

单词 精疲力竭的人

See also:

的人 pl

persons pl

External sources (not reviewed)

在加沙地带和西岸极度紧张情况下生活和工 的 工 作 人 员 经 常感到困倦精疲力竭,越来越难以取得优质成果。
Staff living and working under conditions of extreme stress in
the Gaza Strip and
[...] the West Bank frequently suffer from fatigue and burnout, making it increasingly [...]
difficult to produce quality results.
队员们虽精疲力竭,但仍意气风发:他们不仅赢得了此次为期三 的 锦 标 赛,还帮助推广了全球根除脊髓灰质炎的创新战略。
The players are exhausted, but triumphant: Not only did they win the three-day tournament; they also helped spearhead an innovative new strategy in the global fight to eradicate polio.
但迄今为 止,他只拿到了三分之的赔偿 金。123 不仅诉讼使人精疲力竭,而 且在很多国家,诉讼当事人要拿出相当一部分赔偿金来支付律师费。
To date, he has collected only about one-third of this amount.17 Not only is litigation a draining experience, but many HIV-blood victims in other [...]
countries have lost substantial
portions of their rewards to lawyers’ fees.
那些没有辍的孩子 ,一般上午工作,下午上学,但是到了下午他们总 精疲力竭 , 在课堂上打瞌睡。
Those who do not drop out work in the
[...] morning and attend school in the afternoon, but they are too exhausted to concentrate and often fall asleep at class.
这一进程之所以取得成功,主要是因为地方行为 者怀有这的意愿,他们因 力精疲力竭 , 意 识到即 将结的冷战将不再助长敌对行动。
The success of this process was primarily the
result of the
[...] willingness of local actors, who were exhausted by violence and aware that the imminent end to the Cold [...]
War would cease to fuel hostilities.
假 如人一 年 到 晚 “日日做 到 無 停 手 ” , 不 單 止 會 影響工 友精神、 健 康 和 家 庭 , 對 老 闆 來 說 , 一個做 到疲 力 竭 的員工,還 有 甚麼生 產力可言 呢 ?
If a worker is required to work all day long and all the year round without any breaks, he will be fatigued, and his health and family will suffer.
這 些 藥 物並不好 像 以前般, 只供一個人 匿藏於 公 廁 或 樓 梯 底 服 食 , 而是 最好有一人,在一 些 娛 樂 場 所 , 有 強 勁 音 樂 陪襯, 大 家 都服食 一 些 , 分 甘 同 味 , 然 後就一 齊 在 擠的 舞池裏 狂跳至疲力 竭 。
After taking the drug, they will then squeeze back to the crowded dancing floor to dance till they drop of exhaustion.
昂地蘭指稱,「每天都困在車陣裡,實在 人精疲力竭 」。
It’s a soul-killing experience to be sitting there day after day,” Undeland said.
使用「情緒狀態評量表」時,我們不僅可以測得一 人的 「 活 力 」 ,還可以衡量他 的疲 勞 、 能量、緊張、焦慮 精 神 專注與整體的情緒。
In using the POMS, we can not only measure a person’s
Vigor, but we can also
[...] measure their level of fatigue or energy, their degree of tension or anxiety, and their levels of mental focus and overall mood.
精疲力竭地走了三的江边 徒步转经线之后,终于在地图上确定了接待站的详细位置。
The main hall is lit by sky lights and has a view window facing north towards the village and the Yaluntzangpu River.
脆弱,不稳定,消耗,最终到消散,这个过程在诗意的审美中安静的被刻画着:一场盛放过 的 烟 花 表演,一 精疲力竭 却 没 有听 的 生 日颂,一道平淡无奇转瞬即逝的光,在一个寂静的空间里,稍不注意,就一一错过。
In a silent space, this process is poetically and aesthetically described: a fully launched fireworks show, a well-performed birthday concert with no audience, an ordinary but transient flush of light.
(i) 註冊醫生在下述情況下 須承擔的法律責 任:因 病 人 患有疾病或 正 處於神智不 清 的 狀態,或因 病 人 是未成年人精神上無行為力的人而 在 未取得病人 同 意下進行器官移植;病 人的親屬 能否代沒有能力作出同 意的病 人作出同 意;若 病 人的親屬 無法就是否同意進行器官移植手術 達 成 共識,將如何處理。
(i) Legal liability of the registered medical practitioner for performing an organ transplant on a patient without first obtaining the latter's consent because of his illness or impaired state of consciousness or his being a minor, a mentally incapacitated person; whether relatives of a patient who could not give consent might give consent on behalf of the patient; and what would happen if the relatives had no consensus on whether to give consent.
精机制作所将继竭力开发 新技术以追求理 的 机 械 构造,并为客户各类型加工提供不同的新机 种。
Mori Seiki will continue to pursue the best possible machine structures by developing [...]
new technologies, and to provide an
even richer line-up of new models for all our customers’ varied types of machining.
大会第六十六届会议欢迎 2011 年 9 月 24 日在纽约举行的关于非洲之角危人道主 义救援问题部长级小型峰会、2011 年 8 月 25 日非洲联盟在亚的斯亚贝巴 举行的非洲之角问题认捐会议,表示赞赏联合国难民事务高级专员办事处在 1951 年公约六十周年期间所展示的领导 力 , 赞扬该办事处不断努力,在国际社会支 持下,援助非洲各庇护国,并敦促国际社会本着国际团结和分担重 的精 神 , 继 续慷慨资助办事处的难民方案,同时考虑到非洲对有关方案的需求大增(第 66/135 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly welcomed
