

单词 精品

精品 ()

quality goods


精选品 n

choice n

External sources (not reviewed)

預期我們的 多元化服務式住宅精品酒店 組合將持續錄得強勁表現。
We expect our dynamic portfolio of serviced
[...] residences and boutique hotel to continue [...]
to deliver exceptional performance.
由於家禽零售業工人在街市內與活家禽有密切接觸,即使家禽 檔採用新的設計(俗稱"雞精品店") ,人類受感染的風險仍然存在。
As poultry retail workers had close contact with live poultry in markets even with the
new design of poultry stalls, which was commonly
[...] known as "chicken boutique", the risk of [...]
human infection still existed.
在斐济的许多商店精品店和 市场,游客可以找到文化人工 品 、 精品 时 尚服装以及美妙的礼品和纪念品。
In the many shops,
[...] boutiques and markets in Fiji, visitors will get the opportunity to discover cultural artefacts, boutique fashion and [...]
even fascinating gifts and souvenirs.
磋商会举行了一次特别会议,就“学会共处”及其由来、基本准则、目前的行动(如 建立姊妹学校,交换学生和教师 精品 校 刊 对话)以及今后可能开展的其它活动举行了欧 洲--阿拉伯对话。
The meeting devoted a special session to the Euro-Arab Dialogue on “learning to live together”, its origins, framework, current action such as twinning of schools, exchange of students and teachers and dialogue through select school magazines as well as possible future initiatives.
最后应该谈一谈在图书、语言和翻译方面所开展的 活动,尤其是在“翻译索引”项目上取得的突出进展,以及在涉及手工艺和外观设计方面所 开展的工作,它们使总部与各办事处之间,特别是通过 精品 认 证 ”的活动,能密切地携手 工作。
Lastly, reference must be made to activities in regard to books, languages and translations, in particular the considerable progress made in the Index Translationum, and activities on crafts and design that are conducive to close cooperation between Headquarters and the field offices, in particular through the UNESCO award in recognition of excellence.
这座美丽的维多利亚城市有着无数可以做的事——你可以参观曾经建造大型轮船(比如泰坦尼克号)的造船厂、惊叹于宏伟的市政厅建筑和美丽的皇后大学、或者就在顶 精品 店 和 时髦商厦内享受贝尔法斯特绚烂的城市生活。
This beautiful Victorian city has stacks of things to do, too ­– you can check out where great ships like the Titanic were built, marvel at the architecturally impressive
City Hall and Queen’s University, or immerse yourself in Belfast’s sparkling
[...] city life with hip boutiques and smart stores.
雙方同意加強旅遊合作,措施包括聯合提升內地與香港 旅遊服務質量 ,共同推動內地赴港旅遊市場健康有序發展;推進內 地與香港旅遊海外聯合推廣工作,聯合開發內地與香港“一程多 站"旅精品線路 ,進一步密切兩地海外旅遊辦事處的合作;鼓勵 和引導內地與香港旅遊企業和社會資本互相進入對方市場,重點支 持香港服務提供者在內地設立旅行社;並 加大力度支持以香港為母 港的郵輪旅遊發展等。
The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in tourism, which include measures to jointly improve the quality of tourism services in the Mainland and Hong Kong, and together strive for the healthy and orderly development of Mainland’s Hong Kong-bound tourism market; to take forward the Mainland and Hong Kong’s cooperation in overseas joint tourism promotion, joint development of “multi-destination” itineraries featuring the Mainland and Hong Kong, and closer cooperation between the overseas tourism offices of the two places; to encourage mutual entry of tourism enterprises and investments in the two places to enter each other’s markets, to support strategically Hong Kong service providers to set up travel agents in the Mainland; and to enhance support for developing Hong Kong as a homeport for cruise tourism.
大城市琳琅满目的商品可满足绝大多数顾客 的购物欲,既有最时髦精品店, 也有二手市场,而许多小地方则倾向于零售特产,如自产农产品、古董或艺术品和工艺品等。
Big cities can satisfy most consumer appetites with
[...] everything from high-fashion boutiques to [...]
second-hand emporiums, while many smaller places
tend towards speciality retail, be it home-grown produce, antiques or arts and crafts.
纳迪镇是斐济知名的最佳购物场所之一,许多广受认可的购物商店 精品 店 均 汇聚于此。
Nadi Town is well-known as the best place for shopping in Fiji, being home to many
[...] recognized shopping outlets and boutiques.
您可以加入我们的城市游,一同了解更多关于阿加迪尔的历史,我们将带您来到老城的心脏地带——卡斯巴,这里有耐人寻味的街道、广场和趣味十足 精品 店 , 相信您一定可以在这里买到称心如意的假期纪念品。
