单词 | 精妙的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 精妙的 adjective —clever adjSee also:精妙 n—subtlety n 精妙—exquisite • fine and delicate (usu. of works of art) 妙—wonderful
不过,博世更为精妙的设计 还是其变速器带轮的几何形状。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Where Bosch goes one step further, however, is in the geometry of its variator pulleys. drivelinenews.com |
庄严的坐床位于6点钟位置的表盘上侧,这 种 精妙的 机 械 是一个至关重要的组件,它大大降低了时间的偏移。 wthejournal.com | Majestically enthroned on the dial side at 6 o’clock, this clever mechanism is a key component that considerably reduces timing variations. wthejournal.com |
他们对事实的解释不仅偏离现实,也不符合 基本的逻辑。但是,即使最精妙的宣 传 也无法改变事实,而事实就是,亚美尼亚 方的说法与实际情况完全相反。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, even the subtlest propaganda will never manage to disprove the facts that speak of a situation diametrically opposite to that represented by the Armenian side. daccess-ods.un.org |
象牙板刻复杂和做技术的首饰精妙的 结 束 代表Maurya-Sunga期间的人民的高审美口味。 brandbihar.com | The intricacy of ivory [...] engraving and exquisite finish of jewellery [...]making technique represent the high aesthetic taste of [...]the people of the Maurya-Sunga period. brandbihar.com |
全赖取消第二个主发条盒及精妙的零 件 布置,机芯得以在无损任何动力储存的情况下将整体厚度降低,同时能够将Lange 1典雅的表盘构造移植至大型的表款上。 wthejournal.com | The omission of the second mainspring barrel as well as the effective arrangement of the parts reduced the overall height of the calibre without any compromise in terms of power reserve, making it possible to transpose the graceful dial architecture of the Lange 1 to the enlarged model. wthejournal.com |
其精细的成形技术和精妙的印刷 技术得到了世界著名品牌的认可。 inoac.co.jp | Produced [...] using INOAC's very delicate molding technologies [...]and fine printing technologies, these products are bought by the world's prestigious brands. inoac.co.jp |
我们利用最新的建筑设计技巧和 精妙的 工 程技术解决方案制定您的楼宇执行计划,使您的项目时刻均在掌控之中,并确保预算和建造时限规定均得到遵守。 cn.ifb-consulting-hh.de | With the latest architectural approaches and clever engineering solutions, we plan the construction of your building, keep your project under control and make sure that budgets are followed and construction deadlines are met. en.ifb-consulting-hh.de |
精妙的机芯 可为所有机械腕表绽放迷人光彩,即便是只有显示时间功能的简单功能腕表,背后也有非凡的复杂机械装置,无瑕地运作数以百计的微细零件。 iwc.com | Even simple watches, ones that only tell time, are extraordinarily complex mechanisms that have hundreds of miniscule parts that work harmoniously together. iwc.com |
另外从设计精妙的邀请 函,到入口处奔驰轿车的接送,再到整个活动中背景歌曲的选择,各种细节处也无不透露出Burberry对于此次活动的精心准备和气派风范。 spla-t.com | Finally, from the innovative design of the invitations, to the fleet of Mercedes limousines lingering at the entrance, to the careful selection of background music, every aspect of the event Burberry produced left audience members with a lasting impression of meticulous preparation and implacable hipness. spla-t.com |
構思及製作歷逾一年時間,選用高質物料如鈦金屬、18K黃金、白金,以及最上乘的日本材質醋酸纖維,製作過程中不斷反覆測試,美麗 而 精妙的 手 工 呈現出對品質的堅持。 think-silly.com | Over a year in the [...] making, the collection is made of quality materials [...]such as titanium, 18 carat gold, platinum and the best Japanese acetate fiber. think-silly.com |
