单词 | 精神分裂的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 精神分裂的 adjective —schizophrenic adjSee also:精神 n—spirit n • mind n • drive n 分裂 v—split v • divide v • separatist v 分裂 n—division n • fragmentation n • fission n 分裂—schism • split up • break up
我要跟大家說,在人力事務未轉往工商局之前 , 精神分裂的 症 狀 其實 現時已出現了。 legco.gov.hk | I must say that before human resource matters are transferred to the Trade and Industry Bureau, a state of schizophrenia has actually appeared. legco.gov.hk |
我苦思良久,亦無法理解黃議員這種近 乎 精神分裂 的行徑。 legco.gov.hk | He, however, is now proposing an amendment that would make it impossible for the road to be constructed. I have given the matter some [...] thought for quite a while but [...] still fail to understand Mr WONG’s position, which appears to me to be almost schizophrenic. legco.gov.hk |
因此,議會及政府其實也 有精神分裂的情況。 legco.gov.hk | Hence, both this Council and the [...] Government are sometimes schizophrenic. legco.gov.hk |
每次辯論這些問題時,我覺得有些人 是 精神分裂的 , 為 甚麼我這麼 說呢? legco.gov.hk | Every time we debate these issues, [...] I feel that some people are schizophrenic. legco.gov.hk |
政府的 代表 ⎯⎯ 現在是副局長在席 ⎯⎯ 如果沒有精神分裂的話,政府現在 是一體兩面,既是大股東,又是港鐵公司的主要決策人,其實何須作出 鼓勵呢? legco.gov.hk | If the government [...] representative ― the Under Secretary is now present ― is not schizophrenic, he should know [...]that the Government [...]is now playing two roles at the same time; that is, it is the major shareholder as well as the main decision maker of the MTRCL. legco.gov.hk |
例如:脑部化学物质的失调可能与精神 分裂症的发病密切相关。 hongfook.ca | (Example: A chemical imbalance in the brain may be associated with the development of schizophrenia. hongfook.ca |
李卓人議員:主席,精神分裂的不單是政府,我們議會內剛才批評港鐵 公司的議員也是精神分裂 ,因為是他們贊成港鐵公司私有化的。 legco.gov.hk | MR LEE CHEUK-YAN (in Cantonese): President, the government is schizophrenic, so are the Members who criticized the MTRCL just now, because they are the ones who endorsed the privatization of the MTRCL. legco.gov.hk |
被世界遺棄,一個徘徊自殺邊緣的人,遇上同樣被天神出賣的潘多拉,在幻覺 與 精神分裂 中 的 一 次 對話。 pplsfringe.com | Outcast by the world, a man in the brink of suicide comes across Pandora, who is also [...] betrayed by the God, a conversation amid illusion and schizoid. pplsfringe.com |
但是,這個議事堂內的人是 精神分裂的 , 他 們討論 有關議題時,便說到牙血也流,責罵人時會罵政府、罵這個、罵那個, 但到了最有機會真的取其要害時,卻又那麼輕輕地放過了。 legco.gov.hk | When discussing topics of this nature, they always lash out at many people and the Government. legco.gov.hk |
我告訴你,很簡單,我們這個議會內的保 守派討論問題時是二元的、 精神分裂的 , 股 票市場內也有內幕交易,立法會 最近亦因此受到震撼,大家會否說因為有內幕交易而不買賣股票呢? legco.gov.hk | The conservative camp in this legislature [...] is bipolar and is schizophrenic when it talks about [...]various issues. There are also insider [...]dealings in the stock market and recently, the Legislative Council has also been shocked by such dealings. legco.gov.hk |
2003/04 年度人口住戶健康 [...] 調查的報告指出,在 15 歲及以上人口中,有約 1.5%和 2% 分別表示獲醫生告知患有抑鬱症及焦慮症,而經醫生診 斷的 精神分裂症的普遍程度則較低,約為 0.2%。 legco.gov.hk | While the Population Health Survey (PHS) 2003/04 reported that about 1.5% and 2.0% of the population aged 15 and above reported being told by a doctor that they suffered [...] from depression and [...] anxiety disorder respectively, the prevalence of doctor diagnosed schizophrenia [...]was lower at about 0.2%. legco.gov.hk |
根據世界衞生組織的研究顯示,就一般人口而言,最少有 10%人口有不 [...] 同程度的精神病,最簡單的可能是患有焦慮、輕度的憂鬱,以至最嚴 重 的精 神分裂或一些更嚴重的病症。 legco.gov.hk | According to the findings of studies undertaken by the [...] World Health Organization, at least 10% of the population of a [...] place in general have mental illness of various [...]degrees. legco.gov.hk |
他带来了两个月亮的树眨了眨眼,睡在月光下很长一段时间,owlets,其中之一是索伦的妹妹,白玫瑰,一个紧张 性 精神分裂 症 的 状 态 引起的entrancement的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | He had brought to the tree two moon-blinked, [...] a catatonic state of entrancement caused by sleeping under the moonlight [...]for a prolonged period [...]of time, owlets, one of which is Soren’s sister, Eglantine. seekcartoon.com |
這些研究專案包括仿生眼、碳的捕捉、阿爾茨海默氏病 (Alzheimer’s )、柏金遜病 (Parkinson’s)和精神分裂症的治療方法以及突破性技術的研究,例如世界首創的千萬億位元組資料存儲技術 ——你能想像一萬張DVD所含的全部資料能被存儲於一張光碟內嗎? studyinaustralia.gov.au | Projects like the development of a bionic eye; carbon capture solutions; treatments for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and schizophrenia; and technological [...] breakthroughs such [...]as the world’s first petabyte data storage technology – can you imagine 10,000 DVDs worth of material on just one disc? studyinaustralia.gov.au |
