

单词 精力充沛的

See also:

精力 n

energy n
effort n

精力 pl

energies pl



充沛 adj

energetic adj

External sources (not reviewed)

父亲是一个勤快精力充沛的人, 他喜欢自己修理家里的东西。
Being a diligent, energetic person, my father enjoyed fixing things around the house.
我们认为帮精力充沛的高素 质年轻人个人发展和为成功的职业生涯做好准备很有价值。
We believe in helping young, dynamic and talented individuals develop and prepare for a successful career.
而女兒則並沒有完全坐下,仿 精力充沛的 小 孩 爲了聽媽媽想要告訴她的事情,而從玩樂中稍作休息。
And the daughter because she is not seated, more like a restless child who is taking a break from playing in order to listen to something important Mommy wants to tell her.
精力充沛的夫妻搭档将他们艺术创造力的天赋和严密的生产标准结合起来,让 Ebel 手表在奢侈手表市场立于不败之地,并受到世界各地手表鉴赏家的青睐。
This dynamic husband and wife team combined their talents of artistic creativity and rigid production standards and made Ebel Watches a fixture in the luxury watch market and coveted by watch connoisseurs worldwide.
在古典格雷戈里我们有时会发现修辞学家,在金口从来没有,他惊人的天赋阻止他的艺术需要援助,虽然培训了之前,它一直 精力充沛的 流 动 和思想的话洪流丢失。
In the classical Gregory we may sometimes find the rhetorician; in Chrysostom never; his amazing natural talent prevents his needing the
assistance of art, and though training had preceded, it has been
[...] lost in the flow of energetic thought and the [...]
torrent of words.
卢森堡市整夜不眠精力充沛的年 轻人尽可在众多夜总会、酒吧、戏剧表 演和其他夜间活动中寻找乐趣。
Luxembourg City stays up late, there are numerous nightspots, wine bars, theatre performances and other after-dark activities which welcome a young and high profile workforce looking to be entertained.
我想了解更多有关asplantas的治愈支气管炎和什 精力充沛 , 身 体 的 磨 损 和主要精神。
I would like to know more about asplantas that heal bronchitis and
[...] something about energetic, physical wear and mostly mental.
萨马达尔聪明、严肃并精力充沛, 她先采访了做女 的 达 斯 ,并解释了她为什么需要这方面的信息。
Smart, serious and energetic, Ms. Samaddar begins her interview with Ms. [...]
Das, a maid, explaining why she is seeking the information.
他们的睡眠可能更好精力更充沛, 有较 强 的 自 信 心,注 意力能够集中。
They are likely to
[...] sleep better and to have more energy, self-confidence, and concentration.
我家养了一精力非常充沛的拉布 拉多猎狗,名叫 Oggy,它很喜欢玩耍。
We have a very energetic Labrador named Oggy who requires lots of exercise.
在温莎经纪有限公司我们总是在寻 精力充沛 、 积 极和热 的 专 业 人士参与我们的多样和动态的团队。
At Windsor Brokers Ltd.
[...] we are always looking for energetic, motivated and enthusiastic [...]
professionals to be part of our diverse and dynamic team.
没有什么可以和坐雪狗雪橇的感觉相比!在一个哈士奇雪犬的野外旅程中,您可以放松地享受雪地的无言风景之余,又可以因 精力充沛 狗 儿 的 速 度而感到刺激兴奋。
In a husky safari one can both relax and enjoy the silent snowy views
[...] and get excited by the speed of the energetic dogs.
儒卓力的总部毗邻黑森林,是真正保证您生活和工作质量的前提,让您可以随时深呼吸,由此恢复活力 精力充沛 地 处 理高度变 的 工 作
Rutronik’s head office, close to the Black Forest, offers true quality of life and work, numerous
possibilities to take a
[...] deep breath and recharge your batteries and thereby have ample fresh energy to handle the highly varied work.
这款清爽型透明淋浴磨砂膏让您感觉焕然一新,它唤醒沉 的 肌 肤 ,让 精力充沛 地 开 始每一天的工作和生活。
This refreshing clear shower scrub will enhance your mood and revive your skin for an energetic start to each day.
我们的健康中心让您在巴里式按摩以及源于古罗 的 水 疗 中忘却烦恼,让您从里至外焕然一新,并 精力充沛 地 享 受游轮生活。
MSC wellness centres help you ease away your cares blending the magic of Balinese massage with the tradition of therapeutic waters inherited from the ancient Romans.