the ministerial minisummit on the humanitarian response to the Horn of Africa crisis, held in New York on 24 September 2011, the African Union pledging conference for the Horn of Africa, held in Addis Ababa on 25 August 2011, expressed its appreciation, in the year which marked the sixtieth anniversary of the 1951
[...] Convention, for the leadership shown by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and commended the Office for its on-going efforts, with the support of the international community, to assist African countries of asylum, and urged the international community, in the spirit of international solidarity and burden-sharing, to continue to fund generously the refugee programmes of the Office, taking into account the substantially [...]
increased needs of programmes in Africa (resolution 66/135).
内部司法理事会还建议,在纽约以 的 有 工 作 人 员 法 律援助办公室法律代的地方(目前为的斯亚 贝巴、贝鲁特、日内瓦和内罗毕)设立一个一般事务行政 员额,以确保 P-3 法律干事能够集精力从事 法律工作,而不必在行政任务上花 时间。
The Internal Justice Council also recommends the establishment of a General Service administrative post at each centre where the Office of Staff Legal Assistance has legal representation outside New York (currently Addis Ababa, Beirut, Geneva and Nairobi) to ensure that the P-3 legal officers are able to focus on legal work and do not have to spend time on administrative tasks.
我的孙子现在正在排练,10 年,但我德国 Elise 德国 Elise 已精疲力竭的线程 和现在我有这种音乐,复制到庞特维奇奥宫,明天我们可以比在一起学习。
My grandson is now going to rehearse, 10 years, but my Für Elise Für Elise was worn to threads and now I have copied this music, to Ponte Vecchio, tomorrow we can than studying together.
第 34 条进一步规定法院可以发出命令“(a) [禁止]该人在一年之内从事本 法规定的任何活动;(b) [责令 ]该人提供金钱或其他形式的补偿,以便采取任何补 救行动或补偿因其犯罪行为而受损 的 人 ; (c) [责令]该人竭力协助修复因其犯罪 行为而对环境造成的任何损害;或(d) [责令 ]该人开展技术研究和调查方案,以发 展和完善安全标识、安全要求及安全标准,或支付开展此类研究所需费用”。
Section 34 further outlines court orders which may “(a) [prohibit] the person for a period of not more than one year from engaging in any activity regulated under this Act; (b) [require] the person to provide compensation, whether monetary or otherwise, for any remedial action taken or damage suffered by another person arising out of the commission of the offence; (c) [require] the person to do anything that will assist in repairing any damage to the environment arising out of the commission of the offence; or (d) [require] the person to conduct programs of technical research and investigation into the development and improvement of safety marks, safety requirements and safety standards, or to pay an amount in the manner prescribed to be used to conduct the research”.
而无论是儿童还是人,在睡眠不足 精疲力 尽 的 的 情 况下直觉和判断力都不如清醒状态下灵敏。
When kids are tired, they may counter-intuitively become hyperactive. Sleeping late makes kids tired the next day [...]
and impairs their judgment
when they play, thus increasing the risk for accidents.
從很多法定組織的任命可以看到,有不人都是本服務社的精神,竭盡 所 能,投入大量時間和 力 , 擔 任薪酬 不多甚至是沒有薪酬的公職。
From the case of many other statutory bodies, we can notice that many
appointees are actually
[...] motivated by a pure spirit of serving the community to accept public posts offering very low or even no remuneration, and they are all doing their very best, devoting huge amounts of time and energy to their jobs.
大多数中心(确实存的)由于受害 者人数众多不堪重负,而且其工人 员 不断地工作,几乎 疲力竭。
Most centres, where they do
[...] exist, are overburdened by the number of victims, and their staff members constantly operate on the verge of exhaustion.
公熊可以一直跟着母熊走,直 精疲力竭。
Male bears can follow females until the point of exhaustion.
議員殷切期望 當局確保設立有效的監察機制,以加強保障私隱,並確保處理人資料的員工竭力遵從 ,冀能增強公眾對政府、公共機構和工商 企業處理個人資料的信心。
Members were keen to ensure that an effective monitoring mechanism was in place to strengthen the protection of privacy and ensure compliance by staff handling personal data, thereby enhancing the public's confidence in the handling of personal data by the Government, public bodies and business corporations.
乌克兰在自己权力范围竭力打 击专制时的后遗 症并阻止专制主义抬头,重申其 与所有会员国通力合作在全球范围内促进和保人 权的承诺