Learn more about the history of Agadir with our city tour, which will take you to the heart of the remaining old town - the
‘Kasbah’ - with its attractive
[...] streets, squares and intriguing boutiques, where [...]
you are sure to pick up great holiday souvenirs.
位於太古廣場曦暹軒的酒店式住宅現正改建為一間約有 一百二十個房間精品式豪華酒店,工程預期於二零零 九年中完成。
The former serviced apartments at The Atrium, Pacific Place are being converted into a small luxury hotel of approximately 120 rooms, with work expected to be completed in the middle of 2009.
赫尔辛基的购物范围广泛,包括顶级时装,大型百货商场, 精品 店 , 廉价的跳蚤市场,以及其间的一切。
Helsinki offers a wide range of shopping
opportunities, including top fashion, large
[...] department stores, small boutiques, inexpensive [...]
flea markets, and everything in between.
占地两层的伯爵亚洲旗舰店位处香港文华东方酒店地下及夹层楼,置身于最繁华的中心商业区,占地面积达5,000平方尺,属全亚洲之冠,为品牌于香港的第八 精品 店。
Spanning over a generous 5,000 square feet of luxurious retail space, the Asia’s largest and newest two-storey boutique set amid the bustling Central shopping district, is the brand’s eighth boutique in Hong Kong that spreads over the ground and mezzanine level of the Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong.
精品系列 ,提供各種時尚、實用、優質的個人配件及生活產品,切合不同人士品味。
Mercedes-Benz Collection offers fine personal accessories to suit your lifestyle.
我们在英国、欧洲大陆、中东地区、亚洲和美国都拥有高级诉讼及仲裁律师参与我们的调查,包括来自顶级律师事务所、领先 精品 店 及细分市场的律师。
We have identified senior litigation and arbitration lawyers based in the UK, mainland Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the US to participate in our survey.
300北拉萨尔有一套便利的商业和生活设施,附近有健身中心,地下停车场,内部银行服务以及围绕整个河北地区的一系 精品 店 , 餐厅和酒店。
Surrounded by an impressive list of business and lifestyle amenities, 300 North LaSalle offers a nearby fitness centre,
underground parking, in-house banking services and
[...] an array of boutique stores, restaraunts [...]
and hotels throughout the River North area.
值得一提的是,在訪談中記者手持的平板電腦即磐儀科技榮獲2013年台 精品 獎 之產品G1056,同時也是嵌入式應用領域裡第一台採用AMD [...]
During the interview, the TV reporter was displaying ARBOR
G1056, one of ARBOR's 2013 Taiwan Excellence
[...] Award winning products, which is the [...]
first tablet adopts AMD G series processor in the embedded market.
目前我國高檔白酒競爭格局大概可劃成四大陣營:以五糧液、茅台兩大老品牌處於第一陣營;以水井坊、酒鬼酒、國窖酒1573等代表的強勢品牌處在第二陣營; 以西鳳酒、捨得酒、大成明精品系 列、天長地久等為代表的次強勢品牌處於第三陣營;第四陣營則是以中小企業為代表的區域品牌或雜牌軍,高檔酒的品牌分佈數量最多,有相當部分的廠家都推出自己的高檔品牌,數量粗略估計為二三百個,區別是成氣不成氣,壽命長短與否。
Competition pattern of China's high-end liquor can be broadly divided into four camps: Wuliangye, Maotai two old brand in the first camp; Swellfun, alcoholic liquor, country wine cellar 1573 on behalf of a strong brand in the second camp; Xifeng, willing to
wine, in a third camp the Dacheng
[...] out cellar Collection, forever, as represented by a strong brand; [...]
fourth camp is based on small
and medium enterprises as the representative of the regional brand or motley crew, superior products brand distribution of the largest number, a considerable part of manufacturers to launch its own premium brand, the number of rough estimate of two to three hundred, the difference is that as the gas is not gas, the length of life or not.
一個原型設計,由歐華爾倫敦和香港工作室完成,與Integer合作,是香港的一個微 精品 智 慧 化酒店。
A concept model, by the London and Hong
Kong studios of Oval Partnership, working with Integer, exploring ideas
[...] for a micro-boutique smart hotel [...]
for Hong Kong.
從亮麗的大型購物商場,到無奇不有的露天市場,從時 精品 店 , 到中國古玩店及主題購物區,商品五花八門,應有盡有,您可找到最新潮的設計師品牌服飾、時下最流行的電子產品,乃至物超所值的骨董及收藏品。
From glitzy malls to funky street markets, and trendy boutiques to traditional Chinese product stores and themed shopping districts, you can find everything from the latest designer fashions and electronic gadgets to best-value antiques and collectibles.
