

单词 精神财富

See also:

精神 adj

spiritual adj
moral adj
mental adj
psychological adj
psychiatric adj
psychotropic adj

精神 n

spirit n
mind n
drive n



External sources (not reviewed)

伟大胜利是战后接受友谊、博爱和睦邻理念教育的一代代人 最重要精神财富和道德指南。
The Great Victory is the highest spiritual value and a moral reference point for all post-war generations who were brought up on the ideals of friendship, brotherliness and good neighbourliness.
民族、文化和语言多样 性、相互宽容和民族间和睦相处是摩尔多瓦 精神财富。
Ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity, reciprocal tolerance and interethnic
[...] peace is the spiritual wealth of Moldova.
国家之间的联系和交流 的扩大和加深进一步丰富了人类的物质、文化 精神财富。
Linkages and exchanges among nations have expanded and deepened,
[...] thus further enriching the material, cultural and spiritual values of mankind.
它们也是今天国际 社会纪念宽容时依旧重点关注的原则。这使我们记 起,我们为自己倡议坚持的主题:“为了忘却的纪念, 承认悲剧并思考留存精神财富”。
They are also principles that the international community will stay focused on today in commemoration of tolerance, which brings to mind the theme we have maintained for our initiative, namely “Acknowledging the tragedy and considering the legacy, lest we forget”.
1994 年通过的公共图书馆宣言提出,教科文组织坚信公共图书馆是教育、文化和信息 事业的活跃推动力,是在人类大脑中培养和平 精神财富 的 核 心力量。
The Public Library Manifesto, adopted in 1994, proclaims UNESCO's belief in the public library as a living force for education, culture and
information, and as an essential agent for the
[...] fostering of peace and spiritual welfare through the [...]
minds of men and women.
为了吉尔吉斯斯坦的稳定发展与长远复兴以及建立真正的民主国家,通过 了《2007-2010 年国家中期发展战略》和《2009-2011 年国家中期发展战略》, 注重人的发展,战胜贫困,通过创造有利的工作条件、良好的居住和卫生环境来 提高公民的生活水平和质量,实现社会一体化,保护和丰富人民的文化 精神财 富,保 障公民权利,实现性别平等,实行有效的民主管理。
Their aim is to work for the development of the individual, eradicate poverty and improve the standard of living and quality of life of the population by creating conditions for decent work and an environment conducive to a healthy existence; involve society, protect and promote the nation’s cultural and ethical values; protect civil rights and achieve gender equality; and ensure effective democratic government.
在这方面,阿尔马格罗古典戏剧节和国家古典剧团在近年来重新回到了 古典艺术的道路上,并成为西班牙人共同 精神财富。
In this regard, two recent creations have restored the classical playwrights to their rightful place in Spain’s cultural heritage: the Classical Theatre Festival of Almagro, and the National Classical Theatre Company.
在网络中注入一种新的开放透精神 , 包 括知 财富 共 享 ,促进了全球范围内知识和教 材免费供所有人使用的发展趋势。
The confluence of
[...] the web and a new spirit of openness and transparency including sharing intellectual property have [...]
fuelled a worldwide movement
to make knowledge and education materials open and free to all for use.
公约》第 7 条规定,缔约国有责任于和 平时期在其军事训示中列出可保证本公约得以 遵守的规定,并培养一种尊重各民族文 财产 的精神。
Article 7 of the Convention deals with the High Contracting Parties’ obligations, during times of peace, to include in their military instructions provisions
which ensure the observance of the Convention
[...] and foster the spirit of respect for the cultural property of all peoples.
非洲期待着一个具有支助区域、国家和地方行动的具体执行手段 富 有 勇闯 精神的全球 10 年期方案框架来支持这些优先事项。
In support of these priorities, Africa is looking forward to a bold global 10-year framework of programmes with concrete means of implementation to support regional, national and local actions.
按照司法程序获财产和精神损失赔偿以保护权利、自由、荣誉和尊严 的权利。
A person has the right to sue for damages for material and moral injury in order to defend his/her rights, freedoms, honour and dignity.
當說到“老有所養”時,我們除了要為長者提供基本的 生活需要外,還應確保長者有健康的身體和 富 的 精神 生 活
When talking about caring for the elderly, apart from providing the daily basic
necessities to the elderly, we should also ensure that the elderly enjoy good physical
[...] health and active mental activities.
摩尔多瓦共和国宪法》第 33 条第(2)款规定公民享有著作版权,该条款 所涉著作权人取得的科研成果、创作的文学和艺术作品所产生的精神和物质利益 应当受到法律保护;不同类型创作活动产生 精神 和 物 质 财富 也 应 当受到法律保 护。
Protection of moral and material interests which result from any scientific, literal or artistic production whose author is the person covered by article 33 (2) of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, which provides for the right of citizens to copyright; their material and moral interests which result from various types of creative activity are protected by law.
