

单词 精心完成的东西

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External sources (not reviewed)

2012/13 年,高层管理团队(SMT)将致力于调 动积极性,广泛培养主人精神, 确保及 完成 战 略 调整计 的 十 九 项重大行动倡议,实现本组织心价值方面的预期成果。
In 2012/13, the Senior Management Team (SMT) will aim to build momentum
and broad-based
[...] ownership to ensure timely completion of the nineteen major initiatives of the SRP, and to achieve the expected results in terms of the Organization’s core values.
自1966年布隆成为共和国后,主要由 西 族 精 英 进 行 的 政 府 俘获一直是政治的 心 问 题 ,而不公平的财富分配则加剧了冲突。
Since Burundi became a
[...] republic in 1966, state capture, mostly by the Tutsi elite, was at the centre of politics, and the unfair wealth distribution [...]
fuelled conflict.
在被占的西岸所 谓“暂 停兴建定居点 10 个月”的规定过期后,以色列官员,包括政 的 高 级 成 员 , 便 几次发表挑战性言论,包括在正式访问非法定居点时发表这种言论,反映了他们心继续在包东耶路 撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上殖民,全然不顾这种行为 显然违反国际人道主义法的事实,也全然不顾这种行为对重新开始的和平进程以 及对国际社会所有成员在这方面作出的一致而崇高的努力和美利坚合众国带头 作出的努力的严重影响。
As the so-called “10-month moratorium”
on settlement
[...] construction in the Occupied West Bank expired, Israeli officials, including senior members of government, have proceeded to make several provocative statements, including in the context of official visits to illegal settlements, in a reflection of their determination to continuing colonizing the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, regardless [...]
of the fact that
such actions constitute clear breaches of international humanitarian law and regardless of the gravely detrimental impact on the newly resumed peace process and the concerted and noble efforts being exerted in this regard by all members of the international community and led by the efforts of the United States of America.
在欧洲东部地 区拥有10多年的经验,尤其是在波兰市场上,我们知道如何在这个复杂多变又有利 可图的环境中生存,并帮助我的精 英 客 户顺 完成 公 司 并购交易。
With more than ten
[...] years of experience in CEE, specifically focusing on the polish market, we know how to maneuver within this intricate yet lucrative environment, successfully closing corporate transactions for our elite customers.
此外,这个主题的Prestashop是我的好主意,通过您的鼠标移到该产品的第二图像的可能性,而在“产品类别”页面,或在自 完成 搜 索 产品,让您的客户快速准确地找到他们想 的东西 , 那你的网站提供。
In addition, this theme Prestashop is mine good idea with the possibility of a second image of the product in passing
your mouse over
[...] it, while in the product categories page, or auto-completion at the search product that will allow your customers [...]
more quickly
and accurately find what they want, and what your website offers.
如果如咨询委员会报告(A/63/593)第 11 段所述,此种任务的活动是针对业务事项,因此不适 合完全纳 入秘书处的工作方案,那么他想知道为何 秘书长提议没有时限的特别政治任务,如联合国中亚 地区预防性外交心的情况 ,又为何联合 西 非 办事 处的职能不适于纳入工作方案。
If, as suggested in paragraph 11 of the report of the Advisory Committee
(A/63/593), such missions’ activities were directed towards operational matters and, as such, did not lend themselves to full integration with the work programme of the Secretariat, he wondered why the Secretary-General was proposing special political missions
[...] with no time limit, as in the case of the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, and why the functions of the United Nations Office for West Africa did not fit within the work programme.
[...] 显然必须继续致力于并——用塔宁大使的话说——以 毅力和心集中精力完成目前的任务,就是镇压叛乱、 打击腐败、改进治理和向阿富汗人民提供必要服务。
In conclusion, it is obviously important that the Afghan Government and its international
partners, including Australia, remain
[...] committed to and focused, with fortitude and resolve, to [...]
use the words of Ambassador Tanin,
on the task at hand: fighting the insurgency, combating corruption, and improving governance and the delivery of essential services to the Afghan people.
在这方面,“精益六西格玛”业务流程改进能力建设方 案联合“团结”项目团队,对最适合企业资源规划系统工具和 精 益 六 西 格 玛” 的各业务流程改进方法进行整合,以 成 最 佳 解决方案。
In this regard, the Lean Six Sigma business process improvement capacity-building programme has joined forces with the Umoja team to integrate the business process improvements best
suited for enterprise
[...] resource planning tools together with those best suited for Lean Six Sigma in order to achieve optimal solutions.
