopted, any request for documentation that exceeded the ability of the Secretariat to prepare and process on time and within its approved resources; and (b) to draw the attention of intergovernmental bodies to areas where duplication of documentation was likely to occur and/or where opportunities for integrating or consolidating documents that dealt with related or similar themes might exist, with a view to rationalizing documentation.
举办 论坛的根据是需要借助文学科的 贡献展望 21 世纪的前景——包括定义 21 世纪 的文精神是 什么和将会是什么这一首要挑战。
The rationale for the event is the need to draw on the contribution of the humanities to imagine possible futures for the twenty-first century – including the overarching challenge of defining what it is and will be to be human in the twenty-first century.
该报告还指出,成员国表示支持采取以下步骤:(a) 进一精 简文件数 量及其内容;(b) 进一步合并各种报告,例如可将委员会 的报告作为背景文件或资料文件等,仅将每届委员会会议的主要建 议编入委员会自己的文件,提交经社会审议;(c) 所编写的报告应 内容简洁、直截了当和平实易懂,而且应与会议结果密切相关;载 有必要的参考信息和背景文件链接;并能反映所达成的共识和提出 的建议;(d) 逐步实现经社会届会无纸化,确保所有文件都可以在 网上读取,印刷和分发给每一成员国的文件不超过两套,其中包括 成员国所选择的官方语文的一文件 ,同 时 通 过 电 邮 通 知 各 成员国 可在网上读取文件。
The report also noted that member States voiced support for the
following steps to be taken:
[...] (a) further streamlining the number of documents and their contents; (b) further consolidating reports; for example, committee reports could serve as background or information documents, with only the key recommendations from each committee session compiled into its own document for consideration by the Commission; (c) producing reports that are concise, direct and easy to understand, and directly related to the outcome of the meeting, containing the necessary references and links to background documents and reflecting consensus and recommendations; and (d) moving towards a paperless Commission session by ensuring that all documents are available online and that no more than two sets of documents are printed and sent to each member State, including one in the official language of its preference, and notifying member States via e-mail of the availability of the documents online.b 4.
例如,如学生毕业时精通阅读、写作和学, 经 验显示其积极溢出效应的影响深远而长久, 极大改善了青年过上幸福、有所作为生活的前景。
For instance, when students graduate well-versed in reading, writing and [...]
math, the positive spillover, as has been illustrated,
is far-reaching and long-lasting, dramatically improving young people’s prospects for happy, productive lives.
例如,双语教育模式的使用,如果学 龄初 期开始并包括使用少数群体语言的教科书,被证明有助于儿 精通 母 语 及该 国语言、保持其族裔和语言上的特征,也有助于少数群 学 生 实 现积极的教育成 果并发挥他们更有效地参与整个社会的潜力。
For example, the use of models of bilingual
education, commencing in
[...] the early years of schooling and including textbooks in minority languages, has been demonstrated to help children to become proficient in their mother tongue as well as national languages, maintain their ethnic and linguistic identity, and to help minority pupils to achieve positive [...]
education outcomes
and fulfil their potential to participate effectively in wider society.
这 些项目包括在加拉巴格的流离失所者和回归者的重 新融入社会项目;在喀布尔建立一个肠胃病中心;在 喀布尔理工学通过对 外公开的教学小组和能力建 设指导母亲如何照顾健康或生病的儿童;通过妇女的 积极参与支持帕尔万省农村社区的社会经济发展;扩 大 Lodin 医院的紧急护理能力;在昆都士省建 文 化、教育和社会中心;以及指导农村社区居民以更有效的 方式从农业中获益。
They include reintegrating displaced persons and returnees in Qarah Bagh; establishing a gastroenterological centre in Kabul; educating mothers on how to
take care of healthy or
[...] sick children through publicly available teaching panels and building capacities at Kabul Polytechnic University; supporting the socio-economic development of rural communities in Parwan province through the active involvement of women; expanding the urgent-care capacities of the hospital in Lodin; building a cultural, educational [...]
and social centre in Kunduz
province; and educating inhabitants of rural communities on more effective ways of profiting from agriculture.
(c) 政府第22-2004 号协议规定:作为民族语言政策,全面实施双语教育和 必须运用民族语言学,通过教 育部双 文 化 教育总局予以推行。
(c) Governmental agreement No. 22-2004, which establishes the comprehensive application of bilingual education and the compulsory use of national languages in
instruction as national
[...] linguistic policy through the Directorate-General for Bilingual Intercultural Education [...]
(DIGEBI) of the Ministry of Education.