为了发挥这一富于挑战性、雄心勃勃的作用,联 合国妇女署将需要一精力充沛、强有力而且勇于创的领导人,为联合国工作带来崭新的视野、巨大的 活力和广泛的经验,以改善 21 世纪妇女的生活。
To play that challenging and ambitious role, UN Women will need a dynamic, strong and innovative leader who will bring fresh perspective, great energy and extensive skill to United Nations efforts to improve the lives of women in the twenty-first century.
因此,如果我们促进消化的食物因为烹饪毁坏无法消化的部分,例如纤维或允许我们的身体中粒子的速度更快崩溃虽然营养素将继续提供同等热量,我们烧少来获取它们,然后能量平衡大于如果身体暗示 精力充沛 成 本 高代 的 食 物
Thus, if we facilitate the digestion of food because cooking destroys indigestible parts such as fiber or allows a quicker breakdown of particles in our body, although nutrients will continue providing equal calories, we burn
less to obtain them, then, the
[...] energy balance is greater than if the body implies him a high energetic cost metabolize food.
五十多六十的人士仍然精力 充沛,而他們經過多年工作所獲得的歷練和經驗,也是個人和社會的 寶貴資產。
People in their fifties or sixties are still energetic, and their [...]
exposures and experiences over their many years of work
are precious assets to individuals and society.
Torbjörn Sternsjö 称自己是一个在业务精力充沛、充满 干的人, 但在其它方面却十分放松,今天来看,他的管理 [...]
[...] Sternsjö describes himself as energetic in business, but otherwise [...]
relaxed, and says today, his management style
is a combination of Swedish and Chinese ways.
午餐后,正当大精力充沛之时 ,Fayette House的会员 以及世纪美国学士学位课程的讲师们为来宾们准备了游戏环节,在游戏中获胜的优胜者在活动结束前获得世纪特别准备的纪念品。
After lunch, to keep the energy of the event up, a special games [...]
session was prepared by Fayette House members and SEGi
ADP lecturers where winners of the games were presented with special souvenirs from SEGi at the end of the event.
我们需要有力的政治意愿 充沛的精力 和 饱 满的 精神推进这项工作,表明赋予妇女权力意味着不仅是 妇女而且是地球上所有人——无论男女——都能过 [...]
We need strong
[...] political will, abundant energy and extraordinary spirit to move it [...]
forward and demonstrate that empowering
women means better lives not only for women, but for everyone on the planet — men and women alike.
现代城市人经常埋首于办公室的繁琐工作或过于久坐,而忘了活动放松,以致腰酸背痛,久而久之就会引起颈椎等疾病,而有了这个简单小巧的按摩器,只需把两块传动贴片轻轻一贴在要按摩的部位,选择自己喜欢的揉捏,捶打,自动按摩,针灸,指压等方式,再加以力度选择(10段不 的 力 度 ),就可以达到如同真 的 按 摩 感觉,边工作边按摩,充分利用时间,使 精力 更 充沛 , 工 作更持久,是不可多 的 贴 身 帮手,两片贴片可同时按压穴位道,有效消除疲劳;可模拟8种真人按摩运动---揉捏,捶打,自动按摩,舒筋,指压......利用高频率刺激穴位,加快体内气血循环,有助于快速消除疲劳。
The modern city people often hammered away at the office work or too trival sedentary, and forgot about the activities that waist sour backache, relax, as time passes can cause cervical vertebra disease such as, and have this simple small massage device, only to the two pieces of transmission patch a stick to massage gently in the site, choose your favorite kneading, knock, automatic massage, acupuncture, finger pressure, again to choose way
efforts (10 section
[...] different strength), can achieve human like massage feel, and work at massage, make full use of our time, make you more energetic energy more lasting, is rare and personal assistant, two pieces of [...]
patch can also press
the point way, effectively eliminate fatigue; Can simulate the 8 kinds of real massage exercise--kneading, knock, automatic massage, relaxes the muscles, refers to the pressure... By using high frequency stimuli, speed up the points in the body blood circulation, help to fast eliminate fatigue.
