单词 | 精於 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 精于—skillful inless common: proficient in adept at Examples:精于此道—be proficient in the area of skilled in this field 业精于勤—Excellence in work is only possible with diligence. mastery of study lies in diligence (idiom). You can only master a subject by assiduous study. Practice makes perfect.
John W. Meyer在直销行业已有至少二十七年的经验,专精於营养与个人保健产品的领域。 amaglo.stemtechbiz.com.tw | John Meyer has more than 27 years of experience in the direct selling industry, with expertise in the areas of nutrition and personal care products. amaglo.stemtechbiz.com |
对您的邮件与B2C包裹,DHL Global Mail全球邮件服务专精於提供全球各地客制化解决方案。 dhl.com.tw | DHL Global Mail is DHL’s worldwide expert in providing customized solutions for your mail and B2C parcels. dhl.si |
专精於企业摄影的 Scorpix 必须要能够准确地迅速地满足客户的紧急要求和截稿期限。 synology.com | Specializing in corporate photography, Scorpix has to meet clients’ urgent requests and tight deadlines. synology.com |
除此以外,团体业务部亦精於设计各种有关团体保险或财务安排,包括跨国联合团体保险服务、自选褔利计划、保费回赠计划和保险行政服务。 aia.com.hk | In addition to the above, Corporate Solutions Department also specializes in designing innovative Group Insurance or financial arrangement which includes Multinational Pooling, Flexible Benefit Scheme, Experiencing Refund and Administration Services Only Scheme. aia.com.hk |
蔡女士为执业资深会计师,具有20多年实务经验,尤其精於审计及香港税务的各个范畴。 crowehorwath.net | Ivy has over 20 years of experience as a practising accountant and is an expert in the full spectrums of auditing and Hong Kong taxation services. crowehorwath.net |
香港弦乐四重奏由小提琴家王思恒创立於1993年,乐队精於奏演室内乐,致力参与香港校园及民间的艺术教育、音乐传播工作。 yp.mo | Devoted to promoting chamber music, the Quartet has made recordings and radio broadcasts, participated in activities at schools and hospitals and has organised a number of chamber music workshops for the young. yp.mo |
专精於电影3D和FX技术的CGI设计师经常要在Windows、OSX和Linux作业系统间进行切换,以满足不同任务需要使用不同软体的需求。 aten.com | A freelance CGI artist specializing in 3D and FX technologies for the film industry often needs to switch between Windows, OSX, and Linux operating systems to leverage different types of software against specific task requirements. aten.com |
专精於太阳能电池正面的择区蚀刻及针对太阳能电池特殊钝化背面的触点生产。 gpsolar.de | The focus is on selective etching on the front side of solar cells and producing contacts for special passivated back sides of solar cells. gpsolar.de |
他累积了丰富的专业经验,尤其精於为不同行业的上市公司进行审计,这些行业包括零售、制造业、贸易、药业、地产建筑、物业投资及农业。 crowehorwath.net | He has extensive experience in conducting listed company audits over a wide range of industries including retail, manufacturing, trading, pharmacy, property construction, property investment and agriculture. crowehorwath.net |
圆刚是全球专精於多媒体影像撷取、IPTV/OTT影音串流编码器、电视卡(棒)的设计、制造及行销的主要公司之一,我们一贯的设计理念是利用本身技术的优势,融合科技、环保、人体工学以及使用者的习惯, 研发设计出高品质的商品。 solutions.avermedia.com | AVerMedia is one of the World’s leading manufacturers of IPTV/OTT Encoders, Live Video Streaming Encoder/Server, Video Capture Cards, TV Tuner products for commercial and consumer customers. solutions.avermedia.com |
历经迪吉多电脑、通用器材等公司,陈先生自1980年加入联电团队,先後担任联电 [...] 6A、8AB、8E、8D 及 8F 晶圆厂厂长,专精於半导体制程发展整合及工厂管理。 umc.com | Mr. Chen joined UMC in 1980 responsible for the operation of UMC's 6A, [...] 8AB, 8E, 8D and 8F fabs, specializing in development [...] and integration of semiconductor processes [...]and factory management. umc.com |
先进科技的发展,特别是在资讯科技发达的年代,电脑如配备了放大软件或读屏软件,视障人士亦可像健视人士一般精於电脑工作。 hksb.org.hk | With advancement in technology, in particular amidst an explosive development of information technology (IT), visually impaired persons are able to work on computers equipped with magnifying or screen reading programmes as skillful astheir sighted counterparts. hksb.org.hk |
塞普里阿诺是夏威夷当代音乐工业的传奇领导人物,拥有美绝的歌喉,亦精於作曲及钢琴演奏,曾四度获得被称为夏威夷格林美奖的最高殊荣Na [...] Hoku Hanohano Awards。 hkiac.gov.hk | Singer, pianistand composer Nohelani Cyprianois aleading [...] figure in the Hawaiian music scene, whose celestial yet powerful [...]vocals have seen her become a four-time winner of the Na Hoku Hanohano Award (Hawaiian Grammy). hkiac.gov.hk |
Alfacom Web 本身及透过其全资附属公司主要 从事为亚洲区商业企业公司提供端对端资讯科技服务,精於建立网页、多媒体应用开发、 数据模式、数据库管理及软件开发及培训等服务。 ciamgroup.com | Alfacom Web by itself and through its wholly-owned Subsidiaries, is principally engaged in the provision of end-to-endinformation technology services with expertise in web site establishment, multimedia applications development, data modeling, database management, and software development and training to business enterprises in the Asia region. ciamgroup.com |