履行机构赞赏地注意到提议方为响应提议担任气候技术 心东 道 方 的 号 召 做 出的努力,评价小组评估提议书和编制评价报告的努力,和秘书处为支助选择进 程做出的努力,所有工作均在有的 时 间 内 完成。
The SBI noted with appreciation the efforts made by the proponents in responding to the call for proposals
for hosting the CTC,
[...] by the evaluation panel in conducting the assessment of the proposals and preparing the evaluation report, and by the secretariat in providing support for the selection process, all within a limited time frame.
一个字“circumcisio”是用来谴责犹太 完 整 的;的犹太人,他们说,夺走了一切肉体(σωματικῶς),基督徒把所 的东西精 神 上(πνευματικῶς)。
The one word "circumcisio" was used to
[...] condemn the whole of Judaism; the Jews, they said, took everything carnally (σωματικῶς), the Christians took all things spiritually (πνευματικῶς).
最后,南非认为,在 1967 年 6 月 4 日的停战界限
[...] 以内建立一个以东耶路撒冷为首都的可生存和独立的 巴勒斯坦国,以色列按照第 242(1967)号和第 338(1973) 号决完全撤出包西岸和东耶路 撒冷在 的 所 有被 占巴勒斯坦领土,同时按照大会第 194(III)号决议的 规定保证所有巴勒斯坦难民的返回权,是寻找中东冲 [...]
In conclusion, South Africa maintains that the creation of a viable and independent Palestinian State, with East Jerusalem as its capital, existing side by side the State of Israel within the 4 June,
1967, armistice
[...] borders, as well as the complete withdrawal of Israel from all occupied Arab territories, including the West Bank and East Jerusalem, as encompassed [...]
in resolutions
242 (1967) and 338 (1973), along with a guarantee of the right of return of all Palestinian refugees as set forth in General Assembly resolution 194 (III), is the only means of finding a just, lasting and comprehensive solution to the conflict in the Middle East.
设计团队为每一个部精心选择适当的材料 并精确计算整个设备的 参数,力求在所有不同工况点都完 美 运 行。
The design teams carefully select the proper materials to use for each component and accurately calculate the machine so that it functions flawlessly at all the different [...]
operational points.
员工的高专职化,广范的服务,快 完成 订 单 任务 精 良 的 技 术 装备,办事处在市 心 的 位 置,以及以上述取得的及时的和易用的服务–这些所有使“GMC翻译服务“的优势,是在语言翻译行业中作为最高素质的企业之一。
High professionalism of employees, the widest range of services, efficiency of orders implementation, excellent technical equipment, central location of offices, and, achievable due to everything listed, friendliness of services these are the advantages which distinguish GMC Translation Service Translation Center in the sphere of translations making services as one of the most highly professional companies.
完全抽象不同的数据库设计:使用一个单一的中间层服务器来处理不同的数据库设计,比如一个传统的数据库和一个 的 、 精心 设 计的替代数据库。
Complete abstraction of different database layouts: have a single middle-tier server target different database designs, for example a legacy database and a new, well-designed replacement [...]
2011年,在制度建设方面,公司针对海外重点国家及 国内销售代表处通过实地调研,认真选聘当地知名律所,根据不同国 的 法 律 规定 精心 编 写 且发布各国中英文 双语版《应知应会法律合规手册》及《反商业贿赂行为规范》,并组织培训、宣贯工作,目前已经涵盖中国、北 美、欧洲、印度、南美、东、非洲 、 东 南 亚 等片区的40个国家及地区。
In 2011, in respect to system construction, the company carefully selected
highly-regarded local law firms
[...] based on field research on key overseas countries and the domestic sales representative offices, prepared and published the Legal Compliance Book and the Anti-Bribery Guidebooks in both Chinese and English, and organized training, promotion and implementation, covering 40 countries and regions, including China, North America, Europe, India, South America, the Middle East, Africa, and [...]
Southeast Asia.
4.3 在閣下登成為會 員時,以及使用會員八達通時向本公司所提 的 資 料,將有助本公精心挑選 出相信閣下會喜愛或合用的獎賞優惠。
4.3 The information with which you provide us when you register as a Member and when you use your Membership Octopus will help us to make carefully selected offers [...]
that we believe will
be of interest and value to you.