逾200名VIP貴賓出席晚宴,基中包括沙特阿拉伯時裝設計師及TOBY創始人Hatem Alakeel先生,與其他傑出精英人士一起欣賞了一 場 精妙的 一 對 一魔術表演,眼前的炫目腕錶消失又重現,有如錶款本身,驚喜不絕。 tagheuer.com | Over 200 VIP guests attended the evening out of which Hatem Alakeel, Saudi Fashion Designer and founder of TOBY, alongside many other prominent celebrities. tagheuer.com |
在配合上是十分精妙的,那 些年青人拿着一部稱為 iPod 的裝置 ─ 這 方面我不大懂得,我對於這些先進的東西認識不深 ─ 他們只須按一個按 鈕,便可以把資料即時輸送至中央電腦系統,所以是 real time 的,他們可以 即時知道每個票站的投票情況。 legco.gov.hk | I have little knowledge of such advanced devices ― once they pressed a button, the information was immediately sent to the central computer system. legco.gov.hk |
宽阔舒适的内室设计,精妙的空间 布局,以及诸多触手可及的人性化科技,一切为您的需求打造;而一如既往的顶级手工,则体现出对舒适豪华体验的深厚造诣。 lexus.com.cn | The spacious and comfortable interior design, sophisticated spatial layout and within-reach humanized science and technology are created for your needs; and, as always, the top level craftsmanship reflects the profound knowledge of comfortable and luxurious experience. lexus.com.cn |
今季拍賣的重點拍品還包括多件重要私人珍藏,其中包括:清乾隆藍地琺瑯彩雙龍蓮紋盌 (拍品編號3650),最終以60,020,000港元 (7,718,572美元) 成交,逾拍前估價六倍;工藝精妙的 清 康熙黑漆嵌螺鈿香几 (拍品編號3577),以14,100,000港元 (1,813,260美元) 成交。 christies.com | These include the extremely rare falangcai ‘kui dragons’ bowl (lot 3650) which sold for HK$60,020,000/US$7,718,572, achieving six times the estimate, and the magnificent Imperial mother-of-pearl inlaid black lacquer incense stand (lot 3577) which sold for HK$14,100,000/US$1,813,260, as well as the group of lacquers from the Kaisendo Museum. christies.com |
片刻的聆聽即可領略全新的精妙細節 以及無限的動感,將最美的音樂和最好的電影中所有複雜、力量和激情都展露無遺。 dpaudio.com.hk | A moment's listening reveals a new [...] world of detail, subtlety and unbounded [...]dynamic potential that conveys all the complexity, [...]power and passion of the greatest music and finest films. dpaudio.com.hk |
PV1D能在压力下保持稳固,这不仅仅归功于其坚固的结构,还有赖于其双驱动单 元 的精妙 设 计 ,能在完美的机械校准中反向转动。 bowers-wilkins.cn | PV1D stands firm under pressure, [...] thanks not only to its sturdy construction, [...] but also to the ingenious design of its [...]twin drivers, opposing each other in perfect mechanical alignment. bowers-wilkins.eu |
Quattroporte总裁系列轿车铝制的高音单元能够捕捉到音 乐 的精妙 之 处 ,就如轻微的笔触在铜钹表面轻挪,其精确度惊人。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Quattroporte’s aluminium tweeters [...] capture the subtleties of music, such as the delicate brush strokes across the surface of a cymbal, with amazing accuracy. bowers-wilkins.eu |
从柔和悦耳的旋律到精妙绝伦的高音 ,您的双耳因每个新细节而激动不已,沉浸在前所未有的美妙时刻。 bang-olufsen.com | From gentle, underlying melodies to subtle high-hats, your ears will [...] delight in every new detail, reveling in moments you never knew you owned. bang-olufsen.com |
在斐济的许多商店、精品店 和市场,游客可以找到文化人工制品 、 精 品 时 尚服装以及 美 妙的 礼 品 和纪念品。 shangri-la.com | In the many shops, [...] boutiques and markets in Fiji, visitors will get the opportunity to discover cultural artefacts, boutique fashion and even fascinating gifts and [...]souvenirs. shangri-la.com |
Armand Nicolet Watches 是一家瑞士手表公司,该公司继承了 精妙 高 深 的 瑞 士 高级钟表业的优良传统。 hk.ashford.com | Armand Nicolet Watches is a Swiss watch company in the grand tradition of that rarefied world of Swiss haute horology. ashford.com |