Eleviv 補充品以科學方式結合四種經過驗 的 成 份 ,其精 的 配 方 可讓 的 身 體 獲得自然平衡,有助您保持心情愉快 精 神 充沛 、 持久 耐 力 與 青 春活力。
The supplement Eleviv is a scientifically studied blend
[...] of four proven ingredients precisely formulated to restore your body’s natural balance, helping you feel cheerful, alert, resilient, vigorous and youthful.
在地震发生后,稳定团调整了业务,以完成四个增列的优先事项:(a) 国家 能力丧失和选举推迟后维护政治稳定;(b) 恢复震后海地国家警察、司法和惩教 机的体制能力,以 确保安全和法治;(c) 加强国家力,保护震后弱势群的 权利 ,特别是妇女和儿童;(d) 确保公平有效地提供人道主义援助,确保恢复进 程一视同仁且资充沛。
In the aftermath of the earthquake, the Mission realigned its operations in order to meet four additional priorities: (a) maintaining political stability in the wake of the loss of State capacity and the postponement of
[...] [...] elections; (b) restoring institutional capacity of the Haitian National Police, judicial and correctional institutions affected by the earthquake to ensure security and the rule of law; (c) increasing State capacity to protect the rights of vulnerable [...]
groups affected by the earthquake, in particular women and children; and (d) ensuring fair and effective delivery of humanitarian assistance and an equitable and well-resourced recovery process.
此外,現時醫學進 步,不少長者仍精力充沛,政 府亦應鼓勵更多老人參與社區和義務活動, 在這方面增加更多渠道以落實“老有所為 的 目 標
Furthermore, with advances in modern medicine, many elderly people are leading a life of vitality, thus the Government should encourage more elderly people to take part in community and voluntary activities, so as to achieve the goal of a "sense of worthiness" by providing more outlets for the elderly.
学校应加强体育活动及养生之道的培育,协助学生养成每天运动的习惯,指导他们对工作、消闲和休息时间作适当分配,培养有益身心的消遣和嗜好,懂得松弛神经、减轻和化解心理压力,对饮食卫生、营养、生理及心理健康有充份认识,务使学生发展成为身心健康 精 神 奕 奕、 力充沛 、 凡 事积极进取和勇于面对挑 的 人。
Schools should strengthen sports activities and foster physical and mental health. They should help students to form the habit of engaging in daily physical exercises; guide them in managing their time between work, pleasure and rest; assist them to develop pastimes and hobbies that are conducive to physical and mental health, to know how to relax and how to
reduce mental strain, and
[...] to gain a sound understanding of food hygiene, nutrition and physiological and mental health.
LightFrame 技術根據科學的原則藍光通過眼睛的第三個接收可更新 的 生 理 時鐘、令 精力充沛 、 令 您感受更好。
LightFrame technology is based on the scientific tenet that blue light passed through the eye's third receptor refreshes your biological clock, energizes you, and gives you a greater sense of well-being.
认识到目前这一代青年在历史是人数最多的;青年人单凭其人数,凭其重要 性,就应在实现千年发展目标等国际商定发展目标的工作中占据中心位置,特别 是因为在大多数发展中国家中青年占很大人口比例,这给各国提供了进行战略性 投资的难得机会,以获得人口红利并打破贫 的 代 际循环; 还认识到青年富有创造力和创新能力,乐于助人,能适应变化 精力充沛, 生 性乐观,对其家庭、社区和社会起到重大促进作用,因此是发 的 相 关 行动者 和战略合作伙伴
that the current generation of young people is the largest in history and by sheer numbers and importance, they deserve a central place in efforts to achieve internationally agreed development goals; including the Millennium
Development Goals, especially as most
[...] developing countries have a high proportion of young people in their populations and this youth bulge offers countries a rare chance to make strategic investments to gain a demographic dividend and break the intergenerational cycle of poverty




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