(C) 在不違反上述(B)項規定之前提下,當任何聯名帳戶持有人身故 精 神 失 常及/或其他喪失行為能 力、或發生無力償債事件,吾等將會將所有帳戶中持有的貸方餘額以及吾等在任何交易及服務下 應向聯名帳戶持有人支付的所有款項及資產交予聯名帳戶持有人的生存者(若所有聯名帳戶持有 人全部身故,則應當交予最後生存的聯名帳戶持有人的遺囑執行人或遺產管理人),而吾等就以 上所完成的任何 支付應當被視為已完全地、絕對地解除吾等針對所有聯名帳戶持有人的負值 (包括已身故的聯名帳戶持有人及其繼承人),前提是吾等會要求提供身故證明文件及/或身故者 遺產的相關法律受讓文件。
(C) Subject to paragraph (B) above, we shall hold on the death, or mental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any of the joint Account holder all credit balance or balances and properties in all the Accounts and all monies due by us to the joint Account holders under any Transactions and Services to the order of the surviving joint Account holder (in case of death of all of the joint Account holders, to the executors [...]
or administrators of the last surviving
joint Account holder) and any payment by us above shall be an absolute full and conclusive discharge of us as against the joint Account holders (including the deceased and his/her/estate and successor) provided that we may require the production of documentary proof of the death and/or the relevant legal grant to the estate of the deceased.
我们遵循《哈萨克斯坦 2010 年发展战略的文字和精神,完成了 为 二十一 世纪头 10 年确定的所有目标。
Following the letter and spirit of the Development Strategy [...]
of Kazakhstan to 2010, we have fulfilled all the goals outlined
for the first decade of the twenty-first century.
具体而言,它们包括:委员会一贯支持以和平方式解 决巴勒斯坦问题;政治进程停滞不前,在努力 成西 岸与 加沙地带在巴勒斯坦权力机构下实现统一方面 缺乏进展,此外包东耶路撒冷在 的 整 个 巴勒斯坦 被占领土实地局势日益恶化;2007 年 11 月安纳波利 斯会议后得以恢复的以巴双方政治进程未能产生任 何实际结果;国际社会对加沙遭受的攻击作出了反 应,呼吁保持冷静并尊重无辜平民的生命;四方继续 为实现阿以冲突的全面解决而开展努力;委员会在活 [...]
动中力求提请注意急需采取协调一致的集体努力,缓 解实地的消极事态发展。
They include in particular the Committee’s consistent support for a peaceful solution of the question of Palestine; the stagnation of the political
process, lack of progress in
[...] efforts to unite the West Bank and the Gaza Strip under the Palestinian Authority, and the worsening situation on the ground throughout the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem; the [...]
failure of the political
process between the Israeli and Palestinian sides, which was resumed after the Annapolis Conference of November 2007, to produce any tangible results; the response by the international community to the assault on Gaza by calling for calm and respect for the lives of innocent civilians; the continued efforts by the Quartet to achieve a comprehensive resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict; and the Committee’s activities which sought to draw attention to the urgent need for coordinated and collective efforts to mitigate the negative developments occurring on the ground.
这些工作 要在资源非常有的情况下完成,需 要创 精 神 , 也要精简后勤和技术规划活动,比如取消某些 服务,限制会前文件事务。
This was done in the context of
severe resource constraints and
[...] called for innovation and streamlining in the logistical and technical [...]
planning operations,
including the suppression of some services and the restriction of pre-session documentation.
基于与地质测量和太空机构的伙伴关系,利用地质数据和地 成 了 研究与培 训的强大工具,而且也是地区社会经济发展以及减轻自然灾害负面影响的不可或 的东西。
Based on the partnership with Geological Surveys and Space agencies, the utilization of geological data and maps has proved to be a powerful tool for research and training and is indispensable for the socio-economic regional development as well as for the mitigation of the negative affects of natural disasters.
联盟在伊斯坦布尔召开的会议:2008 年 11 月:国际建筑心联盟 五十周年 纪念;关于“视频游戏以及建筑界可以从中学 的东西 ” 和 “建筑的未来——大 趋势和弱信号”的研讨会。
Meeting of the Union in Istanbul, November 2008: fiftieth anniversary of the Union, seminars on “Video games and what the building sector can learn” and “The future of building — megatrends and weak signals”.
这个题为《时刻》的创新抽象影像作品只用橡胶带和细线来 成 对 移 动抽象的研究,而选择的一系列2009年纸上作品均来自不起眼的材料,包括平淡和没人要的材料, “无望的角落和无的东西”, 这展示了艺术家转化改变所选取的任意材料和媒介的能力。
The innovative abstract video, The Movement (2007) uses only rubber bands and filament to create a study in moving abstraction, while a selection of works on paper from 2009 similarly emanate from these insignificant materials, showing this artist’s facility in transforming virtually any material or medium she takes up, including the mundane and unwanted, “the hopeless corners and useless things.