例如,粮农组织已根据国家和区 域粮食安全方案框架在 30 多个国家实施了南南合作项目;国际民航组织正在实 施若干南南合作举措,其中包括的领域有飞行安全、航空安全、防止传播传染病
[...] 系协定十分积极地促进开展有关童工问题的南南合作;粮食署支持在拉丁美洲开 展消除饥饿和营养不良的南南合作项目;教 文 组 织 在教育、 学 、 通 信 /信文化领 域开展南南合作活动;人居署正在开展与水和环境卫生相关的南南合作 [...]
For instance, FAO has implemented SSC projects in over 30 countries within the framework of the national and regional programme for food security; ICAO is implementing SSC initiatives, inter alia, in the fields of flight safety, aviation security, prevention of the spread of communicable diseases and civil aviation training at the sub-regional level; ILO is very active in promoting SSC on child labour through the ILO/Brazil partnership agreement; WFP has supported SSC projects to fight hunger and under-nutrition in Latin America; UNESCO
carries out SSC
[...] activities in education, sciences, communication/information and culture; and UN-HABITAT [...]
conducts SSC activities
relating to water and sanitation.
基本資格」包括年齡(18 或以上1
[...] 人及受養人(如果有)居港期間的生活和住宿,不需依賴公共援助)、良好 品格(不得有任何刑事罪行記錄或不良入境記錄 ) 、 精通 中 文 或 英 文、以及 良好教育背景(一般為大學學位)/良好技術資歷/可證明的專業能力及/經 [...]
Prerequisites include age (18 or above1 ), financial requirement (i.e. ability to support and accommodate themselves and their dependants (if any) without relying on public assistance), good character (i.e. absence of criminal or adverse immigration
record), proficiency in
[...] Chinese or English, and good education background (normally a first degree)/good [...]
technical qualification/proven
professional abilities/experience/achievements.
如果以现有文通过这 项决议草案, 则有可能导致作出有损与大规模毁灭性武器有关各 主要国际公文字与精神的诠释。
In its current form, its adoption may lead to an interpretation that is detrimental to the letter and spirit of major international conventions on weapons of [...]
mass destruction.
国家计划开设 一些新的如下部门和中心专职从事:新的技术和管理;广告和图书营销;技文 献和精确科学;民 众组织和文化事件;为残疾人服务;论文、登记和统计;图片 出版物;供暖和卫生设施单位、电子设备和电梯维修单位;防火安全单位、建筑 [...]
There are plans to open new departments and centres devoted to the following: new technologies and management, advertising and
library marketing,
[...] technical literature and exact sciences, organization of popular and cultural events, service [...]
for the disabled,
dissertations, registration and statistics, cartographic publications, a heat and sanitation unit, a unit to service electrical equipment and elevators, units for fire safety, construction and repair, publications, a legal information centre, a centre for Tajik studies, a language centre, a department to organize exhibitions, a media centre, a service for further training of librarians and a centre for library science studies and teaching.
学通常了 解 生态系统如何在不同的条件发展,但是,研究者们 通常不可精确预测临界点。
While science generally knows how ecosystems develop under different circumstances, it is often impossible for researchers to precisely anticipate tipping points.
在制药和生命学行业,环精通常 被 用作稳定剂和载体。
Cyclodextrins often serve as stabilizers and carriers in pharmaceutical applications [...]
and in the life science industry.
秘书长应制定细则,规定一般事务职类的工作人员通过适当测验,并表现继 续具精通使用两种或两种以上正式 文 能 力 时,可领取语文津贴。
The Secretary-General shall establish rules under which a language allowance may be paid to staff members in the General Service category who pass an appropriate test and demonstrate continued proficiency in the use of two or more official languages.
学者尼古拉斯的库萨(卒于1464) 精通 经 典 ,而他的朋友乔治Peuerbach研究在意大利,随后在维也纳古代诗人的演讲。
The renowned scholar Nicholas of Cusa (d. 1464) was versed in the classics, [...]
while his friend Georg Peuerbach studied in
Italy and subsequently lectured on the ancient poets at Vienna.
学院的所有课程中学员在 专业人员的指 导下丰富自己的经验,这些专业人 精通 知 识 产权,并懂得知识产权在激励创新、创造和发展过程 中所发挥的作用。
In all the Academy programs, participants complement their own experiences with guidance from professionals who know IP and how [...]
it works to stimulate
innovation, creativity and development.
However we must resist the political temptation to make proficiency in Chinese a prerequisite to further employment, regardless of posts to be filled.
例如,教育部门和文化部 门在与有关各方和合作伙伴制定国家图书政策时,教科文组织的基本战略之一就是促进在教 科书和通文学作品 中使用不同的本国语言。
When developing national book policies with stakeholders and partners both in the education and culture sectors, for example, the enhancement of different national languages, in the production of both textbooks and of literature in general, is an essential part of UNESCO’s strategy.