在问答环节中,Reshma的父亲Dr Vedhakumar Valliappan解释道他们当初决定不畏 精神分裂 症 的 传 统观念以救出Reshma让她重拾信心与鼓励,强化了治疗疗程。 systematic.edu.my | In the question and answer session, Reshma’s father, Dr Vedhakumar Valliappan explained that it was their decision to defy the conventional notions of Schizophrenia that rescued Reshma from her other world which encouraged and empowered in her own healing process. systematic.edu.my |
社会与现实对精神分裂症的各种 曲解深深影响着Reshma,作为对 抗 精神分裂 症 的 幸 存 者,她还必须不断的与精神病,社会以及父母奋斗。 systematic.edu.my | The realities of the social stigma and connotations attached to schizophrenia were all challenged by Reshma - a fighter and survivor of Schizophrenia who battled with psychiatry, society, and even her parents. systematic.edu.my |
MOVIES ON THE MIND》將選映十部與心理、夢魘及 精神分裂 有 關 的 電 影 ,展示電影和心理在不同時空交匯所產生的影像和電影語言。 think-silly.com | Movies on the Mind’ selects ten films relevant to [...] psychology, dreams and schizophrenia, to showcase how [...]cinematic image and language can shed [...]light on the enigmatic subject. think-silly.com |
一些精神科的毛病,包括未經治療的狂躁症、嚴 重的 抑鬱症和精神分裂症等,亦會影響一個人的判斷力和對外界的反應。 legco.gov.hk | Some mental illnesses, including mania which has not been treated, serious depression and schizophrenic psychosis, will also affect one's judgment and reaction to the surrounding. legco.gov.hk |
精神变态通常由精神分裂症所引致的 , 但严重抑郁症和精神异常患者都会出现精神变态。 hsbc.com.hk | Psychosis is most commonly caused by schizophrenia, but patients suffering from severe depression and related disorders can also present with psychosis. hsbc.com.hk |
我谨借此机会再次呼吁所有代表团扩 大视野,发扬合作和诚意的精神,克 服导致我 们 分裂 的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would like to take this opportunity to again appeal to [...] all delegations to see the big [...] picture in a spirit of cooperation and goodwill, and to overcome the issues that divide us. daccess-ods.un.org |
幻覺和精神分裂充斥,在失敗者的腦 中,戰爭仍在繼續。 pplsfringe.com | Laden with illusion and schizoid, inside the losers’ mind, the war is still ongoing. pplsfringe.com |
这些药物包括用于高血压和心脏衰竭的β-阻断剂(如 propronolol);医治胃溃疡的H2拮抗剂(如 cimetidine);医治过敏症的H1拮抗剂(如 chlorpheniramine)和治疗精神分裂症的多 巴 胺拮抗剂(如 clozapine)。 shawprize.org | Examples include β-blockers (such as propronolol) for high blood pressure and congestive heart [...] failure, H2 antagonists [...] (such as cimetidine) for peptic ulcers, H1 antagonists (such as chlorpheniramine) for allergy, and dopamine antagonists (such as clozapine) for schizophrenia. shawprize.org |
精神分 裂症也 许是各类精神病中,令患者丧失能力最 多 的 一 类 ,并通常在青少年或成年 期最初阶段发生。 daccess-ods.un.org | Schizophrenia, which is perhaps the most disabling of all forms of mental illness, starts usually in the teens or early adulthood. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中有位先生咬牙切齒地說︰“這位梁先生(我或許稱他為梁 X先生)真的是死不悔改、精神分裂, 他明顯是以權謀私,還大言不慚, 不肯認錯。 legco.gov.hk | A man said between clenched teeth that, "This Mr LEUNG (or maybe I should [...] call him Mr LEUNG X) is really unrepentant and schizophrenic. legco.gov.hk |
我不知道這樣支持政府的修訂有何意思,因為我 覺得最重要的,是在立法時要有最低限 度 的精 神 , 政府 是 精神分裂 , 我 們控 制不了,但我希望我們的同事自己不 要 精神分裂 , 要 知道自己的原則,知道 自己如何投票,是其是,非其非,不要不黑不白的。 legco.gov.hk | We have to know our own principles and know how we should cast our votes, affirm what is right and what is wrong instead of confusing black and white. legco.gov.hk |
第一層次是最嚴重的精神病,如嚴重 的精神分裂 症 和 情緒病,必須由精 神科醫生處理,有些患者要住院,亦有些要長期留院,但只佔所有精神問題 人士中的少數。 legco.gov.hk | At the first level are the most acute mental diseases, such as serious schizophrenia and mood disorders, which must be treated by psychiatrists. legco.gov.hk |
在治療的過程 中,醫護人員亦會細心觀察病人有否出現通常與濫用藥物有 關的 精神複合病變情況,例如呈現 精神分裂 、 抑 鬱或人格障礙,並會 提供適當的治理。 legco.gov.hk | During the treatment process, health care professionals would carefully observe whether the patients display any [...] manifestation of the co-morbid [...] psychiatric conditions commonly associated with drug abuse, such as schizophrenia, depression [...]and personality disorders, [...]and would provide them with appropriate treatment. legco.gov.hk |
过去 10 年中,在联合国和我们的朋友的协助下, 我们开始了愈合心灵和精神创伤的痛 苦 进程,同时在 四分五裂的东帝 汶各社区之间架设和解桥梁、建设基 础设施和机构、创建经济以及与我们的邻国建立关 系。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the past 10 years, with assistance from the United Nations and our friends, we began the painful [...] process of healing [...] hearts and souls, building bridges of reconciliation among the fractured East Timorese [...]communities, building [...]infrastructure and institutions, creating an economy and building bridges with our neighbours. daccess-ods.un.org |