Ukraine was making significant efforts to combat the consequences of totalitarianism and prevent its future recurrence, and reaffirmed its commitment to engage with all Member States to protect and promote human rights worldwide.
(c) 第三,双方投入更精力来确定和讨论各种治理问题,以满足西撒哈人民的需要 ,并应认识到可在不涉及领土最终地位的性质的情况下讨论这些问题 的许多方面,例如,如何构建其行政、立法和司法部门的结构、如何组织和进行 [...]
(c) Third, that the parties devote additional energy to identifying and discussing a wide range of governance [...]
issues with a view to meeting the
needs of the people of Western Sahara and with the understanding that many aspects of these issues can be discussed without reference to the nature of the final status of the Territory, for example, how to structure its executive, legislative and judicial branches, how to organize and conduct elections and how to design primary and secondary education.
无论您是工程主管精益生产经理、黑带大师、设施维护经理还是项目经理,我们都将依托我们丰富的业务资源和庞 的人 脉 网络 , 竭力 为 您找到合适的雇主。
Whether you’re an engineering director, lean manager, master black belt, facilities & maintenance manager or project manager, we have the right resources and network of contacts to [...]
connect you to the right organisation.
将第 14.4 段改为:“在 2014-2015 年期间,预期该方案将继续精力集 中 放在下列六个主要领域:(a) 增强妇女在涉及其生活的所有领域的领导力 和参与,其中包括政治和经济领域;(b) 使妇女更易于增强经济权能和获得 各种机会,尤其是最受排斥的妇女,特别是处于贫困的妇女;(c) 防止并消 除暴力侵害妇女和女童行为,并扩大幸存者服务的获取渠道;(d) 增强妇女 在和平与安全人道主义反应方的 领 导 力 ; (e ) 在所有各级加强计划和预 算对性别平等领域的敏感度;(f) 支持拟订关于性别平等和增强妇女权能的 全球规范、政策和标准。
14.4 During the 2014-2015 period, the
programme is expected to continue to concentrate its efforts on the following six focus areas: (a) increasing women’s leadership and participation in all areas that affect their lives, including in political and economic areas; (b) increasing women’s access to economic empowerment and opportunities, especially for those who are most excluded, particularly women living in poverty; (c) preventing and eliminating violence against women and girls and expanding access to survivor services; (d) increasing women’s leadership in peace, security and humanitarian response; (e) strengthening the responsiveness of plans and budgets in the area of gender equality at all levels; (f) supporting the development of global norms, policies and standards on gender equality and women’s empowerment.
事实上,尽管以色列继续无视联合国决议及其法律义务和承诺,巴勒 斯坦领人一直竭力推动第 64/19 号决议和所有其他有关决的实施 ,旨在 实现和平解决,结束对巴勒斯坦人 的 压 迫 和占领,实现他们不可剥夺的权 利,使他们能够在自己家园里享有尊严和自由。
Indeed, while Israel continues to flout United Nations
resolutions and its
[...] legal obligations and commitments, the Palestinian leadership has consistently exerted efforts to advance implementation of the provisions of resolution 64/19 and all [...]
other relevant resolutions,
aimed at achieving a peace settlement that brings an end to the oppression and occupation of the Palestinian people and enables realization of their inalienable rights, allowing them to live in dignity and freedom in their homeland.
(h) 加紧迫害未得到承认的宗教少数群体,尤其是巴哈教徒,包括利用国营 新闻媒体等手段,攻击巴哈教徒;有越来越 的 迹 象 表明国家 竭力 查 找 、监 视和任意拘留巴哈教徒,不让巴哈教徒上大学和谋生;没收和毁坏其财产;破 坏其墓地;屡次剥夺七名巴哈教领 人 受 到宪法保障的适当法律程序权利,包 括及时、充分地接触自选的法律代 人 及 得到公正、公开审判的权利,将他们 判处十年监禁
(h) Increased incidents of persecution against
[...] unrecognized religious minorities, particularly members of the Baha’i faith, including attacks on Baha’is, including in State-sponsored media, increasing evidence of efforts by the State to identify, monitor and arbitrarily detain Baha’is, preventing members of the Baha’i faith from attending university and from sustaining themselves [...]
economically, the
confiscation and destruction of their property, the vandalizing of their cemeteries and the sentencing of seven Baha’i leaders to ten years’ imprisonment despite being repeatedly denied the due process of law that they are constitutionally guaranteed, including the right to timely and adequate access to legal representation of their choice and to a fair and open trial




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