单词 | 精湛的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 精湛的 noun —consummate nSee also:精湛 n—craftsmanship n 精湛 adj—superb adj 精湛—exquisite • consummate 湛—clear (water) • surname Zhan
它们体现了 Skyworks 高 超的设计水平、雄厚的技术力量、 精湛的 制 造 工艺和卓越的产品质量。 skyworksinc.com | These attenuators leverage the extensive design knowledge, technical leadership, manufacturing expertise, and superior quality of Skyworks. skyworksinc.com |
专业的设计和精湛的制造工艺使得 Maxwell 产品能够在大多数高要求应用的寿命期间无故障运行。 digikey.cn | Maxwell products are designed and built to provide failure-free performance for the life of the most demanding applications. digikey.ca |
全亚洲的临床试验申办方将进一步受益于 CMIC 公司丰富的临床经验和精湛的 Rave 专业技能。 mdsol.com | Sponsors of clinical research across Asia will further benefit from CMIC’s extensive clinical experience and in-depth Rave expertise. mdsol.com |
黎族人以精湛的纺 纱和织布技术著称。 netzhammerbreiholz.de | The Li are known for their fine spinning and weaving. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
此处包含的规范和信息以“按现状”的基础提供,并在适用法律许可的最大范围内被允许,IBM 和 Microsoft 和 BEA [...] [...] 以“按现状并可能存在各种错误”的基础提供本文档,特此声明免除所有(无论是明示的、默示的,还是法定的)其它保证和条件,包括(但不限于)对与本文档有关的适销性、适用于某特定用途、响应的准确性或完整性、结果、技 艺 精湛的 成 果 、无病毒和无疏忽的默示保证、责任或条件(如果有的话)。 huihoo.org | This specification and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, BEA, IBM and Microsoft provides the document AS IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS, and hereby disclaims all other warranties and conditions, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) implied warranties, duties or conditions of [...] merchantability, of fitness for a [...] particular purpose, of accuracy or completeness [...]of responses, of results, of workmanlike [...]effort, of lack of viruses, and of lack of negligence, all with regard to the document. huihoo.org |
凭借能够相互连接的各类技术,Emerson 技术处理方法为制造商和房产主提供的中央空调或地源热泵系统,其 SEER 效率可达 16,具有精湛的室内舒适控制、诊断故障排除能力,并实现较低噪音。 emerson.com | With technologies that can communicate to each other, Emerson’s approach provides manufacturers and homeowners with central air [...] conditioning or [...] geothermal heat pump systems that deliver 16 SEER efficiency, superb indoor comfort control, diagnostic trouble-shooting capabilities and reduced sound levels. emerson.com |
城市與地獄的東西,可以區別僅提供高級別官員 , 精湛的 模 型 穿的棕色鱷魚皮錶帶,手工縫製的。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Urban hell with it something that can be distinguished only provide high-level officials, this superb model is worn on a brown alligator strap hand stitched. en.horloger-paris.com |
天發設備現有在職員工884人,其中超過230人為國家級專家及高、中、初級工程技術 人員,組成了一個經驗豐富且技術 精湛的 專 業技術工作團隊。 cre8ir.com | Currently, Tianfa Equipment own a working staff of 884, of which more than 230 are state-level experts, high, middle and junior engineers or technicians, constituting a experienced and skilled professional and technical working team. cre8ir.com |
毫無疑 問,本港的確有先進的醫療技術,更 有 精湛的 器 官移植手術,然而每年仍然有很多病㆟因 肝癌及腎病而去世,原因是因為香港嚴重缺乏器官捐贈,以致移植數字並不理想。 legco.gov.hk | Undoubtedly, we do have here in Hong Kong advanced medical technologies and very skilful medical staff to perform organ transplantation. Yet many patients die every year of liver cancer and kidney diseases because the situation of organ transplant is far from being satisfactory as a result of the serious shortage of donated organs in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
公司利用精湛的工艺技术帮助客户缩短产品上市时间,实现高性能、高可靠性和低成本的集成电路。 digikey.cn | Intimate knowledge of process technology [...] enables quick time to market, high performance, high reliability and low cost integrated circuits. digikey.ca |
精湛的鸡尾 酒, RED DOOR调酒大师Jacky薛,担任众多的国际酒业公司和酒吧品牌大使和顾问,主创的鸡尾酒单融合了东西方的配料和口味,必有一款适合与众不同的你。 restaurantweek.cn | Jacky Xue, REDDOOR’s Mixologist Director,formerly the ambassador and [...] consultant to many different bar’s and international [...]liquor companies, has made a tasty cocktail list that cover’s the full spectrum, fusing Western and Eastern delicacies. restaurantweek.cn |