过去几年中获得 的经验表明,战略的实施颇具挑战性,因为它带来一个深刻的变革管理过程,服务 的提供随之转移到布林西全球 服务中心、恩德培区域服务中心和外地特派团,而 这一转移必须以透的方式 与所有利益攸关 精心 协 调 并实施;在战略实施为期五 年的周期中预计将继续需要现有职能。
Experience gained over the past few years has shown that the implementation of the strategy is challenging in that it entails a profound change management process whereby service delivery is transferred to the Global Service Centre at Brindisi, the Regional Service Centre at Entebbe and field missions, which must be carefully coordinated and implemented with all stakeholders in a transparent way, and that the need for the current functions is expected to continue during the five-year life cycle of the implementation of the strategy.
对就业和非正式部门的调查、国民账户的最新数据、还在等结果的第三次 人口和生境普查(RGPH)以及 2007 年完成的喀麦 隆第三次户口调查(ECAM-III)使 我们能精确地 对喀麦隆的贫困状况和政府已采取措施的影响进行评估。
The employment and informal sector survey, recent national accounts data, the third general population and housing
census (RGPH) and
[...] ECAM-III, conducted in 2007, should allow a more precise assessment of poverty in the country and of [...]
the impact of the measures taken by the Government.
首先是我们全球各地兢兢业业的卓越团队:我们的技师在日本、英国和美国的实验室以令人惊叹的速度构建复杂的设备制造商车桥和变速箱测试环境并以出 的精 度 完成 测 试 ;我们的工程师在您能想象到的最严酷的环境中进行现场试验,以检验新款Anglamol添加剂的性能;我们的科学家迅速研发出新产品,以满足客户和设备制造商的需求;我们的全球制造、销售和营销人员时刻以满足客户的产品需求为第一要务。
First is our remarkable team in action all over the world: our technicians in our laboratories in Japan, England and the United
States who set up
[...] complicated OEM axle and gearbox testing with amazing speed and run them with remarkable precision; our engineers [...]
running field trials
in some of the harshest environments you can think of to test new Anglamol additives; our scientists who create new products rapidly to meet the needs of our customers and OEMs; and our global manufacturing, sales and marketing personnel who are keenly focused on meeting our customer’s product needs.
Gaskins (2000)对墨西哥尤卡坦生活中儿童日常活动的研究表明,童年和儿童发展怎样 都被理解为“来自其自身的东西; 父 母并不过多 心 发 展目标或建构儿童生活促进这些目 标实现。
Gaskins’ (2000) study of children’s daily activities in Yucatec Mayan life in Mexico illustrates how childhood and child development are both understood as something that ‘comes out by itself ’; parents are not overly concerned with developmental goals or structuring children’s lives to hasten achievement of these.
不过,这款Foxit毕竟还是汉化过 的东西 , 中文的支持不是十 完 美 ,除了只能使用一些大众化字体的限制之外,每一个初步使用的新字体还得需要手工导入,煞是麻烦,如下图所示。
However, this Foxit come after all things Chinese, Chinese support is not perfect, in addition to some popular fonts can only use the restrictions, the initial use of each of the new font will have to manually import,is trouble as shown below.
在 这方面,监察组加强了与下列机构的工作:金融行动任务组、反洗钱金融行动任 务组形的区域 组织、国际刑警组织、欧洲联盟、非洲联盟恐怖主义问题研究心、东南非洲反洗钱工作组西非反 洗钱政府间行动小组(西非反洗钱小组)和欧 洲委员会国际公法法律顾问委员会(公法顾委)。
In that regard, the Team increased its work with the Financial Action Task Force and regional bodies of a similar type, as well as with
INTERPOL, the European
[...] Union, the African Centre for the Study and Research of Terrorism, the Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group, the Intergovernmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa and the [...]
Committee of Legal Advisers
on Public International Law of the Council of Europe.
如果动物身体疼痛,或者患有严重疾 病以至精神不振、不东西、不 动弹并对人没有反应,因身体疼痛或不适而 发出声音,或身上有无法愈的伤口,那么这个动物正在承受痛苦。
An animal is suffering if it is in pain or if it is so ill that it is depressed, does not eat, does not move or respond to people, vocalizes due to pain or discomfort, has wounds that will not heal, etc.




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