精品设计 ,小河边地区旅馆位于瓜亚基尔的中心。
Boutique-designed, small [...]
riverfront hostel located in Guayaquil's center.
办公园区,阿姆斯特丹的Lloyd酒店,在Hague Ypenburg 的一个城市规划和住宅设计,鹿特丹的Didden Village天台屋 -
[...] 房屋扩建项目,埃因霍温的Effenaar文化中心,在东京的 G y r e 精品 购 物 大厦,荷兰德霍芬千里马医疗中心,和在马德里的标志性米拉多住房。
Realized projects include the Dutch Pavilion for the World EXPO 2000 in Hannover, an innovative business park 'Flight Forum' in Eindhoven, the Silodam Housing complex in Amsterdam, the Matsudai Cultural Centre in Japan, Unterföhring office campus near Munich, the Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam, an urban plan and housing in The Hague Ypenburg, the rooftop - housing extension Didden Village in
Rotterdam, the cultural centre De Effenaar in
[...] Eindhoven, the boutique shopping building [...]
Gyre in Tokyo, Veldhovens Maxima Medical
Centre and the iconic Mirador housing in Madrid.
沿著無盡延伸的黃金海灘漫步,映入眼簾的是國際主題公園、設計 精品 店 、 奢華的水療中心、世界級的高爾夫球場,以及榮獲獎項肯定的餐廳、高級酒吧,還有熱鬧無比的夜店。
Along with endless stretches of golden
beaches, there are international
[...] theme parks, designer boutiques, luxurious spa retreats, [...]
world-class golf courses, award-winning
restaurants, upmarket bars and lively nightclubs.
他们的单个组件都是在经过仔细检测后手工组装为成品,使 Chronoswiss 手表成为名副其实的艺精品。
Their individual components are
thoroughly inspected before being incorporated by hand into
[...] the finished product making Chronoswiss [...]
Watches true works of art.
作為一家香港豪精品酒店 Lanson Place Hotel一如既往獲旅客好評,更贏得包括TripAdvisor頒發的「二零一一 [...]
旅行者之選獎」、2011年度亞太酒店大獎的「高度推薦之酒店」及Travel & Leisure Magazine頒發的「二零一零年度最佳
The Lanson Place
[...] Hotel, the luxury boutique hotel in Hong [...]
Kong, continues to be well-recognised by travellers, winning various
awards including the TripAdvisor “2011 Travellers’ Choice Award”, Asia Pacific Hotel Awards 2011 “Highly Commended Hotel” and the Travel & Leisure Magazine “2010 Best Design Hotel”.
加入BDA之前,Widzyk先生在纽约的Kerburn Rose精品投资银行工作,在那里他获得了科技、零售业和工业领域的并购经验,并为私募股权和风险资本提供估值服务。
Before joining BDA, Mr. Widzyk worked at investment banking boutique Kerburn Rose in New York where he gained transactional experience in the technology, retail and industrials sectors and conducted valuations for private equity and venture capital.
除文儀用品業務外,bigboXX.com亦已於多個範疇上奠定基礎,已發展的業務包括:印刷中心提供專業的數碼及商業印刷服務、禮品中心搜羅用以宣傳推廣的企 精品 , 以 及提供可靠資料保管方案的文件儲存管理服務,bigboXX.com是和記黃埔屬下之電子商貿業務。
In addition to office supplies, bigboXX.com is fully established in other core disciplines including a Print Center which caters for digital and offset printing, a Premium Center that sources gift items for promotions and the Records Management Service that offers secure document storage solutions, bigboXX.com is an e-commerce operation of Hutchison Whampoa Limited.
两份报告都向会员国和国际组织提出了许多建议,旨在促进对 麻醉品、精神药 物及前体化学品的管制。
Both reports made a number of specific recommendations to Member States
and international organizations to improve the control of
[...] narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and [...]
precursor chemicals.
它提供所有價格範圍的高質素首飾,你必定可以從不同類別當中找到最完美的首飾:時尚 品 , 精 美 飾 品 , 個 性飾品,新娘飾品,銀類飾品及珍珠首飾。
It has a wide selection of quality jewelry for any price range, and for sure you can find the perfect piece from the different categories: fashion jewelry, fine jewelry, personalized jewelry, bridal jewelry, silver jewelry and pearl jewelry.
1978年至1980年期间,中国向新加坡出口农产品、食品和初级产品,而新加坡则进口电脑及周边 品 、 精 炼 石 油产品和电子器件到中国去,双边贸易增长了20%。
Between 1978 and 1980, Sino-Singapore
bilateral trade grew by 20 per cent, with China’s exports to Singapore made up of
[...] commodities, foodstuffs and primary products.




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