Krämer 30 余年的药片除粉尘经验体现在每 一套 Krämer 系统中,充分展现了精湛的瑞士品质。 kraemerag.com | In every Krämer System you will find more than 30 years of tablet dedusting experience manufactured with excellent Swiss quality. kraemerag.ch |
精湛的工艺 、优良的品质和各种精美款式令该公司一直深受消费者追捧。 hk.ashford.com | Top-quality craftsmanship, substance and sheer variety continues to keep the company in demand. ashford.com |
除了收集和培育世界上最珍贵、最精致的珠宝,Harry Winston 还注重培养自身精湛的制表技艺,将品牌的非凡独创性凝聚于精致复杂的钟表之中。 hk.ashford.com | In addition to collecting and nurturing the world’s rarest and most exquisite jewels, Harry Winston has cultured his expertise in fine watch making and imbued some of the most complicated timepieces with his special brand of creativity. ashford.com |
如果你想进入3D创作领域,BodyPaint 3D是你不可或缺的应用程序;如果你已经开始使用这款应用程序,那么它卓越的功能 和 精湛的 技 艺 肯定令你赞不绝口。 bodypaint-3d.cn.uptodown.com | IF you want to get into the 3D world, BodyPaint 3D can be a good application and if you are already inside, it will give you extra features to make your creations better than ever. bodypaint-3d.en.uptodown.com |
順帶㆒提,把鼓勵㆒般市民積極參與各 類文化活動,以及栽培有藝術㆝份者達 致 精湛的 國 際 水準這兩者劃分清楚,相信亦有 助我們釐清在鼓勵專業㆟士和業餘㆟士方面出現的混淆情況。 legco.gov.hk | Incidentally, this clear division between an encouragement of the general populace to vitally participate in a variety of culture and the nurturing of artistic talent to international standards of excellence may also help to sort out the confusion between the encouragement of the professional and the amateur. legco.gov.hk |
这些精湛的产品 承载着博物馆对于产品质量和必须具有时代意义的严格标准。 bang-olufsen.com | Striking examples that embody the museum's strict criteria for both quality and historical significance. bang-olufsen.com |
卖方销售或交付给买方的所有商品和物资均应与买方在合同字面中阐明或提到的规格要求完全一致(包括由买方提供的任何相关设计图、绘图、样品或其他描述),或者如果在合同字面中未阐明或提到任何相关信息,则应与卖方提供给买方的已发布规格信息和样本一致,且商品和物资应是新的、有销路、合格且足够用于买方的特定用途(如果卖方已理解相关信息),并具有优良的品质 和 精湛的 工 艺,且无任何缺陷。 veeco.com.cn | All goods and materials sold and delivered by Seller to Buyer shall be in full conformity with Buyer's specifications set forth or referred to on the face hereof (including any related blueprints, drawings, samples or other descriptions furnished by Buyer) or if none are set forth or referred to, shall be in conformity with Seller's published specifications and samples provided to Buyer and will be new, merchantable, fit and sufficient for the use intended by Buyer (if known to Seller) and will be of good quality and workmanship and free from defects. veeco.co.jp |
正如每一台兰博基尼的制造工艺一样,这些标识也同样别具匠心,融合先进的创新技术 与 精湛的 手 工艺打造而成,不仅采用了兰博基尼专利的碳纤维材料——Forged Composite(锻造型复合材料), 更值得一提的是,50周年标识均专门由经验丰富的兰博基尼技师们手工打造而成。 lamborghini.com | Like every Lamborghini, it is made using a combination of hi-tech and artisanal craftsmanship – the emblem is produced in Forged Composite, a carbon-fiber material patented by Lamborghini. lamborghini.com |
SGS 技术精湛的玩具 安全专家可对即将进入欧盟市场的玩具进行安全和风险评估。 sgsgroup.com.cn | SGS’s highly skilled toy safety experts perform safety and risk assessments of toys that will be placed onto the EU market. sgsgroup.com.ar |
為了讓呈現無懈可擊的完美畫質,結合前日本畫質技術研究所代表中村順平的專業經驗以及BenQ液晶顯示器團 隊 精湛的 調 校技術,制定出BenQ獨家的智慧調校標準,並不斷地學習精進色彩藝術與調校科技,全面而緊密地串聯六大工法,讓各項調校都能達到最佳狀態,層層淬煉出完美的液晶顯示器畫質,引領雙眼感受最真實的色彩,觸動內心最極致的感動。 benq.com.tw | BenQ invited the help of Nakamura Junbei, the former CEO of the Japan Picture Quality and Technology Laboratory to develop a proprietary picture adjustment algorithm to adjust images and optimize colors that are true to life and a viewing experience that is nothing short of moving. ap.benq.com |