自 2004 年起,Nip 专精於财务管理、投顾和跨界购并,曾担任私人及上市公司的董事,并曾在亚洲各地管理许多不同的金融机构。 tw.eink.com | Since 2004, Nip has specialized in financial management, investment advisory and cross border M&A. Nip served on the Board of Directors of private and listed companies, and managed various financial institutions across Asia. eink.com |
我们是专业於精密钨钢头冲棒和全钨钢冲棒之研发制造的公司,本公司成立於西元1995年,以专业设计及生产制造高品质、高精度之各种冲棒。 trade-taiwan.org | Since 1995, we have designed and produced various kinds of high quality and precision punches. trade-taiwan.org |
进一步详情载於精简综合财务资料附注十四。 asiasat.com | Further details are set out in note 14 tothe condensed consolidated financial information. asiasat.com |
对於精美印刷要求极高之说明书、画刊、杂志,其使用纸张大都采用A0,A1级铜版纸,来作为印刷图文之展现,而此类纸张单价相当高。 npc.com.tw | A0 or A1 level of art paper is usually used for operation instructions, books, pictorials and magazines, for which high printing quality is required, to present excellent texts and pictures. npc.com.tw |
来自日本的手制皮革团队Roberu,一向闻名於精细造工及上乘的皮革物料应用。 think-silly.com | Japanese leather-maker Roberu has been renowned fortheir world class craftsmanship and creative use of leather material. think-silly.com |
精神不健全的股东,或由对於精神病案件具有司法管辖权的法院判定为精神不健全 的股东,不論是在举手表决或投票表决中,均可由其受托监管人、接管人、财产保 佐人,或由法院所指定具有监管人、接管人或财产保佐人性质的其他人作出表决; 任何此等受托监管人、接管人、财产保佐人或其他人,均可在以投票方式进行的表 决中,由代表代为表决。 sisinternational.com.hk | A member of unsound mind or in respect of whom an order has been made by any court having jurisdiction in lunacy may vote, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, by his committee, receiver, curator bonis or other person in the nature of a committee, receiver or curator bonis appointed by that court and any such committee, receiver, curator bonis or other person may on a poll vote by proxy. sisinternational.com.hk |
尽管在二十年代末的经济大萧条和第二次世界大战期间,该公司将继续创新,不断提高技术用於精确测量的时间。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Despite the Great Depression in the late twenties and the Second World War, the company continues to innovate and improve techniques for accurate measurement of time. en.horloger-paris.com |
CCHR是由山达基教会和精神病学荣誉教授汤玛士 萨兹(Thomas Szasz)博士在1969年共同创立。在那个时代,病人被弃置於精神病院里,所有宪法、民法所赋予的权利和人权都被剥夺了。 cchr.org | CCHR was co-founded in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus Dr. Thomas Szasz at a time when patients were being warehoused in institutions and stripped of all constitutional, civil and human rights. cchr.org |
此作品的花艺小品由白马啼兰、桔梗及多种小花配搭出一个小花篮,加上一盒Godiva正方形朱古力16Pcs, 置於精美人造皮盒中。 givegift.com.hk | At the back is Godiva Carres 16pcs chocolate. Floral arrangement consists of Call Lily, orange and purple blossoms of flower, withbranch arches. givegift.com.hk |
2012年,曜越持续秉持着对於精致品质与卓越服务的坚持,成立结合时尚和专业电竞游戏周边的购物网站-《TtBuy曜越购物》,以台湾最专业电子竞技潮流风格为导向,打造专属於广大爱用者和电竞玩家优质电竞的专业购物环境。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Thermaltake, carring the insist to provide excellent service and high-quality products, established Tt Buy-an e-shopping site in 2012. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
(a) 在 2009-10 年度,完善采购政策的重点在於精简程序和引入措施,以加快整 个采购过程。 devb.gov.hk | (a) The main focus of the enhancement of the procurement policy in [...] 2009-2010 is on streamlining procedures [...]and measures to speed up the entire procurement process. devb.gov.hk |
表盘的另一半上出现相同的桥饰有两个红宝石V用於精密计时显示分别为60秒左旋转的两个磁盘的旋转过程中,以减少摩擦,和右後30分钟後啮合的柱塞。 zh.horloger-paris.com | On the other half of the dial emerges the same bridge decorated with two rubies V used to reduce friction during rotation of the two disks rotating chronograph that displays respectively 60 seconds left, and right after 30 minutes have elapsed engaging the plunger. en.horloger-paris.com |
任何主管法院或官员基於某股东正在或可能处於精神失常狀态或因其他原 因未能管理其事务作为理据而发出法令的有关股东,可由在该等情况下获授 权的任何人士以投票方式表决,而在以投票方式表决时,该人士可由受委代 表投票。 sinolifegroup.com | A member in respect of whom an order has been made by any competent court or official on the grounds that he is or may be suffering from mental disorder or is otherwise incapable of managing his affairs may vote by any person authorised in such circumstances to do so, and such person may vote by proxy. sinolifegroup.com |