經濟的發展會豐富社會的資源和改善㆟民的物質生活,而文 化的發展就富㆟民的精神生活和培養他們的公民性格 ― 這種性格是尊重自己、 [...]
[...] development enriches people's spiritual life and cultivate [...]
their civic-mindedness — that is self-respect and respect
for other people, and the pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty.
通过本法的主要原因是恐怖主义对国家安全、公共和平和各国之间的和 睦构成严重威胁,直接或间接地影响到其国民的物质 精神 完 整 、 财 产 和 权利的 享有和保护。
The principal reason for adopting this Act was the fact that terrorism poses a grave threat to the country’s security, to public peace and to harmony among States, directly and
indirectly affecting the
[...] physical and psychological integrity of its nationals, their property and the enjoyment [...]
and preservation of their rights.
55 名高层教育决策者接受了培训,以便在他们国家的教育体系中实 富 有 创 新 精神的 “ 技术和职业教育与培训”(TVET)的政策改革,通过两个能力建设宣传研讨会,促进了教 科文组织--国际劳工组织关于技术与职业教育的建议的落实,研讨会一个为阿拉伯国家举行 (萨那,也门,5 月 9-12 日),另一个为中亚国家举行(阿尔玛迪,哈萨克斯坦,6 月 1418 日)。
Fifty-five high-level education policy-makers were trained to implement innovative TVET policy reform in their national systems through two capacity-building advocacy seminars to promote the implementation of the UNESCO-ILO Recommendations concerning technical and vocational education, one for the Arab States (Sana’a, Yemen, 9-12 May) and one for the Central Asian Republics (Almaty, Kazakhstan, 14-18 June).
視覺效果:21作品繪畫與拼貼富多 彩 的 精神 街 頭 藝術的原件應該會接觸到的FIAC。
Visuals: 21 works between painting and collage colorful spirit Street Art the [...]
originals should be exposed to the FIAC.
联合国土著人民权利宣言》在下列方面明确肯定自由、事先和知情同意: 土著人民迁离其土地或领土(第 10
[...] 条);补偿被侵占的土著文化、知识、宗教精神财产(第 11 条第 2 款);在通过和实施可能影响土著人民的立法和行政措施 [...]
之前征求同意(第 19 条);补偿未经土著人民同意剥夺的土地或资源(第
28 条第 1 款);在其领土处置有害物质(第 29 条第 2 款);以及在批准影响到土著人民土地 或领土和其他资源的项目以前征得这种同意(第 32 条第 2 款)。
Free, prior and informed consent has been explicitly affirmed in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in relation to the relocation of indigenous peoples from their lands and territories (article 10); redress with respect to the
appropriation of their cultural,
[...] intellectual, religious and spiritual property (article 11, [...]
paragraph 2); obtaining such consent
before adopting and implementing legislative and administrative measures that may affect indigenous peoples (article 19); redress for their lands or resources taken without their consent (article 28, paragraph 1); disposal of hazardous materials in their territories (article 29, paragraph 2); and obtaining of such consent prior to the approval of development projects affecting their lands or territories and other resources (article 32, paragraph 2).
但是某些非政府组织承认,尽管拨 款减少了,教科文组织精神方面和 财 务 方面的支持,使它们能较容易地从其它组织筹集到 [...]
Nevertheless, some NGOs acknowledged that, despite the reduction,
[...] UNESCO’s moral and financial support made it easier [...]
for them to raise funds from other bodies.
有效连接人权与发展――进一步将人权纳入公共部门的主流应重申政府机构 公众服务精神特征,丰富其规 范内容、过程、产出及其提供公共服务的结果。
Effective linking of human rights and development – Further mainstreaming of human rights in the public sector
should re-affirm the
[...] public service ethos of the agencies of government, and enrich the normative [...]
content, processes, outputs,
and outcomes of their public service delivery.
理事会成员 同意采取更加严格的项目审批程序,重点放在那些以言论自由和媒体多元化为明确目标,注 重发展社区媒体和人力资源和推进国际合作为己任,在专业上成熟 富 有 创 新 精神 的 少 量项 目上。
The Council members agreed to follow more stringent procedures for screening and approving new project proposals and to concentrate on a limited number of professionally prepared, innovative projects which clearly promote freedom of expression and media pluralism, focus on development of community media and human resources and which promote international partnership.
作为世界上发展最快的IT公司之一,三星开机片是致力于服务的范围从家庭用户 财富 5 0 0 强企 业 精 英 和 宝贵支持谁的渠道合作伙伴为客户服务的消费者的需求。
As one of the fastest growing IT companies in the world, Samsung EBD is committed to serving the
needs of consumers ranging from the
[...] home user to the Fortune 500 elite and supporting the [...]
valued channel partners who serve our customers.
新《宪法》引进或加强了经济、社会和文化权利和基本自由。除其他外, 这特别包括:获得足够营养富的食 物和清洁水的权利;适足住房权;获得良好 卫生标准的权利;充足使用排污系统和电力的权利;结婚和家庭权利;受教育的 权利;工作权;罢工权;享有退休金的权利;参加文化生活的权利;以及拥财 产的权利。