1872年創立於德國巴伐利亞的森林小鎮ZWIESEL,於是構成它的品牌之名,憑藉130多年 來 精湛的 水 晶 製作技術與工藝,以及充滿現代風格的設計特色,在國際間享負盛名。 sogo.com.hk | Having evolved over 130 years, master craftsmanship has a long tradition in Zwiesel, a small town in the Bavarian forest. The emergence of Zwiesel 1872, a contemporary luxury brand launched internationally, pays tribute to the skills of handcrafted crystal glass and modern design. sogo.com.hk |
诊所团队由经验丰富的医生和技术 精湛的 双 语 护士组成,确保您和家人能享受到国内高品质医疗服务。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Our multinational clinic staff of experienced doctors and bilingual nurses will ensure that you and your family receive the highest quality medical care available. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
1960年代,伯爵推出一系列以缟玛瑙、绿松石、珊瑚、和孔雀石为表盘的腕表作品,将品牌超薄机芯 与 精湛的 镶 嵌工艺完美结合。 piaget.com.cn | In the 1960s, Piaget launched a series of watches with dials of onyx, turquoise, coral, and malachite, combining the Maison’s ultra-thin movements with gem-setting expertise. piaget.com |
该支持团队由来自全球的技术精湛的 产 品 专家和应用工程师提供支持。 bksv.cn | The support team is backed up by a global team of skilled product specialists and application engineers. bksv.com |
科克郡( Cork)是这个国家美食革命的中心,拥有不计其数的与众不同、技 艺 精湛的 厨 师 、令人惊异的农贸市场、著名的烹饪学校、出色的餐馆和热情的用餐者!尝尝古比恩(Gubbeen)和杜拉斯(Durrus) 奶酪,前往著名的美食烹饪学校巴利玛洛(Ballymaloe)去学习烹饪几样你自己喜欢的菜肴,或者去金赛尔(Kinsale),享受十月的金赛尔美食节(Kinsale Gourmet Festival)带来的乐趣。 discoverireland.com | Cork is right at the heart of the country’s gourmet revolution with stacks of exceptional artisan producers, fabulous farmers’ markets, renowned cookery schools, excellent restaurants and enthusiastic diners! Try cheeses like Gubbeen and Durrus, head to the famed Ballymaloe to learn a thing or two about cooking your own delights or take a trip to Kinsale and enjoy the Kinsale Gourmet Festival in October. discoverireland.com |
來自德國的博弈大廠,在本屆展會中拿下了最大的攤位,並 以 精湛的 德 國 技術,推出了不少優質拉霸產品,如「Alhambra」、「The Plünder Pack」、「Cashline Platino」、「Spooky Cash」、「Magic Mirror」、「VLT and SBG systems」與框體等,另外他們也展出了驗鈔機等相關周邊產品。 taiwanslot.com.tw | As a leading gaming solution provider from Germany, Merkur Gaming occupied the largest stand at the show and introduced a good mix of high-quality slot products built with exquisite German technologies such as “Alhambra”, “The Plünder Pack”, “Cashline Platino”, “Spooky Cash” and “Magic Mirror”. taiwanslot.com.tw |
对于潜水,除了为新的时辰“帝舵Hydronaut二”的选择,如新的TechnoMarine“邮轮体育直径45毫米的追随者muniront嬉戏钟表,或选择版本为最酷的“路易威登坦博跳水”目录著名的皮具,“迪奥Chiffre高棉D02型” 或 精湛的 “ 帆 船计时自动”赫尔墨斯。 zh.horloger-paris.com | With regard to scuba diving, in addition to choice as the new chrono "Tudor Hydronaut II", the followers of muniront playful timepiece such as new TechnoMarine "Cruise Sport 45 mm in diameter, or opt for versions as the coolest "Louis Vuitton Tambour Diving" [...] Catalogue of the famous leather goods, the "Dior Chiffre [...] Rouge D02" or the superb "Clipper Chrono Automatic" of Hermes. en.horloger-paris.com |
PHOENIX提供高质量的切割产品,坚固 的焊接结构和精准的机器加工面确保了机 器的各部件之间协调运作,简洁的设计和 精湛的工艺 减少维护和维修成本,增加了 机器的使用寿命。 esab.com.cn | Heavy-duty welded structures and precision machined surfaces ensure all machine components work smoothly together. esab.com.cn |
1987年,梁前进先生毕业于中国陈家沟武术学校,师从陈式太极拳第十九代传人:陈春雷、陈小旺、陈世通,陈克勤等著名的武术大师,他精通陈式太极正宗传统各式套路:陈式太极拳老架一路74式、二路炮拳,陈式太极剑49式、太极绝命刀,太极春秋大刀、陈式太极绝门枪、陈式太极五种推手及108式擒拿走化等,并 以 精湛的 功 夫赢得多项荣誉。 21bowu.com | Graduated from China Chenjiagou Wushu School in 1987,he learned Chen-Style Taichi Boxing from famous Wushu masters like Zhenglei CHEN,the 19th direct line successor of Chen-Style Taichi Boxing Chunlei CHEN and Xiaowang CHEN etc. He mastered various kingds of traditional Chen-Style Taichi,such as:The Old Frame of Taichi Boxing One and Two [...] ,Chen-Style Taichi Sword ,Taichi Saber [...] ,Taichi Spear,and Five kinds of Chen-Style [...]Push-Hands etc. His excellent Gongfu won him various laures. 21bowu.com |