香水的根本是普羅斯旺薰衣草香精, 是 世界上最為 美 妙的 香 味 之一。 aster.com.hk | Fragrance raw materials based on the build option of being very [...] demanding.perfume is lavender essence, is the world's one of the [...]most wonderful aroma. aster.com.hk |
当食客走进这家营业面积2000多平方米,拥有散客大厅和11间高档VIP包房,可容纳130位客人同时就餐的川江海河鲜馆时,注意力便被它传统与现 代 的精妙 所 席卷:典雅的卡座、波浪形的吊顶以及归而合一、餐饮会客两相宜的包房,体现出主人的周到与细腻,把商务宴请所需的华贵、尊享与现代味较浓的简约及写意结合得浑然天成。 bjdzm.com | When consumers enter into Chuan Jiang Seafood Restaurant with an area of more than 2000 square meters (it possesses individual customers hall and 11 high-end VIP [...] chartered room, which can [...] contain 130 guests to have dinner at the same time), they will be attracted by its exquisite and delicate [...]tradition and modern [...]feature; elegant deck, waved suspended ceiling and chartered room both for catering and meeting, all of them reflect consideration and tender of the host. bjdzm.com |
雕匠是精妙地用石料中的淡白 色裂縫來雕出巨大的芝頭和小的芝頭,屬工就 料 的 精 品。 e-yaji.com | The genius of the Zhiting capacity to transform the negative into the positive, is again illustrated here by the use of a pale white fissure in the stone. e-yaji.com |
HELICON 300 [...] MK2充分利用了在開發較大款兄弟產品期間獲得的豐富知識和經驗,輕易即可呈現的力量感以及令人歎為觀 止 的精妙 細 節 已經成為HELICON的標誌性特徵,加上奢華、緊湊的系統設計,足以讓許多大型音箱都自愧不如。 dpaudio.com.hk | Taking full advantage of the wealth of knowledge and experience acquired during the development of its [...] larger siblings, [...] HELICON 300 MK2 concentrates the effortless power and breathtaking subtlety that have become [...]HELICON trademarks [...]in a luxurious, compact system that puts many larger speakers to shame. dpaudio.com.hk |
他發言 的精妙之處除了是採取嘻笑怒罵的手法外,更“踢爆”了泛民派陣營在 這份財政預算案(“預算案”)及臨時撥款決議案上的矛盾及混亂的邏 輯。 legco.gov.hk | The amazing thing about his speech lies not just in his witty and sarcastic approach, but also in how [...] he exposes the conflicts [...]and muddled logic of the pan-democrats with respect to the Budget and the Vote on Account Resolution. legco.gov.hk |
珍宝如此的精妙点缀 丰富而生动地证明了审美的精度甚至要精细到最小的组件,才能匹配整款腕表杰出的工艺技术性能。 wthejournal.com | This wealth of subtle touches offer vivid proof that aesthetic precision pervades [...] even the smallest of components and fully [...]matches the outstanding technical performance of the timepiece. wthejournal.com |
流体动力学的精妙之处 ,在于实际应用非常广泛,而这些都源自相同的知识基础。 australiachina.com.au | The exciting thing about fluid dynamics is that it has so many practical applications, all derived from the same basis of knowledge. australiachina.com.au |
腕表搭载 El Primero 4041 S型机芯,由199枚部件组成,堪称微型机械杰作。透过透明蓝宝石水晶玻璃表背可观赏机 芯 的精妙 运 作 ,而所配备的陀飞轮是目前绝无仅有的高振频陀飞轮,平衡摆轮的摆动次数较其它腕表多出25%。 wthejournal.com | Meanwhile a transparent sapphire crystal case-back provides a chance to admire the El Primero 4041 S movement, a miniature mechanical masterpiece equipped with 199 parts and the world’s only tourbillon beating at a high frequency, with a 25% higher number of to-and-fro balance movements than on other constructions. wthejournal.com |
请注意,我们的目的并不是要教您怎么变成程序员,也不是要教您掌握 C 语言的 精妙。 redlion.net | Note that the aim is not to try to teach you to become a programmer, [...] or to master the subtleties of the C language. redlion.net |