這群藝術家透過他們的意念和媒材,擁抱 文精 神 , 為我們的城市,我們的世界以至我們 文 明 ,指 引 通 往 千 姿百態,魅力無窮的新世代的路徑。
At a time widely believed to be the
[...] grand turning point of the human race, these artists, through their ideas and media, embrace humanity and unravel [...]
the path to a fascinating
and enchanting new era of the city, the world and our civilization.
许多活动是与教科文组织在自然学 、 文 化 和 世界遗产方面的其它计划 合作拟定和实施的。
Many of these activities were prepared and implemented in cooperation with the other UNESCO programmes
[...] in the natural sciences, culture, and world heritage.
(b) 国际法院的15 名法官中只有某些法官具有环境方面的专门知识,而特 定案件的仲裁员则对案件主题精通 , 而 且熟悉案件所涉国家 文 化 和 法律背 景。
(b) Some of the 15 ICJ judges have environmental expertise, whereas arbitrators for a particular case are
specialized in the subject matter
[...] of that case, as well as in the cultural and legal background of the countries [...]
involved in the case.
1、大专以学历, 3年以上相关采购管理工作经验; 2、会使用ERP系统,爱岗敬业,为人正派,坚持原则; 3、男女不限,年龄25-40周岁为佳; 4、有较强的协调能力、善于管理;能够发挥领导作用; 5、熟悉供应商评估、考核,熟悉相关质量体系标准 精通 采 购原理及成本控制,具备出色判断能力和风险防范意识; 6、具备良好部门内和跨部门的组织和协调能力,良好的谈判、人际沟通能力,团队协作能力强; 7、具备较强职业道德素质。
1, college education, 3 years procurement management experience; 2, we will use the ERP system, dedication, decency, adhere to the principle; 3, male or female, age 25-40 years of age is better; 4, coordination ability, good management; able to play a leadership role; 5, Familiar vendor evaluation, assessment, the familiar quality system standards; proficient Purchasing [...]
Principles and cost control,
with excellent judgment and risk awareness; 6, have good departments and inter-departmental organization and coordination skills, good negotiation, interpersonal communication skills, teamwork ability; 7, with a strong professional and moral qualities.
[...] 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启文学 作 品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; [...]
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth
forums; reactivation of the Committee for the
[...] Translation of Literary Works and increase [...]
in the translation of Arabic works into
European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
除了母语塞尔维亚语之外,耶雷米奇先生 精通 英 语 ,获得剑桥 学 ( 联 合王国)的理论物理科学学士学位和哈佛大学约翰•肯尼迪政府学院(美国)的公共行政硕士学位。
Fluent in English, in addition to his native Serbian, Mr. Jeremić holds a Bachelor of Science degree in theoretical physics from Cambridge University (United Kingdom) [...]
and a Masters
in Public Administration from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government (United States).
这些修正的目的是多方面的:(a) 简化一些 规则,并确保它们更好地转化黎巴嫩问题特别法庭规约有关规定 文 字 和 精 神;(b) 确保经修正的规则与其他有关规则的一致性;(c) 尽可能鼓励各国和各组织 与黎巴嫩问题特别法庭的合作,以及对敏感信息源的使用;(d) 满足进行中的调 查的业务需要;及(e) 在调查阶段保护信息机密,以有效进行调查并保护人员。
The objectives of the amendments were manifold: (a) to streamline certain rules and ensure that they better translated the letter and spirit of the relevant provisions of the statute; (b) to ensure that the amended rules were consistent with other relevant rules; (c) to encourage, to the extent possible, cooperation with the Tribunal on the part of States and organizations, as well as the use of sources of sensitive information; (d) to meet the operational needs of the ongoing investigation; and (e) to protect the confidentiality of information during the investigative stage in order to ensure the effective conduct of the investigation and the protection of all relevant persons.
所举实 例包括特别在以下领域旨在促进社会经济发展与可持续发展的国家、双边、区
[...] 灾害和人为灾害的预警与应对、地质学、人道主义救济、 文学 、 生态系统和 自然资源的管理、关于生物多样性资源、沿海地区、土地使用、荒地和湿地的 [...]
Examples were given of national, bilateral, regional and international programmes to further socio-economic and sustainable development, notably in the following areas: agriculture and fishery; climate change monitoring; detecting illegal crops and opium poppy cultivation; early warning of and response to
natural and man-made disasters; geology;
[...] humanitarian relief; hydrology; managing ecosystems [...]
and natural resources; mapping biodiversity
resources, coastal zones, land use, wasteland and wetlands; monitoring air quality, desertification, droughts, food security, deforestation, the ionosphere and weather; oceanography; rural development and urban planning; and search and rescue efforts.




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