Economic, social and cultural rights and fundamental freedoms introduced or strengthened under the new Constitution include, inter alia: the right to adequate, nutritious food and
clean water; the right
[...] to adequate housing; the right to a good standard of health; adequate access to sewerage and electricity; the right to marriage and family; the right to education; the right to work; the right to strike; the right to enjoy a pension; the right to take part in cultural life; and the right to enjoy property.
教科文 组织加德满都办事处将参与四个优先领域中的三个,即优先领域 1:加强法制、施政和 人权,让所有的尼泊尔人从和平和恢复进程收益,优先领域
[...] 2:改善获取教育和医疗服 务的机会的质量,优先领域 4:为子孙后代保护尼泊尔的自然和文 财富。
UNESCO Kathmandu will be involved in three of the four priority areas, namely Priority Area 1: Strengthen rule of law, governance, and human rights for all Nepalese to benefit from the peace and recovery process, Priority Area 2: Improve access to and quality of
education and health services, and Priority Area 4: Protect Nepal’s
[...] natural and cultural wealth for future generations.
教育领域的活动主要集中在以下领域:a) 作为对《暴力侵害儿童问题世界报告》 (2006 年)所载的建议的后续行动的暴力侵害儿童的行为,新增重点包括此种暴力行为的 性别因素、宗教和文化在防止此类暴力方面的作用以及对非暴力、参与性的做法和支助服务 的推广;b)
全纳教育,旨在促进建立一个满足多样化学生群体需求的、对遭到排挤和被边缘 化的群体给予特别关注的教育体系;c)
[...] 治理和不平等,研究教育领域的善治如何在减少基财富、地 点、种族、性别及其他原因的不平等方面发挥作用;d) [...]
对教材进行修订以推广以和 平为导向的方法,同时兼顾与质量有关的新的教育挑战。
In the context of education, activities focus on the following areas: (a) violence against children as a follow-up to the recommendations contained in the World Report on the Violence against Children (2006), with an added emphasis on gender dimensions of such violence, the role of religion and culture in its prevention, and the promotion of non-violent, participatory practices and support services; (b) inclusive education, with the aim of promoting an educational system that answers the needs of a diverse group of pupils, paying particular attention to the excluded and marginalized; (c) governance and inequality, looking at how good
governance in education can reduce
[...] disparities based on wealth, location, ethnicity, [...]
gender and other grounds; (d) textbook
revision to promote peace-oriented approaches taking into account new education challenges related to quality.
经济赋权不 是狭隘地关注财务内容,而是有能力认识和寻求机会获 财富 并 做 出正确决定, 也就是具有分析思考能力,这需要具有良好教育(正式或非正式)和适当的人力 资本开发能力。
Economic empowerment is not narrowly focused on
[...] the financial component but rather on having the ability to recognize and exploit opportunities to make wealth and to make the [...]
right decisions, which
means having the capacity for analytical thinking – and this boils down to having a good education (formal or informal) and appropriate human capacity development.
独立调查委员会还赞赏人权事务高级专员及其办事 富 有 敬 业 精神 的工 作人员按照 S-9/1 号决议的规定,努力向实况调查团提供支持。
The Palestinian Independent Commission also wishes to express its appreciation of the efforts exerted by the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the dedicated members of her Office in support of the Fact-Finding Mission, in accordance with resolution ES-9/1.
现在是翻开新的一页,开启阿富汗历史新 篇章的时候了;是秉持我们崇高的宗教——伊斯 兰教的真精神,按照阿富汗人 的光荣传统,团 结阿富汗人民的力量,建设和平,实现阿富汗繁 [...]
It is time to now combine the
[...] strengths of the Afghan people, in the true spirit of our noble religion, [...]
Islam, and in accordance
with the glorious traditions of the Afghans to build peace and bring prosperity to Afghanistan.
[...] 助各国建立中央休闲服务机构;促进世界休闲运动的发展,从而通过合理使用闲 暇时富人类的精神;鼓 励利用资源培养领军人物并为不同年龄的群体发展娱乐 休闲;提供让娱乐休闲机构携手合作的媒介;与联合国及其他附属机构合作,确 [...] [...]
The goals and objectives of the organization are to: serve as a central clearing house for the exchange of information and experience; aid countries to establish central recreation service agencies upon request; promote the development of a
world recreation movement
[...] in order to enrich the human spirit through wholesome use of leisure; encourage the [...]
use of resources to
train leaders and develop recreation and leisure for all ages; provide a medium through which recreation authorities may work in unity; and work with the United Nations and other affiliated organizations to ensure that everyone has a right to leisure and the opportunity to choose.




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